Liste der nächsten extrasolaren Systeme
Die Liste der nächsten extrasolaren Systeme umfasst die der Sonne bzw. der Erde nächstgelegenen Systeme von Sternen und Braunen Zwergen einschließlich umlaufender Planeten und Asteroidengürtel bzw. Trümmerscheiben bis zu einer Entfernung von knapp 50 Lichtjahren (ca. 15,3 Parsec).

Mit bloßem Auge sichtbare Sterne (bis etwa 6,5 mag, bei klarem und mondlosem Himmel ohne Lichtverschmutzung).
Spalte Klasse: Die Spektralklassen der Sterne sind in der jeweiligen Farbe markiert. Diese Farben sind von den üblichen Bezeichnungen für diese Spektralklassen abgeleitet und geben nicht unbedingt die mit dem menschlichen Auge sichtbare Farbe des Sterns wieder.
Braune Zwerge. Ihre Helligkeitsangabe richtet sich in der Regel nach der Helligkeit des jeweiligen Objekts im J-Band im nahen Infrarot.
Gesicherte Planeten in den Sternsystemen. Markierung, um eine klare Einordnung in die Systeme zu gewährleisten. Planetenkandidaten hingegen werden bis zu ihrer definitiven Bestätigung ausgelassen. Die Anzahl Monde bei Planeten ist hinter dem Namen in Klammern gesetzt.
Asteroidengürtel bzw. Trümmerscheiben um Sterne.
# |
Distanz (LJ) |
System |
Stern / Brauner Zwerg |
Klasse |
R☉ |
M☉ |
Scheinb. Helligk. |
Abs. Helligk. |
Rektaszension Deklination |
Parallaxe (mas) |
Sternbild |
1 | 4,2421 | Alpha Centauri (Rigil Kentaurus) |
Proxima Centauri (V645 Centauri) |
M5.5Ve | 0,145 | 0,123 | 11,01 | 15,53 | 14h 29m 43s -62° 40′ 46″ |
768,70 ± 0,30 | Zentaur |
1 | 4,2421 | Alpha Centauri (Rigil Kentaurus) |
Proxima Centauri b | Planet | 0,01 | 0,00001 | — | — | 14h 29m 43s -62° 40′ 46″ |
768,70 ± 0,30 | Zentaur |
1 | 4,2421 | Alpha Centauri (Rigil Kentaurus) |
Proxima Centauri c | Planet | 0,00002 | — | — | 14h 29m 43s -62° 40′ 46″ |
768,70 ± 0,30 | Zentaur | |
1 | 4,3648 | Alpha Centauri (Rigil Kentaurus) |
α Centauri A (HD 128620) |
G2V | 1,227 | 1,100 | −0,01 | 4,38 | 14h 39m 36s -60° 50′ 02″ |
747,23 ± 1,17 | Zentaur |
1 | 4,3648 | Alpha Centauri (Rigil Kentaurus) |
α Centauri B (HD 128621) |
K1V | 0,865 | 0,907 | 1,35 | 5,71 | 14h 39m 35s -60° 50′ 14″ |
747,23 ± 1,17 | Zentaur |
2 | 5,9801 | Barnards Pfeilstern (BD+04°3561a) |
Barnards Pfeilstern (BD+04°3561a) |
M3.8Ve | 0,196 | 0,144 | 9,53 | 13,22 | 17h 57m 49s +04° 41′ 36″ |
545,40 ± 0,30 | Schlangen- träger |
3 | 6,5890 | Luhman 16 (WISE 1049−5319) |
Luhman 16 A | L8±1 | 0,040- 0,050 |
16,2 | — | 10h 49m 19s -53° 19′ 10″ |
495,00 ± 4,60 | Segel des Schiffs | |
3 | 6,5890 | Luhman 16 (WISE 1049−5319) |
Luhman 16 B | T1±2 | 0,030- 0,050 |
16,2 | — | 10h 49m 19s -53° 19′ 10″ |
495,00 ± 4,60 | Segel des Schiffs | |
4 | 7,5324 | WISE 0855−0714 | WISE 0855−0714 | Y0 | 0,003- 0,010 |
— | 08h 55m 11s -07° 14′ 43″ |
433,00 ± 15,0 | Wasser- schlange | ||
5 | 7,7823 | Wolf 359 (CN Leonis) |
Wolf 359 (CN Leonis) |
M6.5Ve | 0,160 | 0,090 | 13,54 | 16,55 | 10h 56m 29s +07° 00′ 52″ |
419,10 ± 2,10 | Löwe |
6 | 8,3067 | Lalande 21185 (BD+36°2147) |
Lalande 21185 (BD+36°2147) |
M2Vn | 0,400 | 0,460 | 7,47 | 10,44 | 11h 03m 20s +35° 58′ 12″ |
392,64 ± 0,67 | Großer Bär |
7 | 8,6009 | Sirius (Alpha Canis Majoris) |
α Canis Majoris A (Sirius A) |
A1V | 1,711 | 2,020 | −1,43 | 1,47 | 06h 45m 09s -16° 42′ 58″ |
379,21 ± 1,58 | Großer Hund |
7 | 8,6009 | Sirius (Alpha Canis Majoris) |
α Canis Majoris B (Sirius B) |
DA1.9 VII | 0,0084 | 0,978 | 8,44 | 11,34 | 06h 45m 09s -16° 42′ 58″ |
379,21 ± 1,58 | Großer Hund |
8 | 8,7278 | Luyten 726-8 (Gliese 65) |
Luyten 726-8 A (BL Ceti) |
M5.5Ve | 0,140 | 0,102 | 12,54 | 15,40 | 01h 39m 01s -17° 57′ 02″ |
373,70 ± 2,70 | Walfisch |
8 | 8,7278 | Luyten 726-8 (Gliese 65) |
Luyten 726-8 B (UV Ceti) |
M6Ve | 0,140 | 0,100 | 12,99 | 15,85 | 01h 39m 01s -17° 57′ 02″ |
373,70 ± 2,70 | Walfisch |
9 | 9,6863 | Ross 154 (V1216 Sagittarii) |
Ross 154 (V1216 Sagittarii) |
M3.5Ve | 0,240 | 0,170 | 10,43 | 13,07 | 18h 49m 49s -23° 50′ 11″ |
336,72 ± 2,03 | Schütze |
10 | 10,298 | Ross 248 (HH Andromedae) |
Ross 248 (HH Andromedae) |
M5.5Ve | 0,160 | 0,136 | 12,29 | 14,79 | 23h 41m 55s +44° 10′ 41″ |
316,72 ± 0,72 | Andromeda |
11 | 10,475 | Epsilon Eridani (BD-09°697) |
ε Eridani (Gliese 144) |
K2Ve | 0,735 | 0,820 | 3,73 | 6,19 | 03h 32m 56s -09° 27′ 30″ |
311,37 ± 0,10 | Eridanus |
11 | 10,475 | Epsilon Eridani (BD-09°697) |
ε Eridani b (Gliese 144 b) |
Planet | 0,00148 | — | — | 03h 32m 56s -09° 27′ 30″ |
311,37 ± 0,10 | Eridanus | |
11 | 10,475 | Epsilon Eridani (BD-09°697) |
Trümmerscheibe ε Eridani |
Gürtel | — | — | — | — | 03h 32m 56s -09° 27′ 30″ |
311,37 ± 0,10 | Eridanus |
12 | 10,521 | WISE 1506+7027 | WISE 1506+7027 | T6 | 0,014 | 13,56 J | — | 15h 06m 50s +70° 27′ 36″ |
310,00 ± 42,0 | Kleiner Bär | |
13 | 10,685 | Lacaille 9352 (Gliese 887) |
Lacaille 9352 (CD-36°15693) |
M0.5Ve | 0,459 | 0,503 | 7,34 | 9,75 | 23h 05m 42s -35° 51′ 11″ |
305,26 ± 0,70 | Südlicher Fisch |
14 | 10,940 | Ross 128 (FI Virginis) |
Ross 128 (FI Virginis) |
M4Vn | 0,210 | 0,156 | 11,13 | 13,51 | 11h 47m 44s +0° 48′ 17″ |
298,14 ± 1,37 | Jungfrau |
15 | 11,082 | EZ Aquarii (Luyten 789-6) |
EZ Aquarii A (Luyten 789-6 A) |
M5Ve | 0,080 | 0,110 | 13,33 | 15,64 | 22h 38m 34s −15° 17′ 57″ |
294,30 ± 3,50 | Wassermann |
15 | 11,082 | EZ Aquarii (Luyten 789-6) |
EZ Aquarii B (Luyten 789-6 B) |
M? V | 0,110 | 13,27 | 15,58 | 22h 38m 34s −15° 18′ 2″ |
294,30 ± 3,50 | Wassermann | |
15 | 11,082 | EZ Aquarii (Luyten 789-6) |
EZ Aquarii C (Luyten 789-6 C) |
M? V | 0,080 | 14,03 | 16,34 | 22h 38m 34s −15° 18′ 2″ |
294,30 ± 3,50 | Wassermann | |
16 | 11,208 | WISE 0350−5658 | WISE 0350−5658 | Y1 | 22,80 J | — | 3h 50m 0s −56° 58′ 30″ |
291 ± 50 | Netz | ||
17 | 11,401 | Gliese 725 (Struve 2398) |
Struve 2398 A (HD 173739) |
M3V | 0,550 | 0,360 | 8,90 | 11,16 | 18h 42m 47s +59° 37′ 36″ |
286,10 ± 1,46 | Drache |
17 | 11,401 | Gliese 725 (Struve 2398) |
Struve 2398 B (HD 173740) |
M3.5V | 0,540 | 0,300 | 9,69 | 11,95 | 18h 42m 47s +59° 37′ 36″ |
286,10 ± 1,46 | Drache |
18 | 11,409 | 61 Cygni (Gliese 820) |
61 Cygni A (ADS 14636 A) |
K5V | 0,665 | 0,700 | 5,21 | 7,49 | 21h 06m 54s +38° 44′ 58″ |
285,88 ± 0,54 | Schwan |
18 | 11,409 | 61 Cygni (Gliese 820) |
61 Cygni B (ADS 14636 B) |
K7V | 0,595 | 0,630 | 6,03 | 8,31 | 21h 06m 55s +38° 44′ 31″ |
285,88 ± 0,54 | Schwan |
19 | 11,437 | Prokyon (Alpha Canis Minoris) |
α Canis Minoris A (Prokyon A) |
F5V-IV | 2,048 | 1,420 | 0,34 | 2,66 | 07h 39m 18s +05° 13′ 30″ |
285,17 ± 0,64 | Kleiner Hund |
19 | 11,437 | Prokyon (Alpha Canis Minoris) |
α Canis Minoris B (Prokyon B) |
DQZ VII | 0,0123 | 0,602 | 10,70 | 12,98 | 07h 39m 18s +05° 13′ 27″ |
285,17 ± 0,64 | Kleiner Hund |
20 | 11,654 | Groombridge 34 (Gliese 15) |
Groombridge 34 A (GX Andromedae) |
M1.5Vn | 0,3863 | 0,404 | 8,09 | 10,32 | 00h 18m 23s +44° 01′ 23″ |
279,87 ± 0,60 | Andromeda |
20 | 11,654 | Groombridge 34 (Gliese 15) |
Groombridge 34 B (GQ Andromedae) |
M3.5Vn | 0,190 | 0,163 | 11,06 | 13,30 | 00h 18m 23s +44° 01′ 23″ |
279,87 ± 0,60 | Andromeda |
21 | 11,815 | Epsilon Indi (Gliese 845) |
ε Indi A (Gliese 845 A) |
K5Ve | 0,732 | 0,762 | 4,69 | 6,89 | 22h 03m 22s -56° 47′ 10″ |
276,06 ± 0,28 | Indianer |
21 | 11,815 | Epsilon Indi (Gliese 845) |
ε Indi B (Gliese 845 B) |
T1 | 0,091 | 0,066 | 23,60 12,29 J |
25,80 | 22h 04m 11s -56° 46′ 58″ |
276,06 ± 0,28 | Indianer |
21 | 11,815 | Epsilon Indi (Gliese 845) |
ε Indi C (Gliese 845 C) |
T6 | 0,092 | 0,047 | 31,30 13,23 J |
33,50 | 22h 04m 11s -56° 46′ 58″ |
276,06 ± 0,28 | Indianer |
22 | 11,826 | DX Cancri (GJ 1111) |
DX Cancri (GJ 1111) |
M6.5Ve | 0,110 | 0,090 | 14,78 | 16,98 | 08h 29m 49s +26° 46′ 34″ |
275,80 ± 3,00 | Krebs |
23 | 11,905 | Tau Ceti (BD−16°295) |
τ Ceti (BD−16°295) |
G8.5Vp | 0,773 | 0,770 | 3,49 | 5,68 | 01h 44m 04s -15° 56′ 15″ |
273,96 ± 0,17 | Walfisch |
23 | 11,905 | Tau Ceti (BD−16°295) |
Trümmerscheibe τ Ceti |
Gürtel | — | — | — | — | 01h 44m 04s -15° 56′ 15″ |
273,96 ± 0,17 | Walfisch |
24 | 12,042 | GJ 1061 (LHS 1565) |
GJ 1061 (LHS 1565) |
M5.5V | 0,145 | 0,113 | 13,09 | 15,26 | 03h 35m 60s -44° 30′ 46″ |
270,86 ± 1,29 | Pendeluhr |
25 | 12,121 | YZ Ceti (LHS 138, GJ 54.1) |
YZ Ceti (LHS 138, GJ 54.1) |
M4.5V | 0,240 | 0,180 | 12,02 | 14,17 | 01h 12m 31s -16° 59′ 56″ |
269,08 ± 2,99 | Walfisch |
26 | 12,251 | Luytens Stern (BD+5°1668) |
Luytens Stern (BD+5°1668) |
M3.5Vn | 0,260 | 0,350 | 9,87 | 11,94 | 07h 27m 25s +05° 13′ 33″ |
266,23 ± 0,66 | Kleiner Hund |
27 | 12,571 | SCR 1845-6357 | SCR 1845-6357 A | M8.5V | 0,096 | 0,070 | 17,39 | 19,41 | 18h 45m 05s -63° 57′ 48″ |
259,45 ± 1,11 | Pfau |
27 | 12,571 | SCR 1845-6357 | SCR 1845-6357 B | T6V | 0,040- 0,050 |
13,26 J | — | 18h 45m 05s -63° 57′ 48″ |
259,45 ± 1,11 | Pfau | |
28 | 12,573 | Teegardens Stern (SO025300.5+165258) |
Teegardens Stern (SO025300.5+165258) |
M6.5Vn L0 |
0,140 | 0,080 | 15,14 | 17,22 | 02h 53m 01s +16° 52′ 53″ |
259,41 ± 0,89 | Widder |
29 | 12,757 | Kapteyns Stern (CD-45°1841) |
Kapteyns Stern (CD-45°1841) |
M2VI | 0,240 | 0,380 | 8,84 | 10,87 | 05h 11m 41s -45° 01′ 06″ |
255,66 ± 0,91 | Maler |
30 | 12,871 | Lacaille 8760 (AX Microscopii) |
Lacaille 8760 (AX Microscopii) |
M0Ve | 0,510 | 0,600 | 6,67 | 8,69 | 21h 17m 15s -38° 52′ 03″ |
253,41 ± 0,80 | Mikroskop |
31 | 13,147 | 2MASS 1048+0111 (DEN 1048-3956) |
2MASS 1048+0111 (DEN 1048-3956) |
M8.5V L0V |
0,070 | 17,39 | 19,37 | 10h 48m 15s -39° 56′ 06″ |
248,08 ± 0,61 | Luftpumpe | |
32 | 13,148 | Krüger 60 (Gliese 860) |
Krüger 60 A (HD 239960 A) |
M2Vn | 0,350 | 0,271 | 9,79 | 11,76 | 22h 27m 60s +57° 41′ 45″ |
248,06 ± 1,39 | Kepheus |
32 | 13,148 | Krüger 60 (Gliese 860) |
Krüger 60 B (DO Cephei) |
M4V | 0,240 | 0,271 | 11,41 | 13,38 | 22h 27m 60s +57° 41′ 45″ |
248,06 ± 1,39 | Kepheus |
33 | 13,157 | Gliese 563.2[1] (HIP 72511) |
Gliese 563.2 A (LHS 380) |
M1V | 11,72 | 13,67 | 14h 49m 33s -26° 06′ 20″ |
247,89 ± 44,9 | Wasser- schlange | ||
34 | 13,363 | Ross 614 (V577 Monocerotis) |
Ross 614 A (LHS 1849) |
M4.5Ve | 0,250 | 0,223 | 11,15 | 13,09 | 06h 29m 23s -02° 48′ 50″ |
244,07 ± 0,73 | Einhorn |
34 | 13,363 | Ross 614 (V577 Monocerotis) |
Ross 614 B (LHS 1850) |
M5.5Ve | 0,130 | 0,111 | 14,23 | 16,17 | 06h 29m 23s -02° 48′ 50″ |
244,07 ± 0,73 | Einhorn |
35 | 13,433 | WISE 0722-0540 (UGPS 0722-0540) |
WISE 0722-0540 (UGPS 0722-0540) |
T9 | 0,089- 0,102 |
0,010- 0,025 |
16,52 J | — | 07h 22m 27s -05° 40′ 30″ |
242,80 ± 2,40 | Einhorn |
36 | 13,915 | Wolf 1061 (Gliese 628) |
Wolf 1061 (Gliese 628) |
M3V | 0,320 | 0,290 | 10,07 | 11,93 | 16h 30m 18s -12° 39′ 45″ |
234,38 ± 1,50 | Schlangen- träger |
37 | 14,028 | Van Maanens Stern (Gliese 35) |
Van Maanens Stern (LHS 7) |
DZ8 VII | 0,011 | 0,680 | 12,38 | 14,21 | 00h 49m 10s +05° 23′ 19″ |
232,50 ± 1,90 | Fische |
38 | 14,155 | Gliese 1 (CD-37°15492) |
Gliese 1 (LHS 1) |
M1.5V | 0,460- 0,480 |
0,450- 0,480 |
8,55 | 10,35 | 00h 05m 24s -37° 21′ 27″ |
230,42 ± 0,90 | Bildhauer |
39 | 14,305 | 2MASS 1540-5101 (WISE 1540-5101) |
2MASS 1540-5101 (WISE 1540-5101) |
M7V | 0,060 | 15,26 | 17,04 | 15h 40m 46s -51° 01′ 39″ |
228 ± 24 | Winkelmaß | |
40 | 14,311 | Gliese 473 (Wolf 424) |
Gliese 473 A (FL Virginis A) |
M5.5Ve | 0,170 | 0,143 | 13,18 | 14,97 | 12h 33m 17s +09° 01′ 16″ |
227,90 ± 4,60 | Jungfrau |
40 | 14,311 | Gliese 473 (Wolf 424) |
Gliese 473 B (FL Virginis B) |
M7Ve | 0,140 | 0,131 | 13,17 | 14,96 | 12h 33m 17s +09° 01′ 16″ |
227,90 ± 4,60 | Jungfrau |
41 | 14,509 | TZ Arietis (Gliese 83.1) |
TZ Arietis (Gliese 83.1) |
M4.5V | 0,500 | 0,089 | 12,27 | 14,03 | 02h 00m 13s +13° 03′ 07″ |
224,80 ± 2,90 | Widder |
42 | 14,767 | Gliese 687 (LHS 450, BD+68°946) |
Gliese 687 A (LHS 450, BD+68°946) |
M3V | 0,401 | 0,492 | 9,17 | 10,89 | 17h 36m 26s +68° 20′ 21″ |
220,86 ± 0,92 | Drache |
42 | 14,767 | Gliese 687 (LHS 450, BD+68°946) |
Gliese 687 B (LHS 450, BD+68°946) |
M3.5V | 9,15 | 17h 36m 26s +68° 20′ 21″ |
220,86 ± 0,92 | Drache | |||
43 | 14,805 | GJ 3622 (LP 731-58) |
GJ 3622 (LHS 292) |
M6.5V | 0,110 | 0,080 | 15,60 | 17,45 | 10h 48m 13s -11° 20′ 14″ |
220,30 ± 3,60 | Sextant |
44 | 14,809 | Gliese 674 (LHS 449) |
Gliese 674 (LHS 449) |
M3V | 0,410- 0,430 |
0,360 | 9,38 | 11,09 | 17h 28m 40s -46° 53′ 43″ |
220,24 ± 1,42 | Altar |
44 | 14,809 | Gliese 674 (LHS 449) |
Gliese 674 b | Planet | 0,00003 | — | — | 17h 28m 40s -46° 53′ 43″ |
220,24 ± 1,42 | Altar | |
45 | 14,812 | GJ 1245 (V1581 Cygni) |
G 208-44 A (LHS 3494) |
M5.5V | 0,110 | 13,46 | 15,17 | 19h 53m 54s -44° 24′ 55″ |
220,20 ± 1,00 | Schwan | |
45 | 14,812 | GJ 1245 (V1581 Cygni) |
G 208-44 B (V1581 Cygni C) |
M5.5V | 0,070 | 16,75 | 18,46 | 19h 53m 54s -44° 24′ 55″ |
220,20 ± 1,00 | Schwan | |
45 | 14,812 | GJ 1245 (V1581 Cygni) |
G 208-45 (LHS 3495) |
M6V | 0,100 | 14,01 | 15,72 | 19h 53m 54s -44° 24′ 55″ |
220,20 ± 1,00 | Schwan | |
46 | 15,114 | Gliese 440 (HIP 57367) |
Gliese 440 (LHS 43) |
DQ6 VII | 0,010 | 0,750 | 11,50 | 13,18 | 11h 45m 43s -64° 50′ 29″ |
215,80 ± 1,25 | Fliege |
33 | 15,193 | Gliese 563.2[1] (HIP 72509) |
Gliese 563.2 B (LHS 379) |
M1.5V | 12,07 | 14h 49m 32s -26° 06′ 43″ |
214,67 ± 43,9 | Wasser- schlange | |||
47 | 15,198 | Gliese 876 (Ross 780, IL Aquarii) |
Gliese 876 (Ross 780, IL Aquarii) |
M3.5V | 0,360 | 0,334 | 10,17 | 11,81 | 22h 53m 17s -14° 15′ 49″ |
214,60 ± 0,20 | Wassermann |
47 | 15,198 | Gliese 876 (Ross 780, IL Aquarii) |
Gliese 876 d | Planet | 0,0072 | 0,00002 | — | — | 22h 53m 17s -14° 15′ 49″ |
214,60 ± 0,20 | Wassermann |
47 | 15,198 | Gliese 876 (Ross 780, IL Aquarii) |
Gliese 876 c | Planet | 0,00061 | — | — | 22h 53m 17s -14° 15′ 49″ |
214,60 ± 0,20 | Wassermann | |
47 | 15,198 | Gliese 876 (Ross 780, IL Aquarii) |
Gliese 876 b | Planet | 0,0876 | 0,00184 | — | — | 22h 53m 17s -14° 15′ 49″ |
214,60 ± 0,20 | Wassermann |
47 | 15,198 | Gliese 876 (Ross 780, IL Aquarii) |
Gliese 876 e | Planet | 0,00004 | — | — | 22h 53m 17s -14° 15′ 49″ |
214,60 ± 0,20 | Wassermann | |
48 | 15,327 | GJ 1002 (LHS 2) |
GJ 1002 (LHS 2) |
M5.5V | 0,130 | 0,110 | 13,76 | 15,40 | 00h 06m 43s -07° 32′ 17″ |
212,80 ± 3,30 | Walfisch |
49 | 15,609 | GJ 3618 (L 143-23) |
GJ 3618 (LHS 288) |
M5.5V | 0,140 | 0,110 | 13,92 | 15,66 | 10h 44m 21s -61° 12′ 35″ |
208,95 ± 2,73 | Kiel des Schiffs |
50 | 15,812 | Gliese 412 (BD+44°2051) |
Gliese 412 A (HIP 54211) |
M1Vn | 0,490 | 0,480 | 8,77 | 10,34 | 11h 05m 29s +43° 31′ 36″ |
206,27 ± 1,00 | Großer Bär |
50 | 15,812 | Gliese 412 (BD+44°2051) |
Gliese 412 B (WX Ursae Majoris) |
M5.5V | 0,130 | 0,100 | 14,48 | 16,05 | 11h 05m 29s +43° 31′ 36″ |
206,27 ± 1,00 | Großer Bär |
51 | 15,894 | Groombridge 1618 (Gliese 380) |
Groombridge 1618 (Gliese 380) |
K7Vn | 0,605 | 0,670 | 6,59 | 8,16 | 10h 11m 22s +49° 27′ 15″ |
205,21 ± 0,54 | Großer Bär |
52 | 15,941 | AD Leonis (Gliese 388) |
AD Leonis (Gliese 388) |
M4.5Ve | 0,390 | 0,390 | 9,32 | 10,87 | 10h 19m 36s +19° 52′ 10″ |
