Liste der Test Matches der schottischen Rugby-Union-Nationalmannschaft
Die nachfolgende Liste enthält alle Test Matches (Länderspiele) der schottischen Rugby-Union-Nationalmannschaft der Männer. Schottland bestritt das erste offizielle Test Match am 27. März 1871 gegen England.
Übersicht der Test Matches
- Erg. = Ergebnis
- n. V. = nach Verlängerung
- H = Heimspiel
- A = Auswärtsspiel
- N = Spiel auf neutralem Platz
- Hintergrundfarbe grün = Sieg
- Hintergrundfarbe gelb = Unentschieden
- Hintergrundfarbe rot = Niederlage
Erläuterung der frühen Ergebnisnotation:
- D = Drop Goal
- G = Goal
- T = Try (Versuch)
Nr. | Datum | Erg. | Gegner | Austragungsort | Anlass | Bemerkung | |
1. | 27.03.1871 | 1G 1T : 1T | England | H | Raeburn Place, Edinburgh | Freundschaftsspiel | erstes offizielles Test Match erstes Test Match gegen England erster Sieg gegen England erster Heimsieg |
2. | 05.02.1872 | 1D : 1G 1D 2T | England | A | Kennington Oval, London | Freundschaftsspiel | erstes Auswärtsspiel |
3. | 03.03.1873 | 0:0 | England | H | Hamilton Crescent, Glasgow | Freundschaftsspiel | erstes Unentschieden |
4. | 23.02.1874 | 1T : 1D | England | A | Kennington Oval, London | Freundschaftsspiel | |
5. | 20.03.1875 | 0:0 | England | H | Raeburn Place, Edinburgh | Freundschaftsspiel | |
6. | 06.03.1876 | 0 : 1G 1T | England | A | Kennington Oval, London | Freundschaftsspiel | |
7. | 19.02.1877 | 4G 2D 6T : 0 | Irland | A | Ormeau Road, Belfast | Freundschaftsspiel | erstes Test Match gegen Irland erster Sieg gegen Irland erster Auswärtssieg |
8. | 05.03.1877 | 1D : 0 | England | H | Raeburn Place, Edinburgh | Freundschaftsspiel | |
9. | 04.03.1878 | 0:0 | England | A | Kennington Oval, London | Freundschaftsspiel | |
10. | 17.02.1879 | 1G 1D 2T : 0 | Irland | A | Ormeau Road, Belfast | Freundschaftsspiel | |
11. | 10.03.1879 | 1D : 1G | England | H | Raeburn Place, Edinburgh | Freundschaftsspiel |
Nr. | Datum | Erg. | Gegner | Austragungsort | Anlass | Bemerkung | |
12. | 14.02.1880 | 1G 2D 3T : 0 | Irland | H | Hamilton Crescent, Glasgow | Freundschaftsspiel | |
13. | 28.02.1880 | 1G : 2G 3T | England | A | Whalley Range, Manchester | Freundschaftsspiel | |
14. | 19.02.1881 | 0 : 1D | Irland | A | Ormeau Road, Belfast | Freundschaftsspiel | |
15. | 19.03.1881 | 1D 1T : 1G 1T | England | H | Raeburn Place, Edinburgh | Freundschaftsspiel | |
16. | 18.02.1882 | 0:0 | Irland | H | Hamilton Crescent, Glasgow | Freundschaftsspiel | |
17. | 04.03.1882 | 2T : 0 | England | A | Whalley Range, Manchester | Freundschaftsspiel | |
18. | 08.01.1883 | 3G : 1G | Wales | H | Raeburn Place, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1883 | erstes Test Match gegen Wales erster Sieg gegen Wales |
19. | 17.02.1883 | 1G 1T : 0 | Irland | A | Ormeau Road, Belfast | Home Nations Championship 1883 | |
20. | 03.03.1883 | 1T : 2T | England | H | Raeburn Place, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1883 | |
21. | 12.01.1884 | 1D 1T : 0 | Wales | A | Rodney Parade, Newport | Home Nations Championship 1884 | |
22. | 16.02.1884 | 2G 2T : 1T | Irland | H | Raeburn Place, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1884 | |
23. | 01.03.1884 | 0 : 1G 1T | England | A | Rectory Field, Blackheath | Home Nations Championship 1884 | |
24. | 10.01.1885 | 0:0 | Wales | H | Hamilton Crescent, Glasgow | Home Nations Championship 1885 | |
25. | 07.03.1885 | 1G : 0 | Irland | H | Raeburn Place, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1885 | |
26. | 09.01.1886 | 2G 1T : 0 | Wales | A | Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff | Home Nations Championship 1886 | |
27. | 20.02.1886 | 3G 1D 2T : 0 | Irland | H | Raeburn Place, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1886 | |
28. | 13.03.1886 | 0:0 | England | H | Raeburn Place, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1886 | 1. Turniersieg |
29. | 19.02.1887 | 2G 2T : 0 | Irland | A | Ormeau Road, Belfast | Home Nations Championship 1887 | |
30. | 26.02.1887 | 4G 8T : 0 | Wales | H | Raeburn Place, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1887 | |
31. | 05.03.1887 | 1T : 1T | England | A | Whalley Range, Manchester | Home Nations Championship 1887 | 2. Turniersieg |
32. | 04.03.1888 | 0 : 1T | Wales | A | Rodney Parade, Newport | Home Nations Championship 1888 | |
33. | 10.03.1888 | 1G : 0 | Irland | H | Raeburn Place, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1888 | 3. Turniersieg |
34. | 02.02.1889 | 2T : 0 | Wales | H | Raeburn Place, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1889 | |
35. | 16.02.1889 | 1D : 0 | Irland | A | Ormeau Road, Belfast | Home Nations Championship 1889 | 4. Turniersieg |
Nr. | Datum | Erg. | Gegner | Austragungsort | Anlass | Bemerkung | |
36. | 01.02.1890 | 1G 3T : 1T | Wales | A | Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff | Home Nations Championship 1890 | |
37. | 22.02.1890 | 1D 1T : 0 | Irland | H | Raeburn Place, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1890 | |
38. | 01.03.1890 | 0 : 1G 2T | England | H | Raeburn Place, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1890 | 5. Turniersieg |
39. | 07.02.1891 | 15:0 | Wales | H | Raeburn Place, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1891 | |
40. | 21.02.1891 | 14:0 | Irland | A | Ballynafeigh, Belfast | Home Nations Championship 1891 | |
41. | 07.03.1891 | 9:3 | England | A | Athletic Ground, Richmond | Home Nations Championship 1891 | 6. Turniersieg, 1. Triple Crown |
42. | 06.02.1892 | 7:2 | Wales | A | St Helen’s, Swansea | Home Nations Championship 1892 | |
43. | 20.02.1892 | 2:0 | Irland | H | Raeburn Place, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1892 | |
44. | 05.03.1892 | 0:5 | England | H | Raeburn Place, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1892 | |
45. | 04.02.1893 | 0:9 | Wales | H | Raeburn Place, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1893 | |
46. | 18.02.1893 | 0:0 | Irland | A | Ballynafeigh, Belfast | Home Nations Championship 1893 | |
47. | 04.03.1893 | 8:0 | England | A | Headingley Stadium, Leeds | Home Nations Championship 1893 | |
48. | 03.02.1894 | 0:7 | Wales | A | Rodney Parade, Newport | Home Nations Championship 1894 | |
49. | 24.02.1894 | 0:5 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Dublin | Home Nations Championship 1894 | |
50. | 17.03.1894 | 6:0 | England | H | Raeburn Place, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1894 | |
51. | 26.01.1895 | 5:4 | Wales | H | Raeburn Place, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1895 | |
52. | 02.03.1895 | 6:0 | Irland | H | Raeburn Place, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1895 | |
53. | 09.03.1895 | 6:3 | England | A | Athletic Ground, Richmond | Home Nations Championship 1895 | 7. Turniersieg, 2. Triple Crown |
54. | 25.01.1896 | 0:6 | Wales | A | Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff | Home Nations Championship 1896 | |
55. | 15.02.1896 | 0:0 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Dublin | Home Nations Championship 1896 | |
56. | 14.03.1896 | 11:0 | England | H | Old Hampden Park, Glasgow | Home Nations Championship 1896 | |
57. | 20.02.1897 | 8:3 | Irland | H | Powderhall, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1897 | |
58. | 13.03.1897 | 3:12 | England | A | Fallowfield Stadium, Manchester | Home Nations Championship 1897 | |
59. | 19.02.1898 | 8:0 | Irland | A | Balmoral Showgrounds, Belfast | Home Nations Championship 1898 | |
60. | 12.03.1898 | 3:3 | England | H | Powderhall, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1898 | |
61. | 18.02.1899 | 3:9 | Irland | H | Inverleith, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1899 | |
62. | 04.03.1899 | 21:10 | Wales | H | Inverleith, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1899 | |
63. | 11.03.1899 | 5:0 | England | A | Rectory Field, Blackheath | Home Nations Championship 1899 |
Nr. | Datum | Erg. | Gegner | Austragungsort | Anlass | Bemerkung | |
64. | 27.01.1900 | 3:12 | Wales | A | St Helen’s, Swansea | Home Nations Championship 1900 | |
65. | 24.02.1900 | 0:0 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Dublin | Home Nations Championship 1900 | |
66. | 10.03.1900 | 0:0 | England | H | Inverleith, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1900 | |
67. | 09.02.1901 | 18:8 | Wales | H | Inverleith, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1901 | |
68. | 23.02.1901 | 9:5 | Irland | H | Inverleith, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1901 | |
69. | 09.03.1901 | 18:3 | England | A | Rectory Field, Blackheath | Home Nations Championship 1901 | 8. Turniersieg, 3. Triple Crown |
70. | 01.02.1902 | 5:14 | Wales | A | Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff | Home Nations Championship 1902 | |
71. | 22.02.1902 | 0:5 | Irland | A | Balmoral Showgrounds, Belfast | Home Nations Championship 1902 | |
72. | 15.03.1902 | 3:6 | England | H | Inverleith, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1902 | |
73. | 07.02.1903 | 6:0 | Wales | H | Inverleith, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1903 | |
74. | 28.02.1903 | 3:0 | Irland | H | Inverleith, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1903 | |
75. | 21.03.1903 | 10:6 | England | A | Athletic Ground, Richmond | Home Nations Championship 1903 | 9. Turniersieg, 4. Triple Crown |
76. | 06.02.1904 | 3:21 | Wales | A | St Helen’s, Swansea | Home Nations Championship 1904 | |
77. | 27.02.1904 | 19:0 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Dublin | Home Nations Championship 1904 | |
78. | 19.03.1904 | 6:3 | England | H | Inverleith, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1904 | 10. Turniersieg |
79. | 04.02.1905 | 3:6 | Wales | H | Inverleith, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1905 | |
80. | 25.02.1905 | 5:11 | Irland | H | Inverleith, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1905 | |
81. | 18.03.1905 | 8:0 | England | A | Athletic Ground, Richmond | Home Nations Championship 1905 | |
82. | 18.11.1905 | 7:12 | Neuseeland | H | Inverleith, Edinburgh | Tour Test | erstes Test Match gegen Neuseeland |
83. | 03.02.1906 | 3:9 | Wales | A | Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff | Home Nations Championship 1906 | |
84. | 24.02.1906 | 13:6 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Dublin | Home Nations Championship 1906 | |
85. | 17.03.1906 | 3:9 | England | H | Inverleith, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1906 | |
86. | 17.11.1906 | 6:0 | Südafrika | H | Inverleith, Edinburgh | Tour Test | erstes Test Match gegen Südafrika erster Sieg gegen Südafrika |
87. | 02.02.1907 | 6:3 | Wales | H | Inverleith, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1907 | |
88. | 23.02.1907 | 15:3 | Irland | H | Inverleith, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1907 | |
89. | 16.03.1907 | 8:3 | England | A | Rectory Field, Blackheath | Home Nations Championship 1907 | 11. Turniersieg, 5. Triple Crown |
90. | 01.02.1908 | 5:6 | Wales | A | St Helen’s, Swansea | Home Nations Championship 1908 | |
91. | 29.02.1908 | 11:16 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Dublin | Home Nations Championship 1908 | |
92. | 21.03.1908 | 16:10 | England | H | Inverleith, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1908 | |
93. | 06.02.1909 | 3:5 | Wales | H | Inverleith, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1909 | |
94. | 27.02.1909 | 9:3 | Irland | H | Inverleith, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1909 | |
95. | 20.03.1909 | 18:8 | England | A | Athletic Ground, Richmond | Home Nations Championship 1909 | |
96. | 22.01.1910 | 27:0 | Frankreich | H | Inverleith, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1910 | erstes Test Match gegen Frankreich erster Sieg gegen Frankreich |
97. | 05.02.1910 | 0:14 | Wales | A | Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff | Five Nations 1910 | |
98. | 26.02.1910 | 14:0 | Irland | A | Balmoral Showgrounds, Belfast | Five Nations 1910 | |
99. | 19.03.1910 | 5:14 | England | H | Inverleith, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1910 | |
100. | 02.01.1911 | 15:16 | Frankreich | A | Stade de Colombes, Colombes | Five Nations 1911 | |
101. | 04.02.1911 | 10:32 | Wales | H | Inverleith, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1911 | |
102. | 25.02.1911 | 10:16 | Irland | H | Inverleith, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1911 | |
103. | 18.03.1911 | 8:13 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Five Nations 1911 | |
104. | 20.01.1912 | 31:3 | Frankreich | H | Inverleith, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1912 | |
105. | 03.02.1912 | 6:21 | Wales | A | St Helen’s, Swansea | Five Nations 1912 | |
106. | 24.02.1912 | 8:10 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Dublin | Five Nations 1912 | |
107. | 16.03.1912 | 8:3 | England | H | Inverleith, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1912 | |
108. | 23.11.1912 | 0:16 | Südafrika | H | Inverleith, Edinburgh | Tour Test | |
109. | 01.01.1913 | 21:3 | Frankreich | A | Parc des Princes, Paris | Five Nations 1913 | |
110. | 01.02.1913 | 0:8 | Wales | H | Inverleith, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1913 | |
111. | 22.02.1913 | 29:14 | Irland | H | Inverleith, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1913 | |
112. | 15.03.1913 | 0:3 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Five Nations 1913 | |
113. | 07.02.1914 | 5:24 | Wales | A | Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff | Five Nations 1914 | |
114. | 28.02.1914 | 0:6 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Dublin | Five Nations 1914 | |
115. | 21.03.1914 | 15:16 | England | H | Inverleith, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1914 |
Nr. | Datum | Erg. | Gegner | Austragungsort | Anlass | Bemerkung | |
116. | 01.01.1920 | 5:0 | Frankreich | A | Parc des Princes, Paris | Five Nations 1920 | |
117. | 07.02.1920 | 9:5 | Wales | H | Inverleith, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1920 | |
118. | 28.02.1920 | 19:0 | Irland | H | Inverleith, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1920 | |
119. | 20.03.1920 | 4:13 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Five Nations 1920 | 12. Turniersieg |
120. | 22.01.1921 | 0:3 | Frankreich | H | Inverleith, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1921 | |
121. | 05.02.1921 | 14:8 | Wales | A | St Helen’s, Swansea | Five Nations 1921 | |
122. | 26.02.1921 | 8:9 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Dublin | Five Nations 1921 | |
123. | 19.03.1921 | 0:18 | England | H | Inverleith, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1921 | |
124. | 02.01.1922 | 3:3 | Frankreich | A | Stade de Colombes, Colombes | Five Nations 1922 | |
125. | 04.02.1922 | 9:9 | Wales | H | Inverleith, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1922 | |
126. | 25.02.1922 | 6:3 | Irland | H | Inverleith, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1922 | |
127. | 18.03.1922 | 5:11 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Five Nations 1922 | |
128. | 20.01.1923 | 16:3 | Frankreich | H | Inverleith, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1923 | |
129. | 03.02.1923 | 11:8 | Wales | A | Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff | Five Nations 1923 | |
130. | 24.02.1923 | 13:3 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Dublin | Five Nations 1923 | |
131. | 17.03.1923 | 6:8 | England | H | Inverleith, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1923 | |
132. | 01.01.1924 | 10:12 | Frankreich | A | Stade Pershing, Paris | Five Nations 1924 | |
133. | 02.02.1924 | 35:10 | Wales | H | Inverleith, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1924 | |
134. | 23.02.1924 | 13:8 | Irland | H | Inverleith, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1924 | |
135. | 15.03.1924 | 0:19 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Five Nations 1924 | |
136. | 24.01.1925 | 25:4 | Frankreich | H | Inverleith, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1925 | |
137. | 07.02.1925 | 24:14 | Wales | A | St Helen’s, Swansea | Five Nations 1925 | |
138. | 28.02.1925 | 14:8 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Dublin | Five Nations 1925 | |
139. | 21.03.1925 | 14:11 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1925 | 13. Turniersieg, 6. Triple Crown erster Grand Slam |
140. | 02.01.1926 | 20:6 | Frankreich | A | Stade Olympique, Colombes | Five Nations 1926 | |
141. | 06.02.1926 | 8:5 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1926 | |
142. | 27.02.1926 | 0:3 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1926 | |
143. | 20.03.1926 | 17:9 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Five Nations 1926 | 14. Turniersieg |
144. | 22.01.1927 | 23:6 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1927 | |
145. | 05.02.1927 | 5:0 | Wales | A | Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff | Five Nations 1927 | |
146. | 26.02.1927 | 0:6 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Dublin | Five Nations 1927 | |
147. | 19.03.1927 | 21:13 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1927 | 15. Turniersieg |
148. | 17.12.1927 | 10:8 | Australien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Tour Test | erstes Test Match gegen Australien erster Sieg gegen Australien |
149. | 02.01.1928 | 15:6 | Frankreich | A | Stade Olympique, Colombes | Five Nations 1928 | |
150. | 04.02.1928 | 0:13 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1928 | |
151. | 25.02.1928 | 5:13 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1928 | |
152. | 17.03.1928 | 0:6 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Five Nations 1928 | |
153. | 19.01.1929 | 6:3 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1929 | |
154. | 02.02.1929 | 7:14 | Wales | A | St Helen’s, Swansea | Five Nations 1929 | |
155. | 23.02.1929 | 16:7 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Dublin | Five Nations 1929 | |
156. | 16.03.1929 | 12:6 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1929 | 16. Turniersieg |
Nr. | Datum | Erg. | Gegner | Austragungsort | Anlass | Bemerkung | |
157. | 01.01.1930 | 3:7 | Frankreich | A | Stade Olympique, Colombes | Five Nations 1930 | |
158. | 01.02.1930 | 12:9 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1930 | |
159. | 22.02.1930 | 11:14 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1930 | |
160. | 15.03.1930 | 0:0 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Five Nations 1930 | |
161. | 24.01.1931 | 6:4 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1931 | |
162. | 07.02.1931 | 8:13 | Wales | A | Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff | Five Nations 1931 | |
163. | 28.02.1931 | 5:8 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Dublin | Five Nations 1931 | |
164. | 21.03.1931 | 28:19 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1931 | |
165. | 16.01.1932 | 3:6 | Südafrika | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Tour Test | |
166. | 06.02.1932 | 0:6 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1932 | |
167. | 27.02.1932 | 8:20 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1932 | |
168. | 19.03.1932 | 3:16 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Home Nations Championship 1932 | |
169. | 04.02.1933 | 11:3 | Wales | A | St Helen’s, Swansea | Home Nations Championship 1933 | |
170. | 18.03.1933 | 3:0 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1933 | |
171. | 01.04.1933 | 8:6 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Dublin | Home Nations Championship 1933 | 17. Turniersieg, 7. Triple Crown |
172. | 03.02.1934 | 6:13 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1934 | |
173. | 24.02.1934 | 16:9 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1934 | |
174. | 17.03.1934 | 3:6 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Home Nations Championship 1934 | |
175. | 02.02.1935 | 6:10 | Wales | A | Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff | Home Nations Championship 1935 | |
176. | 23.02.1935 | 5:12 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Dublin | Home Nations Championship 1935 | |
177. | 16.03.1935 | 10:7 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1935 | |
178. | 23.11.1935 | 8:18 | Neuseeland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Tour Test | |
179. | 01.02.1936 | 3:13 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1936 | |