204,60 ± 2,80 | Löwe |
53 | 16,066 | HIP 82725[2] (2MASS 1654-6224) |
HIP 82725 (CCDM 1654-6224 B) |
K0IV | 11,72 | 13,33 | 16h 54m 33s -62° 24′ 12″ |
203,01 ± 29,3 | Altar | ||
54 | 16,067 | 2MASS 0817-6155 (DEN 0817-6155) |
2MASS 0817-6155 (DEN 0817-6155) |
T6 | 0,100 | 0,015 | 13,61 J | — | 08h 17m 30s -61° 55′ 16″ |
203,00 ± 13,0 | Kiel des Schiffs |
55 | 16,122 | WISE 1639-6847 | WISE 1639-6847 | Y0.5 | 0,080 | 20,76 J | — | 16h 39m 41s -68° 47′ 39″ |
202,30 ± 3,10 | Südliches Dreieck | |
56 | 16,157 | Gliese 832 (HIP 106440) |
Gliese 832 (LHS 3685) |
M1.5V | 0,480 | 0,450 | 8,66 | 10,20 | 21h 33m 34s -49° 00′ 32″ |
201,87 ± 1,01 | Kranich |
56 | 16,157 | Gliese 832 (HIP 106440) |
Gliese 832 c | Planet | 0,00002 | — | — | 21h 33m 34s -49° 00′ 32″ |
201,87 ± 1,01 | Kranich | |
56 | 16,157 | Gliese 832 (HIP 106440) |
Gliese 832 b | Planet | 0,00066 | — | — | 21h 33m 34s -49° 00′ 32″ |
201,87 ± 1,01 | Kranich | |
57 | 16,197 | 2MASS 0255-4700 (DEN 0255-4700) |
2MASS 0255-4700 (DEN 0255-4700) |
L7.5V | 0,080- 0,100 |
0,025- 0,065 |
22,92 | 24,44 | 02h 55m 04s -47° 00′ 51″ |
201,37 ± 3,89 | Eridanus |
58 | 16,257 | Keid (40 Eridani, ο2 Eridani) |
Keid A (40 Eridani A) |
K0.5Ve | 0,870 | 0,750 | 4,43 | 5,92 | 04h 15m 16s -07° 39′ 10″ |
200,62 ± 0,23 | Eridanus |
58 | 16,257 | Keid (40 Eridani, ο2 Eridani) |
Keid B (40 Eridani B) |
DA2.9 VII | 0,016 | 0,500 | 9,52 | 11,01 | 04h 15m 21s -07° 39′ 29″ |
200,62 ± 0,23 | Eridanus |
58 | 16,257 | Keid (40 Eridani, ο2 Eridani) |
Keid C (40 Eri C, DY Eridani) |
M4.5Ve | 0,220 | 0,130 | 11,19 | 12,68 | 04h 15m 22s -07° 39′ 17″ |
200,62 ± 0,23 | Eridanus |
59 | 16,310 | WISE 0521+1025 | WISE 0521+1025 | T7.5 | 15,26 J | — | 05h 21m 26s +10° 25′ 27″ |
? | Orion | ||
60 | 16,455 | EV Lacertae (Gliese 873) |
EV Lacertae (Gliese 873) |
M3.5Ve | 0,360 | 0,350 | 10,29 | 12,68 | 22h 46m 50s +44° 20′ 02″ |
198,21 ± 0,84 | Eidechse |
61 | 16,565 | Gliese 682 (HIP 86214) |
Gliese 682 (LHS 451) |
M3.5V | 0,270 | 0,210 | 10,96 | 12,45 | 17h 37m 04s -44° 19′ 09″ |
196,90 ± 2,15 | Skorpion |
61 | 16,565 | Gliese 682 (HIP 86214) |
Gliese 682 b |
Planet | 0,0137 | 0,00001 | — | — | 17h 37m 04s -44° 19′ 09″ |
196,90 ± 2,15 | Skorpion |
61 | 16,565 | Gliese 682 (HIP 86214) |
Gliese 682 c |
Planet | — | — | 17h 37m 04s -44° 19′ 09″ |
196,90 ± 2,15 | Skorpion | ||
62 | 16,580 | 70 Ophiuchi (GJ 702) |
70 Ophiuchi A (GJ 702 A) |
K0V | 0,910 | 0,900 | 4,03 | 5,50 | 18h 05m 27s +02° 29′ 59″ |
196,72 ± 0,83 | Schlangen- träger |
62 | 16,580 | 70 Ophiuchi (GJ 702) |
70 Ophiuchi B (GJ 702 B) |
K5V | 0,730 | 0,700 | 6,00 | 7,47 | 18h 05m 27s +02° 29′ 56″ |
196,72 ± 0,83 | Schlangen- träger |
63 | 16,730 | Altair (Alpha Aquilae) |
α Aquilae (Gliese 768) |
A7IV-V | 1,630- 2,030 |
1,790 | 0,77 | 2,21 | 19h 50m 47s +08° 52′ 06″ |
194,95 ± 0,57 | Adler |
64 | 17,058 | GJ 1116 (G 9-38) |
GJ 1116 A (EI Cancri A) |
M5.5V | 0,062 | 14,06 | 15,47 | 08h 58m 15s +19° 45′ 47″ |
191,20 ± 2,50 | Krebs | |
64 | 17,058 | GJ 1116 (G 9-38) |
GJ 1116 B (EI Cancri B) |
M8V | 0,005 | 14,92 | 16,33 | 08h 58m 15s +19° 45′ 47″ |
191,20 ± 2,50 | Krebs | |
65 | 17,097 | GJ 3379 (LTT 17897) |
GJ 3379 (LTT 17897) |
M3.5V | 0,270 | 0,190 | 11,31 | 12,71 | 06h 00m 04s +02° 42′ 24″ |
190,77 ± 1,86 | Orion |
66 | 17,356 | GJ 3323 (LP 656-38) |
GJ 3323 (LHS 1723) |
M4V | 0,330 | 0,160 | 12,22 | 13,59 | 05h 01m 57s -06° 56′ 47″ |
187,92 ± 1,26 | Eridanus |
67 | 17,414 | 2MASS 0939-2448 | 2MASS 0939-2448 A | T8 | 0,008- 0,009 |
0,019- 0,048 |
15,98 J | — | 09h 39m 36s -24° 48′ 28″ |
187,30 ± 4,60 | Wasser- schlange |
67 | 17,414 | 2MASS 0939-2448 | 2MASS 0939-2448 B | T8 | 0,009 | 0,019- 0,038 |
— | 09h 39m 36s -24° 48′ 28″ |
187,30 ± 4,60 | Wasser- schlange | |
68 | 17,584 | Gliese 445 (AC+79 3888) |
Gliese 445 (AC+79 3888) |
M3.5V | 0,320 | 0,015- 0,030 |
10,79 | 12,15 | 11h 47m 41s +78° 41′ 28″ |
185,48 ± 1,43 | Giraffe |
69 | 17,657 | Gliese 526 (Lalande 25372) |
Gliese 526 (Lalande 25372) |
M1V | 0,582 | 0,280 | 8,46 | 9,79 | 13h 45m 44s +14° 53′ 29″ |
184,72 ± 0,74 | Bärenhüter |
70 | 18,068 | Stein 2051 (Gliese 169.1) |
Stein 2051 A (Gliese 169.1 A) |
M4V | 0,200 | 11,04 | 12,32 | 04h 31m 12s +58° 58′ 38″ |
180,52 ± 0,78 | Giraffe | |
70 | 18,068 | Stein 2051 (Gliese 169.1) |
Stein 2051 B (Gliese 169.1 B) |
DC5 VII | 0,0115 | 0,480- 0,670 |
12,43 | 13,71 | 04h 31m 12s +58° 58′ 38″ |
180,52 ± 0,78 | Giraffe |
71 | 18,201 | 2MASS 1114-2618 | 2MASS 1114-2618 | T7.5 | 0,029– 0,048 |
15,52 J | — | 11h 14m 51s -26° 18′ 24″ |
179,20 ± 1,40 | Wasser- schlange | |
72 | 18,312 | Gliese 251 (Wolf 294) |
Gliese 251 (Wolf 294) |
M3V | 0,450 | 0,340 | 10,02 | 11,27 | 06h 54m 49s +33° 16′ 05″ |
178,11 ± 1,43 | Zwillinge |
73 | 18,479 | 2MASS 1835+3259 (LSR 1835+3259) |
2MASS 1835+3259 (LSR 1835+3259) |
M8.5V | 0,070 | 10,27 J | — | 18h 35m 38s +32° 59′ 54″ |
176,50 ± 0,50 | Leier | |
74 | 18,526 | WISE 1741+2553 | WISE 1741+2553 | T9 | 16,53 J | — | 17h 41m 24s +25° 53′ 19″ |
180,00 ± 15,0 | Herkules | ||
75 | 18,533 | Gliese 205 (Wolf 1453) |
Gliese 205 (Wolf 1453) |
M1V | 0,760 | 0,630 | 7,95 | 9,18 | 05h 31m 27s -03° 40′ 38″ |
175,99 ± 1,04 | Orion |
76 | 18,627 | WISE 1541−2250 | WISE 1541−2250 | Y0.5 | 0,1037 | 0,0115- 0,0286 |
21,16 J | — | 15h 41m 52s -22° 50′ 25″ |
175,10 ± 4,40 | Waage |
77 | 18,634 | LP 816-60 (HIP 103039) |
LP 816-60 (NLTT 50038) |
M3.5V | 0,190 | 11,50 | 12,72 | 20h 52m 33s -16° 58′ 29″ |
175,03 ± 3,40 | Steinbock | |
78 | 18,708 | 2MASS 0415-0935 | 2MASS 0415-0935 | T8 | 0,030 | 15,3 J | — | 04h 15m 20s -09° 35′ 07″ |
174,34 ± 2,76 | Eridanus | |
79 | 18,767 | Alsafi (Sigma Draconis) |
σ Draconis (Gliese 764) |
G9V | 0,778 | 0,870 | 4,67 | 5,87 | 19h 32m 22s +69° 39′ 40″ |
173,79 ± 0,18 | Drache |
80 | 18,769 | Gliese 229 (LHS 1827) |
Gliese 229 A (LHS 1827) |
M1.5V | 0,610 | 0,310 | 8,14 | 9,34 | 06h 10m 35s -21° 51′ 53″ |
173,77 ± 0,97 | Hase |
80 | 18,769 | Gliese 229 (LHS 1827) |
Gliese 229 B | T6V | 0,024– 0,062 |
0,120 | 8,14 | 9,34 | 06h 10m 35s -21° 51′ 53″ |
173,77 ± 0,97 | Hase |
81 | 19,018 | Ross 47 (Gliese 213) |
Ross 47 (Gliese 213) |
M4V | 0,100 | 0,180 | 11,57 | 12,74 | 05h 42m 09s +12° 29′ 22″ |
171,50 ± 1,00 | Orion |
82 | 19,062 | Gliese 693 (LHS 454) |
Gliese 693 (LHS 454) |
M3V | 0,300 | 0,260 | 10,76 | 11,93 | 17h 46m 34s -57° 19′ 09″ |
171,10 ± 2,22 | Pfau |
83 | 19,078 | Gliese 752 (Wolf 1055) |
Gliese 752 A (V1428 Aquilae) |
M2.5V | 0,546 | 0,460 | 9,10 | 10,26 | 19h 16m 55s +05° 10′ 08″ |
170,96 ± 0,52 | Adler |
83 | 19,078 | Gliese 752 (Wolf 1055) |
Van Biesbroeck 10 (Gliese 752 B) |
M8V | 0,102 | 0,075 | 17,45 | 18,61 | 19h 16m 58s +05° 09′ 01″ |
170,96 ± 0,52 | Adler |
84 | 19,116 | Gliese 570 (33 Librae) |
Gliese 570 A (KX Librae, LHS 387) |
K4V | 0,739 | 0,802 | 5,64 | 6,80 | 14h 57m 28s -21° 24′ 56″ |
170,62 ± 0,67 | Waage |
84 | 19,116 | Gliese 570 (33 Librae) |
Gliese 570 B (LHS 386 A) |
M1.5V | 0,650 | 0,550 | 8,30 | 9,46 | 14h 57m 27s -21° 24′ 41″ |
170,62 ± 0,67 | Waage |
84 | 19,116 | Gliese 570 (33 Librae) |
Gliese 570 C (LHS 386 B) |
M3V | 0,350 | 9,96 | 11,12 | 14h 57m 27s -21° 24′ 41″ |
170,62 ± 0,67 | Waage | |
84 | 19,116 | Gliese 570 (33 Librae) |
Gliese 570 D (WDS 14575-2125 G) |
T7V | 0,030 | 15,32 J | 14h 57m 15s -21° 21′ 50″ |
170,62 ± 0,67 | Waage | ||
85 | 19,186 | WISE 0535-7500 | WISE 0535-7500 | Y1 | 21,16 J | — | 05h 35m 17s -75° 00′ 25″ |
170,00 ± 44,0 | Tafelberg | ||
86 | 19,280 | Gliese 754 (L 347-14) |
Gliese 754 (L 347-14) |
M4V | 0,240 | 0,160 | 12,23 | 13,37 | 19h 20m 48s -45° 33′ 27″ |
169,17 ± 1,53 | Teleskop |
87 | 19,354 | Gliese 588 (LHS 397) |
Gliese 588 (LHS 397) |
M2.5V | 0,480 | 0,460 | 9,31 | 10,44 | 15h 32m 13s -41° 16′ 32″ |
168,52 ± 1,27 | Wolf |
88 | 19,374 | GJ 1005 (Wolf 498) |
GJ 1005 A (Wolf 498 A) |
M3.5V | 0,180 | 11,60 | 12,73 | 00h 15m 28s -16° 08′ 02″ |
168,35 ± 0,90 | Walfisch | |
88 | 19,374 | GJ 1005 (Wolf 498) |
GJ 1005 B (Wolf 498 B) |
M6V | 0,110 | 14,02 | 15,15 | 00h 15m 28s -16° 08′ 02″ |
168,35 ± 0,90 | Walfisch | |
89 | 19,387 | Achird (Eta Cassiopeiae) |
η Cassiopeiae A (Achird A) |
G3V | 1,039 | 0,972 | 3,46 | 4,59 | 00h 49m 06s +57° 48′ 55″ |
168,23 ± 0,46 | Kassiopeia |
89 | 19,387 | Achird (Eta Cassiopeiae) |
η Cassiopeiae B (Achird B) |
K7V | 0,865 | 0,907 | 7,21 | 8,34 | 00h 49m 06s +57° 48′ 55″ |
168,23 ± 0,46 | Kassiopeia |
90 | 19,400 | 36 Ophiuchi (GJ 663) |
36 Ophiuchi A (GJ 663 A, LHS 437) |
K1.5V | 0,817 | 0,850 | 5,07 | 6,20 | 17h 15m 21s -26° 36′ 10″ |
168,12 ± 0,40 | Schlangen- träger |
90 | 19,400 | 36 Ophiuchi (GJ 663) |
36 Ophiuchi B (GJ 663 B, LHS 438) |
K1V | 0,810 | 0,850 | 5,08 | 6,21 | 17h 15m 21s -26° 36′ 10″ |
168,12 ± 0,40 | Schlangen- träger |
90 | 19,400 | 36 Ophiuchi (GJ 663) |
36 Ophiuchi C (GJ 663 C, LHS 439) |
K5V | 0,720 | 0,710 | 6,32 | 7,45 | 17h 16m 13s -26° 32′ 46″ |
168,12 ± 0,40 | Schlangen- träger |
91 | 19,406 | WISE 2000+3629 | WISE 2000+3629 | T8 | 15,44 J | — | 20h 00m 50s +36° 29′ 50″ |
? | Schwan | ||
92 | 19,412 | BR Piscium (Gliese 908) |
BR Piscium (LHS 550) |
M1V | 0,510 | 8,98 | 10,11 | 23h 49m 13s +02° 24′ 04″ |
168,02 ± 1,18 | Fische | |
93 | 19,508 | YZ Canis Minoris (Ross 882) |
YZ Canis Minoris (Gliese 285) |
M4V | 0,300 | 0,280 | 11,19 | 12,31 | 07h 44m 40s +03° 33′ 09″ |
167,19 ± 2,05 | Kleiner Hund |
94 | 19,617 | Gliese 783 (HR 7703) |
Gliese 783 A (HR 7703 A) |
K2.5V | 0,660 | 0,650 | 5,31 | 6,42 | 20h 11m 12s -36° 06′ 04″ |
166,26 ± 0,27 | Schütze |
94 | 19,617 | Gliese 783 (HR 7703) |
Gliese 783 B (HR 7703 B) |
M4V | 0,280 | 0,240 | 11,50 | 12,61 | 20h 11m 12s -36° 06′ 04″ |
166,26 ± 0,27 | Schütze |
95 | 19,648 | Scholz’ Stern (WISE 0720-0846) |
Scholz’ Stern A (WISE 0720-0846 A) |
M9.5V | 0,080 | 18,30 | 19,40 | 07h 20m 03s -08° 46′ 50″ |
166,00 ± 28,0 | Einhorn | |
95 | 19,648 | Scholz’ Stern (WISE 0720-0846) |
Scholz’ Stern B (WISE 0720-0846 B) |
T5 | 0,060 | — | 07h 20m 03s -08° 46′ 50″ |
166,00 ± 28,0 | Einhorn | ||
96 | 19,711 | 82 Eridani (Gliese 139, LHS 19) |
82 Eridani (Gliese 139, LHS 19) |
G8V | 0,920 | 0,700 | 4,26 | 5,35 | 03h 19m 56s -43° 04′ 11″ |
165,47 ± 0,19 | Eridanus |
97 | 19,803 | GJ 1221 (EGGR 372) |
GJ 1221 (G 240-72) |
DXP9 VII | 0,0099 | 0,810 | 14,22 | 15,30 | 17h 48m 07s +70° 52′ 29″ |
164,70 ± 2,40 | Drache |
98 | 19,920 | ADS 7251 (Gliese 338) |
ADS 7251 A (Gliese 338 A) |
M0V | 0,600 | 7,64 | 8,71 | 09h 14m 23s +52° 41′ 12″ |
163,73 ± 2,52 | Großer Bär | |
98 | 19,920 | ADS 7251 (Gliese 338) |
ADS 7251 B (Gliese 338 B) |
K7V | 0,600 | 7,70 | 8,77 | 09h 14m 25s +52° 41′ 11″ |
163,73 ± 2,52 | Großer Bär | |
99 | 19,923 | Delta Pavonis (Gliese 780) |
δ Pavonis (HIP 99240) |
G8IV | 1,220 | 0,991 | 3,55 | 4,62 | 20h 08m 44s -66° 10′ 55″ |
163,71 ± 0,17 | Pfau |
100 | 19,959 | QY Aurigae (Gliese 268) |
QY Aurigae A (Gliese 268 A) |
M4.5Ve | 0,170 | 12,05 | 13,12 | 07h 10m 02s +38° 31′ 46″ |
163,41 ± 1,78 | Fuhrmann | |
100 | 19,959 | QY Aurigae (Gliese 268) |
QY Aurigae B (Gliese 268 B) |
M6V | 0,160 | 12,45 | 13,52 | 07h 10m 02s +38° 31′ 46″ |
163,41 ± 1,78 | Fuhrmann | |
101 | 19,973 | 2MASS 0937+2931 | 2MASS 0937+2931 | T6p | 0,030 | 14,65 J | — | 09h 37m 35s +29° 31′ 41″ |
163,30 ± 1,60 | Löwe | |
102 | 20,214 | Gliese 784 (LHS 3531) |
Gliese 784 (LHS 3531) |
M0V | 0,630- 0,680 |
0,580 | 7,95 | 8,99 | 20h 13m 53s -45° 09′ 50″ |
161,35 ± 0,99 | Teleskop |
103 | 20,286 | HN Librae (Gliese 555) |
HN Librae (Gliese 555) |
M4V | 0,220 | 11,32 | 12,35 | 14h 34m 17s -12° 31′ 10″ |
160,78 ± 1,98 | Waage | |
104 | 20,385 | WISE 0410+1502 | WISE 0410+1502 | Y0 | 0,1119 | 0,0029– 0,0086 |
19,25 J | — | 04h 10m 23s +15° 02′ 47″ |
160,00 ± 9,00 | Stier |
105 | 20,400 | EQ Pegasi (Gliese 896) |
EQ Pegasi A (Gliese 896 A) |
M3.5V | 0,330 | 10,27 | 11,29 | 23h 31m 52s +19° 56′ 14″ |
159,88 ± 1,53 | Pegasus | |
105 | 20,400 | EQ Pegasi (Gliese 896) |
EQ Pegasi B (Gliese 896 B) |
M4.5V | 0,160 | 12,21 | 13,43 | 23h 31m 52s +19° 56′ 14″ |
159,88 ± 1,53 | Pegasus | |
106 | 20,669 | Gliese 581 (HO Librae, Wolf 562) |
Gliese 581 (HO Librae, Wolf 562) |
M3V | 0,290 | 0,310 | 10.57 | 11,56 | 15h 19m 27s -07° 43′ 20″ |
157,80 ± 1,76 | Waage |
106 | 20,669 | Gliese 581 (HO Librae, Wolf 562) |
Gliese 581 e | Planet | 0,00001 | — | — | 15h 19m 27s -07° 43′ 20″ |
157,80 ± 1,76 | Waage | |
106 | 20,669 | Gliese 581 (HO Librae, Wolf 562) |
Gliese 581 b | Planet | 0,00004 | — | — | 15h 19m 27s -07° 43′ 20″ |
157,80 ± 1,76 | Waage | |
106 | 20,669 | Gliese 581 (HO Librae, Wolf 562) |
Gliese 581 c | Planet | 0,00001 | — | — | 15h 19m 27s -07° 43′ 20″ |
157,80 ± 1,76 | Waage | |
107 | 20,748 | 2MASS 1503+2525 | 2MASS 1503+2525 | T5.5 | 0,0172 | 13,94 J | — | 15h 03m 20s +25° 25′ 20″ |
157,20 ± 2,20 | Bärenhüter | |
108 | 20,792 | LHS 2090 (LP 368-128) |
LHS 2090 (NLTT 20726) |
M6.5V | 0,150 | 0,150 | 16,10 | 17,08 | 09h 00m 24s +21° 50′ 05″ |
156,87 ± 2,67 | Krebs |
109 | 20,803 | GJ 3737 (L 471-42) |
GJ 3737 (LHS 337) |
M4V | 0,150 | 16,10 | 17,08 | 12h 38m 49s -38° 22′ 54″ |
156,78 ± 1,99 | Zentaur | |
110 | 20,865 | Furuhjelm 46 (Gliese 661) |
Furuhjelm 46 A (Gliese 661 A) |
M3V | 0,390 | 9,93 | 10,90 | 17h 12m 08s +45° 39′ 57″ |
156,32 ± 1,28 | Herkules | |
110 | 20,865 | Furuhjelm 46 (Gliese 661) |
Furuhjelm 46 B (Gliese 661 B) |
M3.5V | 0,330 | 10,35 | 11,32 | 17h 12m 08s +45° 39′ 57″ |
156,32 ± 1,28 | Herkules | |
111 | 20,874 | 2MASS 0136+0933 (SIMP 0136+0933) |
2MASS 0136+0933 (SIMP 0136+0933) |
T2.5 | 0,0096 | 13,46 J | — | 01h 36m 57s -75° 00′ 25″ |
156,25 ± 7,00 | Fische | |
112 | 20,901 | Gliese 223.2 (HL 4) |
LP 658-2 (EGGR 45) |
DZ11.8 VII | 0,0049 | 0,450 | 14,47 | 15,44 | 05h 55m 10s -04° 10′ 17″ |
156,05 ± 0,75 | Orion |
113 | 20,907 | GJ 3959 (G 180-60) |
GJ 3959 (NLTT 43010) |
M5V | 0,100 | 14,76 | 15,73 | 16h 31m 18s +40° 51′ 54″ |
156,00 ± 4,00 | Herkules | |
114 | 20,922 | LP 944-20 (2MASS 0339−3525) |
LP 944-20 (WISE 0339-3525) |
M9V | 0,0573 | 18,69 13,29J |
20,02 | 03h 39m 35s -35° 25′ 44″ |
155,89 ± 1,03 | Chemischer Ofen | |
115 | 21,048 | Gliese 644/Gliese 643 (V1054 Ophiuchi) |
Gliese 644 A (V1054 Ophiuchi A) |
M2.5V | 0,415 | 9,72 | 10,67 | 16h 55m 29s -08° 20′ 11″ |
154,96 ± 0,52 | Schlangen- träger | |
115 | 21,048 | Gliese 644/Gliese 643 (V1054 Ophiuchi) |
Gliese 644 B (V1054 Ophiuchi Ba) |
M4V | 0,347 | 10,37 | 11,32 | 16h 55m 29s -08° 20′ 11″ |
154,96 ± 0,52 | Schlangen- träger | |
115 | 21,048 | Gliese 644/Gliese 643 (V1054 Ophiuchi) |
Gliese 644 D (V1054 Ophiuchi Bb) |
M4V | 0,314 | 10,87 | 11,82 | 16h 55m 29s -08° 20′ 11″ |
154,96 ± 0,52 | Schlangen- träger | |
115 | 21,048 | Gliese 644/Gliese 643 (Wolf 629) |
Gliese 643 (Wolf 629) |
M3V | 0,190 | 11,80 | 12,75 | 16h 55m 25s -08° 19′ 21″ |
154,96 ± 0,52 | Schlangen- träger | |
115 | 21,048 | Gliese 644/Gliese 643 (V1054 Ophiuchi) |
Gliese 644 C (Van Biesbroeck 8) |
M7V | 0,080 | 16,78 | 17,73 | 16h 55m 36s -08° 23′ 40″ |
154,96 ± 0,52 | Schlangen- träger | |
116 | 21,142 | GJ 1128 (L 100-115) |
GJ 1128 (L 100-115) |
M4V | 0,240 | 0,150 | 12,74 | 13,66 | 09h 42m 46s -68° 53′ 06″ |
154,27 ± 0,76 | Kiel des Schiffs |
117 | 21,298 | Gliese 625 (G 202-048) |
Gliese 625 (G 202-048) |
M1.5V | 0,370 | 10,10 | 11,03 | 16h 25m 25s +54° 18′ 15″ |
153,14 ± 0,92 | Drache | |
118 | 21,317 | WISE 0313+7807 (EQ J0313+7807) |
WISE 0313+7807 (EQ J0313+7807) |
T8.5 | 0,0248 | 17,67 J | — | 03h 13m 26s +78° 07′ 44″ |
153,00 ± 15,0 | Kepheus | |
119 | 21,331 | GL Virginis (GJ 1156) |
GL Virginis (GJ 1156) |
M4.5V | 0,160 | 0,120 | 13,80 | 14,72 | 12h 19m 00s +11° 07′ 31″ |
152,90 ± 3,00 | Jungfrau |
120 | 21,340 | HR 8832 (Gliese 892) |
HR 8832 (Gliese 892) |
K3V | 0,800 | 0,794 | 5,57 | 6,49 | 23h 13m 17s +57° 10′ 06″ |
152,84 ± 0,28 | Kassiopeia |
121 | 21,389 | GJ 3877 (LP 914-54) |
GJ 3877 (LHS 3003) |
M7V | 0,080 | 17,05 | 17,97 | 14h 56m 39s -28° 09′ 51″ |
152,49 ± 2,02 | Wasser- schlange | |
122 | 21,843 | Gliese 408 (Ross 104) |
Gliese 408 (Ross 104) |
M2.5V | 0,420 | 0,390 | 10,02 | 10,89 | 11h 00m 04s +22° 49′ 59″ |
149,32 ± 1,58 | Löwe |
123 | 21,888 | Gliese 829 (Ross 775) |
Gliese 829 A (Ross 775 A) |
M3Ve | 0,370 | 11,05 | 11,92 | 21h 29m 37s +17° 38′ 36″ |
149,01 ± 1,69 | Pegasus | |
123 | 21,888 | Gliese 829 (Ross 775) |
Gliese 829 B (Ross 775 B) |
M3V | 0,192 | 11,05 | 11,92 | 21h 29m 37s +17° 38′ 36″ |
149,01 ± 1,69 | Pegasus | |
124 | 22,088 | GJ 3522 (DEL 2) |
GJ 3522 A (G 41-14 A) |
M3.5V | 0,180 | 11,94 | 12,79 | 08h 58m 56s +08° 28′ 26″ |
147,66 ± 1,98 | Wasser- schlange | |
124 | 22,088 | GJ 3522 (DEL 2) |
GJ 3522 B (G 41-14 B) |
M? V | 0,170 | 12,14 | 12,99 | 08h 58m 56s +08° 28′ 26″ |
147,66 ± 1,98 | Wasser- schlange | |
124 | 22,088 | GJ 3522 (DEL 2) |
GJ 3522 C (G 41-14 C) |
M? V | 0,170 | 12,28 | 13,13 | 08h 58m 56s +08° 28′ 26″ |
147,66 ± 1,98 | Wasser- schlange | |
125 | 22,102 | Xi Bootis (Gliese 566) |
ξ Bootis A (HD 131156 A) |
G7IV | 0,830 | 0,940 | 4,67 | 5,51 | 14h 51m 23s +19° 06′ 02″ |
147,57 ± 0,72 | Bärenhüter |
125 | 22,102 | Xi Bootis (Gliese 566) |
ξ Bootis B (HD 131156 B) |
K4V | 0,610 | 0,670 | 6,94 | 7,78 | 14h 51m 23s +19° 06′ 02″ |
147,57 ± 0,72 | Bärenhüter |
126 | 22,165 | EE Leonis (Gliese 402) |
EE Leonis (Gliese 402) |
M4V | 0,320 | 0,210 | 11,65 | 12,49 | 10h 50m 52s +06° 48′ 29″ |
147,15 ± 2,98 | Löwe |
127 | 22,188 | GJ 4285 (L 119-44) |
GJ 4285 (LHS 3836) |
M3.5V | 11,45 | 12,29 | 22h 38m 03s -65° 50′ 09″ |
147,00 ± 2,70 | Tukan | ||
127 | 22,188 | WISE 2209+2711 | WISE 2209+2711 | Y1 | 0,0115 | 22,58 J | — | 22h 09m 05s +27° 11′ 44″ |
147,00 ± 2,70 | Pegasus | |
129 | 22,283 | Ross 671 (Gliese 880) |
Ross 671 A (Gliese 880 A) |
M1.5V | 0,689 | 0,586 | 8,65 | 9,48 | 22h 56m 35s +16° 33′ 12″ |
146,37 ± 0,95 | Pegasus |
129 | 22,283 | Ross 671 (Gliese 880) |
Ross 671 B (Gliese 880 B) |
M? V | 22h 56m 35s +16° 33′ 12″ |
146,37 ± 0,95 | Pegasus | ||||
130 | 22,294 | Ross 619 (Gliese 299) |
Ross 619 (Gliese 299) |
M4V | 0,220 | 0,150 | 12,82 | 13,65 | 08h 11m 58s +08° 46′ 28″ |
146,30 ± 3,10 | Krebs |
131 | 22,493 | WISE 0359−5401 | WISE 0359−5401 | Y0 | 21,56 J | — | 03h 59m 34s -54° 01′ 55″ |
145,00 ± 39,0 | Netz | ||
132 | 22,505 | 2MASS 1515+4847 |
2MASS 1515+4847 |
L6 | 14,11 J | — | 15h 15m 01s +48° 47′ 42″ |
? | Bärenhüter | ||
133 | 22,679 | GJ 3192 (LP 771-95) |
GJ 3192 A (LP 771-95 A) |
M2.5V | 0,250 | 11,22 | 12,01 | 03h 01m 51s -16° 35′ 36″ |
143,81 ± 2,49 | Eridanus | |
133 | 22,679 | GJ 3192 (LP 771-95) |
GJ 3192 B (LP 771-95 B) |
M3V | 0,190 | 11,79 | 12,58 | 03h 01m 51s -16° 35′ 31″ |
143,81 ± 2,49 | Eridanus | |
133 | 22,679 | GJ 3192 (LP 771-95) |
GJ 3192 C (LP 771-95 C) |
M? V | 0,160 | 12,65 | 13,44 | 03h 01m 51s -16° 35′ 31″ |
143,81 ± 2,49 | Eridanus | |
134 | 22,700 | GJ 1068 (L 230-188) |
GJ 1068 (LHS 22) |
M4.5V | 13,58 | 04h 10m 28s -53° 36′ 08″ |
? | Schwertfisch | |||
135 | 22,831 | WISE 1928+2356 | WISE 1928+2356 | T6 | 14,34 J | — | 19h 28m 41s +23° 56′ 05″ |
? | Fuchs | ||
136 | 22,831 | 2MASS 2148+4003 |
2MASS 2148+4003 |
L6.5 | 14,15 J | — | 21h 48m 16s +40° 03′ 59″ |
? | Schwan | ||
137 | 22,990 | Gliese 809 (HIP 103096) |
Gliese 809 A (LHS 3595) |
M1.5V | 0,110 | 0,560 | 8,55 | 20h 53m 20s +62° 09′ 16″ |
141,87 ± 0,64 | Kepheus | |
137 | 22,990 | Gliese 809 (HIP 103096) |
Gliese 809 B (BD+61 2068 B) |
M? V | 20h 53m 20s +62° 09′ 16″ |
141,87 ± 0,64 | Kepheus | ||||
138 | 23,050 | Gliese 393 (Ross 446) |
Gliese 393 (Ross 446) |
M2.5V | 0,470 | 0,470 | 9,63 | 10,36 | 10h 28m 56s +00° 20′ 58″ |
141,50 ± 2,22 | Sextant |
139 | 23,151 | Gliese 667 (142 G. Scorpii) |
Gliese 667 A (TYC 7370-850-1) |
K3V | 0,760 | 0,730 | 5,91 | 7,07 | 17h 18m 57s -34° 59′ 23″ |
140,88 ± 2,04 | Skorpion |
139 | 23,151 | Gliese 667 (142 G. Scorpii) |
Gliese 667 B (TYC 7370-850-2) |
K5V | 0,700 | 0,690 | 7,20 | 8,02 | 17h 18m 57s -34° 59′ 23″ |
140,88 ± 2,04 | Skorpion |
139 | 23,151 | Gliese 667 (142 G. Scorpii) |
Gliese 667 C (LHS 443) |
M1.5V | 0,420 | 0,310 | 10,20 | 11,03 | 17h 18m 57s -34° 59′ 23″ |
140,88 ± 2,04 | Skorpion |
139 | 23,151 | Gliese 667 (142 G. Scorpii) |
Gliese 667 Cb | Planet | 0,01682 | — | — | 17h 18m 57s -34° 59′ 23″ |
140,88 ± 2,04 | Skorpion | |
139 | 23,151 | Gliese 667 (142 G. Scorpii) |
Gliese 667 Cc | Planet | 0,01231 | — | — | 17h 18m 57s -34° 59′ 23″ |
140,88 ± 2,04 | Skorpion | |
140 | 23,157 | WISE 0005+3737 | WISE 0005+3737 | T9 | 18,33 J | — | 00h 05m 17s +37° 37′ 21″ |
? | Andromeda | ||
140 | 23,157 | WISE 0713−2917 | WISE 0713−2917 | Y0 | 0,0191 | 19,64 J | — | 07h 13m 23s -29° 17′ 52″ |
? | Großer Hund | |
142 | 23,297 | WISE 2056+1459 | WISE 2056+1459 | Y0 | 0,0955 | 0,0115– 0,0286 |
19,21 J | — | 20h 56m 29s +14° 59′ 54″ |
140,00 ± 9,00 | Delphin |
144 | 23,419 | Gliese 105 (268 G. Cet) |
Gliese 105 A (HD 16160, LHS 15) |
K3V | 0,650 | 0,810 | 5,82 | 6,49 | 02h 36m 05s +06° 53′ 13″ |
139,27 ± 0,45 | Walfisch |
144 | 23,419 | Gliese 105 (268 G. Cet) |
Gliese 105 B (BX Ceti, LHS 16) |
M3.5Vn | 0,280 | 0,210 | 11,66 | 12,34 | 02h 36m 15s +06° 52′ 18″ |
139,27 ± 0,45 | Walfisch |
144 | 23,419 | Gliese 105 (268 G. Cet) |
Gliese 105 C (HR 753 C) |
M7V | 0,082 | 16,09 | 17,58 | 02h 35m 59s +06° 52′ 00″ |
139,27 ± 0,45 | Walfisch | |
145 | 23,583 | GJ 1286 (G 157-77) |
GJ 1286 (G 157-77) |
M5.5V | 0,140 | 0,120 | 14,69 | 15,40 | 23h 35m 11s -02° 23′ 21″ |
138,30 ± 3,50 | Fische |
146 | 23,634 | GJ 4063 (LP 229-17) |
GJ 4063 (LP 229-17) |
M4Vp | 0,158 | 11,75 | 18h 34m 37s +40° 07′ 26″ |
138,00 ± 40,0 | Drache | ||
147 | 23,755 | GJ 4053 (LHS 3376) |
GJ 4053 (LHS 3376) |
M4.5V | 18h 18m 57s +66° 11′ 33″ |
137,30 ± 5,30 | Drache | ||||
148 | 23,911 | 2MASS 1507-1627 | 2MASS 1507-1627 | L5.5 | 22,14 12,83J |
— | 15h 07m 48s -16° 27′ 39″ |
136,40 ± 0,60 | Waage | ||
149 | 24,136 | WISE 0049+2151 | WISE 0049+2151 | T8.5 | 16,72 J | — | 00h 49m 46s +21° 51′ 20″ |
? | Andromeda | ||
150 | 24,160 | WISE 0254+0223 | WISE 0254+0223 | T8 | 15,92 J | — | 02h 54m 10s +02° 23′ 59″ |
135,00 ± 15,0 | Walfisch | ||
151 | 24,284 | GJ 3991 (G 203-047) |
GJ 3991 A (G 203-047 A) |
M3.5V | 17h 09m 32s +43° 40′ 53″ |
134,31 ± 1,99 | Herkules | ||||
151 | 24,284 | GJ 3991 (G 203-47) |
GJ 3991 B (G 203-47 B) |
M? V | 17h 09m 32s +43° 40′ 53″ |
134,31 ± 1,99 | Herkules | ||||
152 | 24,287 | GJ 4248 (LHS 3746) |
GJ 4248 (LHS 3746) |
M3.5V | 22h 02m 29s -37° 04′ 51″ |
134,29 ± 1,31 | Kranich | ||||
153 | 24,315 | Wolf 25 (96 Piscium) |
Wolf 25 (HD 4628) |
K2.5V | 0,749 | 0,700 | 5,74 | 5,88 | 00h 48m 23s +05° 16′ 50″ |
134,14 ± 0,51 | Fische |
154 | 24,322 | GJ 4274 (L 788-34) |
GJ 4274 (LHS 3799) |
M4.5V | 0,180 | 0,170 | 13,25 | 13,89 | 22h 23m 07s -17° 36′ 25″ |
134,10 ± 5,60 | Wassermann |
155 | 24,327 | Beta Hydri (HIP 2021) |
β Hydri (LHS 6) |
G2V-IV | 1,809 | 1,080 | 2,80 | 3,45 | 00h 25m 45s -77° 15′ 15″ |
134,07 ± 0,11 | Wasser- schlange |
156 | 24,494 | VX Arietis (Gliese 109) |
VX Arietis (Gliese 109) |
M3.5V | 0,300 | 02h 44m 15s +25° 31′ 24″ |
133,16 ± 2,26 | Widder | |||
157 | 24,567 | 107 Piscium (Gliese 68) |
107 Piscium (Gliese 68) |
K1V | 0,800 | 0,830 | 5,22 | 5,87 | 01h 42m 30s +20° 16′ 06″ |
132,76 ± 0,50 | Fische |
158 | 24,597 | GJ 1224 (LHS 3359) |
GJ 1224 (LHS 3359) |
M4.5V | 0,180 | 0,150 | 13,61 | 14,22 | 18h 07m 33s -15° 57′ 47″ |
132,60 ± 3,70 | Schlange |
159 | 24,638 | My Cassiopeiae (Marfak)[3] |
μ Cassiopeiae A (LHS 8, HIP 5336) |
G5VIp | 0,791 | 0,740 | 5,16 | 5,77 | 01h 08m 16s +54° 55′ 13″ |
132,38 ± 0,82 | Kassiopeia |
159 | 24,638 | My Cassiopeiae (Marfak) |
μ Cassiopeiae B (Giclas 53 B) |
M5VI | 0,290 | 0,170 | 11,00 | 11,60 | 01h 08m 16s +54° 55′ 13″ |
132,38 ± 0,82 | Kassiopeia |
160 | 24,690 | Fomalhaut[4] (Alpha Piscis Austrini) |
α Piscis Austrini C (Fomalhaut C) |
M4V | 12,62 | 22h 48m 05s -24° 22′ 08″ |
? | Wassermann | |||
160 | 24,690 | Fomalhaut (Alpha Piscis Austrini) |
Trümmerscheibe α Piscis Austrini C |
Gürtel | — | — | — | — | 22h 48m 05s -24° 22′ 08″ |
? | Wassermann |
160 | 24,818 | Fomalhaut (Alpha Piscis Austrini) |
α Piscis Austrini B (Fomalhaut B) |
K5Vp | 0,629 | 0,725 | 6,48 | 7,08 | 22h 56m 24s -31° 33′ 56″ |
131,42 ± 0,62 | Südlicher Fisch |
161 | 24,970 | Gliese 514 (Ross 490, LHS 352) |
Gliese 514 (Ross 490, LHS 352) |
M1V | 13h 29m 60s +10° 22′ 38″ |
130,62 ± 1,05 | Jungfrau | ||||
162 | 25,044 | Wega (Alpha Lyrae) |
Wega (Gliese 721) |
A0Va | 2,135 | 2,362 | 0,03 | 0,58 | 18h 36m 56s +38° 47′ 01″ |
130,23 ± 0,36 | Leier |
162 | 25,044 | Wega (Alpha Lyrae) |
1. Trümmerscheibe Wega |
Gürtel | — | — | — | — | 18h 36m 56s +38° 47′ 01″ |
130,23 ± 0,36 | Leier |
162 | 25,044 | Wega (Alpha Lyrae) |
2. Trümmerscheibe Wega |
Gürtel | — | — | — | — | 18h 36m 56s +38° 47′ 01″ |
130,23 ± 0,36 | Leier |
162 | 25,044 | Wega (Alpha Lyrae) |
3. Trümmerscheibe Wega |
Gürtel | — | — | — | — | 18h 36m 56s +38° 47′ 01″ |
130,23 ± 0,36 | Leier |
163 | 25,050 | GJ 1230 (G 184-19) |
GJ 1230 A (LHS 3405) |
M4.5V | 0,240 | 12,40 | 13,07 | 18h 41m 09s +24° 47′ 08″ |
130,20 ± 28,3 | Herkules | |
163 | 25,050 | GJ 1230 (G 184-19) |
GJ 1230 B | M7V | 0,130 | 18h 41m 09s +24° 47′ 15″ |
130,20 ± 28,3 | Herkules | |||
163 | 25,050 | GJ 1230 (G 184-19) |
GJ 1230 C (LHS 3404) |
M5V | 0,230 | 14,00 | 14,67 | 18h 41m 09s +24° 47′ 08″ |
130,20 ± 28,3 | Herkules | |
164 | 25,116 | Gliese 673 (Wolf 718, LHS 447) |
Gliese 673 (Wolf 718, LHS 447) |
K7V | 0,564 | 0,660 | 7,54 | 8,10 | 17h 25m 45s +02° 06′ 41″ |
129,86 ± 0,73 | Schlangen- träger |
160 | 25,126 | Fomalhaut[4] (Alpha Piscis Austrini) |
α Piscis Austrini A (Fomalhaut A) |
A3Va | 1,842 | 1,920 | 1,16 | 7,08 | 22h 57m 39s -29° 37′ 20″ |
129,81 ± 0,47 | Südlicher Fisch |
160 | 25,126 | Fomalhaut (Alpha Piscis Austrini) |
Fomalhaut b | Planet | 0,100 | 0,0001- 0,0029 |
— | — | 22h 57m 39s -29° 37′ 20″ |
129,81 ± 0,47 | Südlicher Fisch |
160 | 25,126 | Fomalhaut (Alpha Piscis Austrini) |
Trümmerscheibe α Piscis Austrini A |
Gürtel | — | — | — | — | 22h 57m 39s -29° 37′ 20″ |
129,81 ± 0,47 | Südlicher Fisch |
165 | 25,192 | GJ 2005 (LEI 1) |
GJ 2005 A (LHS 1070 A) |
M5.5V | 0,130- 0,160 |
15,42 | 16,04 | 00h 24m 44s -27° 08′ 25″ |
129,47 ± 2,48 | Bildhauer | |
165 | 25,192 | GJ 2005 (LEI 1) |
GJ 2005 B (LHS 1070 B) |
M8.5V | 0,077 | 18,69 | 00h 24m 44s -27° 08′ 24″ |
129,47 ± 2,48 | Bildhauer | ||
165 | 25,192 | GJ 2005 (LEI 1) |
GJ 2005 C (LHS 1070 C) |
L0 M9.5V |
0,071 | 19,07 | 00h 24m 44s -27° 08′ 24″ |
129,47 ± 2,48 | Bildhauer | ||
166 | 25,283 | Gliese 102 (LHS 1417) |
Gliese 102 (LHS 1417) |
M4V | 12,96 | 02h 33m 37s +24° 55′ 39″ |
129,00 ± 12,0 | Widder | |||
166 | 25,283 | WISE 1405+5534 | WISE 1405+5534 | Y0 | 0,0883 | 0,0286 | 20,20 J | — | 14h 05m 18s +55° 24′ 31″ |
129,00 ± 19,0 | Großer Bär |
168 | 25,305 | Gliese 701 (HIP 88574) |
Gliese 701 (LHS 3356) |
M2V | 0,490 | 0,480 | 9,36 | 9,91 | 18h 05m 08s -03° 01′ 53″ |
128,89 ± 1,43 | Schlange |
169 | 25,323 | GJ 1093 (G 109-35) |
GJ 1093 (LHS 223) |
M5V | 0,120 | 14,83 | 15,38 | 06h 59m 29s +19° 20′ 58″ |
128,80 ± 3,50 | Zwillinge | |
170 | 25,378 | Gliese 480.1 (HIP 61874) |
GJ 9415 (LHS 340) |
M3.5V-VI | 12,24 | 12,79 | 12h 40m 46s -43° 53′ 59″ |
128,52 ± 3,90 | Zentaur | ||
171 | 25,440 | WISE 0607+2429 (2MASS 0607+2429) |
WISE 0607+2429 (2MASS 0607+2429) |
L9 | 0,030- 0,072 |
14,22 J | — | 06h 07m 39s +24° 29′ 57″ |
? | Zwillinge | |
172 | 25,481 | WISE 1738+2732 | WISE 1738+2732 | Y0 | 0,0955 | 0,0191- 0,0286 |
20,05 J | — | 17h 38m 36s +27° 32′ 59″ |
128,00 ± 10,0 | Herkules |
172 | 25,481 | 2MASS 1259-4336 (SIPS J1259-4336) |
2MASS 1259-4336 (SIPS J1259-4336) |
M8V | 10,53 J | 12h 59m 05s -43° 36′ 24″ |
128,00 ± ? | Zentaur | |||
174 | 25,513 | p Eridani (HIP 7751) |
p Eridani A (Gliese 66 A) |
K2V | 0,790 | 0,880 | 5,87 | 6,25 | 01h 39m 48s -56° 11′ 47″ |
127,84 ± 2,19 | Eridanus |
174 | 25,513 | p Eridani (HIP 7751) |
p Eridani B (Gliese 66 B) |
K3V | 0,600 | 0,860 | 5,76 | 6,35 | 01h 39m 48s -56° 11′ 48″ |
127,84 ± 2,19 | Eridanus |
175 | 25,665 | AN Sextantis (Gliese 382) |
AN Sextantis (HIP 49986) |
M2V | 0,580 | 0,560 | 9,26 | 9,80 | 10h 12m 18s -03° 44′ 44″ |
127,08 ± 1,90 | Sextant |
176 | 25,824 | 2MASS 0729-3954 |
2MASS 0729-3954 |
T8 | 15,92 J | — | 07h 29m 00s -39° 54′ 04″ |
126,30 ± 8,30 | Achterdeck des Schiffs | ||
177 | 25,834 | Gliese 293 (EGGR 56) |
Gliese 293 (LHS 34) |
DA9 VII | 0,0128 | 0,590 | 14,09 | 14,89 | 07h 53m 08s -67° 47′ 31″ |
126,25 ± 1,34 | Fliegender Fisch |
178 | 25,859 | GJ 3378 (L 1813-21) |
GJ 3378 (LHS 1805) |
M3.5V | 0,141 | 06h 01m 11s +59° 35′ 51″ |
126,13 ± 6,00 | Giraffe | |||
179 | 25,885 | DG Canis Venatici (G 165-8) |
DG Canis Venatici (GJ 3789) |
M4Ve | 0,230 | 13h 31m 47s +29° 16′ 37″ |
126,00 ± 0,00 | Jagdhunde | |||
180 | 25,967 | Gliese 300 (LHS 1989) |
Gliese 300 (Luyten 674-15) |
M4V | 0,190 | 12,11 | 08h 12m 41s -21° 33′ 06″ |
125,60 ± 0,97 | Achterdeck des Schiffs | ||
181 | 26,078 | Gliese 793 (LHS 3558) |
Gliese 793 (LHS 3558) |
M3V | 0,202 | 10,44 | 11,04 | 20h 30m 32s +29° 16′ 37″ |
125,07 ± 1,08 | Drache | |
182 | 26,093 | GJ 1087 (V1201 Orionis) |
V1201 Orionis (EGGR 290) |
DAP8.7 VII | 0,011 | 0,710 | 14,10 | 14,59 | 05h 56m 25s +05° 21′ 49″ |
125,00 ± 3,60 | Orion |
182 | 26,093 | 2MASS 0050-3322 |
2MASS 0050-3322 |
T7 | 0,0325 | 15,92 J | — | 00h 50m 20s -33° 22′ 40″ |
? | Bärenhüter | |
184 | 26,124 | Gliese 257 (HIP 33499) |
Gliese 257 A (LPM 248 B) |
M3V | 0,160 | 11,50 | 11,98 | 06h 57m 47s -44° 17′ 28″ |
124,85 ± 2,13 | Achterdeck des Schiffs | |
184 | 26,124 | Gliese 257 (HIP 33499) |
Gliese 257 B (LPM 248 B) |
M3V | 0,150 | 11,70 | 12,18 | 06h 57m 47s -44° 17′ 27″ |
124,85 ± 2,13 | Achterdeck des Schiffs | |
185 | 26,278 | Gliese 623 (LHS 417) |
Gliese 623 A (AC +48°1595-89 A) |