180. | 22.02.1936 | 4:10 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1936 | |
181. | 21.03.1936 | 8:9 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Home Nations Championship 1936 | |
182. | 06.02.1937 | 13:6 | Wales | A | St Helen’s, Swansea | Home Nations Championship 1937 | |
183. | 27.02.1937 | 4:11 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Dublin | Home Nations Championship 1937 | |
184. | 20.03.1937 | 3:6 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1937 | |
185. | 05.02.1938 | 8:6 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1938 | |
186. | 26.02.1938 | 23:14 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1938 | |
187. | 19.03.1938 | 21:16 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Home Nations Championship 1938 | 18. Turniersieg, 8. Triple Crown |
188. | 04.02.1939 | 3:11 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1939 | |
189. | 25.02.1939 | 3:12 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Home Nations Championship 1939 | |
190. | 18.03.1939 | 6:9 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Home Nations Championship 1939 |
Nr. | Datum | Erg. | Gegner | Austragungsort | Anlass | Bemerkung | |
191. | 01.01.1947 | 3:8 | Frankreich | A | Stade Olympique, Colombes | Five Nations 1947 | |
192. | 01.02.1947 | 8:22 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1947 | |
193. | 22.02.1947 | 0:3 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1947 | |
194. | 15.03.1947 | 5:24 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Five Nations 1947 | |
195. | 22.11.1947 | 7:16 | Australien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Tour Test | |
196. | 24.01.1948 | 9:8 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1948 | |
197. | 07.02.1948 | 0:14 | Wales | A | Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff | Five Nations 1948 | |
198. | 28.02.1948 | 0:6 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Dublin | Five Nations 1948 | |
199. | 20.03.1948 | 6:3 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1948 | |
200. | 15.01.1949 | 8:0 | Frankreich | A | Stade Olympique, Colombes | Five Nations 1949 | |
201. | 05.02.1949 | 6:5 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1949 | |
202. | 26.02.1949 | 3:13 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1949 | |
203. | 19.03.1949 | 3:19 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Five Nations 1949 | |
204. | 14.01.1950 | 8:5 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1950 | |
205. | 04.02.1950 | 0:12 | Wales | A | St Helen’s, Swansea | Five Nations 1950 | |
206. | 25.02.1950 | 0:21 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Dublin | Five Nations 1950 | |
207. | 18.03.1950 | 13:11 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1950 | |
208. | 03.01.1951 | 12:14 | Frankreich | A | Stade Olympique, Colombes | Five Nations 1951 | |
209. | 03.02.1951 | 19:0 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1951 | |
210. | 24.02.1951 | 5:6 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1951 | |
211. | 17.03.1951 | 3:5 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Five Nations 1951 | |
212. | 24.11.1951 | 0:44 | Südafrika | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Tour Test | |
213. | 12.01.1952 | 11:13 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1952 | |
214. | 02.02.1952 | 0:11 | Wales | A | Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff | Five Nations 1952 | |
215. | 23.02.1952 | 8:12 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Dublin | Five Nations 1952 | |
216. | 15.03.1952 | 3:19 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1952 | |
217. | 10.01.1953 | 5:11 | Frankreich | A | Stade Olympique, Colombes | Five Nations 1953 | |
218. | 07.02.1953 | 0:12 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1953 | |
219. | 28.02.1953 | 8:26 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1953 | |
220. | 21.03.1953 | 8:26 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Five Nations 1953 | |
221. | 09.01.1954 | 0:3 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1954 | |
222. | 13.02.1954 | 0:3 | Neuseeland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Tour Test | |
223. | 27.02.1954 | 0:6 | Irland | A | Ravenhill Stadium, Belfast | Five Nations 1954 | |
224. | 20.03.1954 | 3:13 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1954 | |
225. | 10.04.1954 | 3:15 | Wales | A | St Helen’s, Swansea | Five Nations 1954 | |
226. | 08.01.1955 | 0:15 | Frankreich | A | Stade Olympique, Colombes | Five Nations 1955 | |
227. | 05.02.1955 | 14:8 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1955 | |
228. | 26.02.1955 | 12:3 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1955 | |
229. | 19.03.1955 | 6:9 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Five Nations 1955 | |
230. | 14.01.1956 | 12:0 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1956 | |
231. | 04.02.1956 | 3:9 | Wales | A | Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff | Five Nations 1956 | |
232. | 25.02.1956 | 10:14 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Murrayfield | Five Nations 1956 | |
233. | 17.03.1956 | 6:11 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1956 | |
234. | 12.01.1957 | 6:0 | Frankreich | A | Stade Olympique, Colombes | Five Nations 1957 | |
235. | 02.02.1957 | 9:6 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1957 | |
236. | 23.02.1957 | 3:5 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1957 | |
237. | 16.03.1957 | 3:16 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Five Nations 1957 | |
238. | 11.01.1958 | 11:9 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1958 | |
239. | 01.02.1958 | 3:8 | Wales | A | Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff | Five Nations 1958 | |
240. | 15.02.1958 | 12:8 | Australien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Tour Test | |
241. | 01.03.1958 | 6:12 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Murrayfield | Five Nations 1958 | |
242. | 15.03.1958 | 3:3 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1958 | |
243. | 10.01.1959 | 0:9 | Frankreich | A | Stade Olympique, Colombes | Five Nations 1959 | |
244. | 07.02.1959 | 6:5 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1959 | |
245. | 28.02.1959 | 3:8 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1959 | |
246. | 21.03.1959 | 3:3 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Five Nations 1959 |
Nr. | Datum | Erg. | Gegner | Austragungsort | Anlass | Bemerkung | |
247. | 09.01.1960 | 11:13 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1960 | |
248. | 06.02.1960 | 0:8 | Wales | A | Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff | Five Nations 1960 | |
249. | 27.02.1960 | 6:5 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Murrayfield | Five Nations 1960 | |
250. | 19.03.1960 | 12:21 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1960 | |
251. | 30.04.1960 | 10:18 | Südafrika | A | Boet Erasmus Stadium, Port Elizabeth | Freundschaftsspiel | erstes Test Match außerhalb Europas |
252. | 07.01.1961 | 0:11 | Frankreich | A | Stade Olympique, Colombes | Five Nations 1961 | |
253. | 21.01.1961 | 5:12 | Südafrika | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Tour Test | |
254. | 11.02.1961 | 3:0 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1961 | |
255. | 25.02.1961 | 16:8 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1961 | |
256. | 18.03.1961 | 0:6 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Five Nations 1961 | |
257. | 13.01.1962 | 3:11 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1962 | |
258. | 03.02.1962 | 8:3 | Wales | A | Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff | Five Nations 1962 | |
259. | 24.02.1962 | 20:6 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Murrayfield | Five Nations 1962 | |
260. | 17.03.1962 | 3:3 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1962 | |
261. | 12.01.1963 | 11:6 | Frankreich | A | Stade Olympique, Colombes | Five Nations 1963 | |
262. | 02.02.1963 | 0:6 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1963 | |
263. | 23.02.1963 | 3:0 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1963 | |
264. | 16.03.1963 | 8:10 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Five Nations 1963 | |
265. | 04.01.1964 | 10:0 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1964 | |
266. | 18.01.1964 | 0:0 | Neuseeland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Tour Test | |
267. | 01.02.1964 | 3:11 | Wales | A | Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff | Five Nations 1964 | |
268. | 22.02.1964 | 6:3 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Murrayfield | Five Nations 1964 | |
269. | 21.03.1964 | 15:6 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1964 | 19. Turniersieg |
270. | 09.01.1965 | 8:16 | Frankreich | A | Stade Olympique, Colombes | Five Nations 1965 | |
271. | 06.02.1965 | 12:14 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1965 | |
272. | 27.02.1965 | 6:16 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1965 | |
273. | 20.03.1965 | 3:3 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Five Nations 1965 | |
274. | 17.04.1965 | 8:5 | Südafrika | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Tour Test | |
275. | 15.01.1966 | 3:3 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1966 | |
276. | 05.02.1966 | 3:8 | Wales | A | Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff | Five Nations 1966 | |
277. | 26.02.1966 | 11:3 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Murrayfield | Five Nations 1966 | |
278. | 19.03.1966 | 6:3 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1966 | |
279. | 17.12.1966 | 11:5 | Australien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Tour Test | |
280. | 14.01.1967 | 9:8 | Frankreich | A | Stade Olympique, Colombes | Five Nations 1967 | |
281. | 04.02.1967 | 11:5 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1967 | |
282. | 25.02.1967 | 3:5 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1967 | |
283. | 18.03.1967 | 14:27 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Five Nations 1967 | |