M3V | 0,370 | 10,27 | 10,74 | 16h 24m 09s +48° 21′ 10″ |
124,12 ± 1,16 | Herkules | |
185 | 26,278 | Gliese 623 (G 202-45) |
Gliese 623 B (AC +48°1595-89 B) |
M2.5V | 16h 24m 09s +48° 21′ 10″ |
124,12 ± 1,16 | Herkules | ||||
186 | 26,279 | Chi Draconis (Gliese 713) |
χ Draconis A (Gliese 713 A) |
F7V | 1,200 | 1,029 | 3,57 | 4,04 | 18h 21m 03s +72° 43′ 58″ |
124,11 ± 0,87 | Drache |
186 | 26,279 | Chi Draconis (Gliese 713) |
χ Draconis B (Gliese 713 B) |
K0V | 0,730 | 0,748 | 5,67 | 18h 21m 03s +72° 43′ 58″ |
124,11 ± 0,87 | Drache | |
187 | 26,316 | Pi3 Orionis (Gliese 178) |
π3 Orionis (Tabit) |
F6V | 1,323 | 1,236 | 3,16 | 3,65 | 04h 49m 50s +06° 57′ 41″ |
123,94 ± 0,17 | Orion |
188 | 26,373 | Gliese 686 (LHS 452) |
Gliese 686 (LHS 452) |
M1V | 0,510 | 0,470 | 9,58 | 10,17 | 17h 37m 53s +18° 35′ 30″ |
123,67 ± 1,61 | Herkules |
189 | 26,409 | GJ 1289 (LHS 4003) |
GJ 1289 (LHS 4003) |
M4V K0? |
12,67 | 23h 43m 06s +36° 32′ 13″ |
123,50 ± 2,90 | Andromeda | |||
190 | 26,495 | Wolf 461 (FN Virginis) |
Wolf 461 (Gliese 493.1) |
M5V | 13,37 | 13h 00m 34s +05° 41′ 08″ |
123,10 ± 3,50 | Jungfrau | |||
191 | 26,517 | Gliese 747 (HIC 93917) |
Gliese 747 A (LHS 471) |
M3V | 0,142 | 19h 07m 43s +32° 32′ 40″ |
123,00 ± 4,00 | Leier | |||
191 | 26,517 | Gliese 747 (HIC 93917) |
Gliese 747 B |
M5Vk | 0,131 | 19h 07m 43s +32° 32′ 40″ |
123,00 ± 4,00 | Leier | |||
192 | 26,520 | GJ 1123 (L 35-12) |
GJ 1123 (LHS 263) |
M4V | 0,103 | 09h 17m 05s -77° 49′ 23″ |
? | Chamäleon | |||
193 | 26,675 | Gliese 915 (WD 2359-434) |
Gliese 915 (WD 2359-434) |
DAP5.8 VII | 0,0097 | 0,850 | 12,76 | 13,20 | 00h 02m 11s -43° 09′ 56″ |
122,27 ± 1,13 | Phönix |
194 | 26,725 | Gliese 54 (HIP 5496) |
Gliese 54 A (LHS 1208) |
M2.5V | 0,510 | 0,500 | 9,82 | 10,23 | 01h 10m 23s -67° 26′ 42″ |
122,04 ± 2,42 | Tukan |
194 | 26,725 | Gliese 54 (HIP 5496) |
Gliese 54 B |
M? V | 01h 10m 23s -67° 26′ 42″ |
122,04 ± 2,42 | Tukan | ||||
195 | 26,745 | UGPS 0521+3640 |
UGPS 0521+3640 |
T8.5 | 0,0220 | 16,94 J | — | 05h 21m 27s +36° 41′ 00″ |
? | Fuhrmann | |
195 | 26,745 | 2MASS 0908+5032 (2MUCD 10802) |
2MASS 0908+5032 (SDSS 0908+5032) |
L7 | 14,55 J | — | 09h 08m 38s +50° 32′ 09″ |
? | Großer Bär | ||
197 | 26,802 | Gliese 884 (HD 217357) |
Gliese 884 (LHS 3885) |
K7Vk M0V |
0,630 | 0,670 | 7,87 | 8,34 | 23h 00m 16s -22° 31′ 28″ |
121,69 ± 0,69 | Wassermann |
198 | 26,824 | GJ 3181 (LP 411-6) |
GJ 3181 (LHS 1443) |
M6V | 16,93 | 02h 46m 35s +16° 25′ 12″ |
121,59 ± 2,00 | Widder | |||
199 | 26,864 | Gliese 48 (HIP 4856) |
Gliese 48 (LHS 131) |
M3V | 0,510 | 0,480 | 9,96 | 10,27 | 01h 02m 32s +71° 40′ 47″ |
121,41 ± 1,25 | Kassiopeia |
200 | 26,866 | Gliese 518 (Wolf 489) |
Gliese 518 (EGGR 100) |
DZ10 VII | 0,013 | 0,550 | 14,66 | 15,08 | 13h 36m 32s +03° 40′ 46″ |
121,40 ± 3,40 | Jungfrau |
201 | 27,044 | 2MASS 0334-4953 (DEN 0334-4953) |
2MASS 0334-4953 (DEN 0334-4953) |
M9V | 11,38 J | 03h 34m 12s -49° 53′ 32″ |
120,60 ± 3,60 | Pendeluhr | |||
202 | 27,062 | Wolf 922 (BB Capricorni) |
Wolf 922 A (Gliese 831 A) |
M4.5Ve | 0,290 | 0,134 | 12,05 | 12,54 | 21h 31m 19s -09° 47′ 26″ |
120,52 ± 5,98 | Steinbock |
202 | 27,062 | Wolf 922 (BB Capricorni) |
Wolf 922 B (Gliese 831 B) |
M? V | 0,063 | 14,90 | 15,39 | 21h 31m 19s -09° 47′ 26″ |
120,52 ± 5,98 | Steinbock | |
203 | 27,087 | SCR 1138-7721 (2MASS 1138-7721) |
SCR 1138-7721 (SSSPM 1138-7722) |
M5.5V | 14,78 | 11h 38m 17s -77° 21′ 48″ |
120,41 ± 1,01 | Chamäleon | |||
204 | 27,105 | My Herculis (Gliese 695) |
μ Herculis A (Gliese 695 A) |
G5IV | 1,760 | 1,100 | 3,42 | 3,80 | 17h 46m 28s +27° 43′ 14″ |
120,33 ± 0,16 | Herkules |
204 | 27,105 | My Herculis (Gliese 695) |
μ Herculis B (Gliese 695 B) |
M3.5V | 0,480 | 0,310 | 10,35 | 10,73 | 17h 46m 25s +27° 43′ 01″ |
120,33 ± 0,16 | Herkules |
204 | 27,105 | My Herculis (Gliese 695) |
μ Herculis C (Gliese 695 C) |
M4Vk | 0,480 | 0,310 | 10,80 | 11,18 | 17h 46m 25s +27° 43′ 01″ |
120,33 ± 0,16 | Herkules |
205 | 27,180 | GJ 1227 (LHS 465) |
GJ 1227 (LHS 465) |
M4.5V | 18h 22m 27s +62° 03′ 03″ |
120,00 ± 2,20 | Drache | ||||
205 | 27,180 | Gliese 232 (Ross 64) |
Gliese 232 (LHS 1846) |
M4.5V | 0,105 | 13,06 | 06h 24m 41s +23° 25′ 59″ |
120,00 ± 2,30 | Zwillinge | ||
207 | 27,214 | Gliese 618 (CD-37°10765) |
Gliese 618 A (LHS 415) |
M3V | 0,210 | 0,400 | 10,59 | 10,92 | 16h 20m 04s -37° 31′ 45″ |
119,85 ± 2,52 | Skorpion |
207 | 27,214 | Gliese 618 (CD-37°10765) |
Gliese 618 B (LHS 416) |
M5V | 0,160 | 0,110 | 14,51 | 16h 20m 03s -37° 31′ 49″ |
119,85 ± 2,52 | Skorpion | |
208 | 27,300 | Wolf 437 (Gliese 486) |
Wolf 437 (HIP 62452) |
M4V | 11,39 | 12h 47m 57s +09° 45′ 05″ |
119,47 ± 2,69 | Jungfrau | |||
209 | 27,316 | GJ 1154 (G 13-22) |
GJ 1154 (LHS 2531) |
M5V | 13,64 | 12h 14m 17s +00° 37′ 26″ |
119,40 ± 3,50 | Jungfrau | |||
210 | 27,360 | AP Columbae (L 523-55) |
AP Columbae (LTT 2449) |
M4Vpe | 0,250 | 12,96 | 13,34 | 06h 04m 52s -34° 33′ 36″ |
119,21 ± 0,98 | Taube | |
211 | 27,397 | SCR 0838-5855 |
SCR 0838-5855 |
M6V | 08h 38m 02s -58° 55′ 59″ |
? | Kiel des Schiffs | ||||
212 | 27,438 | Gliese 438 (LHS 2447) |
Gliese 438 (LHS 2447) |
K0V-VI | 0,390 | 0,400 | 10,36 | 10,74 | 11h 43m 20s -51° 50′ 26″ |
118,90 ± 15,0 | Zentaur |
213 | 27,526 | Asterion (β Canum Ven.) |
Asterion (Gliese 475) |
G0V | 1,080 | 1,110 | 4,24 | 4,61 | 12h 33m 45s +41° 21′ 27″ |
118,49 ± 0,20 | Jagdhunde |
214 | 27,593 | GJ 3146 (LHS 1375) |
GJ 3146 (LP 469-206) |
M6V | 15,79 | 16,15 | 02h 16m 30s +13° 35′ 14″ |
118,20 ± 6,80 | Widder | ||
215 | 27,630 | GJ 3076 (LP 467-16) |
GJ 3076 (LP 467-16) |
M5V | 13,59 | 01h 11m 25s +15° 26′ 22″ |
? | Fische | |||
216 | 27,645 | GJ 3517 (LHS 2065) |
GJ 3517 (LP 666-9) |
M9V | 18,96 | 08h 53m 36s -03° 29′ 32″ |
117,98 ± 0,76 | Wasser- schlange | |||
217 | 27,723 | SCR 0640-0552 (BD-05°1737) |
SCR 0640-0552 (BD-05°1737) |
M2V | 10,24 6,84 J |
06h 40m 14s -05° 52′ 23″ |
? | Einhorn | |||
218 | 27,770 | Gliese 745[5] (LDS 1017) |
Gliese 745 A (LHS 3432, Ross 730) |
M2V-VI | 0,332 | 0,348 | 10,77 | 11,10 | 19h 07m 06s +20° 53′ 17″ |
117,45 ± 2,28 | Pfeil |
219 | 27,808 | 2MASS 0835-0819 (GJ 1057) |
2MASS 0835-0819 (GJ 1057) |
L5 | 13,17 | — | 08h 35m 43s -08° 19′ 24″ |
117,30 ± 11,2 | Wasser- schlange | ||
220 | 27,853 | CD Ceti (GJ 1057) |
CD Ceti (GJ 1057) |
M5V | 0,180 | 0,160 | 13,78 | 14,11 | 03h 13m 23s +04° 46′ 29″ |
117,10 ± 3,50 | Walfisch |
221 | 27,862 | GJ 1276 (EGGR 453) |
GJ 1276 (LHS 69) |
DZ13 VII | 0,540 | 15,66 | 16,05 | 22h 53m 53s -06° 46′ 54″ |
117,06 ± 0,97 | Wassermann | |
222 | 27,903 | 61 Virginis (Gliese 506) |
61 Virginis (Gliese 506) |
G7V | 0,960 | 0,940 | 4,74 | 5,07 | 13h 18m 24s -18° 18′ 40″ |
116,89 ± 0,22 | Jungfrau |
222 | 27,903 | 61 Virginis (Gliese 506) |
61 Virginis b (Gliese 506 b) |
Planet | 0,00002 | — | — | 13h 18m 24s -18° 18′ 40″ |
116,89 ± 0,22 | Jungfrau | |
222 | 27,903 | 61 Virginis (Gliese 506) |
61 Virginis c (Gliese 506 c) |
Planet | 0,00006 | — | — | 13h 18m 24s -18° 18′ 40″ |
116,89 ± 0,22 | Jungfrau | |
222 | 27,903 | 61 Virginis (Gliese 506) |
Trümmerscheibe 61 Virginis |
Gürtel | — | — | — | — | 13h 18m 24s -18° 18′ 40″ |
116,89 ± 0,22 | Jungfrau |
223 | 27,972 | GJ 3454 (LTT 17993) |
GJ 3454 A (G 89-32 A) |
M4.5V | 0,150 | 13,29 | 07h 36m 25s +07° 04′ 43″ |
116,60 ± 0,97 | Kleiner Hund | ||
223 | 27,972 | GJ 3454 (LTT 17993) |
GJ 3454 B (G 89-32 B) |
M5V | 0,130 | 07h 36m 25s +07° 04′ 43″ |
116,60 ± 0,97 | Kleiner Hund | |||
224 | 27,975 | Gliese 185[6] (HIC 23452) |
Gliese 185 A (HD 32450) |
K7V M0V? |
8,66 | 05h 02m 28s -21° 15′ 24″ |
116,59 ± 1,51 | Hase | |||
225 | 28,001 | Gliese 450 (G 148-13) |
Gliese 450 (NLTT 28756) |
M1Ve | 0,490 | 9,72 | 10,10 | 11h 51m 07s +35° 16′ 19″ |
116,48 ± 1,19 | Großer Bär | |
226 | 28,006 | Zeta Tucanae (Gliese 17) |
ζ Tucanae (HIP 1599) |
F9.5V | 1,080 | 0,990 | 4,23 | 4,67 | 00h 20m 04s -64° 52′ 29″ |
116,46 ± 0,16 | Tukan |
227 | 28,100 | Gliese 877 (LHS 531) |
Gliese 877 (LHS 531) |
M3V | 0,340 | 10,38 | 10,70 | 22h 55m 46s -75° 27′ 31″ |
116,07 ± 1,19 | Oktant | |
228 | 28,102 | GJ 1105 (LHS 1963) |
GJ 1105 (LHS 1963) |
M3.5V | 0,250 | 12,04 | 12,43 | 07h 58m 13s +41° 18′ 13″ |
116,06 ± 3,67 | Luchs | |
229 | 28,105 | Gliese 849 (LHS 517) |
Gliese 849 (LHS 517) |
M3.5V | 0,520 | 0,360 | 10,42 | 10,70 | 22h 09m 40s -04° 38′ 27″ |
116,05 ± 1,99 | Wassermann |
229 | 28,105 | Gliese 849 (LHS 517) |
Gliese 849 b |
Planet | 0,00078 | — | — | 22h 09m 40s -04° 38′ 27″ |
116,05 ± 1,99 | Wassermann | |
230 | 28,117 | WISE 1647+5632 (2MASS 1647+5632) |
WISE 1647+5632 (2MASS 1647+5632) |
L9p | 16,59 J | — | 16h 47m 16s +56° 32′ 05″ |
116,00 ± 2,90 | Drache | ||
231 | 28,256 | Chi1 Orionis (Gliese 222) |
χ1 Orionis A (Gliese 222 A) |
G0IV-V | 1,081 | 0,979 | 4,39 | 4,67 | 05h 54m 23s +20° 16′ 34″ |
115,43 ± 0,27 | Orion |
231 | 28,256 | Chi1 Orionis (Gliese 222) |
χ1 Orionis B (Gliese 222 B) |
M6V | 0,150 | 05h 54m 23s +20° 16′ 34″ |
115,43 ± 0,27 | Orion | |||
232 | 28,266 | GJ 1207 (L 988-42) |
GJ 1207 (LHS 3255) |
M4V | 12,33 | 12,37 | 16h 57m 06s -04° 20′ 56″ |
115,39 ± 1,51 | Schlangen- träger | ||
233 | 28,272 | GJ 1151 (LHS 316) |
GJ 1151 (LHS 316) |
M4.5V | 13,26 | 11h 50m 58s +48° 22′ 40″ |
115,36 ± ?? | Großer Bär | |||
234 | 28,314 | HIP 31292 (LDS 169) |
L 32-8 (2MASS 0633-7537) |
M3.5V | 11,41 | 11,74 | 06h 33m 47s -75° 37′ 30″ |
115,19 ± 10,6 | Tafelberg | ||
235 | 28,359 | Gliese 867[7] | Gliese 867 A (FK Aquarii) |
M1Ve | 9,08 | 22h 38m 46s -20° 37′ 16″ |
115,01 ± 1,32 | Wassermann | |||
236 | 28,361 | WISE 0647-6232 |
WISE 0647-6232 |
Y1 | 0,0172 | 22,65 J | — | 06h 47m 23s -62° 32′ 40″ |
115,00 ± 12,0 | Maler | |
237 | 28,401 | HR 1614 (Gliese 183) |
HR 1614 (GJ 183, LHS 200) |
K3V | 0,780 | 0,838 | 6,21 | 6,49 | 05h 00m 49s -05° 45′ 13″ |
114,84 ± 0,50 | Eridanus |
238 | 28,408 | Gliese 250 (HD 50281) |
Gliese 250 A (LHS 1875) |
K3.5V | 0,670 | 0,800 | 6,57 | 6,88 | 06h 52m 18s -05° 10′ 25″ |
114,81 ± 0,44 | Einhorn |
238 | 28,408 | Gliese 250 (HD 50281) |
Gliese 250 B (LHS 1876) |
M2.5V | 0,500 | 0,490 | 10,08 | 10,28 | 06h 52m 18s -05° 10′ 25″ |
114,81 ± 0,44 | Einhorn |
218 | 28,548 | Gliese 745[5] (LDS 1017) |
Gliese 745 B (LHS 3433, Ross 731) |
M2V-VI | 0,339 | 0,352 | 10,77 | 11,10 | 19h 07m 13s +20° 52′ 37″ |
114,25 ± 2,30 | Pfeil |
239 | 28,560 | 2MASS 0036+1821 | 2MASS 0036+1821 | L3.5 | 12,47 J | — | 00h 36m 16s +18° 21′ 10″ |
114,20 ± 0,80 | Fische | ||
240 | 28,570 | SCR 0630-7643 (SIPS 0630-7643) |
SCR 0630-7643 A (SIPS 0630-7643 A) |
M6V | 14,82 | 06h 30m 47s -76° 43′ 09″ |
114,16 ± 1,85 | Tafelberg | |||
240 | 28,570 | SCR 0630-7643 (SIPS 0630-7643) |
SCR 0630-7643 B (SIPS 0630-7643 B) |
M? V | 06h 30m 47s -76° 43′ 09″ |
114,16 ± 1,85 | Tafelberg | ||||
241 | 28,610 | GJ 1103 (LDS 6210) |
GJ 1103 A (LHS 1951) |
M4.5V | 07h 51m 55s -00° 00′ 12″ |
114,00 ± 3,30 | Kleiner Hund | ||||
241 | 28,610 | GJ 1103 (LDS 6210) |
GJ 1103 B (LHS 1952) |
M? V | 07h 51m 55s -00° 00′ 14″ |
114,00 ± 3,30 | Kleiner Hund | ||||
241 | 28,610 | GJ 3667 (WD 1126+185) |
GJ 3667 (2MASS 1129+1816) |
DC8-9 VII | 13,79 | 14,07 | 11h 29m 18s +18° 16′ 46″ |
114,00 ± 13,0 | Löwe | ||
243 | 28,702 | 2MASS 0652+4710[8] |
2MASS 0652+4710 B |
L6.5 | 0,0706 | — | 06h 52m 21s +47° 10′ 35″ |
? | Fuhrmann | ||
244 | 28,702 | 2MASS 1800+0134 (WISE 1800+0134) |
2MASS 1800+0134 (WISE 1800+0134) |
L7.5 | 0,040— 0,074 |
14,30 J | — | 18h 00m 26s +01° 34′ 57″ |
? | Schlangen- träger | |
245 | 28,703 | Gliese 318 (EGGR 62) |
Gliese 318 (LHS 253) |
DA5.5 VII | 0,590 | 11,85 | 12,58 | 08h 41m 33s -32° 56′ 34″ |
113,63 ± 1,97 | Schiffs- kompass | |
246 | 28,708 | 41 Arae (HIP 84720) |
41 Arae A (GJ 666 A, LHS 444) |
G8V | 0,790 | 0,810 | 5,47 | 6,28 | 17h 19m 04s -46° 38′ 10″ |
113,61 ± 0,69 | Altar |
246 | 28,708 | 41 Arae (HIP 84720) |
41 Arae B (GJ 666 B, LHS 445) |
M0Vp | 0,480 | 8,69 | 8,97 | 17h 19m 03s -46° 38′ 13″ |
113,61 ± 0,69 | Altar | |
246 | 28,708 | 41 Arae (HIP 84720) |
41 Arae C (GJ 666 C) |
M6.5V | 13,65 | 17h 18m 50s -46° 38′ 19″ |
113,61 ± 0,69 | Altar | |||
246 | 28,708 | 41 Arae (HIP 84720) |
41 Arae D (GJ 666 D) |
M7V | 14,00 | 17h 18m 55s -46° 37′ 39″ |
113,61 ± 0,69 | Altar | |||
247 | 28,736 | Ross 41 (GJ 203, LHS 1761) |
Ross 41 (HIP 25578) |
M3.5V | 12,44 | 05h 28m 00s +09° 38′ 38″ |
113,50 ± 5,01 | Orion | |||
248 | 28,812 | Xi Ursae Majoris (Alula Australis) |
ξ Ursae Majoris A (Alula Australis Aa) |
F8.5Ve | 1,010 | 1,050 | 3,79 | 4,71 | 11h 18m 11s +31° 31′ 45″ |
113,20 ± 4,60 | Großer Bär |
248 | 28,812 | Xi Ursae Majoris (Alula Australis) |
ξ Ursae Majoris Ab (Alula Australis Ab) |
M3V | 11h 18m 11s +31° 31′ 46″ |
113,20 ± 4,60 | Großer Bär | ||||
248 | 28,812 | Xi Ursae Majoris (Alula Australis) |
ξ Ursae Majoris B (Alula Australis Ba) |
G2Ve | 0,780 | 0,900 | 4,73 | 5,23 | 11h 18m 11s +31° 31′ 46″ |
113,20 ± 4,60 | Großer Bär |
248 | 28,812 | Xi Ursae Majoris (Alula Australis) |
ξ Ursae Majoris Bb (Alula Australis Bb) |
M9V? L0? |
— | 11h 18m 11s +31° 31′ 46″ |
113,20 ± 4,60 | Großer Bär | |||
248 | 28,812 | Xi Ursae Majoris (Alula Australis) |
ξ Ursae Majoris Bc (WDS J11182+3132D) |
T8.5 | 15,94 J | — | 11h 18m 39s +31° 25′ 44″ |
113,20 ± 4,60 | Großer Bär | ||
249 | 28,868 | Ross 695 (Gliese 465) |
Ross 695 (LHS 45) |
M2V | 0,174 | 11,27 | 12h 24m 53s -18° 14′ 32″ |
112,98 ± 2,51 | Rabe | ||
250 | 28,889 | HU Delphini (Gliese 791.2) |
HU Delphini A (Gliese 791.2 A) |
M4.5Ve | 13,04 | 20h 29m 48s +09° 41′ 20″ |
112,90 ± 0,30 | Delphin | |||
250 | 28,889 | HU Delphini (Gliese 791.2) |
HU Delphini B (Gliese 791.2 B) |
M? V | 20h 29m 48s +09° 41′ 20″ |
112,90 ± 0,30 | Delphin | ||||
251 | 28,971 | Gliese 433[9] (HIP 56528) |
Gliese 433 (LHS 2429) |
M1.5V | 0,480 | 0,480 | 9,81 | 10,01 | 11h 35m 27s -32° 32′ 24″ |
112,58 ± 1,44 | Wasser- schlange |
252 | 29,036 | V374 Pegasi (GJ 4247) |
V374 Pegasi (GJ 4247) |
M4V | 11,49 | 22h 01m 13s +28° 18′ 25″ |
112,33 ± 3,05 | Pegasus | |||
253 | 29,064 | HR 7722 (GJ 785, HD 192310) |
HR 7722 (GJ 785, LHS 488) |
K2V | 0,790 | 0,780 | 5,72 | 6,00 | 20h 15m 17s -27° 01′ 59″ |
112,22 ± 0,30 | Steinbock |
253 | 29,064 | HR 7722 (GJ 785, HD 192310) |
HR 7722 b (Gliese 785 b) |
Planet | 0,028- 0,037 |
0,00005 | — | — | 20h 15m 17s -27° 01′ 59″ |
112,22 ± 0,30 | Steinbock |
253 | 29,064 | HR 7722 (GJ 785, HD 192310) |
HR 7722 c (Gliese 785 c) |
Planet | 0,00007 | — | — | 20h 15m 17s -27° 01′ 59″ |
112,22 ± 0,30 | Steinbock | |
254 | 29,087 | SZ Ursae Majoris (Gliese 424) |
SZ Ursae Majoris (Gliese 424) |
M1V | 0,289 | 10,74 | 11h 20m 05s +65° 50′ 47″ |
112,13 ± 1,03 | Großer Bär | ||
251 | 29,098 | Gliese 433[9] (HIP 56528) |
Gliese 433 b |
Planet | — | — | 11h 35m 27s -32° 32′ 24″ |
112,09 ± 1,43 | Wasser- schlange | ||
255 | 29,110 | GJ 3707 (LP 734-32) |
GJ 3707 (LHS 2520) |
M3.5V | 12,12 | 12h 10m 06s -15° 04′ 16″ |
? | Rabe | |||
256 | 29,116 | Gamma Leporis (Gliese 216) |
γ Leporis A (HR 1983) |
F6V | 1,330 | 1,230 | 3,59 | 3,83 | 05h 44m 28s -22° 26′ 54″ |
112,02 ± 0,18 | Hase |
256 | 29,116 | Gamma Leporis (Gliese 216) |
γ Leporis B (AK Leporis, HR 1982) |
K2V | 1,022 | 0,830 | 6,18 | 6,42 | 05h 44m 28s -22° 26′ 54″ |
112,02 ± 0,18 | Hase |
257 | 29,121 | GJ 3128 (LHS 1326) |
GJ 3128 (LHS 1326) |
M5.5V | 15,61 | 02h 02m 16s +10° 20′ 14″ |
112,00 ± 1,90 | Fische | |||
258 | 29,130 | GJ 3820 (Luyten 763-63) |
GJ 3820 (LHS 2836) |
M4.5V K2V? |
13,00 | 13h 59m 10s -19° 50′ 03″ |
? | Jungfrau | |||
259 | 29,354 | 2MASS 0348-6022 |
2MASS 0348-6022 |
T7 | 15,32 J | — | 03h 48m 08s -60° 22′ 27″ |
? | Netz | ||
259 | 29,354 | 2MASS 1425-3650 (DEN 1425-3650) |
2MASS 1425-3650 (DEN 1425-3650) |
L3 | 13,75 J | — | 14h 25m 28s -36° 50′ 23″ |
? | Zentaur | ||
261 | 29,370 | GJ 4360 (LP 823-4) |
GJ 4360 A (LHS 4009) |
M5V | 14,50 | 23h 45m 31s -16° 10′ 20″ |
? | Wassermann | |||
261 | 29,370 | GJ 4360 (LP 823-4) |
GJ 4360 B (LHS 4009) |
M5V | 23h 45m 31s -16° 10′ 20″ |
? | Wassermann | ||||
262 | 29,415 | HIP 31293 (WDS J06337-7538) |
L 32-9 (2MASS 0633-7537) |
M2V | 10,35 | 10,58 | 06h 33m 43s -75° 37′ 48″ |
110,88 ± 2,25 | Tafelberg | ||
263 | 29,431 | Gliese 357 (LHS 2157) |
Gliese 357 (LHS 2157) |
M2.5V | 10,91 | 09h 36m 02s -21° 39′ 39″ |
110,82 ± 1,92 | Wasser- schlange | |||
264 | 29,487 | Delta Eridani (Rana) |
δ Eridani (Gliese 150) |
K1III-IV | 2,327 | 1,330 | 3,54 | 3,77 | 03h 43m 15s -09° 45′ 48″ |
110,61 ± 0,22 | Eridanus |
265 | 29,506 | GJ 2012 (L 651-57) |
GJ 2012 (LHS 1126) |
DQ9 VII | 14,53 | 14,55 | 00h 41m 26s -22° 21′ 02″ |
110,54 ± 1,18 | Walfisch | ||
266 | 29,543 | 2MASS 0439-2353 (2MUCD 10312) |
2MASS 1425-3650 (2MUCD 10312) |
L6.5 | 14,41 J | — | 04h 39m 01s -23° 53′ 08″ |
110,40 ± 4,00 | Eridanus | ||
235 | 29,548 | Gliese 867[7] | Gliese 867 B (FL Aquarii) |
M3.5Ve | 11,43 | 22h 38m 45s -20° 36′ 52″ |
110,38 ± 1,54 | Wassermann | |||
267 | 29,613 | 2MASS 0727+1710 (LEHPM 2-461) |
2MASS 0727+1710 (LEHPM 2-461) |
T7 | 0,0286 | 15,19 J | — | 07h 21m 18s +17° 10′ 01″ |
110,14 ± 2,34 | Zwillinge | |
268 | 29,651 | Gliese 176[10] (HD 285968) |
Gliese 176 b |
Planet | 0,0265 | — | — | 04h 42m 56s +18° 57′ 29″ |
110,00 ± 2,00 | Stier | |
269 | 29,653 | Groombridge 1830 (Argelander's Stern) |
Groombridge 1830 (Gliese 451) |
K1V G8VIp |
0,681 | 0,661 | 6,44 | 6,62 | 11h 52m 59s +37° 43′ 07″ |
109,99 ± 0,41 | Großer Bär |
270 | 29,678 | 2MASS 1416+1348 (SDSS 1416+1348) |
2MASS 1416+1348 A (SDSS 1416+1348 A) |
L5.5 | 0,072 | 13,15 J | — | 14h 16m 24s +13° 48′ 26″ |
109,90 ± 1,80 | Bärenhüter | |
270 | 29,678 | 2MASS 1416+1348 (SDSS 1416+1348) |
2MASS 1416+1348 B (SDSS 1416+1348 B) |
T7.5 | 0,021– 0,045 |
17,26 J | — | 14h 16m 24s +13° 48′ 36″ |
109,90 ± 1,80 | Bärenhüter | |
270 | 29,678 | 2MASS 1645-1319 |
2MASS 1645-1319 |
L1.5 | 12,45 J | — | 16h 45m 22s -13° 19′ 52″ |
109,90 ± 6,10 | Schlangen- träger | ||
272 | 29,686 | Gliese 283 (L 745-46) |
Gliese 283 B (LHS 234) |
M6.5V | 17,06 | 16,60 | 07h 40m 19s -17° 24′ 45″ |
109,87 ± 0,82 | Achterdeck des Schiffs | ||
272 | 29,707 | Gliese 283 (L 745-46) |
Gliese 283 A (LHS 235) |
DAZ6.6 VII | 12,09 | 13,10 | 07h 40m 21s -17° 24′ 49″ |
109,79 ± 0,81 | Achterdeck des Schiffs | ||
273 | 29,753 | GJ 2066 (HIP 40501) |
GJ 2066 (G 113-20) |
M2V | 0,450 | 10,09 | 10,28 | 08h 16m 08s +01° 18′ 09″ |
109,62 ± 1,54 | Wasser- schlange | |
274 | 29,759 | 2MASS 0355+1133 |
2MASS 0355+1133 |
L5 | 0,0210 | 14,05 J | — | 03h 55m 23s +11° 33′ 44″ |
109,60 ± 1,30 | Stier | |
275 | 29,767 | HIP 82724[2] (2MASS 1654-6224) |
HIP 82724 (CCDM 1654-6224 A) |
M? Vp | 11,77 | 16h 54m 32s -62° 23′ 59″ |
109,57 ± 20,1 | Altar | |||
276 | 29,775 | Beta Comae Berenices (Gliese 502) |
β Comae Berenices (LHS 348) |
F9.5V G0V |
1,106 | 1,150 | 4,26 | 4,43 | 13h 11m 52s +27° 52′ 41″ |
109,54 ± 0,17 | Haar der Berenike |
277 | 29,810 | Kappa1 Ceti (Gliese 137) |
κ1 Ceti (HIP 15457) |
G0V | 0,950 | 1,037 | 4,84 | 5,16 | 03h 19m 22s +03° 22′ 13″ |
109,41 ± 0,27 | Walfisch |
278 | 29,818 | Gliese 84 (HIP 9724) |
Gliese 84 (LHS 149) |
M2.5V | 0,540 | 10,19 | 10,39 | 02h 05m 05s -17° 36′ 53″ |
109,38 ± 1,92 | Walfisch | |
279 | 29,979 | GJ 3421 (LSPMJ0703+5242) |
GJ 3421 A (LHS 224) |
M5V | 13,29 | 07h 03m 56s +52° 42′ 08″ |
108,79 ± ? | Luchs | |||
280 | 29,979 | GJ 3421 (LSPMJ0703+5242) |
GJ 3421 B |
M? V | 07h 03m 56s +52° 42′ 08″ |
108,79 ± ? | Luchs | ||||
281 | 30,006 | SCR 1826-6542 |
SCR 1826-6542 |
M5V | 18,68 | 18h 26m 47s -65° 42′ 40″ |
? | Pfau | |||
282 | 30,030 | GJ 3325 (HIP 23512) |
GJ 3325 (LHS 1731) |
M3V | 11,71 | 11,89 | 05h 03m 20s -17° 22′ 25″ |
108,61 ± 2,66 | Hase | ||
283 | 30,060 | 2MASS 1750-0016 |
2MASS 1645-1319 |
L5.5 | 13,29 J | — | 17h 50m 25s -00° 16′ 15″ |
108,50 ± 2,60 | Schlangen- träger | ||
284 | 30,074 | Gliese 442 (LDS 6248) |
Gliese 442 A (HD 102365) |
G2V | 0,960 | 0,889 | 4,89 | 5,07 | 11h 46m 31s -40° 30′ 01″ |
108,45 ± 0,22 | Zentaur |
284 | 30,074 | Gliese 442 (LDS 6248) |
Gliese 442 Ab (HD 102365 b) |
Planet | 0,0174 | 0,00003 | — | — | 11h 46m 31s -40° 30′ 01″ |
108,45 ± 0,22 | Zentaur |
284 | 30,074 | Gliese 442 (LDS 6248) |
Gliese 442 B (LHS 313) |
M4V | 0,070 | 15,43 | 11h 46m 33s -40° 29′ 48″ |
108,45 ± 0,22 | Zentaur | ||
285 | 30,091 | GJ 3571 (G 42-24) |
GJ 3571 (LHS 2206) |
M4.5V | 14,05 | 09h 53m 55s +20° 56′ 46″ |
108,39 ± 2,30 | Löwe | |||
286 | 30,144 | WISE 0059-0114 (CFBDS 0059-0114) |
WISE 0059-0114 (CFBDS 0059-0114) |
T8.5 | 18,08 J | — | 00h 59m 11s -01° 14′ 01″ |
108,20 ± 5,00 | Walfisch | ||
287 | 30,208 | Gamma Pavonis (Gliese 827) |
γ Pavonis (LHS 3674) |
F9V | 1,150 | 1,210 | 4,22 | 4,40 | 21h 26m 27s -65° 21′ 58″ |
107,97 ± 0,19 | Pfau |
288 | 30,241 | Gliese 190 (HIP 23932) |
Gliese 190 (LHS 203) |
M3.5V | 10,28 | 10,45 | 05h 08m 35s -18° 10′ 19″ |
107,85 ± 2,10 | Hase | ||
268 | 30,247 | Gliese 176[10] (HD 285968) |
Gliese 176 (LHS 196) |
M2.5Ve | 0,530 | 0,490 | 9,95 | 10,12 | 04h 42m 56s +18° 57′ 29″ |
107,83 ± 2,85 | Stier |
289 | 30,253 | GJ 3135 (HIP 9786) |
GJ 3135 (LHS 1339) |
M2.5V | 12,17 | 12,32 | 02h 05m 49s -30° 10′ 36″ |
107,81 ± 2,92 | Chemischer Ofen | ||
290 | 30,264 | GJ 3801 (HIP 66906) |
GJ 3801 (LHS 2784) |
M4V | 11,97 | 12,19 | 13h 42m 43s +33° 17′ 24″ |
107,77 ± 3,22 | Jagdhunde | ||
291 | 30,283 | GJ 3380 (LSPM 0602+4951) |
GJ 3380 (LHS 1809) |
M5V | 14,48 | 06h 02m 29s +49° 51′ 56″ |
107,70 ± 2,60 | Fuhrmann | |||
292 | 30,333 | WISE 2313-8037 (EQ 2313-8037) |
WISE 2313-8037 (EQ 2313-8037) |
T8 | 16,97 J | — | 23h 13m 36s -80° 37′ 00″ |
? | Oktant | ||
293 | 30,340 | Wolf 1069 (GJ 1253) |
Wolf 1069 (LHS 3549) |
M5V | 14,04 | 20h 26m 05s +58° 34′ 22″ |
107,50 ± 3,60 | Schwan | |||
294 | 30,366 | WT 460 (2MASS 1411-4132) |
WT 460 A (2MASS 1411-4132 A) |
M6V | 9,67 J | 14h 12m 00s -41° 32′ 21″ |
107,41 ± 1,52 | Zentaur | |||
294 | 30,366 | WT 460 (2MASS 1411-4132) |
WT 460 B (2MASS 1411-4132 B) |
L1 | 0,0716 | — | 14h 12m 00s -41° 32′ 21″ |
107,41 ± 1,52 | Zentaur | ||
295 | 30,496 | WISE 0943+3607 |
WISE 0943+3607 |
T9.5 | 19,74 J | — | 09h 43m 06s +36° 07′ 24″ |
? | Kleiner Löwe | ||
296 | 30,549 | GJ 1138 (L 1545-74) |
GJ 1138 (LHS 293) |
M4.5V | 10h 49m 46s +35° 32′ 52″ |
106,76 ± ? | Kleiner Löwe | ||||
297 | 30,570 | Gliese 226 (HIP 29277) |
Gliese 226 (LHS 215) |
M2V | 10,49 | 06h 10m 20s +82° 06′ 24″ |
106,69 ± 1,31 | Giraffe | |||
298 | 30,659 | 2MASS 2236+5105 (WISE 2236+5105) |
2MASS 2236+5105 (WISE 2236+5105) |
T5 | 14,58 J | — | 22h 36m 17s +51° 05′ 49″ |
? | Eidechse | ||
299 | 30,723 | GJ 3193 (LP 771-96) |
GJ 3193 A (BD-17°588 B) |
M3.5V | 10,40 | 03h 01m 51s -16° 35′ 31″ |
106,16 ± 16,5 | Eridanus | |||
299 | 30,723 | GJ 3193 (LP 771-96) |
GJ 3193 B (BD-17°588 A) |
M3V | 10,52 | 03h 01m 51s -16° 35′ 36″ |
106,16 ± 16,5 | Eridanus | |||
300 | 30,757 | WISE 2220-3628 | WISE 2220-3628 | Y0 | 0,0134 | 20,38 J | — | 22h 20m 55s -36° 28′ 17″ |
? | Kranich | |
301 | 30,877 | Gliese 358 (HIP 47425) |
Gliese 358 (LHS 2166) |
M3V | 10,69 | 10,84 | 09h 39m 46s -41° 04′ 03″ |
105,63 ± 1,64 | Segel des Schiffs | ||
302 | 30,915 | Gliese 694 (HIP 86776) |
Gliese 694 (LHS 3321) |
M3.5V | 10,51 | 10,61 | 17h 43m 56s +43° 22′ 43″ |
105,50 ± 1,18 | Herkules | ||
303 | 30,945 | 2MASS 0034+0523 |
2MASS 0034+0523 |
T6.5 | 0,0468 | 15,54 J | — | 00h 34m 52s +05° 23′ 05″ |
105,40 ± 7,50 | Fische | |
304 | 30,985 | WISE 0811-8051 (EQ J0811-8051) |
WISE 0811-8051 (EQ J0811-8051) |
T9.5 | 19,90 J | — | 08h 11m 18s -80° 51′ 41″ |
? | Chamäleon | ||
304 | 30,985 | WISE 2102-4429 |
WISE 2102-4429 |
T9.5 | — | 21h 02m 00s -44° 29′ 20″ |
? | Mikroskop | |||
306 | 31,003 | GJ 3988 (G 203-42) |
GJ 3988 (LHS 3262) |
M5V | 13,56 | 17h 03m 24s +51° 24′ 22″ |
105,20 ± 2,50 | Drache | |||
307 | 31,032 | GJ 3306 (L 879-14) |
GJ 3306 (LHS 194) |
DQ8 VII | 14,10 | 14,21 | 04h 37m 47s -08° 49′ 09″ |
105,10 ± 2,60 | Eridanus | ||
308 | 31,178 | Gliese 432 (LDS 6245) |
Gliese 432 A (LHS 308) |
K0V | 0,840 | 0,870 | 5,98 | 6,06 | 11h 34m 29s -32° 49′ 53″ |
104,61 ± 0,37 | Wasser- schlange |
308 | 31,211 | Gliese 432 (LDS 6245) |
Gliese 432 B (LHS 309) |
DC8 VII | 0,150 | 15,00 | 15,10 | 11h 34m 30s -32° 49′ 57″ |
104,50 ± ? | Wasser- schlange | |
309 | 31,241 | 2MASS 1155-3727 |
2MASS 1155-3727 |
L2 | 12,81 J | — | 11h 55m 40s -37° 27′ 35″ |
104,40 ± 4,70 | Zentaur | ||
310 | 31,292 | LP 647-13 (2MASS 0109-0343) |
LP 647-13 (NLTT 3868) |
M9V | 19,27 | 01h 09m 51s -03° 43′ 26″ |
104,23 ± 2,29 | Walfisch | |||
311 | 31,349 | 61 Ursae Majoris (HIP 56997) |
Gliese 434 (HR 4496) |
G8V | 0,940 | 0,850 | 5,34 | 5,41 | 11h 41m 03s +34° 12′ 06″ |
104,04 ± 0,26 | Großer Bär |
312 | 31,350 | GJ 3275 (LP 415-636) |
GJ 3275 (LP 415-636) |
M3Ve | 12,55 | 04h 22m 08s +19° 15′ 22″ |
? | Stier | |||
313 | 31,361 | GJ 1065 (LHS 183) |
GJ 1065 (LHS 183) |
M3V | 12,79 | 03h 50m 44s -06° 05′ 40″ |
104,00 ± 3,00 | Eridanus | |||
314 | 31,422 | GJ 3855 (LP 98-79) |
GJ 3855 (LHS 2930) |
M6.5Ve | 17,88 | 14h 30m 38s +59° 43′ 25″ |
103,80 ± 1,40 | Drache | |||
315 | 31,485 | Gliese 569 (CE Bootis) |
Gliese 569 A (CE Bootis A) |
M2.5V | 10,11 | 10,15 | 14h 54m 29s +16° 06′ 04″ |
103,59 ± 2,75 | Bärenhüter | ||
315 | 31,485 | Gliese 569 (CE Bootis) |
Gliese 569 B (CE Bootis B) |
M8.5V | 18,10 | 14h 54m 29s +16° 06′ 09″ |
103,59 ± 2,75 | Bärenhüter | |||
315 | 31,485 | Gliese 569 (CE Bootis) |
Gliese 569 C (CE Bootis C) |
M9V | 14h 54m 29s +16° 06′ 09″ |
103,59 ± 2,75 | Bärenhüter | ||||
316 | 31,525 | GJ 1125 (HIP 46655) |
GJ 1125 (LHS 2149) |
M3.5V | 11,71 | 11,79 | 09h 30m 45s +00° 19′ 22″ |
103,46 ± 3,94 | Wasser- schlange | ||
317 | 31,579 | HIP 84581 (Struve 2144) |
HD 156344 B (Struve 2144 B) |
F0IV | 11,17 | 17h 17m 23s -07° 52′ 35″ |
103,28 ± 54,6 | Schlangen- träger | |||
318 | 31,610 | Gliese 479 (HIP 61629) |
Gliese 479 (LHS 336) |
M3Ve | 10,66 | 10,72 | 12h 37m 52s -52° 00′ 05″ |
103,18 ± 2,31 | Zentaur | ||
319 | 31,637 | 2MASS 0429-3123 |
2MASS 0429-3123 A |
M7.5V | 11,18 J | 04h 29m 18s -31° 23′ 57″ |
? | Eridanus | |||
319 | 31,637 | 2MASS 0429-3123 |
2MASS 0429-3123 B |
L1 | 0,0792 | 12,38 J | — | 04h 29m 18s -31° 23′ 57″ |
? | Eridanus | |
319 | 31,637 | 2MASS 0921-2104 (2MUCD 20336) |
2MASS 0921-2104 (DEN 0921-2104) |
L2 | 12,78 J | — | 09h 21m 14s -21° 04′ 45″ |
? | Wasser- schlange | ||
319 | 31,637 | WISE 1405+8350 |
WISE 1405+8350 |
L8.5 | 14,63 J | — | 14h 05m 33s +83° 50′ 31″ |
? | Giraffe | ||
322 | 31,718 | Gliese 680 (HIP 86057) |
Gliese 680 (NSV 9166) |
M3Ve | 0,500 | 0,350 | 10,13 | 10,19 | 17h 35m 14s -48° 40′ 51″ |
102,83 ± 2,75 | Altar |
323 | 31,717 | GJ 3112 (L 88-59) |
GJ 3112 (LHS 145) |
DA8.1 VII | 13,88 | 13,37 | 01h 43m 01s -67° 18′ 29″ |
102,80 ± 0,85 | Wasser- schlange | ||
324 | 31,789 | Gliese 239 (HIP 31635) |
Gliese 239 (LHS 1858) |
K7V | 9,59 | 9,69 | 06h 37m 11s +17° 33′ 53″ |
102,60 ± 1,65 | Zwillinge | ||
324 | 31,789 | Gliese 239 (HIP 31635) |
Gliese 239 (UCAC3 216-64993) |
M1V? | 06h 37m 13s +17° 33′ 42″ |
102,60 ± 1,65 | Zwillinge | ||||
325 | 31,805 | 12 Ophiuchi (Gliese 631) |
12 Ophiuchi (LHS 3224) |
K2V | 0,840 | 0,910 | 5,77 | 5,82 | 16h 36m 21s -02° 19′ 29″ |
102,55 ± 0,40 | Schlangen- träger |
326 | 31,856 | GJ 3512 (LP 90-18) |
GJ 3512 (LHS 252) |
M5.5V | 15,05 | 08h 41m 20s +59° 29′ 51″ |
102,38 ± ? | Großer Bär | |||
327 | 31,989 | Gliese 638 (HD 151288) |
Gliese 638 (NSV 7951) |
K7V | 0,720 | 0,680 | 8,11 | 8,18 | 16h 45m 06s +33° 30′ 33″ |
101,96 ± 0,71 | Herkules |
328 | 32,111 | Wolf 227 (GJ 3253) |
Wolf 227 (LHS 1610) |
M5V | 13,79 | 03h 52m 42s +17° 01′ 06″ |
101,57 ± 2,07 | Stier | |||
329 | 32,134 | 2MASS 2139+0220 (2MUCD 20912) |
2MASS 2139+0220 A (2MUCD 20912 A) |
L8.5 | 14,71 J | — | 21h 39m 27s +02° 20′ 23″ |
101,50 ± 2,00 | Wassermann | ||
329 | 32,134 | 2MASS 2139+0220 (2MUCD 20912) |
2MASS 2139+0220 B (2MUCD 20912 B) |
T3.5 | — | 21h 39m 27s +02° 20′ 23″ |
101,50 ± 2,00 | Wassermann | |||
330 | 32,193 | Gliese 367 (HIP 46655) |
Gliese 367 (LHS 2182) |
M1V | 9,98 | 10,25 | 09h 44m 30s -45° 46′ 35″ |
101,31 ± 3,18 | Segel des Schiffs | ||
331 | 32,280 | GJ 3049 (Luyten 363-38) |
GJ 3049 (LHS 1134) |
M3V | 00h 43m 26s -41° 17′ 34″ |
? | Phönix | ||||
332 | 32,322 | AU Microscopii (Gliese 803) |
AU Microscopii (Gliese 803) |
M1Ve | 0,590 | 0,500 | 8,63 | 20h 45m 10s -31° 20′ 27″ |
100,91 ± 1,06 | Mikroskop | |
332 | 32,322 | AU Microscopii (Gliese 803) |
Trümmerscheibe AU Microscopii |
Gürtel | — | — | — | — | 20h 45m 10s -31° 20′ 27″ |
100,91 ± 1,06 | Mikroskop |
333 | 32,357 | GJ 1256 (G 144-25) |
GJ 1256 (LHS 495) |
M4.5V | 13,41 | 20h 40m 34s +15° 29′ 57″ |
100,80 ± 2,60 | Delphin | |||
334 | 32,363 | GJ 3119 (G 159-3) |
GJ 3119 (LHS 1302) |
M5V | 14,60 | 01h 51m 04s -06° 07′ 05″ |
100,78 ± 1,89 | Walfisch | |||
335 | 32,486 | WDS 01026+6221[11] (Wolf 46/Wolf 47) |
Wolf 46 (Gliese 49) |
M1.5V | 9,56 | 01h 02m 39s +62° 20′ 42″ |
100,40 ± 1,52 | Kassiopeia | |||
336 | 32,541 | GJ 678.1[12] (GJ 9592) |
GJ 678.1 A (BD+05°3409 A) |
M1V | 9,32 | 17h 30m 23s +05° 32′ 55″ |
100,23 ± 1,07 | Schlangen- träger | |||
337 | 32,583 | GJ 1235 (G 185-18) |
GJ 1235 (LHS 476) |
M4V K9V? |
13,42 | 19h 21m 39s +20° 52′ 03″ |
100,10 ± 3,50 | Fuchs | |||
338 | 32,593 | HIP 117828 (CD-76°1182) |
HIP 117828 (L 26-27) |
M? Va | 10,02 | 23h 53m 50s -75° 37′ 57″ |
100,07 ± 1,05 | Oktant | |||
339 | 32,616 | GJ 3304 (G 39-29) |
GJ 3304 A (G 39-29 A) |
M4V | 12,51 | 04h 38m 13s +28° 13′ 00″ |
100,00 ± 7,00 | Stier | |||
339 | 32,616 | GJ 3976 (G 169-29) |
GJ 3976 (G 169-29) |
M4.5V | 14,11 | 16h 50m 58s +22° 27′ 06″ |
100,00 ± 15,0 | Herkules | |||
339 | 32,616 | 2MASS 0306-3647 |
2MASS 0306-3647 |
M8.5V L0? |
19,20 11,69 J |
03h 06m 12s -36° 47′ 53″ |
? | Chemischer Ofen | |||
339 | 32,616 | SCR 0740-4257 |