284. | 02.12.1967 | 3:14 | Neuseeland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Tour Test | |
285. | 13.01.1968 | 6:8 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1968 | |
286. | 03.02.1968 | 0:5 | Wales | A | Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff | Five Nations 1968 | |
287. | 24.02.1968 | 6:14 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Murrayfield | Five Nations 1968 | |
288. | 16.03.1968 | 6:8 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1968 | |
289. | 02.11.1968 | 9:3 | Australien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Tour Test | |
290. | 11.01.1969 | 6:3 | Frankreich | A | Stade Olympique, Colombes | Five Nations 1969 | |
291. | 01.02.1969 | 3:17 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1969 | |
292. | 22.02.1969 | 0:16 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1969 | |
293. | 15.03.1969 | 3:8 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Five Nations 1969 | |
294. | 06.12.1969 | 6:3 | Südafrika | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Tour Test |
Nr. | Datum | Erg. | Gegner | Austragungsort | Anlass | Bemerkung | |
295. | 10.01.1970 | 9:11 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1970 | |
296. | 07.02.1970 | 9:18 | Wales | A | Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff | Five Nations 1970 | |
297. | 28.02.1970 | 11:16 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Dublin | Five Nations 1970 | |
298. | 21.03.1970 | 14:5 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1970 | |
299. | 06.06.1970 | 3:23 | Australien | A | Sydney Cricket Ground, Sydney | Tour Test | |
300. | 16.01.1971 | 8:13 | Frankreich | A | Stade Olympique, Colombes | Five Nations 1971 | |
301. | 06.02.1971 | 18:19 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1971 | |
302. | 27.02.1971 | 5:17 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1971 | |
303. | 20.03.1971 | 16:15 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Five Nations 1971 | |
304. | 27.03.1971 | 26:6 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Freundschaftsspiel | 100 Jahre Rugby Football Union |
305. | 15.01.1972 | 20:9 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1972 | |
306. | 05.02.1972 | 12:35 | Wales | A | Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff | Five Nations 1972 | |
307. | 18.03.1972 | 23:9 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1972 | |
308. | 16.12.1972 | 9:14 | Neuseeland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Tour Test | |
309. | 13.01.1973 | 13:16 | Frankreich | A | Parc des Princes, Paris | Five Nations 1973 | |
310. | 03.02.1973 | 10:9 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1973 | |
311. | 24.02.1973 | 19:14 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1973 | |
312. | 17.03.1973 | 13:20 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Five Nations 1973 | 20. Turniersieg |
313. | 19.01.1974 | 0:6 | Wales | A | Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff | Five Nations 1974 | |
314. | 02.02.1974 | 16:14 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1974 | |
315. | 02.03.1974 | 6:9 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Dublin | Five Nations 1974 | |
316. | 16.03.1974 | 19:6 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1974 | |
317. | 01.02.1975 | 20:13 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1975 | |
318. | 15.02.1975 | 9:10 | Frankreich | A | Parc des Princes, Paris | Five Nations 1975 | |
319. | 01.03.1975 | 12:10 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1975 | |
320. | 15.03.1975 | 6:7 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Five Nations 1975 | |
321. | 14.06.1975 | 0:24 | Neuseeland | A | Eden Park, Auckland | Tour Test | |
322. | 06.12.1975 | 10:3 | Australien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Tour Test | |
323. | 10.01.1976 | 6:13 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1976 | |
324. | 07.02.1976 | 6:28 | Wales | A | Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff | Five Nations 1976 | |
325. | 21.02.1976 | 22:12 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1976 | |
326. | 20.03.1976 | 15:6 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Dublin | Five Nations 1976 | |
327. | 15.01.1977 | 6:26 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Five Nations 1977 | |
328. | 19.02.1977 | 21:18 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1977 | |
329. | 05.03.1977 | 3:23 | Frankreich | A | Parc des Princes, Paris | Five Nations 1977 | |
330. | 19.03.1977 | 9:18 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1977 | |
331. | 21.01.1978 | 9:12 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Dublin | Five Nations 1978 | |
332. | 04.02.1978 | 16:19 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1978 | |
333. | 18.02.1978 | 14:22 | Wales | A | Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff | Five Nations 1978 | |
334. | 04.03.1978 | 0:15 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1978 | |
335. | 09.12.1978 | 9:18 | Neuseeland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Tour Test | |
336. | 20.01.1979 | 13:19 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1979 | |
337. | 03.02.1979 | 7:7 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Five Nations 1979 | |
338. | 03.03.1979 | 11:11 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1979 | |
339. | 17.03.1979 | 17:21 | Frankreich | A | Parc des Princes, Paris | Five Nations 1979 | |
340. | 10.11.1978 | 6:20 | Neuseeland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Tour Test |
Nr. | Datum | Erg. | Gegner | Austragungsort | Anlass | Bemerkung | |
341. | 02.02.1980 | 15:22 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Dublin | Five Nations 1980 | |
342. | 16.02.1980 | 22:14 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1980 | |
343. | 01.03.1980 | 6:17 | Wales | A | Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff | Five Nations 1980 | |
344. | 15.03.1980 | 18:30 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1980 | |
345. | 17.01.1981 | 9:16 | Frankreich | A | Parc des Princes, Paris | Five Nations 1981 | |
346. | 07.02.1981 | 15:6 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1981 | |
347. | 21.02.1981 | 17:23 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Five Nations 1981 | |
348. | 21.03.1981 | 10:9 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1981 | |
349. | 13.06.1981 | 4:11 | Neuseeland | A | Carisbrook, Dunedin | Tour Test | |
350. | 20.06.1981 | 15:40 | Neuseeland | A | Eden Park, Auckland | Tour Test | |
351. | 26.09.1981 | 12:6 | Rumänien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Tour Test | erstes Test Match gegen Rumänien erster Sieg gegen Rumänien |
352. | 19.12.1981 | 24:15 | Australien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Tour Test | |
353. | 16.01.1982 | 9:9 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1982 | |
354. | 20.02.1982 | 12:21 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Dublin | Five Nations 1982 | |
355. | 06.03.1982 | 16:7 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1982 | |
356. | 20.03.1982 | 34:18 | Wales | A | Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff | Five Nations 1982 | |
357. | 04.07.1982 | 12:7 | Australien | A | Ballymore Stadium, Brisbane | Tour Test | |
358. | 10.07.1982 | 9:33 | Australien | A | Sydney Cricket Ground, Sydney | Tour Test | |
359. | 15.01.1983 | 13:15 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1983 | |
360. | 05.02.1983 | 15:19 | Frankreich | A | Parc des Princes, Paris | Five Nations 1983 | |
361. | 19.02.1983 | 15:19 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1983 | |
362. | 05.03.1983 | 22:12 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Five Nations 1983 | |
363. | 12.11.1983 | 25:25 | Neuseeland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Tour Test | |
364. | 21.01.1984 | 15:9 | Wales | A | Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff | Five Nations 1984 | |
365. | 04.02.1984 | 18:6 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1984 | |
366. | 03.03.1984 | 32:9 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Dublin | Five Nations 1984 | |
367. | 17.03.1984 | 21:12 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1984 | 21. Turniersieg, 9. Triple Crown zweiter Grand Slam |
368. | 20.05.1984 | 22:28 | Rumänien | A | Stadionul Dinamo, Bukarest | Freundschaftsspiel | |
369. | 08.12.1984 | 12:37 | Australien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Tour Test | |
370. | 02.02.1985 | 15:18 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1985 | |
371. | 16.02.1985 | 3:11 | Frankreich | A | Parc des Princes, Paris | Five Nations 1985 | |
372. | 02.03.1985 | 21:25 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1985 | |
373. | 16.03.1985 | 7:10 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Five Nations 1985 | |
374. | 18.01.1986 | 18:17 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1986 | |
375. | 01.02.1986 | 15:22 | Wales | A | Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff | Five Nations 1986 | |
376. | 15.02.1986 | 33:6 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1986 | |
377. | 15.03.1986 | 10:9 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Dublin | Five Nations 1986 | 22. Turniersieg |
378. | 29.03.1986 | 33:18 | Rumänien | A | Stadionul Dinamo, Bukarest | Freundschaftsspiel | |
379. | 21.02.1987 | 16:12 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1987 | |
380. | 07.03.1987 | 22:28 | Frankreich | A | Parc des Princes, Paris | Five Nations 1987 | |
381. | 21.03.1987 | 21:15 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1987 | |
382. | 04.04.1987 | 12:21 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Five Nations 1987 | |
383. | 23.05.1987 | 20:20 | Frankreich | N | Lancaster Park, Christchurch | Weltmeisterschaft 1987 | erstes WM-Spiel |
384. | 30.05.1987 | 60:21 | Simbabwe | N | Athletic Park, Wellington | Weltmeisterschaft 1987 | erstes Test Match gegen Simbabwe erster Sieg gegen Simbabwe |
385. | 02.06.1987 | 55:28 | Rumänien | N | Carisbrook, Dunedin | Weltmeisterschaft 1987 | |
386. | 06.06.1987 | 3:30 | Neuseeland | A | Lancaster Park, Christchurch | Weltmeisterschaft 1987 | |