SCR 0740-4257 |
M? V | 8,68 J | 07h 40m 12s -42° 57′ 40″ |
? | Achterdeck des Schiffs | |||
339 | 32,616 | WISE 1614+1739 (EQ J1614+1739) |
WISE 1614+1739 (EQ J1614+1739) |
T9 | 19,08 J | — | 16h 14m 41s +17° 39′ 37″ |
? | Herkules | ||
339 | 32,616 | 2MASS 2154+5942 |
2MASS 2154+5942 |
T6 | 15,66 J | — | 21h 54m 33s +59° 42′ 19″ |
? | Kepheus | ||
345 | 32,619 | Wolf 1062 (Gliese 748) |
Wolf 1062 (LHS 472) |
M3.5V | 11,14 | 19h 12m 15s +02° 53′ 11″ |
99,99 ± 1,22 | Adler | |||
346 | 32,655 | Gliese 352 (KP 41) |
Gliese 352 A (LHS 2151) |
M3V | 10,07 | 10,06 | 09h 31m 19s -13° 29′ 19″ |
99,88 ± 3,60 | Wasser- schlange | ||
346 | 32,655 | Gliese 352 (KUI 41) |
Gliese 352 B (KUI 41 B) |
M3V | 10,80 | 09h 31m 22s -13° 29′ 15″ |
99,88 ± 3,60 | Wasser- schlange | |||
347 | 32,681 | GJ 1028 (LHS 134) |
GJ 1028 (LHS 134) |
M5V | 14,47 | 01h 04m 54s -18° 07′ 29″ |
99,80 ± 5,00 | Walfisch | |||
348 | 32,707 | Gliese 536 (HIP 68469) |
Gliese 536 (LHS 2842) |
M1.5V K5V? |
9,71 | 9,70 | 14h 01m 03s -02° 39′ 18″ |
99,72 ± 1,57 | Jungfrau | ||
349 | 32,714 | 2MASS 0257-3105 (2MUCD 20139) |
2MASS 0257-3105 (2MUCD 20139) |
L8 | 14,67 J | — | 02h 57m 26s -31° 05′ 52″ |
99,70 ± 6,70 | Chemischer Ofen | ||
350 | 32,826 | HR 5256 (HIP 68184) |
HR 5256 (HIP 68184) |
K3V | 0,780 | 0,800 | 6,52 | 6,85 | 13h 57m 32s +61° 29′ 34″ |
99,36 ± 0,32 | Großer Bär |
351 | 32,829 | V547 Cassiopeiae (Gliese 22) |
V547 Cassiopeiae A (LHS 114) |
M2Ve | 10,62 | 00h 32m 29s +67° 14′ 08″ |
99,35 ± 2,17 | Kassiopeia | |||
351 | 32,829 | V547 Cassiopeiae (Gliese 22) |
V547 Cassiopeiae B (LHS 115) |
M3V | 12,19 | 00h 32m 30s +67° 14′ 04″ |
99,35 ± 2,17 | Kassiopeia | |||
352 | 32,836 | Gliese 75 (V987 Cassiopeiae) |
HR 511 (V987 Cassiopeiae) |
K0V | 0,820 | 0,920 | 5,63 | 5,64 | 01h 47m 45s +63° 51′ 09″ |
99,33 ± 0,53 | Kassiopeia |
353 | 32,925 | Alpha Mensae (Gliese 231) |
α Mensae (Gliese 231) |
G7V | 0,990 | 0,960 | 5,09 | 5,05 | 06h 10m 14s -74° 45′ 11″ |
99,06 ± 0,14 | Tafelberg |
354 | 32,942 | WISE 1150+6302 (EQ J1150+6302) |
WISE 1150+6302 (EQ J1150+6302) |
T8 | 17,72 J | — | 11h 50m 14s +63° 02′ 41″ |
? | Großer Bär | ||
354 | 32,942 | WISE 1318-1758 (EQ J1318-1758) |
WISE 1318-1758 (EQ J1318-1758) |
T9 | 18,43 J | — | 13h 18m 34s -17° 58′ 27″ |
? | Jungfrau | ||
356 | 32,945 | Gliese 609 (LHS 411) |
Gliese 609 (LHS 411) |
M4V | 12,56 | 16h 02m 51s +20° 35′ 22″ |
99,00 ± 4,00 | Schlange | |||
356 | 32,945 | WISE 1217+1626 (EQ J1217+1626) |
WISE 1217+1626 A (EQ J1217+1626 A) |
T9 | 0,0109- 0,0334 |
17,98 J | — | 12h 17m 57s +16° 26′ 40″ |
99,00 ± 16,0 | Haar der Berenike | |
356 | 32,945 | WISE 1217+1626 (EQ J1217+1626) |
WISE 1217+1626 B (EQ J1217+1626 B) |
Y0 | 0,0053- 0,0191 |
20,08 J | — | 12h 17m 57s +16° 26′ 42″ |
99,00 ± 16,0 | Haar der Berenike | |
358 | 32,962 | Gliese 436[13] (Ross 905) |
Gliese 436 b |
Planet | 0,00007 | — | — | 11h 42m 11s +26° 42′ 24″ |
98,95 ± 2,07 | Löwe | |
359 | 32,975 | Gliese 172 (HIP 21553) |
Gliese 172 (LHS 1688) |
M0Ve K8Ve? |
8,63 | 8,60 | 04h 37m 41s +52° 53′ 37″ |
98,91 ± 1,01 | Giraffe | ||
358 | 33,075 | Gliese 436[13] (Ross 905) |
Gliese 436 (LHS 310) |
M3.5V | 0,420 | 0,410 | 10,67 | 10,63 | 11h 42m 11s +26° 42′ 24″ |
98,61 ± 2,33 | Löwe |
360 | 33,129 | Gliese 453 (HIP 58345) |
Gliese 453 (LHS 319) |
K4V | 0,720 | 0,780 | 6,97 | 6,92 | 11h 57m 56s -27° 42′ 25″ |
98,45 ± 0,57 | Wasser- schlange |
361 | 33,146 | Gliese 568 (Ross 52) |
Gliese 568 A (Ross 52 A) |
M3V | 11,66 | 14h 53m 51s +23° 33′ 21″ |
98,40 ± 4,42 | Bärenhüter | |||
361 | 33,146 | Gliese 568 (Ross 52) |
Gliese 568 B (Ross 52 B) |
M5V | 14h 53m 51s +23° 33′ 21″ |
98,40 ± 4,42 | Bärenhüter | ||||
362 | 33,180 | GJ 3526 (G 234-53) |
GJ 3526 (LP 60-179) |
M4V | 12,65 | 11h 42m 11s +26° 42′ 24″ |
98,30 ± 7,00 | Löwe | |||
363 | 33,216 | Gliese 660 (L 989-20) |
Gliese 660 A (LHS 3269) |
M3V | 11,39 | 11,27 | 17h 11m 52s -01° 51′ 06″ |
98,19 ± 12,1 | Schlangen- träger | ||
363 | 33,216 | Gliese 660 (L 989-20) |
Gliese 660 B (LPM 629 B) |
M? V | 11,20 | 17h 11m 52s -01° 51′ 07″ |
98,19 ± 12,1 | Schlangen- träger | |||
365 | 33,312 | DP Draconis (Gliese 487) |
DP Draconis (HIP 62556) |
M3Ve | 10,90 | 11h 49m 03s +66° 06′ 37″ |
97,91 ± 1,83 | Drache | |||
366 | 33,349 | AT Microscopii[14] (LDS 720) |
AT Microscopii B (Gliese 799 B) |
M4Ve | 0,410 | 11,34 | 20h 41m 51s -32° 26′ 10″ |
97,80 ± 4,70 | Mikroskop | ||
367 | 33,383 | 2MASS 0559-1404 (WISE 0559-1404) |
2MASS 0559-1404 (WISE 0559-1404) |
T4.5 | 0,0286 | 13,80 J | — | 05h 59m 19s -14° 04′ 49″ |
97,70 ± 1,30 | Hase | |
368 | 33,411 | GJ 3804 (HIP 67164) |
GJ 3804 (LHS 2794) |
M3.5V | 11,87 | 11,82 | 13h 45m 51s -17° 58′ 06″ |
97,62 ± 5,03 | Jungfrau | ||
369 | 33,414 | Gliese 846 (HD 209290) |
Gliese 846 (LHS 3745) |
M0V | 9,15 | 22h 02m 10s +01° 24′ 01″ |
97,61 ± 1,53 | Wassermann | |||
370 | 33,528 | Gliese 649[15] (BD+25°3173) |
Gliese 649 b |
Planet | 0,00031 | — | — | 16h 58m 09s +25° 44′ 39″ |
97,28 ± 1,32 | Herkules | |
371 | 33,594 | 2MASS 0857+5708 (2MUCD 20320) |
2MASS 0857+5708 (2MUCD 20320) |
L7 | 15,04 J | — | 08h 57m 58s +57° 08′ 51″ |
? | Großer Bär | ||
372 | 33,624 | Gliese 766 (Ross 165) |
Gliese 766 A (Ross 165 A) |
M4.5Ve | 0,280 | 12,91 | 12,75 | 19h 45m 45s +27° 07′ 32″ |
97,00 ± 6,00 | Fuchs | |
372 | 33,624 | Gliese 766 (Ross 165) |
Gliese 766 B (Ross 165 B) |
M? V | 0,210 | 13,40 | 13,24 | 19h 45m 45s +27° 07′ 32″ |
97,00 ± 6,00 | Fuchs | |
373 | 33,659 | GJ 1119 (LHS 2092) |
GJ 1119 (LHS 2092) |
M4.5V | 13,32 | 09h 00m 33s +46° 35′ 12″ |
96,90 ± 2,70 | Großer Bär | |||
374 | 33,729 | GJ 1134 (LHS 287) |
GJ 1134 (LHS 287) |
M4.5V | 12,96 | 10h 41m 38s +37° 36′ 40″ |
96,70 ± 2,30 | Kleiner Löwe | |||
374 | 33,729 | ULAS 1335+1130 (WISE 1335+1130) |
ULAS 1335+1130 (WISE 1335+1130) |
T8.5 | 0,014– 0,030 |
17,90 J | — | 13h 35m 53s +11° 30′ 05″ |
96,70 ± 3,20 | Jungfrau | |
370 | 33,739 | Gliese 649[15] (BD+25°3173) |
Gliese 649 (LHS 3257) |
M2V | 0,520 | 0,540 | 9,66 | 9,63 | 16h 58m 09s +25° 44′ 39″ |
96,67 ± 1,39 | Herkules |
376 | 33,764 | HR 857 (Gliese 117) |
HR 857 (HIP 13402) |
K1V | 6,05 | 5,97 | 02h 52m 32s -12° 46′ 11″ |
96,60 ± 0,40 | Eridanus | ||
377 | 33,778 | V857 Centauri (Gliese 431) |
V857 Centauri (LHS 2423) |
M4Ve | 11,54 | 11,47 | 11h 31m 47s -41° 02′ 47″ |
96,56 ± 2,39 | Zentaur | ||
378 | 33,785 | Pollux (Gliese 286) |
Pollux (β Geminorum) |
K0III | 8,800 | 2,040 | 1,14 | 1,08 | 07h 45m 19s +28° 01′ 34″ |
96,54 ± 0,27 | Zwillinge |
378 | 33,785 | Pollux (Gliese 286) |
Pollux b (β Geminorum b) |
Planet | 0,0022 | — | — | 07h 45m 19s +28° 01′ 34″ |
96,54 ± 0,27 | Zwillinge | |
379 | 33,834 | GJ 3147 (LHS 1378) |
GJ 3147 (LHS 1378) |
M5V | 15,99 | 02h 17m 10s +35° 26′ 33″ |
96,40 ± 1,20 | Dreieck | |||
380 | 33,920 | WISE 1322-2340 (EQ J1322-2340) |
WISE 1322-2340 (EQ J1322-2340) |
T8 | 17,21 J | — | 13h 22m 34s -23° 40′ 17″ |
? | Wasser- schlange | ||
381 | 33,950 | 2MASS 1237+6526 (WISE 1237+6526) |
2MASS 1237+6526 (WISE 1237+6526) |
T6.5 | 0,035 | 16,05 J | — | 12h 37m 39s +65° 26′ 15″ |
96,07 ± 4,78 | Drache | |
382 | 33,968 | Gliese 87 (BD+02°348) |
Gliese 87 (LHS 14) |
M2.5V | 10,04 | 02h 12m 21s +03° 34′ 32″ |
96,02 ± 1,66 | Walfisch | |||
383 | 33,975 | GJ 1265 (LP 819-52) |
GJ 1265 (LHS 3776) |
M4V | 13,60 | 22h 13m 43s -17° 41′ 08″ |
96,00 ± 3,00 | Wassermann | |||
383 | 33,975 | Wolf 1561 (Gliese 852) |
Wolf 1561 A (FG Aquarii) |
M4Ve | 13,33 | 22h 17m 19s -08° 48′ 12″ |
96,00 ± 6,00 | Wassermann | |||
383 | 33,975 | Wolf 1561 (Gliese 852) |
Wolf 1561 B (LHS 3788) |
M5Ve | 13,33 | 22h 17m 19s -08° 48′ 19″ |
96,00 ± 6,00 | Wassermann | |||
385 | 33,985 | WISE 1542+2230 (EQ J1542+2230) |
WISE 1542+2230 (EQ J1542+2230) |
T9.5 | 20,25 J | — | 15h 42m 14s +22° 30′ 05″ |
? | Schlange | ||
386 | 34,010 | Gliese 595 (HIP 76901) |
Gliese 595 (LHS 54) |
M3V | 11,86 | 11,78 | 15h 42m 07s -19° 28′ 18″ |
95,90 ± 5,59 | Waage | ||
387 | 34,124 | Gliese 341 (HD 304636) |
Gliese 341 (LHS 2128) |
M0V | 9,47 | 9,37 | 09h 21m 38s -60° 16′ 55″ |
95,58 ± 0,91 | Kiel des Schiffs | ||
335 | 34,153 | WDS 01026+6221[11] (Wolf 46/Wolf 47) |
Wolf 47 (V338 Cassiopeiae) |
M3Vpe M7V? |
13,66 | 01h 03m 20s +62° 21′ 56″ |
95,50 ± 7,30 | Kassiopeia | |||
388 | 34,178 | GJ 3412 (HIP 33142) |
GJ 3412 (LHS 221) |
M3V | 11,01 | 10,88 | 06h 54m 04s +60° 52′ 18″ |
95,43 ± 2,36 | Luchs | ||
389 | 34,300 | GJ 3125 (G 245-40) |
GJ 3125 (LP 30-55) |
M4.5V | 14,12 | 02h 01m 54s +73° 32′ 32″ |
? | Kassiopeia | |||
389 | 34,300 | GJ 3270 (LTT 11392) |
GJ 3270 (G 7-34) |
M4.5Ve | 13,84 | 04h 17m 19s +08° 49′ 22″ |
? | Stier | |||
391 | 34,332 | GJ 1083 (V780 Tauri) |
GJ 1083 A (V780 Tauri A) |
M5.5V | 14,85 | 05h 40m 26s +24° 48′ 09″ |
95,00 ± 3,00 | Stier | |||
391 | 34,332 | GJ 1083 (V780 Tauri) |
GJ 1083 B (V780 Tauri B) |
M? V | 15,53 | 05h 40m 25s +24° 48′ 29″ |
95,00 ± 3,00 | Stier | |||
391 | 34,332 | V546 Persei (Gliese 170) |
V546 Persei (LHS 1674) |
M4.5V | 14,29 | 04h 30m 25s +39° 51′ 00″ |
95,00 ± 14,0 | Perseus | |||
393 | 34,379 | Iota Persei (Gliese 124) |
ι Persei (LHS 166) |
F9.5V G0V |
1,412 | 1,350 | 4,05 | 3,94 | 03h 09m 04s +49° 36′ 48″ |
94,87 ± 0,23 | Perseus |
394 | 34,430 | 2MASS 1047+2124 |
2MASS 1047+2124 |
T6.5 | 15,46 J | — | 10h 47m 54s +21° 24′ 24″ |
94,73 ± 3,81 | Löwe | ||
395 | 34,448 | Gliese 373 (BD+63°869) |
Gliese 373 (LHS 2211) |
M0V | 8,99 | 8,87 | 09h 56m 09s +62° 47′ 18″ |
94,68 ± 1,26 | Großer Bär | ||
396 | 34,477 | Gliese 488 (HD 111631) |
Gliese 488 (HD 111631) |
K7Ve | 0,041 | 8,47 | 8,39 | 12h 50m 44s -00° 46′ 05″ |
94,60 ± 0,82 | Jungfrau | |
397 | 34,481 | LDS 585[16] (Gliese 653/654) |
Wolf 636 (Gliese 654) |
M3.5V | 0,500 | 0,280 | 10,07 | 9,95 | 17h 05m 14s -05° 05′ 39″ |
94,59 ± 1,85 | Schlangen- träger |
398 | 34,573 | 2MASS 0602+3910 (LSR 0602+3910) |
2MASS 0602+3910 (LSR 0602+3910) |
L1 | 20,88 12,30 J |
— | 06h 02m 30s +39° 10′ 59″ |
? | Fuhrmann | ||
399 | 34,583 | GJ 3459 (LHS 1935) |
GJ 3459 (L 672-9) |
M3V | 11,71 | 07h 38m 41s -21° 13′ 29″ |
94,31 ± 3,31 | Achterdeck des Schiffs | |||
400 | 34,697 | 2MASS 2228-4310 (WISE 2228-4310) |
2MASS 2228-4310 (WISE 2228-4310) |
T6.5 | 0,0258 | 15,66 J | — | 22h 28m 29s -43° 10′ 26″ |
94,00 ± 7,00 | Kranich | |
401 | 34,700 | GJ 3010 (G 131-26) |
GJ 3010 (LTT 10045) |
M4.5V | 13,52 | 00h 08m 54s +20° 50′ 25″ |
? | Pegasus | |||
402 | 34,703 | WISE 0146+4234 | WISE 0146+4234 | Y0 | 0,0134 | 19,40 J | — | 01h 46m 57s +42° 34′ 10″ |
? | Andromeda | |
403 | 34,736 | SCR 0821-6703 |
SCR 0821-6703 |
DA10 VII | 15,34 J | 08h 21m 28s -67° 03′ 20″ |
? | Fliegender Fisch | |||
404 | 34,771 | 2MASS 0825+2115 (WISE 0825+2115) |
2MASS 0825+2115 (WISE 0825+2115) |
L7.5 | 15,10 J | — | 08h 25m 19s +21° 15′ 52″ |
93,80 ± 1,00 | Krebs | ||
405 | 34,838 | 2MASS 0243-2453 (WISE 0243-2453) |
2MASS 0243-2453 (WISE 0243-2453) |
T6 | 15,38 J | — | 02h 43m 14s -24° 53′ 30″ |
93,62 ± 3,63 | Chemischer Ofen | ||
406 | 34,846 | GJ 1232 (LHS 3438) |
GJ 1232 (LHS 3438) |
M4.5V | 13,55 | 19h 09m 51s +17° 40′ 07″ |
93,60 ± 2,80 | Pfeil | |||
407 | 34,857 | Gliese 617[17] (ENG 57) |
Gliese 617 A (LHS 3175) |
M1V | 8,61 | 8,47 | 16h 16m 43s +67° 14′ 20″ |
93,57 ± 0,95 | Drache | ||
366 | 34,883 | AT Microscopii[14] (LDS 720) |
AT Microscopii A (Gliese 799 A) |
M4.5Ve | 0,450 | 11,36 | 20h 41m 51s -32° 26′ 07″ |
93,50 ± 3,67 | Mikroskop | ||
408 | 34,899 | WISE 0734−7157 |
WISE 0734−7157 |
Y0 | 20,41 J | — | 07h 34m 44s -71° 57′ 44″ |
? | Fliegender Fisch | ||
397 | 34,920 | LDS 585[16] (Gliese 653/654) |
Wolf 635 (Gliese 653) |
K5V | 0,730 | 0,680 | 7,71 | 7,56 | 17h 05m 03s -05° 03′ 59″ |
93,40 ± 0,94 | Schlangen- träger |
409 | 34,920 | Gliese 508 (BD+48°2108) |
Gliese 508 A (Hip 21553) |
M0.5Ve | 8,54 | 8,46 | 13h 19m 46s +47° 46′ 41″ |
93,40 ± 2,21 | Jagdhunde | ||
409 | 34,920 | Gliese 508 (BD+48°2108) |
Gliese 508 B (NSV 6191) |
M1V | 10,15 | 13h 19m 46s +47° 46′ 41″ |
93,40 ± 2,21 | Jagdhunde | |||
410 | 34,950 | V816 Herculis (GJ 4071) |
V816 Herculis (L 1209-6) |
M3.5V | 12,81 | 18h 42m 45s +13° 54′ 17″ |
? | Herkules | |||
411 | 34,958 | Gliese 669[18] (Ross 867) |
Gliese 669 B (G 170-34) |
M5Ve | 13,02 | 17h 19m 53s +26° 30′ 03″ |
93,30 ± 1,90 | Herkules | |||
412 | 34,995 | Zeta Herculis (STF 2084) |
ζ Herculis A (Gliese 635 A) |
2,560– 2,610 |
1,450 | 2,80 | 2,65 | 16h 41m 17s +31° 36′ 10″ |
93,32 ± 0,47 | Herkules |
412 | 34,995 | Zeta Herculis (STF 2084) |
ζ Herculis B (Gliese 635 B) |
G7V | 0,915 | 0,980 | 5,40 | 16h 41m 18s +31° 36′ 07″ |
93,32 ± 0,47 | Herkules | |
413 | 35,007 | GJ 9492[19] (HIP 71898) |
GJ 9492 A (WDS 14424+6603 A) |
M1.5V | 10,83 | 14h 42m 22s +66° 03′ 21″ |
93,17 ± 1,30 | Kleiner Bär | |||
414 | 35,029 | Gliese 145 (HIP 16536) |
Gliese 145 (HIP 16536) |
M2.5V | 11,48 | 11,32 | 03h 32m 56s -44° 42′ 07″ |
93,11 ± 1,94 | Pendeluhr | ||
407 | 35,037 | Gliese 617[17] (ENG 57) |
Gliese 617 B (EW Draconis) |
M3V | 10,69 | 10,54 | 16h 16m 43s +67° 14′ 20″ |
93,09 ± 1,48 | Drache | ||
415 | 35,071 | Gliese 413.1 (HIP 54532) |
Gliese 413.1 (LHS 2358) |
M2V | 10,45 | 10,28 | 11h 09m 31s -24° 35′ 55″ |
93,00 ± 1,69 | Becher | ||
416 | 35,101 | 2MASS 1501+2250 (TVLM 513-46) |
2MASS 1501+2250 (TVLM 513-46) |
M0V | 0,110 | 0,090 | 11,87 J | 15h 01m 08s +22° 50′ 02″ |
92,92 ± 0,23 | Bärenhüter | |
417 | 35,108 | GJ 1236 (G 22-26) |
GJ 1236 (LHS 3457) |
M3V | 12,32 | 19h 22m 02s +07° 02′ 31″ |
92,90 ± 2,50 | Adler | |||
418 | 35,169 | Gliese 86 (HD 13445) |
Gliese 86 A (LHS 13) |
K0V | 0,855 | 0,790 | 6,17 | 5,96 | 02h 10m 25s -50° 49′ 25″ |
92,74 ± 0,32 | Eridanus |
418 | 35,169 | Gliese 86 (HD 13445) |
Gliese 86 Ab (HD 13445 b) |
Planet | 0,00373 | — | — | 02h 10m 26s -50° 49′ 25″ |
92,74 ± 0,32 | Eridanus | |
418 | 35,169 | Gliese 86 (HD 13445) |
Gliese 86 B (HD 13445 B) |
DA10 VII | 0,070 | 02h 10m 26s -50° 49′ 25″ |
92,74 ± 0,32 | Eridanus | |||
419 | 35,173 | Delta Trianguli (Gliese 92) |
δ Trianguli A (LHS 154) |
G0.5Ve | 0,980 | 1,100 | 4,87 | 4,69 | 02h 17m 03s +34° 13′ 27″ |
92,73 ± 0,39 | Dreieck |
419 | 35,173 | Delta Trianguli (Gliese 92) |
δ Trianguli B |
K4V- G9V |
0,640 | 0,800 | 6,50 | 02h 17m 03s +34° 13′ 27″ |
92,73 ± 0,39 | Dreieck | |
413 | 35,214 | GJ 9492[19] (HIP 71898) |
GJ 9492 B (WDS 14424+6603 B) |
L0 | 11,44 J | 14h 42m 22s +66° 03′ 20″ |
92,62 ± 1,52 | Kleiner Bär | |||
420 | 35,283 | Wolf 1478 (GJ 553.1) |
Wolf 1478 (LHS 2932) |
M3.5V | 11,90 | 14h 31m 01s -12° 17′ 46″ |
92,44 ± 3,94 | Waage | |||
421 | 35,452 | GJ 452.1 (Ross 119) |
GJ 452.1 (LHS 2472) |
M3.5V | 12,74 | 11h 54m 08s +09° 48′ 23″ |
92,00 ± 12,0 | Jungfrau | |||
421 | 35,452 | GJ 3928 (G 180-11) |
GJ 3928 A (G 180-11 A) |
M4V | 13,68 | 15h 55m 32s +35° 12′ 03″ |
92,00 ± 14,0 | Nördliche Krone | |||
421 | 35,452 | GJ 3928 (G 180-11) |
GJ 3928 B (G 180-11 B) |
M7V | 15h 55m 32s +35° 12′ 03″ |
92,00 ± 14,0 | Nördliche Krone | ||||
423 | 35,521 | Gliese 909 (BD+74°1047) |
Gliese 909 A (HR 9038 A) |
K3V | 6,39 | 6,13 | 23h 52m 25s +75° 32′ 32″ |
91,82 ± 0,30 | Kepheus | ||
423 | 35,521 | Gliese 909 (BD+74°1047) |
Gliese 909 B (HR 9038 B) |
M2V | 11,70 | 23h 52m 26s +75° 32′ 40″ |
91,82 ± 0,30 | Kepheus | |||
424 | 35,551 | WISE 2030+0749 (2MASS 2030+0749) |
WISE 2030+0749 (2MASS 2030+0749) |
T1.5 | 14,23 J | — | 20h 30m 42s +07° 49′ 36″ |
? | Delphin | ||
425 | 35,575 | Gliese 740 (HD 176029) |
Gliese 740 (BD+05°3993) |
M0.5V | 9,22 | 9,03 | 18h 58m 00s +05° 54′ 29″ |
91,68 ± 1,54 | Schlange | ||
426 | 35,587 | Gliese 228 (BD+10°1032) |
Gliese 228 A (BD+10°1032 A) |
M2.5V | 10,82 | 06h 10m 55s +10° 19′ 05″ |
91,65 ± 3,50 | Orion | |||
426 | 35,587 | Gliese 228 (BD+10°1032) |
Gliese 228 B (BD+10°1032 B) |
M? V | 12,65 | 06h 10m 55s +10° 19′ 07″ |
91,65 ± 3,50 | Orion | |||
427 | 35,646 | Beta Virginis (Zavijava) |
β Virginis (Gliese 449) |
F9V | 1,681 | 1,250 | 3,60 | 3,41 | 11h 50m 42s +01° 45′ 53″ |
91,50 ± 0,22 | Jungfrau |
428 | 35,669 | Gliese 519 (BD+36°2393) |
Gliese 519 (HIP 66459) |
K5V | 9,07 | 8,87 | 13h 37m 29s +35° 43′ 04″ |
91,44 ± 1,16 | Jagdhunde | ||
429 | 35,720 | Gliese 754.1 (LDS 678) |
Gliese 754.1 A (HIP 95071) |
DBQA5 VII | 12,29 | 12,25 | 19h 20m 34s -07° 40′ 00″ |
91,31 ± 4,02 | Adler | ||
429 | 35,841 | Gliese 754.1 (LDS 678) |
Gliese 754.1 B (LP 692-15) |
M3V | 12,12 | 12,09 | 19h 20m 33s -07° 39′ 44″ |
91,00 ± 4,00 | Adler | ||
429 | 35,841 | GJ 4333 (HIP 115332) |
GJ 4333 (LHS 543) |
M4V | 11,71 | 11,50 | 23h 21m 37s +17° 17′ 25″ |
91,00 ± 2,89 | Pegasus | ||
431 | 35,841 | 36 Ursae Majoris[20] (Gliese 394) |
36 Ursae Majoris B (LDS 2863 B) |
K7V | 8,76 | 10h 30m 25s +55° 59′ 57″ |
91,00 ± 13,0 | Großer Bär | |||
432 | 35,877 | Denebola (β Leonis) |
Denebola A (Gliese 448) |
A3Va | 1,728 | 1,780 | 2,13 | 1,92 | 11h 49m 04s +14° 34′ 19″ |
90,91 ± 0,52 | Löwe |
432 | 35,877 | Denebola (β Leonis) |
Trümmerscheibe β Leonis |
Gürtel | — | — | — | — | 11h 49m 04s +14° 34′ 19″ |
90,91 ± 0,52 | Löwe |
432 | 35,877 | Gliese 688 (HIP 86400) |
Gliese 688 (HD 160346) |
K2.5V | 0,840 | 0,780 | 6,53 | 6,32 | 17h 39m 17s +03° 33′ 19″ |
90,91 ± 0,67 | Schlangen- träger |
432 | 35,877 | GJ 1129 (LHS 273) |
GJ 1129 (LHS 273) |
M3.5V | 12,60 | 09h 44m 47s -18° 12′ 49″ |
? | Wasser- schlange | |||
432 | 35,877 | 2MASS 0340-6724 (2MUCD 10202) |
2MASS 0340-6724 (2MUCD 10202) |
L7 | 14,74 J | — | 03h 40m 09s -67° 24′ 05″ |
? | Kleine Was- serschlange | ||
243 | 35,877 | 2MASS 0652+4710[8] |
2MASS 0652+4710 A |
L3.5 | 0,0754 | 13,51 J | — | 06h 52m 21s +47° 10′ 35″ |
? | Fuhrmann | |
432 | 35,877 | 2MASS 0758+3247 (WISE 0758+3247) |
2MASS 0758+3247 (WISE 0758+3247) |
T2 | 14,95 J | — | 07h 58m 40s +32° 47′ 25″ |
? | Zwillinge | ||
432 | 35,877 | 2MASS 1454-6604 (DEN 1454-6604) |
2MASS 1454-6604 (DEN 1454-6604) |
L3.5 | 13,06 J | — | 14h 54m 08s -66° 04′ 48″ |
? | Zirkel | ||
432 | 35,877 | 2MASS 1821+1414 |
2MASS 1821+1414 |
L4.5 | 13,43 J | — | 18h 21m 28s +14° 14′ 01″ |
? | Schlangen- träger | ||
432 | 35,877 | WISE 1851+5935 |
WISE 1851+5935 |
L9 | 14,94 J | — | 18h 51m 02s +59° 35′ 09″ |
? | Drache | ||
440 | 35,881 | 2MASS 1624+0029 (WISE 1624+0029) |
2MASS 1624+0029 (WISE 1624+0029) |
T6 | 0,0573 | 15,49 J | — | 16h 24m 14s +00° 29′ 16″ |
90,90 ± 1,20 | Schlange | |
441 | 35,897 | Gliese 79 (HIP 8768) |
Gliese 79 (LHS 1307) |
M0V | 8,88 | 8,68 | 01h 52m 49s -22° 26′ 05″ |
90,86 ± 1,16 | Walfisch | ||
442 | 35,920 | GJ 3849 (2MASS 1428+3310) |
GJ 3849 (LHS 2924) |
L0 | 19,34 | — | 14h 28m 43s +33° 10′ 39″ |
90,80 ± 1,30 | Bärenhüter | ||
442 | 35,920 | WDS J12172-0311 (2MASS 1217-0311) |
WDS J12172-0311 A (2MASS 1217-0311 A) |
T7 | 0,0296 | 15,86 J | — | 12h 17m 11s -03° 11′ 13″ |
90,80 ± 2,20 | Jungfrau | |
442 | 35,920 | WDS J12172-0311 (2MASS 1217-0311) |
WDS J12172-0311 B (2MASS 1217-0311 B) |
T7.5? | 0,0201 | 15,86 J | — | 12h 17m 11s -03° 11′ 13″ |
90,80 ± 2,20 | Jungfrau | |
444 | 35,956 | Gliese 706 (HIP 88972) |
Gliese 706 (LHS 3363) |
K2V | 6,38 | 6,17 | 18h 09m 37s +38° 27′ 28″ |
90,71 ± 0,30 | Herkules | ||
445 | 36,071 | 54 Piscium (Gliese 27) |
54 Piscium A (HD 3651 A) |
K0V | 5,88 | 00h 39m 22s +21° 15′ 02″ |
90,42 ± 0,32 | Fische | |||
445 | 36,071 | 54 Piscium (Gliese 27) |
54 Piscium b (HD 3651 b) |
Planet | 0,00022 | — | — | 00h 39m 22s +21° 15′ 02″ |
90,42 ± 0,32 | Fische | |
445 | 36,071 | 54 Piscium (Gliese 27) |
54 Piscium B (HD 3651 B) |
T7.5 | 0,082 | 0,051 | 16,31 J | — | 00h 39m 22s +21° 15′ 02″ |
90,42 ± 0,32 | Fische |
446 | 36,091 | LDS 905[21] (Gliese 2069) |
LDS 905 A (CU Cancri) |
M5Ve | 12,05 | 11,44 | 08h 31m 38s +19° 23′ 39″ |
90,37 ± 8,22 | Krebs | ||
447 | 36,111 | Gliese 505 (HD 115404) |
Gliese 505 A (ADS 8841 A) |
K2V | 0,820 | 0,790 | 6,66 | 6,44 | 13h 16m 51s +17° 01′ 02″ |
90,32 ± 0,74 | Haar der Berenike |
447 | 36,111 | Gliese 505 (HD 115404) |
Gliese 505 B (ADS 8841 B) |
M0.5V | 0,590 | 0,550 | 9,50 | 9,60 | 13h 16m 51s +17° 01′ 00″ |
90,32 ± 0,74 | Haar der Berenike |
448 | 36,199 | Gliese 173 (BD-11°916) |
Gliese 173 (HIP 21556) |
M1.5V | 10,33 | 10,10 | 04h 37m 42s -11° 02′ 20″ |
90,10 ± 1,74 | Eridanus | ||
449 | 36,200 | GJ 1277 (LHS 532) |
GJ 1277 (LHS 532) |
M4.5V | 14,01 | 22h 56m 25s -60° 03′ 49″ |
? | Tukan | |||
449 | 36,200 | LP 205-49 (2MASS 0645+3900) |
LP 205-49 (NLTT 16928) |
M3.5V | 18,71 | 06h 45m 20s +39° 00′ 06″ |
? | Fuhrmann | |||
449 | 36,200 | GJ 4078 (L 207-41) |
GJ 4078 (LHS 3413) |
M3.5V | 12,70 | 18h 49m 51s -57° 26′ 49″ |
? | Pfau | |||
452 | 36,215 | GJ 1148[22] (Ross 1003) |
GJ 1148 (LHS 2443) |
M4V | 0,400 | 0,340 | 11,88 | 11,66 | 11h 41m 45s +42° 45′ 07″ |
90,06 ± 2,75 | Großer Bär |
453 | 36,232 | GJ 2036[23] (CD-56°1032) |
GJ 2036 A (HIP 22738) |
M3Ve | 10,99 | 04h 53m 31s -55° 51′ 37″ |
90,02 ± 1,98 | Schwertfisch | |||
454 | 36,240 | GJ 4281 (LP 760-3) |
GJ 4281 (LHS 523) |
M6.5V | 17,14 | 22h 28m 54s -13° 25′ 18″ |
90,00 ± 4,90 | Wassermann | |||
455 | 36,292 | Theta Persei (Gliese 107) |
θ Persei A (Gliese 107 A) |
F8V | 1,319 | 1,138 | 4,11 | 3,88 | 02h 44m 12s +49° 13′ 42″ |
89,87 ± 0,22 | Perseus |
455 | 36,292 | Theta Persei (Gliese 107) |
θ Persei B (Gliese 107 B) |
M1.6V | 0,430- 0,510 |
9,87 | 9,37 | 02h 44m 10s +49° 13′ 54″ |
89,87 ± 0,22 | Perseus | |
456 | 36,336 | Gliese 320 (HIP 42808) |
Gliese 320 (HD 74576) |
K2.5V | 0,750 | 0,650 | 6,56 | 6,33 | 08h 43m 18s -38° 52′ 57″ |
89,76 ± 0,37 | Segel des Schiffs |
457 | 36,393 | Gliese 370 (HD 85512) |
Gliese 370 A (LHS 2201) |
K6Vk | 7,66 | 7,43 | 09h 51m 07s -43° 30′ 10″ |
89,62 ± 0,67 | Segel des Schiffs | ||
457 | 36,393 | Gliese 370 (HD 85512) |
Gliese 370 b (HD 85512 b) |
Planet | 0,00001 | — | — | 09h 51m 07s -43° 30′ 10″ |
89,62 ± 0,67 | Segel des Schiffs | |
453 | 36,483 | GJ 2036[23] (CD-56°1032) |
GJ 2036 B (LDS 131 B) |
M3Ve | 13,92 | 04h 53m 31s -55° 51′ 32″ |
89,40 ± 3,50 | Schwertfisch | |||
458 | 36,524 | GJ 3967 (LP 625-34) |
GJ 3967 (NLTT 43307) |
M4V | 13,69 | 16h 40m 06s +00° 42′ 19″ |
89,30 ± 4,60 | Schlangen- träger | |||
459 | 36,529 | WISE 0325+0831 (EQ 0325+0831) |
WISE 0325+0831 (EQ 0325+0831) |
T7 | 16,54 J | — | 03h 25m 48s +08° 31′ 18″ |
? | Stier | ||
460 | 36,548 | GJ 3668 (LP 732-35) |
GJ 3668 (LHS 306) |
M5V | 14,17 | 11h 31m 08s -14° 57′ 20″ |
89,24 ± 1,69 | Becher | |||
461 | 36,600 | Ross 149 (G 141-21) |
Ross 149 (GJ 4065) |
M4V | 12,46 | 18h 36m 19s +13° 36′ 26″ |
? | Herkules | |||
462 | 36,647 | Gliese 325 (ADS 7067) |
Gliese 325 A (HIP 43820) |
M1V | 8,82 | 08h 55m 25s +70° 47′ 39″ |
89,00 ± 4,00 | Großer Bär | |||
462 | 36,647 | Gliese 325 (ADS 7067) |
Gliese 325 B (HIP 43820) |
M1V | 8,94 | 08h 55m 25s +70° 47′ 39″ |
89,00 ± 4,00 | Großer Bär | |||
462 | 36,647 | GJ 1187 (G 201-27) |
GJ 1187 (LHS 3006) |
M5.5V | 15,52 | 14h 57m 54s +56° 39′ 24″ |
89,00 ± 4,60 | Drache | |||
462 | 36,647 | GJ 1238 (G 261-6) |
GJ 1238 (LHS 3461) |
M5.5V | 15,36 | 19h 24m 16s +75° 33′ 12″ |
89,00 ± 5,00 | Drache | |||
465 | 36,659 | Gliese 208 (V2689 Orionis) |
Gliese 208 (HIP 26335) |
K7V M0V |
0,470 | 8,90 | 8,65 | 05h 36m 31s +11° 19′ 40″ |
88,97 ± 1,02 | Orion | |
466 | 36,696 | Gliese 2 (HIP 428) |
Gliese 2 (LHS 1014) |
M2Ve | 0,618 | 9,97 | 9,67 | 00h 05m 11s +45° 47′ 12″ |
88,88 ± 1,42 | Andromeda | |
467 | 36,705 | Gamma Serpentis (Ainalhai) |
γ Serpentis (Gliese 603) |
F6IV | 1,550 | 1,300 | 3,84 | 3,58 | 15h 56m 27s +15° 39′ 42″ |
88,86 ± 0,18 | Schlange |
468 | 36,717 | Arcturus (Alpha Bootis) |
Arcturus (α Boötis) |
K0IIIpe | 25,400 | 1,080 | −0,04 | −0,30 | 14h 15m 40s +19° 10′ 57″ |
88,83 ± 0,54 | Bärenhüter |
469 | 36,725 | Gliese 361 (HIP 47513) |
Gliese 361 (LHS 2173) |
M1.5V | 10,37 | 10,11 | 09h 41m 10s +13° 12′ 34″ |
88,81 ± 1,68 | Löwe | ||
452 | 36,725 | GJ 1148[22] (Ross 1003) |
GJ 1148 b (HIP 57050 b) |
Planet | 0,00029 | — | — | 11h 41m 45s +42° 45′ 07″ |
88,81 ± 2,14 | Großer Bär | |
470 | 36,856 | LDS 4016 (WDS 10472+4027) |
LP 213-67 A (WDS 1047+4027 Aa) |
M8V | 17,36 | 10h 47m 13s +40° 26′ 44″ |
? | Großer Bär | |||
470 | 36,856 | LDS 4016 (WDS 10472+4027) |
LP 213-67 B (WDS 1047+4027 Ab) |
L0 | 0,0716 | 10h 47m 13s +40° 26′ 44″ |
? | Großer Bär | |||
470 | 36,856 | LDS 4016 (WDS 10472+4027) |
LP 213-68 (WDS 1047+4027 B) |
M9V | 19,04 | 10h 47m 14s +40° 26′ 49″ |
? | Großer Bär | |||
471 | 36,856 | WISE 0038+2758 (EQ 0038+2758) |
WISE 0038+2758 (EQ 0038+2758) |
T9 | 18,61 J | — | 00h 38m 29s +27° 58′ 52″ |
? | Andromeda | ||
472 | 36,879 | Gliese 4 (HIP 473, HD 38) |
Gliese 4 A (ADS 48 A) |
K6V | 0,650 | 0,750 | 8,22 | 8,67 | 00h 05m 41s +45° 48′ 44″ |
88,44 ± 1,56 | Andromeda |
472 | 36,879 | Gliese 4 (HIP 473, HD 38) |
Gliese 4 B (ADS 48 B) |
M0.5V | 0,650 | 0,740 | 9,00 | 00h 05m 40s +45° 48′ 39″ |
88,44 ± 1,56 | Andromeda | |
473 | 36,896 | Ross 837 (GJ 3817) |
Ross 837 (LHS 2830) |
M3V | 12,25 | 13h 58m 14s +12° 34′ 44″ |
88,40 ± 11,5 | Bärenhüter | |||
474 | 36,937 | Rob 115 (Robertson 115) |
Rob 115 (CNS N1 211) |
M4V | 12,72 | 12,40 | 02h 10m 14s +11° 32′ 06″ |
88,30 ± 22,1 | Widder | ||
475 | 37,021 | 2MASS 2224-0158 (2MUCD 12128) |
2MASS 2224-0158 (2MUCD 12128) |
L4.5 | 14,07 J | — | 22h 24m 44s -01° 58′ 52″ |
88,10 ± 1,10 | Wassermann | ||
476 | 37,034 | Gliese 360/362[24] (OSV 3) |
Gliese 362 (LHS 2178) |
M3V | 11,36 | 11,05 | 09h 42m 52s +70° 02′ 22″ |
88,07 ± 2,41 | Großer Bär | ||
477 | 37,063 | 2MASS 1546-3325 (WISE 1546-3325) |
2MASS 1546-3325 (WISE 1546-3325) |
T5.5 | 15,62 J | — | 15h 46m 27s -33° 25′ 11″ |
88,00 ± 1,90 | Wolf | ||
477 | 37,063 | GJ 4048/GJ 4049 (G 204-58) |
GJ 4048 A (LHS 462) |
M3V | 11,86 | 18h 18m 04s +38° 46′ 34″ |
88,00 ± 3,60 | Leier | |||
477 | 37,063 | GJ 4048/GJ 4049 (G 204-57) |
GJ 4049 B (LHS 461) |
M4V | 13,52 | 18h 18m 04s +38° 46′ 36″ |
88,00 ± 3,60 | Leier | |||
479 | 37,080 | 11 Leonis Minoris (Gliese 356) |
11 Leonis Minoris A (HR 3815 A) |
G8V | 1,003 | 0,964 | 5,34 | 5,06 | 09h 35m 40s +35° 48′ 37″ |
87,96 ± 0,32 | Kleiner Löwe |
479 | 37,080 | 11 Leonis Minoris (Gliese 356) |
11 Leonis Minoris B (HR 3815 B) |
M5V | 0,240 | 0,200 | 13,00 | 12,70 | 09h 35m 40s +35° 48′ 39″ |
87,96 ± 0,32 | Kleiner Löwe |
480 | 37,156 | Gliese 169 (HIP 20917) |
Gliese 169 (HD 28343) |
M0.5V | 0,690 | 0,660 | 8,30 | 8,02 | 04h 29m 00s +21° 55′ 21″ |
87,78 ± 0,97 | Stier |
481 | 37,169 | Mufrid (Eta Bootis) |
η Boötis (Gliese 534 A) |
G0IV | 2,672 | 1,710 | 2,68 | 2,41 | 13h 54m 41s +18° 23′ 52″ |
87,75 ± 1,24 | Bärenhüter |
482 | 37,182 | WISE 0627-1114 (EQ 0627-1114) |
WISE 0627-1114 (EQ 0627-1114) |
T6 | 15,49 J | — | 06h 27m 20s -11° 14′ 29″ |
? | Großer Hund | ||
482 | 37,182 | WISE 1959-3338 |
WISE 1959-3338 |
T8 | 16,71 J | — | 19h 59m 06s -33° 38′ 34″ |
? | Schütze | ||
484 | 37,220 | OT Serpentis (HIP 75187) |
OT Serpentis (GJ 9520) |
M1Ve | 10,66 | 10,37 | 15h 21m 53s +20° 58′ 40″ |
87,63 ± 1,81 | Schlange | ||
485 | 37,224 | Gliese 70 (HIP 8051) |
Gliese 70 (LHS 1290) |
M2V | 10,91 | 10,62 | 01h 43m 20s +04° 19′ 18″ |
87,62 ± 2,00 | Fische | ||
486 | 37,247 | 2MASS 1754+1649 |
2MASS 1754+1649 |
T5.5 | 15,81 J | — | 17h 54m 54s +16° 49′ 20″ |
? | Herkules | ||
487 | 37,249 | Gliese 902 (HD 222237) |
Gliese 902 (HIP 116745) |
K3V | 0,750 | 0,720 | 7,09 | 6,80 | 23h 39m 37s -72° 43′ 20″ |
87,56 ± 0,51 | Tukan |
488 | 37,318 | GJ 3417 (G 250-31) |
GJ 3417 A (LHS 1885) |
M4.5V | 13,69 | 06h 57m 57s +62° 19′ 20″ |
87,40 ± 2,30 | Luchs | |||
488 | 37,318 | GJ 3417 (G 250-31) |
GJ 3417 B |
M? V | 06h 57m 57s +62° 19′ 20″ |
87,40 ± 2,30 | Luchs | ||||
489 | 37,335 | GJ 4070 (G 206-40) |
GJ 4070 (HIP 91699) |
M3V | 11,27 | 10,98 | 18h 41m 59s +31° 49′ 50″ |
87,36 ± 2,66 | Leier | ||
490 | 37,360 | 2MASS 1246-3139 (WISE 1246-3139) |
2MASS 1246-3139 (WISE 1246-3139) |
T2 | 15,02 J | — | 12h 46m 30s -31° 39′ 28″ |
87,30 ± 3,20 | Wasser- schlange | ||
491 | 37,425 | GJ 277.1 (HIP 36834) |
GJ 277.1 (LHS 6128) |
M0V | 10,39 | 10,09 | 07h 34m 27s +62° 56′ 29″ |
87,15 ± 2,31 | Giraffe | ||
492 | 37,489 | GJ 1053 (G 221-5) |
GJ 1053 (LHS 18) |
M6V | 14,66 | 03h 10m 59s +73° 46′ 19″ |
87,00 ± 4,00 | Kassiopeia | |||
492 | 37,489 | Gliese 545 (Ross 848) |
Gliese 545 (LHS 369) |
M3.5V | 12,87 | 14h 20m 07s -09° 37′ 13″ |
87,00 ± 12,0 | Jungfrau | |||
494 | 37,494 | GJ 4122 (HIP 97241) |
GJ 4122 (HDS 2807 A) |
M1V | 10,61 | 10,34 | 19h 45m 50s +32° 23′ 14″ |
86,99 ± 7,52 | Schwan | ||
495 | 37,500 | GJ 3966 (HIP 36834) |
GJ 3966 (LHS 6128) |
M4V | 12,23 | 16h 35m 27s +35° 00′ 58″ |
? | Herkules | |||
495 | 37,500 | GJ 3500 (L 387-102) |
GJ 3500 (LHS 2010) |
M3.5V | 11,85 | 08h 27m 12s -44° 59′ 22″ |
? | Segel des Schiffs | |||
495 | 37,500 | GJ 3550 (G 252-33) |
GJ 3550 (LHS 2126) |
M4.5V | 15,02 | 09h 21m 20s +73° 06′ 39″ |
? | Großer Bär | |||
498 | 37,508 | WISE 0623-0456 (EQ 0623-0456) |
WISE 0623-0456 (EQ 0623-0456) |
T8 | 17,51 | — | 06h 23m 10s -04° 56′ 25″ |
? | Einhorn | ||
498 | 37,508 | WISE 2325-4105 (EQ 2325-4105) |
WISE 2325-4105 (EQ 2325-4105) |
T9p | 19,75 | — | 23h 25m 20s -41° 05′ 35″ |
? | Kranich | ||
500 | 37,541 | DE Bootis (Gliese 567) |
DE Boötis (HIP 72848) |
K0V | 6,01 | 5,69 | 14h 53m 24s +19° 09′ 10″ |
86,88 ± 0,46 | Bärenhüter | ||
501 | 37,619 | 2MASS 2359-7335 (WISE 2359-7335) |
2MASS 2359-7335 (WISE 2359-7335) |
T5.5 | 16,17 J | — | 23h 59m 40s -73° 35′ 06″ |
? | Tukan | ||
502 | 37,662 | GJ 1167 (LDS 1365) |
GJ 1167 A (G 164-47) |
M4.8V | 14,21 | 13h 09m 35s +28° 59′ 07″ |
86,60 ± 14,8 | Haar der Berenike | |||
411 | 37,806 | Gliese 669[18] (Ross 868) |
Gliese 669 A (HIP 84794) |
M4Ve | 11,29 | 10,98 | 17h 19m 54s +26° 30′ 03″ |
86,27 ± 4,10 | Herkules | ||
503 | 37,834 | WISE 0031+5749 (2MASS 0031+5749) |
WISE 0031+5749 (2MASS 0031+5749) |
L9 | 14,95 J | — | 00h 31m 09s +57° 49′ 36″ |
? | Kassiopeia | ||
503 | 37,837 | 2MASS 0746+2000 |