387. | 16.01.1988 | 18:22 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Dublin | Five Nations 1988 | |
388. | 06.02.1988 | 23:12 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1988 | |
389. | 20.03.1988 | 20:25 | Wales | A | Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff | Five Nations 1988 | |
390. | 05.03.1988 | 6:9 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1988 | |
391. | 19.11.1988 | 13:32 | Australien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Tour Test | |
392. | 21.01.1989 | 23:7 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1989 | |
393. | 04.02.1989 | 12:12 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Five Nations 1989 | |
394. | 04.03.1989 | 37:21 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1989 | |
395. | 18.03.1989 | 3:19 | Frankreich | A | Parc des Princes, Paris | Five Nations 1989 | |
396. | 28.10.1989 | 38:17 | Fidschi | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Tour Test | erstes Test Match gegen Fidschi erster Sieg gegen Fidschi |
397. | 09.12.1989 | 32:0 | Rumänien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Freundschaftsspiel |
Nr. | Datum | Erg. | Gegner | Austragungsort | Anlass | Bemerkung | |
398. | 03.02.1990 | 13:10 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Dublin | Five Nations 1990 | |
399. | 17.02.1990 | 21:0 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1990 | |
400. | 03.03.1990 | 13:9 | Wales | A | Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff | Five Nations 1990 | |
401. | 17.03.1990 | 13:7 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1990 | 23. Turniersieg, 10. Triple Crown dritter Grand Slam |
402. | 16.06.1990 | 16:31 | Neuseeland | A | Carisbrook, Dunedin | Tour Test | |
403. | 23.06.1990 | 18:21 | Neuseeland | A | Eden Park, Auckland | Tour Test | |
404. | 10.11.1990 | 49:3 | Argentinien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Tour Test | erstes Test Match gegen Argentinien erster Sieg gegen Argentinien |
405. | 19.02.1991 | 9:15 | Frankreich | A | Parc des Princes, Paris | Five Nations 1991 | |
406. | 02.02.1991 | 32:12 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1991 | |
407. | 16.02.1991 | 12:21 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Five Nations 1991 | |
408. | 16.03.1991 | 28:25 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1991 | |
409. | 31.08.1991 | 12:18 | Rumänien | A | Stadionul Dinamo, Bukarest | Tour Test | |
410. | 05.10.1991 | 47:9 | Japan | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Weltmeisterschaft 1991 | erstes Test Match gegen Japan erster Sieg gegen Japan |
411. | 09.10.1991 | 51:12 | Simbabwe | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Weltmeisterschaft 1991 | |
412. | 12.10.1991 | 24:15 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Weltmeisterschaft 1991 | |
413. | 19.10.1991 | 28:6 | Westsamoa | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Weltmeisterschaft 1991 | erstes Test Match gegen Samoa erster Sieg gegen Samoa |
414. | 26.10.1991 | 6:9 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Weltmeisterschaft 1991 | |
415. | 30.10.1991 | 6:13 | Neuseeland | N | Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff | Weltmeisterschaft 1991 | |
416. | 18.01.1992 | 7:25 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1992 | |
417. | 15.02.1992 | 18:10 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Dublin | Five Nations 1992 | |
418. | 07.03.1992 | 10:6 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1992 | |
419. | 21.03.1992 | 12:15 | Wales | A | Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff | Five Nations 1992 | |
420. | 13.06.1992 | 12:27 | Australien | A | Sydney Football Stadium, Sydney | Tour Test | |
421. | 21.06.1992 | 13:37 | Australien | A | Ballymore Stadium, Brisbane | Tour Test | |
422. | 16.01.1993 | 15:3 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1993 | |
423. | 06.02.1993 | 3:11 | Frankreich | A | Parc des Princes, Paris | Five Nations 1993 | |
424. | 20.02.1993 | 20:0 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1993 | |
425. | 06.03.1993 | 12:26 | England | A | Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff | Five Nations 1993 | |
426. | 20.11.1993 | 15:51 | Neuseeland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Tour Test | |
427. | 15.01.1994 | 6:29 | Wales | A | Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff | Five Nations 1994 | |
428. | 05.02.1994 | 14:15 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1994 | |
429. | 05.03.1994 | 6:6 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Dublin | Five Nations 1994 | |
430. | 19.03.1994 | 12:20 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1994 | |
431. | 04.06.1994 | 15:16 | Argentinien | A | Estadio Ferro Carril Oeste, Buenos Aires | Tour Test | |
432. | 11.06.1994 | 17:19 | Argentinien | A | Estadio Ferro Carril Oeste, Buenos Aires | Tour Test | |
433. | 19.11.1994 | 10:34 | Südafrika | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Tour Test | |
434. | 21.01.1995 | 22:6 | Kanada | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Freundschaftsspiel | erstes Test Match gegen Kanada erster Sieg gegen Kanada |
435. | 04.02.1995 | 26:13 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1995 | |
436. | 18.02.1995 | 23:21 | Frankreich | A | Parc des Princes, Paris | Five Nations 1995 | |
437. | 04.03.1995 | 26:13 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1995 | |
438. | 18.03.1995 | 12:24 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Five Nations 1995 | |
439. | 22.04.1995 | 49:16 | Rumänien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Freundschaftsspiel | |
440. | 26.05.1995 | 89:0 | Elfenbeinküste | N | Olympia Park, Rustenburg | Weltmeisterschaft 1995 | erstes Test Match gegen die Elfenbeinküste erster Sieg gegen die Elfenbeinküste |
441. | 30.05.1995 | 41:5 | Tonga | N | Loftus Versfeld Stadium, Pretoria | Weltmeisterschaft 1995 | erstes Test Match gegen Tonga erster Sieg gegen Tonga |
442. | 03.06.1995 | 19:22 | Frankreich | N | Loftus Versfeld Stadium, Pretoria | Weltmeisterschaft 1995 | |
443. | 11.06.1995 | 30:48 | Neuseeland | N | Loftus Versfeld Stadium, Pretoria | Weltmeisterschaft 1995 | |
444. | 18.11.1995 | 15:15 | Westsamoa | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Tour Test | |
445. | 20.01.1996 | 16:10 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Dublin | Five Nations 1996 | |
446. | 03.02.1996 | 19:14 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1996 | |
447. | 17.02.1996 | 16:14 | Wales | A | Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff | Five Nations 1996 | |
448. | 02.03.1996 | 9:18 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1996 | |
449. | 15.06.1996 | 31:62 | Neuseeland | A | Carisbrook, Dunedin | Tour Test | |
450. | 22.06.1996 | 12:36 | Neuseeland | A | Eden Park, Auckland | Tour Test | |
451. | 09.11.1996 | 19:29 | Australien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Tour Test | |
452. | 14.12.1996 | 29:22 | Italien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Freundschaftsspiel | erstes Test Match gegen Italien erster Sieg gegen Italien |
453. | 18.01.1997 | 19:34 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1997 | |
454. | 01.02.1997 | 13:41 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Five Nations 1997 | |
455. | 01.03.1997 | 38:10 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1997 | |
456. | 15.03.1997 | 20:47 | Frankreich | A | Parc des Princes, Paris | Five Nations 1997 | |
457. | 22.11.1997 | 8:37 | Australien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Tour Test | |
458. | 06.12.1997 | 10:68 | Südafrika | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Tour Test | höchste Niederlage der Schotten |
459. | 24.01.1998 | 21:25 | Italien | A | Stadio Comunale di Monigo, Treviso | Freundschaftsspiel | |
460. | 07.02.1998 | 17:16 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Murrayfield | Five Nations 1998 | |
461. | 21.02.1998 | 16:51 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1998 | |
462. | 07.03.1998 | 13:19 | Wales | A | Wembley Stadium, London | Five Nations 1998 | |
463. | 22.03.1998 | 20:34 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1998 | |
464. | 26.05.1998 | 26:51 | Fidschi | A | National Stadium, Suva | Tour Test | |
465. | 13.06.1998 | 3:45 | Australien | A | Sydney Football Stadium, Sydney | Tour Test | |
466. | 20.06.1998 | 11:33 | Australien | A | Ballymore Stadium, Brisbane | Tour Test | |
467. | 21.11.1998 | 10:35 | Südafrika | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Tour Test | |
468. | 06.02.1999 | 33:20 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1999 | |
469. | 20.02.1999 | 21:24 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Five Nations 1999 | |
470. | 06.03.1999 | 30:12 | Italien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Freundschaftsspiel | |
471. | 20.03.1999 | 30:13 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Five Nations 1999 | |
472. | 10.04.1999 | 36:22 | Frankreich | A | Stade de France, Saint-Denis | Five Nations 1999 | 24. Turniersieg |
473. | 21.08.1999 | 22:31 | Argentinien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Tour Test | |
474. | 28.08.1999 | 60:19 | Rumänien | H | Hampden Park, Glasgow | Tour Test | |
475. | 03.10.1999 | 29:46 | Südafrika | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Weltmeisterschaft 1999 | |
476. | 08.10.1999 | 43:12 | Uruguay | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Weltmeisterschaft 1999 | erstes Test Match gegen Uruguay erster Sieg gegen Uruguay |
477. | 16.10.1999 | 48:0 | Spanien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Weltmeisterschaft 1999 | erstes Test Match gegen Spanien erster Sieg gegen Spanien |
478. | 20.10.1999 | 35:20 | Samoa | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Weltmeisterschaft 1999 | |
479. | 24.10.1999 | 18:30 | Neuseeland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Weltmeisterschaft 1999 |
Nr. | Datum | Erg. | Gegner | Austragungsort | Anlass | Bemerkung | |
480. | 05.02.2000 | 20:34 | Italien | A | Stadio Flaminio, Rom | Six Nations 2000 | |
481. | 19.02.2000 | 22:44 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Dublin | Six Nations 2000 | |
482. | 04.03.2000 | 16:28 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2000 | |
483. | 18.03.2000 | 18:26 | Wales | A | Millennium Stadium, Cardiff | Six Nations 2000 | |
484. | 02.04.2000 | 19:13 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2000 | |
485. | 24.06.2000 | 20:69 | Neuseeland | A | Carisbrook, Dunedin | Tour Test | |
486. | 01.07.2000 | 14:48 | Neuseeland | A | Eden Park, Auckland | Tour Test | |
487. | 04.11.2000 | 53:6 | Vereinigte Staaten | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | End-of-year Internationals 2000 | erstes Test Match gegen die USA erster Sieg gegen die USA |
488. | 11.11.2000 | 9:30 | Australien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | End-of-year Internationals 2000 | |
489. | 18.11.2000 | 31:8 | Samoa | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | End-of-year Internationals 2000 | |
490. | 04.02.2001 | 6:16 | Frankreich | A | Stade de France, Saint-Denis | Six Nations 2001 | |
491. | 17.02.2001 | 28:28 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2001 | |
492. | 03.03.2001 | 3:43 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Six Nations 2001 | |
493. | 17.03.2001 | 23:19 | Italien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2001 | |
494. | 22.09.2001 | 32:10 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2001 | |
495. | 10.11.2001 | 43:20 | Tonga | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Tour Test | |
496. | 18.11.2001 | 16:25 | Argentinien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Tour Test | |
497. | 24.11.2001 | 6:37 | Neuseeland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Tour Test | |
498. | 02.02.2002 | 3:29 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2002 | |
499. | 16.02.2002 | 29:12 | Italien | A | Stadio Flaminio, Rom | Six Nations 2002 | |
500. | 02.03.2002 | 22:43 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Dublin | Six Nations 2002 | |
501. | 23.03.2002 | 10:22 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2002 | |
502. | 06.04.2002 | 27:22 | Wales | A | Millennium Stadium, Cardiff | Six Nations 2002 | |
503. | 15.06.2002 | 23:26 | Kanada | A | Thunderbird Stadium, Vancouver | Tour Test | |
504. | 22.06.2002 | 65:23 | Vereinigte Staaten | A | Boxer Stadium, San Francisco | Tour Test | |
505. | 09.11.2002 | 37:10 | Rumänien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | End-of-year Internationals 2002 | |
506. | 16.11.2002 | 21:6 | Südafrika | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | End-of-year Internationals 2002 | |
507. | 24.11.2002 | 36:22 | Fidschi | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | End-of-year Internationals 2002 | |
508. | 16.02.2003 | 6:36 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2003 | |
509. | 23.02.2003 | 3:38 | Frankreich | A | Stade de France, Saint-Denis | Six Nations 2003 | |
510. | 08.03.2003 | 30:22 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2003 | |
511. | 22.03.2003 | 9:40 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Six Nations 2003 | |
512. | 29.03.2003 | 33:25 | Italien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2003 | |
513. | 07.06.2003 | 25:29 | Südafrika | A | Kings Park Stadium, Durban | Tour Test | |
514. | 14.06.2003 | 19:28 | Südafrika | A | Ellis Park Stadium, Johannesburg | Tour Test | |
515. | 23.08.2003 | 47:15 | Italien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | WM-Vorbereitungsspiel | |
516. | 30.08.2003 | 9:23 | Wales | A | Millennium Stadium, Cardiff | WM-Vorbereitungsspiel | |
517. | 06.09.2003 | 10:29 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | WM-Vorbereitungsspiel | |
518. | 12.10.2003 | 32:11 | Japan | N | Willows Sports Complex, Townsville | Weltmeisterschaft 2003 | |
519. | 20.10.2003 | 39:15 | Vereinigte Staaten | N | Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane | Weltmeisterschaft 2003 | |
520. | 25.10.2003 | 9:51 | Frankreich | N | Stadium Australia, Sydney | Weltmeisterschaft 2003 | |
521. | 01.11.2003 | 22:20 | Fidschi | N | Sydney Football Stadium, Sydney | Weltmeisterschaft 2003 | |
522. | 08.11.2003 | 16:33 | Australien | A | Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane | Weltmeisterschaft 2003 | |
523. | 14.02.2004 | 10:23 | Wales | A | Millennium Stadium, Cardiff | Six Nations 2004 | |
524. | 21.02.2004 | 13:35 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2004 | |
525. | 06.03.2004 | 14:20 | Italien | A | Stadio Flaminio, Rom | Six Nations 2004 | |
526. | 21.03.2004 | 0:31 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2004 | |
527. | 27.03.2004 | 16:37 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Dublin | Six Nations 2004 | |
528. | 04.06.2004 | 38:3 | Samoa | N | Wellington Regional Stadium, Wellington | Mid-year Internationals 2004 | |
529. | 13.06.2004 | 15:35 | Australien | A | Docklands Stadium, Melbourne | Mid-year Internationals 2004 | |
530. | 19.06.2004 | 13:34 | Australien | A | Stadium Australia, Sydney | Mid-year Internationals 2004 | |
531. | 06.11.2004 | 14:31 | Australien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | End-of-year Internationals 2004 | |
532. | 13.11.2004 | 100:8 | Japan | H | McDiarmid Park, Perth | End-of-year Internationals 2004 | höchster Sieg der Schotten |
533. | 20.11.2004 | 17:31 | Australien | H | Hampden Park, Glasgow | End-of-year Internationals 2004 | |
534. | 27.11.2004 | 10:45 | Südafrika | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | End-of-year Internationals 2004 | |
535. | 05.02.2005 | 9:16 | Frankreich | A | Stade de France, Saint-Denis | Six Nations 2005 | |
536. | 12.02.2005 | 13:40 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2005 | |
537. | 26.02.2005 | 18:10 | Italien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2005 | |
538. | 13.03.2005 | 22:46 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2005 | |
539. | 19.03.2005 | 22:43 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Six Nations 2005 | |
540. | 05.06.2005 | 39:19 | Rumänien | A | Stadionul Dinamo, Bukarest | Mid-year Internationals 2005 | |
541. | 12.11.2005 | 19:23 | Argentinien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | End-of-year Internationals 2005 | |
542. | 20.11.2005 | 18:11 | Samoa | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | End-of-year Internationals 2005 | |
543. | 26.11.2005 | 10:29 | Neuseeland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | End-of-year Internationals 2005 | |
544. | 05.02.2006 | 20:16 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2006 | |
545. | 12.02.2006 | 18:28 | Wales | A | Millennium Stadium, Cardiff | Six Nations 2006 | |
546. | 25.02.2006 | 18:12 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2006 | |
547. | 11.03.2006 | 9:15 | Irland | A | Lansdowne Road, Dublin | Six Nations 2006 | |
548. | 18.03.2006 | 13:10 | Italien | A | Stadio Flaminio, Rom | Six Nations 2006 | |
549. | 10.06.2006 | 16:36 | Südafrika | A | Kings Park Stadium, Durban | Mid-year Internationals 2006 | |
550. | 17.06.2006 | 15:29 | Südafrika | A | Boet Erasmus Stadium, Port Elizabeth | Mid-year Internationals 2006 | |
551. | 11.11.2006 | 48:6 | Rumänien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | End-of-year Internationals 2006 | |
552. | 18.11.2006 | 34:22 | Pacific Islanders | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | End-of-year Internationals 2006 | erstes Test Match gegen die Islanders erster Sieg gegen die Islanders |
553. | 25.11.2006 | 15:44 | Australien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | End-of-year Internationals 2006 | |
554. | 03.02.2007 | 20:42 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Six Nations 2007 | |
555. | 10.02.2007 | 21:9 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2007 | |
556. | 24.02.2007 | 17:37 | Italien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2007 | |
557. | 10.03.2007 | 18:19 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2007 | |
558. | 17.03.2007 | 19:46 | Frankreich | A | Stade de France, Saint-Denis | Six Nations 2007 | |
559. | 11.08.2007 | 31:21 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | WM-Vorbereitungsspiel | |
560. | 25.08.2007 | 3:27 | Südafrika | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | WM-Vorbereitungsspiel | |
561. | 09.09.2007 | 56:10 | Portugal | N | Stade Geoffroy-Guichard, Saint-Étienne | Weltmeisterschaft 2007 | erstes Test Match gegen Portugal erster Sieg gegen Portugal |
562. | 18.09.2007 | 42:0 | Rumänien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Weltmeisterschaft 2007 | |
563. | 23.09.2007 | 0:40 | Neuseeland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Weltmeisterschaft 2007 | |
564. | 29.09.2007 | 18:16 | Italien | N | Stade Geoffroy-Guichard, Saint-Étienne | Weltmeisterschaft 2007 | |
565. | 07.10.2007 | 13:19 | Argentinien | N | Stade de France, Saint-Denis | Weltmeisterschaft 2007 | |
566. | 03.02.2008 | 6:27 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2008 | |
567. | 09.02.2008 | 15:30 | Wales | A | Millennium Stadium, Cardiff | Six Nations 2008 | |
568. | 23.02.2008 | 13:34 | Irland | A | Croke Park, Dublin | Six Nations 2008 | |
569. | 08.03.2008 | 15:9 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2008 | |
570. | 15.03.2008 | 20:23 | Italien | A | Stadio Flaminio, Rom | Six Nations 2008 | |
571. | 07.06.2008 | 15:21 | Argentinien | A | Estadio Gigante de Arroyito, Rosario | Mid-year Internationals 2008 | |
572. | 14.06.2008 | 26:14 | Argentinien | A | Estadio José Amalfitani, Buenos Aires | Mid-year Internationals 2008 | |
573. | 08.11.2008 | 6:32 | Neuseeland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | End-of-year Internationals 2008 | |
574. | 15.11.2008 | 10:14 | Südafrika | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | End-of-year Internationals 2008 | |
575. | 22.11.2008 | 41:0 | Kanada | H | Pittodrie Stadium, Aberdeen | End-of-year Internationals 2008 | |
576. | 08.02.2009 | 13:26 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2009 | |
577. | 14.02.2009 | 13:22 | Frankreich | A | Stade de France, Saint-Denis | Six Nations 2009 | |
578. | 28.02.2009 | 26:6 | Italien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2009 | |
579. | 14.03.2009 | 15:22 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2009 | |
580. | 21.03.2009 | 12:26 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Six Nations 2009 | |
581. | 14.11.2009 | 23:10 | Fidschi | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | End-of-year Internationals 2009 | |
582. | 21.11.2009 | 9:8 | Australien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | End-of-year Internationals 2009 | |
583. | 28.11.2009 | 6:9 | Argentinien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | End-of-year Internationals 2009 |
Nr. | Datum | Erg. | Gegner | Austragungsort | Anlass | Bemerkung | |
584. | 07.02.2010 | 9:18 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2010 | |
585. | 13.02.2010 | 24:31 | Wales | A | Millennium Stadium, Cardiff | Six Nations 2010 | |
586. | 27.02.2010 | 12:16 | Italien | A | Stadio Flaminio, Rom | Six Nations 2010 | |
587. | 13.03.2010 | 15:15 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2010 | |
588. | 20.03.2010 | 23:20 | Irland | A | Croke Park, Dublin | Six Nations 2010 | |
589. | 12.06.2010 | 24:16 | Argentinien | A | Estadio Monumental José Fierro, Tucumán | Mid-year Internationals 2010 | |
590. | 19.06.2010 | 13:9 | Argentinien | A | Estadio José María Minella, Mar del Plata | Mid-year Internationals 2010 | |
591. | 13.11.2010 | 3:49 | Neuseeland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | End-of-year Internationals 2010 | |
592. | 20.11.2010 | 21:17 | Südafrika | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | End-of-year Internationals 2010 | |
593. | 27.11.2010 | 19:16 | Samoa | H | Pittodrie Stadium, Aberdeen | End-of-year Internationals 2010 | |
594. | 05.02.2011 | 21:34 | Frankreich | A | Stade de France, Saint-Denis | Six Nations 2011 | |
595. | 12.02.2011 | 6:24 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2011 | |
596. | 27.02.2011 | 18:21 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2011 | |
597. | 13.03.2011 | 16:22 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Six Nations 2011 | |
598. | 19.03.2011 | 21:8 | Italien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2011 | |
599. | 06.08.2011 | 10:6 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | WM-Vorbereitungsspiel | |
600. | 20.08.2011 | 23:12 | Italien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | WM-Vorbereitungsspiel | |
601. | 10.09.2011 | 34:24 | Rumänien | N | Rugby Park Stadium, Invercargill | Weltmeisterschaft 2011 | |
602. | 14.09.2011 | 15:6 | Georgien | N | Rugby Park Stadium, Invercargill | Weltmeisterschaft 2011 | erstes Test Match gegen Georgien erster Sieg gegen Georgien |
603. | 25.09.2011 | 12:13 | Argentinien | N | Wellington Regional Stadium, Wellington | Weltmeisterschaft 2011 | |
604. | 01.10.2011 | 12:16 | England | N | Arena Manawatu, Palmerston North | Weltmeisterschaft 2011 | |
605. | 04.02.2012 | 6:13 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2012 | |
606. | 12.02.2012 | 13:27 | Wales | A | Millennium Stadium, Cardiff | Six Nations 2012 | |
607. | 26.02.2012 | 17:23 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2012 | |
608. | 10.03.2012 | 14:32 | Irland | A | Aviva Stadium, Dublin | Six Nations 2012 | |
609. | 17.03.2012 | 6:13 | Italien | A | Stadio Olimpico, Rom | Six Nations 2012 | |
610. | 06.06.2012 | 9:6 | Australien | A | Hunter Stadium, Newcastle | Mid-year Internationals 2012 | |
611. | 16.06.2012 | 37:25 | Fidschi | A | Churchill Park, Lautoka | Mid-year Internationals 2012 | |
612. | 23.03.2012 | 17:16 | Samoa | A | Apia Park, Apia | Mid-year Internationals 2012 | |
613. | 11.11.2012 | 22:51 | Neuseeland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | End-of-year Internationals 2012 | |
614. | 17.11.2012 | 10:21 | Südafrika | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | End-of-year Internationals 2012 | |
615. | 24.11.2012 | 15:21 | Tonga | H | Pittodrie Stadium, Aberdeen | End-of-year Internationals 2012 | |
616. | 02.02.2013 | 18:38 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Six Nations 2013 | |
617. | 09.02.2013 | 34:10 | Italien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2013 | |
618. | 24.02.2013 | 12:8 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2013 | |
619. | 09.03.2013 | 18:28 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2013 | |
620. | 16.03.2013 | 16:23 | Frankreich | A | Stade de France, Saint-Denis | Six Nations 2013 | |
621. | 08.06.2013 | 17:27 | Samoa | N | Kings Park Stadium, Durban | Mid-year Internationals 2013 | |
622. | 15.06.2013 | 17:30 | Südafrika | A | Mbombela Stadium, Mbombela | Mid-year Internationals 2013 | |
623. | 23.03.2013 | 30:29 | Italien | N | Loftus Versfeld Stadium, Pretoria | Mid-year Internationals 2013 | |
624. | 09.11.2013 | 42:17 | Japan | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | End-of-year Internationals 2013 | |
625. | 17.11.2013 | 0:28 | Südafrika | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | End-of-year Internationals 2013 | |
626. | 23.11.2013 | 15:21 | Australien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | End-of-year Internationals 2013 | |
627. | 02.02.2014 | 6:28 | Irland | A | Aviva Stadium, Dublin | Six Nations 2014 | |
628. | 08.02.2014 | 0:20 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2014 | |
629. | 22.02.2014 | 21:20 | Italien | A | Stadio Olimpico, Rom | Six Nations 2014 | |
630. | 08.03.2014 | 17:19 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2014 | |
631. | 15.03.2014 | 3:51 | Wales | A | Millennium Stadium, Cardiff | Six Nations 2014 | |
632. | 07.06.2014 | 24:6 | Vereinigte Staaten | A | BBVA Stadium, Houston | Mid-year Internationals 2014 | |
633. | 14.06.2014 | 19:17 | Kanada | A | BMO Field, Toronto | Mid-year Internationals 2014 | |
634. | 20.06.2014 | 21:19 | Argentinien | A | Estadio Mario Alberto Kempes, Córdoba | Mid-year Internationals 2014 | |
635. | 28.06.2014 | 6:55 | Südafrika | A | Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium, Port Elizabeth | Mid-year Internationals 2014 | |
636. | 08.11.2014 | 41:31 | Argentinien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | End-of-year Internationals 2014 | |
637. | 15.11.2014 | 16:24 | Neuseeland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | End-of-year Internationals 2014 | |
638. | 22.11.2014 | 37:12 | Tonga | H | Rugby Park, Kilmarnock | End-of-year Internationals 2014 | |
639. | 07.02.2015 | 8:15 | Frankreich | A | Stade de France, Saint-Denis | Six Nations 2015 | |
640. | 15.02.2015 | 23:26 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2015 | |
641. | 28.02.2015 | 19:22 | Italien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2015 | |
642. | 14.03.2015 | 13:25 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Six Nations 2015 | |
643. | 21.03.2015 | 10:40 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2015 | |
644. | 15.08.2015 | 22:28 | Irland | A | Aviva Stadium, Dublin | WM-Vorbereitungsspiel | |
645. | 22.08.2015 | 16:12 | Italien | A | Stadio Olimpico Grande Torino, Turin | WM-Vorbereitungsspiel | |
646. | 29.08.2015 | 48:7 | Italien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | WM-Vorbereitungsspiel | |
647. | 05.09.2015 | 16:19 | Frankreich | A | Stade de France, Saint-Denis | WM-Vorbereitungsspiel | |
648. | 23.09.2015 | 45:10 | Japan | N | Kingsholm Stadium, Gloucester | Weltmeisterschaft 2015 | |
649. | 27.09.2015 | 39:16 | Vereinigte Staaten | N | Elland Road, Leeds | Weltmeisterschaft 2015 | |
650. | 03.10.2015 | 16:34 | Südafrika | N | St. James’ Park, Newcastle upon Tyne | Weltmeisterschaft 2015 | |
651. | 10.10.2015 | 36:33 | Samoa | N | St. James’ Park, Newcastle upon Tyne | Weltmeisterschaft 2015 | |
652. | 18.10.2015 | 34:35 | Australien | N | Twickenham Stadium, London | Weltmeisterschaft 2015 | |
653. | 06.02.2016 | 9:15 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2016 | |
654. | 13.02.2016 | 23:27 | Wales | A | Millennium Stadium, Cardiff | Six Nations 2016 | |
655. | 27.02.2016 | 36:20 | Italien | A | Stadio Olimpico, Rom | Six Nations 2016 | |
656. | 13.03.2016 | 29:18 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2016 | |
657. | 19.03.2016 | 25:35 | Irland | A | Aviva Stadium, Dublin | Six Nations 2016 | |
658. | 18.06.2016 | 26:13 | Japan | A | Toyota-Stadion, Toyota | Mid-year Internationals 2016 | |
659. | 25.06.2016 | 21:16 | Japan | A | Ajinomoto-Stadion, Chōfu | Mid-year Internationals 2016 | |
660. | 12.11.2016 | 22:23 | Australien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | End-of-year Internationals 2016 | |
661. | 19.11.2016 | 19:16 | Argentinien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | End-of-year Internationals 2016 | |
662. | 26.11.2016 | 43:16 | Georgien | H | Rugby Park, Kilmarnock | End-of-year Internationals 2016 | |
663. | 04.02.2017 | 27:22 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2017 | |
664. | 12.02.2017 | 16:22 | Frankreich | A | Stade de France, Saint-Denis | Six Nations 2017 | |
665. | 25.02.2017 | 29:13 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2017 | |
666. | 11.03.2017 | 21:61 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Six Nations 2017 | |
667. | 18.03.2017 | 29:0 | Italien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2017 | |
668. | 10.06.2017 | 34:13 | Italien | N | National Stadium, Singapur | Mid-year Internationals 2017 | |
669. | 17.06.2017 | 24:19 | Australien | A | Sydney Football Stadium, Sydney | Mid-year Internationals 2017 | |
670. | 24.06.2017 | 22:27 | Fidschi | A | National Stadium, Suva | Mid-year Internationals 2017 | |
671. | 11.11.2017 | 44:38 | Samoa | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | End-of-year Internationals 2017 | |
672. | 18.11.2017 | 17:22 | Neuseeland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | End-of-year Internationals 2017 | |
673. | 25.11.2017 | 53:24 | Australien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | End-of-year Internationals 2017 | |
674. | 03.02.2018 | 7:34 | Wales | A | Millennium Stadium, Cardiff | Six Nations 2018 | |
675. | 11.02.2018 | 32:26 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2018 | |
676. | 24.02.2018 | 25:13 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2018 | |
677. | 10.03.2018 | 8:28 | Irland | A | Aviva Stadium, Dublin | Six Nations 2018 | |
678. | 17.03.2018 | 29:27 | Italien | A | Stadio Olimpico, Rom | Six Nations 2018 | |
679. | 09.06.2018 | 48:10 | Kanada | A | Commonwealth Stadium, Edmonton | Mid-year Internationals 2018 | |
680. | 16.06.2018 | 29:30 | Vereinigte Staaten | A | BBVA Stadium, Houston | Mid-year Internationals 2018 | |
681. | 23.06.2018 | 44:15 | Argentinien | A | Estadio Centenario, Resistencia | Mid-year Internationals 2018 | |
682. | 03.11.2018 | 10:21 | Wales | A | Millennium Stadium, Cardiff | End-of-year Internationals 2018 | |
683. | 10.11.2018 | 54:17 | Fidschi | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | End-of-year Internationals 2018 | |
684. | 17.11.2018 | 20:26 | Südafrika | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | End-of-year Internationals 2018 | |
685. | 24.11.2018 | 14:9 | Argentinien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | End-of-year Internationals 2018 | |
686. | 02.02.2019 | 33:20 | Italien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2019 | |
687. | 09.02.2019 | 13:22 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2019 | |
688. | 23.02.2019 | 10:27 | Frankreich | A | Stade de France, Saint-Denis | Six Nations 2019 | |
689. | 09.03.2019 | 11:18 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2019 | |
690. | 16.03.2019 | 38:38 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Six Nations 2019 | |
691. | 17.08.2019 | 3:32 | Frankreich | A | Allianz Riviera, Nizza | WM-Vorbereitungsspiel | |
692. | 24.08.2019 | 17:14 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | WM-Vorbereitungsspiel | |
693. | 31.08.2019 | 44:10 | Georgien | A | Boris-Paitschadse-Nationalstadion, Tiflis | WM-Vorbereitungsspiel | |
694. | 06.09.2019 | 36:9 | Georgien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | WM-Vorbereitungsspiel | |
695. | 22.09.2019 | 3:27 | Irland | N | Nissan-Stadion, Yokohama | Weltmeisterschaft 2019 | |
696. | 30.09.2019 | 34:0 | Samoa | N | Noevir-Stadion, Kōbe | Weltmeisterschaft 2019 | |
697. | 09.10.2019 | 61:0 | Russland | N | Shizuoka-Ecopa-Stadion, Fukuroi | Weltmeisterschaft 2019 | erstes Test Match gegen Russland erster Sieg gegen Russland |
698. | 13.10.2019 | 21:28 | Japan | N | Nissan-Stadion, Yokohama | Weltmeisterschaft 2019 |
Nr. | Datum | Erg. | Gegner | Austragungsort | Anlass | Bemerkung | |
699. | 01.02.2020 | 12:19 | Irland | A | Aviva Stadium, Dublin | Six Nations 2020 | |
700. | 08.02.2020 | 6:13 | England | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2020 | |
701. | 22.02.2020 | 17:0 | Italien | A | Stadio Olimpico, Rom | Six Nations 2020 | |
702. | 09.03.2020 | 28:17 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2020 | |
703. | 23.10.2020 | 48:7 | Georgien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Freundschaftsspiel | |
704. | 31.10.2020 | 14:10 | Wales | A | Parc y Scarlets, Llanelli | Six Nations 2020 | |
705. | 14.11.2020 | 28:17 | Italien | A | Stadio Artemio Franchi, Florenz | Autumn Nations Cup | |
706. | 22.11.2020 | 15:22 | Frankreich | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Autumn Nations Cup | |
707. | 05.12.2020 | 16:31 | Irland | A | Aviva Stadium, Dublin | Autumn Nations Cup | |
708. | 06.02.2021 | 11:6 | England | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Six Nations 2021 | |
709. | 13.02.2021 | 24:25 | Wales | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2021 | |
710. | 14.03.2021 | 24:27 | Irland | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2021 | |
711. | 20.03.2021 | 51:10 | Italien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Six Nations 2021 | |
712. | 26.03.2021 | 27:23 | Frankreich | A | Stade de France, Saint-Denis | Six Nations 2021 | |
713. | 30.10.2021 | 60:14 | Tonga | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | End-of-year Internationals 2021 | |
714. | 07.11.2021 | 15:13 | Australien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | End-of-year Internationals 2021 | |
715. | 13.11.2021 | 15:30 | Südafrika | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | End-of-year Internationals 2021 | |
716. | 20.11.2021 | 29:20 | Japan | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | End-of-year Internationals 2021 |
Länderspiele ohne Test-Match-Status
Die Mitgliedsverbände des International Rugby Board, darunter auch die Scottish Rugby Union (SRU), erkannten den Begegnungen mit Nichtmitgliedern lange Zeit nicht den vollen Status als Test Match zu – auch rückwirkend nicht. Die Spiele im Rahmen der Victory Internationals gelten nicht als Test Matches, ebenso erkennt die SRU im Gegensatz zu anderen Verbänden keine der Begegnungen mit den Barbarians als Test Matches an.
Nr. | Datum | Erg. | Gegner | Austragungsort | Anlass | |
1. | 19.01.1946 | 11:6 | Kiwis | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Victory Internationals |
2. | 02.02.1946 | 25:6 | Wales XV | A | St Helen’s, Swansea | Victory Internationals |
3. | 23.02.1946 | 9:0 | Irland XV | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Victory Internationals |
4. | 16.03.1946 | 8:12 | England XV | A | Twickenham Stadium, London | Victory Internationals |
5. | 30.03.1946 | 13:11 | Wales XV | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Victory Internationals |
6. | 13.04.1946 | 27:0 | England XV | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Victory Internationals |
7. | 13.09.1969 | 3:20 | Argentinien | A | Estadio GEBA, Buenos Aires | Tour Match |
8. | 27.09.1969 | 6:3 | Argentinien | A | Estadio GEBA, Buenos Aires | Tour Match |
9. | 09.05.1970 | 17:33 | Barbarians | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Freundschaftsspiel |
10. | 31.05.1973 | 27:15 | President’s XV | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Freundschaftsspiel |
11. | 24.11.1973 | 11:12 | Argentinien | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Tour Match |
12. | 25.09.1976 | 34:9 | Japan | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Tour Match |
13. | 04.09.1977 | 82:3 | Thailand | A | Bangkok | Tour Match |
14. | 07.09.1977 | 42:6 | Hongkong | A | Hong Kong Stadium, Hongkong | Tour Match |
15. | 18.09.1977 | 74:9 | Japan | H | Nationalstadion, Tokio | Tour Match |
16. | 26.03.1983 | 13:26 | Barbarians | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Freundschaftsspiel |
17. | 27.09.1986 | 33:18 | Japan | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Tour Match |
18. | 28.05.1989 | 28:24 | Japan | A | Prinz-Chichibu-Rugbystadion, Tokio | Tour Match |
19. | 18.05.1991 | 41:12 | Vereinigte Staaten | A | Dillon Stadium, Hartford | Freundschaftsspiel |
20. | 25.05.1991 | 19:24 | Kanada | A | Saint John | Freundschaftsspiel |
21. | 07.09.1991 | 16:16 | Barbarians | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Freundschaftsspiel |
22. | 29.05.1993 | 21:10 | Fidschi | A | National Stadium, Suva | Tour Match |
23. | 05.06.1993 | 23:5 | Tonga | A | Teufaiva Sport Stadium, Nukuʻalofa | Tour Match |
24. | 12.06.1993 | 11:28 | Westsamoa | A | Apia Stadium, Apia | Tour Match |
25. | 18.12.1993 | 15:18 | Italien | A | Stadio Comunale di Monigo, Treviso | Freundschaftsspiel |
26. | 06.05.1995 | 62:7 | Spanien | A | Estadio Nacional Complutense | Tour Match |
27. | 03.06.1995 | 39:23 | Simbabwe | A | Hartsfield, Bulawayo | Tour Match |
28. | 10.06.1995 | 43:22 | Simbabwe | A | Police Grounds, Harare | Tour Match |
29. | 17.08.1996 | 45:48 | Barbarians | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Freundschaftsspiel |
30. | 17.06.1997 | 55:10 | Simbabwe | A | Police Grounds, Harare | Freundschaftsspiel |
31. | 31.05.2000 | 42:45 | Barbarians | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Freundschaftsspiel |
32. | 24.05.2001 | 31:74 | Barbarians | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Freundschaftsspiel |
33. | 01.06.2002 | 27:47 | Barbarians | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Freundschaftsspiel |
34. | 28.05.2003 | 15:24 | Barbarians | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Freundschaftsspiel |
35. | 22.05.2004 | 33:40 | Barbarians | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Mid-year Internationals 2004 |
36. | 24.05.2005 | 38:7 | Barbarians | H | Pittodrie Stadium, Aberdeen | Mid-year Internationals 2005 |
37. | 31.05.2006 | 66:19 | Barbarians | H | Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh | Mid-year Internationals 2006 |
(Stand: 8. Dezember 2021)
Gegner bei Test Matches
Land | Spiele | Gewonnen | Unent- schieden |
Verloren | % Siege |
Argentinien | 18 | 9 | 0 | 9 | 50,00 |
Australien | 33 | 12 | 0 | 21 | 36,36 |
Elfenbeinküste | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 100 |
England | 139 | 44 | 19 | 76 | 31,65 |
Fidschi | 8 | 6 | 0 | 2 | 75,00 |
Frankreich | 98 | 39 | 3 | 56 | 39,80 |
Georgien | 5 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 100 |
Irland | 138 | 65 | 6 | 67 | 47,10 |
Italien | 33 | 25 | 0 | 8 | 75,76 |
Kanada | 5 | 4 | 0 | 1 | 80,00 |
Japan | 9 | 8 | 0 | 1 | 88,89 |
Neuseeland | 31 | 0 | 2 | 29 | 0,00 |
Pacific Islanders | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 100 |
Portugal | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 100 |
Rumänien | 13 | 11 | 0 | 2 | 84,62 |
Russland | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 100 |
Samoa | 12 | 10 | 1 | 1 | 83,33 |
Simbabwe | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 100 |
Spanien | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 100 |
Südafrika | 28 | 5 | 0 | 23 | 17,86 |
Tonga | 5 | 4 | 0 | 1 | 80,00 |
Uruguay | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 100 |
Wales | 127 | 50 | 3 | 74 | 39,37 |
Vereinigte Staaten | 6 | 5 | 0 | 1 | 83,33 |
Gesamt | 716 | 310 | 34 | 372 | 43,30 |
Bilanz der Test Matches
Spiele | Siege | Unent- schieden |
Nieder- lagen | |
Heim | 369 | 193 | 20 | 156 |
Neutral | 32 | 19 | 1 | 12 |
Gast | 315 | 98 | 13 | 204 |
Total | 716 | 310 | 34 | 372 |
Stadt | Spiele | Siege | Unent- schieden | Nieder- lagen | erstes Spiel | letztes Spiel |
Edinburgh | 356 | 185 | 17 | 154 | 1871 | 2021 |
Glasgow | 7 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 1873 | 2004 |
Aberdeen | 3 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 2008 | 2012 |
Kilmarnock | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 2014 | 2016 |
Perth | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 2004 | 2004 |
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