2MASS 0746+2000 A |
L0.5 | 0,0706 | 19,87 12,28 J |
— | 07h 46m 43s +20° 00′ 32″ |
86,20 ± 4,60 | Zwillinge | |
503 | 37,837 | 2MASS 0746+2000 |
2MASS 0746+2000 B |
L1.5 | 0,0601 | 12,79 J | — | 07h 46m 43s +20° 00′ 32″ |
86,20 ± 4,60 | Zwillinge | |
503 | 37,834 | 2MASS 2255-5713[25] |
2MASS 2255-5713 B |
L8 | 0,0706 | — | 22h 55m 19s -57° 13′ 06″ |
? | Tukan | ||
503 | 37,834 | WISE 2340-0745 (EQ 2340-0745) |
WISE 2340-0745 (EQ 2340-0745) |
T7 | 16,15 | — | 23h 40m 27s -07° 45′ 07″ |
? | Wassermann | ||
507 | 37,846 | CC Eridani (Gliese 103) |
CC Eridani (HIP 11964) |
K0V | 8,87 | 8,55 | 02h 34m 23s -43° 47′ 47″ |
86,18 ± 0,78 | Eridanus | ||
508 | 37,890 | Gliese 851 (Ross 271) |
Gliese 851 (LHS 6399) |
M2Ve | 10,23 | 9,95 | 22h 11m 30s +18° 25′ 34″ |
86,08 ± 1,38 | Pegasus | ||
509 | 37,900 | GQ Virginis (Ross 845) |
GQ Virginis (Gliese 540.2) |
M4.5V | 13,89 | 14h 13m 05s -12° 01′ 26″ |
? | Jungfrau | |||
509 | 37,900 | GJ 3039 (LP 525-39) |
GJ 3039 (NLTT 1741) |
M4V | 12,80 | 00h 32m 35s +07° 29′ 27″ |
? | Fische | |||
509 | 37,900 | GJ 3442 (L 744-10) |
GJ 3442 (LHS 1918) |
M4.5V | 13,65 | 07h 28m 13s -18° 47′ 36″ |
86,08 ± 1,38 | Achterdeck des Schiffs | |||
512 | 37,983 | Zeta Doradus[26] (Gliese 189) |
ζ Doradus A (HIP 23693) |
F9V | 1,000 | 1,070 | 4,71 | 4,38 | 05h 05m 31s -57° 28′ 22″ |
85,87 ± 0,18 | Schwertfisch |
512 | 37,983 | Gliese 118 (HIP 13389) |
Gliese 118 (LHS 160) |
M2.5V | 11,38 | 02h 52m 22s -63° 40′ 47″ |
85,87 ± 1,99 | Kassiopeia | |||
512 | 37,997 | 2MASS 0828-1309 (SSSPM 0829−1309) |
2MASS 0828-1309 (SSSPM 0829−1309) |
L2 | 0,0735 | 12,80 J | — | 08h 28m 34s -13° 09′ 20″ |
? | Wasser- schlange | |
512 | 38,027 | Zeta Doradus[26] (Gliese 189) |
ζ Doradus B (CD-57°1079) |
K7Vk | 0,530 | 9,02 | 8,56 | 05h 05m 47s -57° 33′ 14″ |
85,77 ± 0,89 | Schwertfisch | |
515 | 38,093 | GJ 2106 (HIP 69454) |
GJ 2106 (LTT 5557) |
M2V | 10,19 | 9,85 | 14h 13m 13s -56° 44′ 31″ |
85,62 ± 1,94 | Zentaur | ||
516 | 38,111 | Gamma Virginis[27] (Porrima) |
γ Virginis A (HR 4825) |
F0IV | 1,200 | 1,560 | 3,48 | 3,12 | 12h 41m 40s -01° 26′ 58″ |
85,58 ± 0,60 | Jungfrau |
517 | 38,129 | Gliese 494 (BD+13°2618) |
DT Virginis (Ross 458 A) |
M2Ve | 9,76 | 9,47 | 13h 00m 47s +12° 22′ 33″ |
85,54 ± 1,53 | Jungfrau | ||
517 | 38,129 | Gliese 494 (BD+13°2618) |
Gliese 494 B (Ross 458 B) |
M7V | 13h 00m 47s +12° 22′ 33″ |
85,54 ± 1,53 | Jungfrau | ||||
517 | 38,129 | Gliese 494 (BD+13°2618) |
Gliese 494 (AB)c (WISE 1300+1221) |
T8.5p | 1,070 | 0,0134 | 16,70 J | 13h 00m 42s +12° 21′ 15″ |
85,54 ± 1,53 | Jungfrau | |
518 | 38,245 | Iota Pegasi (Gliese 848) |
ι Pegasi A (STT 596 A) |
F5V | 1,526 | 1,330 | 3,84 | 3,49 | 22h 07m 01s +25° 20′ 42″ |
85,28 ± 0,63 | Pegasus |
518 | 38,245 | Iota Pegasi (Gliese 848) |
ι Pegasi B (STT 596 B) |
G9V | 0,730 | 0,820 | 6,68 | 6,33 | 22h 07m 01s +25° 20′ 42″ |
85,28 ± 0,63 | Pegasus |
519 | 38,326 | Gliese 585 (Ross 508) |
Gliese 585 (LHS 396) |
M4.5V | 13,68 | 15h 23m 51s +17° 27′ 57″ |
85,10 ± 2,90 | Schlange | |||
520 | 38,371 | Gliese 524 (L 258-146) |
Gliese 524 (LTT 5327) |
M2.5V | 12,51 | 13h 44m 49s -54° 07′ 17″ |
85,00 ± 11,0 | Zentaur | |||
521 | 38,394 | DS Leonis (Gliese 410) |
DS Leonis (HIP 53985) |
M2Ve | 9,57 | 9,22 | 11h 02m 38s +21° 58′ 01″ |
84,95 ± 1,05 | Löwe | ||
522 | 38,398 | V1285 Aquilae (Gliese 735) |
V1285 Aquilae (HIP 92871) |
M3V | 10,19 | 9,84 | 18h 55m 27s +08° 24′ 09″ |
84,94 ± 1,72 | Adler | ||
523 | 38,417 | 2MASS 1254-0122 (SDSS 1254−0122) |
2MASS 1254-0122 (SDSS 1254−0122) |
T2 | 14,89 J | — | 12h 54m 54s -01° 22′ 47″ |
84,90 ± 1,90 | Jungfrau | ||
524 | 38,466 | Gliese 572 (BD+45°2247) |
Gliese 572 (HIP 73470) |
M0V K7V |
9,15 | 8,79 | 15h 00m 56s +45° 25′ 34″ |
84,79 ± 1,07 | Bärenhüter | ||
525 | 38,480 | Gliese 542 (HIP 69972) |
Gliese 542 (LHS 2892) |
K3IV | 0,790 | 0,820 | 6,66 | 6,30 | 14h 19m 05s -59° 22′ 45″ |
84,76 ± 0,69 | Zentaur |
516 | 38,585 | Gamma Virginis[27] (Porrima) |
γ Virginis B (HR 4826) |
F0IV | 1,200 | 1,500 | 3,50 | 3,14 | 12h 41m 40s -01° 26′ 58″ |
84,53 ± 1,18 | Jungfrau |
526 | 38,598 | GJ 3266 (2MASS 0412+6443) |
GJ 3266 (LHS 1638) |
M4V | 13,71 | 04h 12m 17s +64° 43′ 56″ |
84,50 ± 2,90 | Giraffe | |||
527 | 38,635 | GJ 3060 (HIP 3937) |
GJ 3060 A (FT Piscium) |
M3Vkee | 12,48 | 00h 50m 33s +24° 49′ 00″ |
84,42 ± 4,65 | Fische | |||
527 | 38,635 | GJ 3060 (HIP 3937) |
GJ 3060 B (LDS 3203 B) |
M? V | 13,59 | 00h 50m 33s +24° 49′ 02″ |
84,42 ± 4,65 | Fische | |||
528 | 38,640 | GJ 3612 (G 286-34) |
GJ 3612 (LHS 283) |
M4V | 11,93 | 10h 35m 27s +69° 27′ 00″ |
84,41 ± 13,0 | Großer Bär | |||
529 | 38,704 | Deneb Algedi (Delta Capricorni) |
δ Capricorni Aa (Deneb Algedi A) |
A7IIIm F0-2 |
1,910 | 2,000 | 2,83 | 2,46 | 21h 47m 02s -16° 07′ 38″ |
84,27 ± 0,19 | Steinbock |
529 | 38,704 | Deneb Algedi (Delta Capricorni) |
δ Capricorni Ab (Deneb Algedi B) |
K1V | 0,900 | 21h 47m 02s -16° 07′ 38″ |
84,27 ± 0,19 | Steinbock | |||
530 | 38,708 | Gliese 277[28] (LDS 6206) |
Gliese 277 A (VV Lyncis) |
M3.5Ve | 10,52 | 10,15 | 07h 31m 58s +36° 13′ 10″ |
84,26 ± 3,45 | Luchs | ||
531 | 38,722 | Gliese 414[29] (ADS 8083) |
Gliese 414 A (LHS 2367) |
K7V | 8,31 | 7,94 | 11h 11m 05s +30° 26′ 46″ |
84,23 ± 0,86 | Großer Bär | ||
532 | 38,800 | GJ 3954 (LP 805-10) |
GJ 3954 (LHS 3197) |
M4.5V | 14,31 | 16h 26m 48s -17° 23′ 34″ |
? | Schlangen- träger | |||
533 | 38,813 | WISE 0759-4904 (EQ 0759-4904) |
WISE 0759-4904 (EQ 0759-4904) |
T8 | 17,38 J | — | 07h 59m 47s -49° 04′ 54″ |
? | Achterdeck des Schiffs | ||
534 | 38,828 | WISE 2321+1354 (ULAS 2321+1354) |
WISE 2321+1354 (ULAS 2321+1354) |
T7.5 | 16,69 J | — | 23h 21m 24s +13° 54′ 59″ |
84,00 ± 4,00 | Pegasus | ||
534 | 38,828 | Ross 10 (Gliese 63) |
Ross 10 (LHS 6031) |
M3V | 11,19 | 01h 38m 22s +57° 13′ 57″ |
84,00 ± 8,00 | Kassiopeia | |||
534 | 38,828 | Gliese 12 (G 32-5) |
Gliese 12 (LHS 1050) |
M3V | 12,54 | 00h 15m 49s +13° 33′ 22″ |
84,00 ± 11,0 | Fische | |||
537 | 38,874 | GJ 1055 (G 79-3) |
GJ 1055 (LHS 1504) |
M5V | 14,86 | 03h 09m 00s +10° 01′ 26″ |
83,90 ± 4,00 | Widder | |||
538 | 38,874 | 2MASS 0624-4521 (2MUCD 20244) |
2MASS 0624-4521 (2MUCD 20244) |
L5 | 14,48 J | — | 06h 24m 46s -45° 21′ 55″ |
83,90 ± 4,50 | Achterdeck des Schiffs | ||
531 | 38,900 | Gliese 414[29] (ADS 8083) |
Gliese 414 B (LHS 2366) |
M2V | 10,72 | 11h 11m 02s +30° 26′ 44″ |
? | Großer Bär | |||
539 | 38,944 | Gliese 96 (BD+47°612) |
Gliese 96 (HIP 11048) |
M0.5V | 9,34 | 8,96 | 02h 22m 15s +47° 52′ 48″ |
83,75 ± 1,14 | Andromeda | ||
540 | 38,967 | 2MASS 1828-4849 (WISE 1828-4849) |
2MASS 1828-4849 (WISE 1828-4849) |
T5.5 | 15,18 J | — | 18h 28m 36s -48° 49′ 05″ |
83,70 ± 7,70 | Teleskop | ||
541 | 39,061 | GJ 1223 (G 182-36) |
GJ 1223 (LHS 457) |
M5V | 14,89 | 18h 02m 46s +37° 31′ 05″ |
83,50 ± 3,90 | Herkules | |||
542 | 39,070 | Gliese 275.2[30] (GIC 75) |
Gliese 275.2 Aa (EGGR 52 A) |
DA10 VII | 0,0149 | 15,26 | 07h 30m 47s +48° 10′ 28″ |
83,48 ± 4,00 | Luchs | ||
542 | 39,070 | Gliese 275.2 (GIC 75) |
Gliese 275.2 Ab (EGGR 52 B) |
DA? VII | 15,56 | 07h 30m 47s +48° 10′ 28″ |
83,48 ± 4,00 | Luchs | |||
530 | 39,079 | Gliese 277[28] (LDS 6206) |
Gliese 277 B (BL Lyncis) |
M4.5Ve | 11,82 | 11,43 | 07h 31m 57s +36° 13′ 47″ |
83,46 ± 4,07 | Luchs | ||
543 | 39,093 | Gliese 842 (HIP 108569) |
Gliese 842 (LHS 3741) |
M0.5V | 9,74 | 9,35 | 21h 59m 35s -59° 45′ 10″ |
83,43 ± 1,77 | Indianer | ||
544 | 39,107 | GJ 1179 (LP 380-6) |
GJ 1179 A (LHS 362) |
M5.5V | 15,32 | 14,93 | 13h 48m 13s +23° 36′ 49″ |
83,40 ± 2,40 | Bärenhüter | ||
544 | 39,107 | GJ 1179 (LP 380-6) |
GJ 1179 B (EGGR 438) |
DC9 VII | 15,63 | 15,23 | 13h 48m 13s +23° 36′ 49″ |
83,40 ± 2,40 | Bärenhüter | ||
544 | 39,139 | 2MASS 0144-0716 (2MUCD 10088) |
2MASS 0144-0716 (2MUCD 10088) |
L5 | 14,19 J | — | 01h 44m 35s -07° 16′ 14″ |
? | Walfisch | ||
544 | 39,139 | 2MASS 0717+5705 (WISE 0717+5705) |
2MASS 0717+5705 (WISE 0717+5705) |
L6.5 | 14,64 J | — | 07h 17m 16s +57° 05′ 43″ |
? | Luchs | ||
544 | 39,139 | WISE 0751-7634 (EQ 0751-7634) |
WISE 0751-7634 (EQ 0751-7634) |
T9 | 19,34 J | — | 07h 51m 09s -76° 34′ 50″ |
? | Chamäleon | ||
544 | 39,139 | SCR 0754-3809 |
SCR 0754-3809 |
M? V | 10,01 J | 07h 54m 55s -38° 09′ 37″ |
? | Achterdeck des Schiffs | |||
544 | 39,139 | 2MASS 1231+0847 (SDSS 1231+0847) |
2MASS 1231+0847 (SDSS 1231+0847) |
T5.5 | 0,0544 | 15,57 J | — | 12h 31m 48s +08° 47′ 33″ |
? | Jungfrau | |
544 | 39,139 | 2MASS 1551+6457 |
2MASS 1551+6457 |
M8.5V L3? |
12,89 J | — | 15h 51m 06s +64° 57′ 05″ |
? | Drache | ||
544 | 39,139 | 2MASS 1635+4223 |
2MASS 1635+4223 |
M9V L3? |
12,88 J | — | 16h 35m 19s +42° 23′ 05″ |
? | Herkules | ||
544 | 39,139 | 2MASS 1731+2721 (2MUCD 20744) |
2MASS 1731+2721 (2MUCD 20744) |
L0 | 12,09 J | — | 17h 31m 30s +27° 21′ 23″ |
? | Herkules | ||
544 | 39,139 | WISE 1812+2007 |
WISE 1812+2007 |
T9 | 18,54 J | — | 18h 12m 43s +20° 07′ 46″ |
? | Herkules | ||
503 | 39,139 | 2MASS 2255-5713[25] |
2MASS 2255-5713 A |
L6 | 0,0754 | 14,08 | — | 22h 55m 19s -57° 13′ 06″ |
? | Tukan | |
554 | 39,149 | Wolf 654 (GJ 3992) |
Wolf 654 (HIP 84099) |
DC9 VII | 11,51 | 17h 11m 35s +38° 26′ 34″ |
83,31 ± 1,98 | Herkules | |||
555 | 39,164 | Zeta Reticuli[31] (Gliese 136/138) |
ζ1 Reticuli (Gliese 136) |
G4V | 0,840 | 0,958 | 5,54 | 5,12 | 03h 17m 46s -62° 34′ 41″ |
83,28 ± 0,20 | Netz |
556 | 39,201 | GJ 3959 (G 180-60) |
GJ 3959 (G 180-60) |
M5V | 14,76 | 16h 31m 19s +40° 51′ 52″ |
83,20 ± 2,60 | Herkules | |||
555 | 39,244 | Zeta Reticuli[31] (Gliese 136/138) |
ζ2 Reticuli (Gliese 138) |
G0V | 0,880 | 0,985 | 5,24 | 4,83 | 03h 18m 13s -62° 30′ 23″ |
83,11 ± 0,19 | Netz |
557 | 39,253 | Gliese 268.3 (G 109-55) |
Gliese 268.3 (HIP 35191) |
M0V | 10,75 | 10,30 | 07h 16m 20s +27° 08′ 33″ |
83,09 ± 2,84 | Zwillinge | ||
558 | 39,296 | GJ 1243 (G 208-42) |
GJ 1243 (NLTT 48343) |
M4V | 12,83 | 19h 51m 09s +46° 29′ 00″ |
83,00 ± 2,00 | Schwan | |||
559 | 39,300 | Ross 948[6] (GJ 3728) |
Ross 948 A (NLTT 30870) |
M2V | 0,320 | 0,210 | 12h 28m 53s -10° 39′ 49″ |
? | Jungfrau | ||
559 | 39,300 | Ross 948 (GJ 3728) |
Ross 948 B (LP 735-11) |
M3.5V | 0,320 | 0,210 | 10,40 | 10,60 | 12h 28m 53s -10° 39′ 50″ |
? | Jungfrau |
559 | 39,300 | GJ 3331 (BD-21°1074) |
GJ 3331 A (DON 93 A) |
M2V | 10,44 | 05h 06m 50s -21° 35′ 09″ |
? | Hase | |||
559 | 39,300 | GJ 3331 (BD-21°1074) |
GJ 3331 B (DON 93 BC) |
M3V? | 11,67 | 05h 06m 50s -21° 35′ 04″ |
? | Hase | |||
561 | 39,465 | 2MASS 0251-0352 (2MUCD 10151) |
2MASS 0251-0352 (2MUCD 10151) |
L3 | 13,06 J | — | 02h 51m 15s -03° 52′ 46″ |
? | Eridanus | ||
561 | 39,465 | WISE 1653+4444 (EQ J1653+4444) |
WISE 1653+4444 (EQ J1653+4444) |
T8 | 17,59 J | — | 16h 53m 11s +44° 44′ 23″ |
? | Herkules | ||
563 | 39,496 | TRAPPIST-1 | TRAPPIST-1 | M8V L4? |
0,114±0,006 | 0,08±0,009 | 18,80 11,35 J |
23h 06m 29s -05° 02′ 29″ |
82,58 ± 2,58 | Wassermann | |
563 | 39,496 | TRAPPIST-1 | TRAPPIST-1 b |
Planet | 23h 06m 29s -05° 02′ 29″ |
82,58 ± 2,58 | Wassermann | ||||
563 | 39,496 | TRAPPIST-1 | TRAPPIST-1 c |
Planet | 23h 06m 29s -05° 02′ 29″ |
82,58 ± 2,58 | Wassermann | ||||
563 | 39,496 | TRAPPIST-1 | TRAPPIST-1 d |
Planet | 23h 06m 29s -05° 02′ 29″ |
82,58 ± 2,58 | Wassermann | ||||
564 | 39,520 | Zeta Trianguli Australis (HIP 80686) |
ζ Trianguli Australis A (Gliese 624 A) |
F6V | 1,060 | 4,91 | 4,50 | 16h 28m 28s -70° 05′ 04″ |
82,53 ± 0,52 | Südliches Dreieck | |
564 | 39,520 | Zeta Trianguli Australis (HIP 80686) |
ζ Trianguli Australis B (Gliese 624 B) |
G1V | 16h 28m 28s -70° 05′ 04″ |
82,53 ± 0,52 | Südliches Dreieck | ||||
565 | 39,524 | Gliese 180 (HIP 22762) |
Gliese 180 (LHS 1712) |
M2V | 10,89 | 10,47 | 04h 53m 50s -17° 46′ 24″ |
82,52 ± 2,40 | Eridanus | ||
565 | 39,524 | Gliese 180 (HIP 22762) |
Gliese 180 b |
Planet | 0,0165 | 0,00002 | — | — | 04h 53m 50s -17° 46′ 24″ |
82,52 ± 2,40 | Eridanus |
565 | 39,524 | Gliese 180 (HIP 22762) |
Gliese 180 c |
Planet | 0,0156 | 0,00002 | — | — | 04h 53m 50s -17° 46′ 24″ |
82,52 ± 2,40 | Eridanus |
566 | 39,544 | Lambda Serpentis (Gliese 598) |
λ Serpentis (HIP 77257) |
G0IV-V | 1,060 | 1,140 | 4,43 | 4,07 | 15h 46m 27s +07° 21′ 11″ |
82,48 ± 0,32 | Schlange |
567 | 39,625 | Gliese 798 (HIP 102186) |
Gliese 798 (LHS 496) |
K7V | 8,83 | 8,41 | 20h 42m 19s -52° 41′ 57″ |
82,31 ± 1,07 | Indianer | ||
568 | 39,630 | GJ 1140 (EGGR 74) |
GJ 1140 (LHS 2333) |
DA6 VII | 14,34 | 13,94 | 10h 57m 35s -07° 31′ 23″ |
82,30 ± 3,50 | Becher | ||
569 | 39,688 | Gliese 821 (Wolf 918) |
Gliese 821 (LHS 65) |
M1V | 10,87 | 10,45 | 21h 09m 17s -13° 18′ 09″ |
82,18 ± 2,17 | Wassermann | ||
570 | 39,693 | 85 Pegasi (BU 733) |
85 Pegasi A (Gliese 914 A) |
G5Vb | 0,910 | 0,880 | 5,75 | 5,28 | 00h 02m 10s +27° 04′ 56″ |
82,17 ± 2,23 | Pegasus |
570 | 39,693 | 85 Pegasi (BU 733) |
85 Pegasi B (Gliese 914 B) |
K7V | 0,670 | 0,550 | 8,89 | 8,54 | 00h 02m 10s +27° 04′ 56″ |
82,17 ± 2,23 | Pegasus |
571 | 39,775 | 2MASS 0700+3157 (2MUCD 10617) |
2MASS 0700+3157 A (WDS 07006+3157 A) |
L3.5 | 0,0706 | 13,17 J | — | 07h 00m 37s +31° 57′ 27″ |
82,00 ± 2,00 | Zwillinge | |
571 | 39,775 | 2MASS 0700+3157 (2MUCD 10617) |
2MASS 0700+3157 B (WDS 07006+3157 B) |
L6 | 0,0601 | 14,66 J | — | 07h 00m 37s +31° 57′ 27″ |
82,00 ± 2,00 | Zwillinge | |
572 | 39,800 | GJ 3518 (CE 55) |
GJ 3518 (LHS 2071) |
M4V | 14,00 | 08h 55m 20s -23° 52′ 15″ |
? | Schiffs- kompass | |||
572 | 39,800 | GJ 3800 (LP 798-25) |
GJ 3800 (LHS 2783) |
M4V | 13,50 | 13h 42m 10s -16° 00′ 23″ |
? | Jungfrau | |||
574 | 39,819 | Gliese 309 (HR 3384) |
Gliese 309 (11 G. Pyxidis) |
G9V K0V |
0,770 | 0,750 | 6,38 | 5,95 | 08h 32m 51s -31° 30′ 03″ |
81,91 ± 0,46 | Schiffs- kompass |
542 | 39,833 | Gliese 275.2[30] (GIC 75) |
Gliese 275.2 A (LHS 229) |
M5VI | 13,52 | 13,21 | 07h 30m 43s +48° 12′ 00″ |
81,88 ± 4,00 | Luchs | ||
575 | 39,946 | Gliese 82 (HIP 9291) |
Gliese 82 (V596 Cassiopeiae) |
M4Ve | 12,21 | 11,78 | 01h 59m 24s +58° 31′ 16″ |
81,65 ± 4,06 | Kassiopeia | ||
576 | 40,044 | Gliese 211/212[32] (ENG 22) |
Gliese 211 (V538 Aurigae) |
K1V | 0,820 | 0,910 | 6,23 | 5,78 | 05h 41m 20s +53° 28′ 52″ |
81,45 ± 0,54 | Fuhrmann |
577 | 40,068 | Gliese 737 (CD-56°7546) |
Gliese 737 A (LTT 7509) |
M0V | 9,75 | 18h 57m 31s -55° 59′ 31″ |
81,40 ± 1,95 | Teleskop | |||
577 | 40,068 | Gliese 737 (CD-56°7546) |
Gliese 737 B (LTT 7510) |
K5V | 10,13 | 18h 57m 31s -55° 59′ 28″ |
81,40 ± 1,95 | Teleskop | |||
578 | 40,078 | GJ 1097 (HIP 36338) |
GJ 1097 (LHS 1920) |
M3V | 11,46 | 11,02 | 07h 28m 45s -03° 17′ 53″ |
81,38 ± 2,49 | Einhorn | ||
579 | 40,078 | Gliese 179[33] (Wolf 1539) |
Gliese 179 (HIP 22627) |
M3.5V | 0,380 | 0,357 | 12,01 | 11,54 | 04h 52m 06s +06° 28′ 36″ |
81,38 ± 4,04 | Orion |
477 | 40,083 | Gliese 360/362[24] (OSV 3) |
Gliese 360 (LHS 2176) |
M2V | 10,58 | 10,13 | 09h 42m 35s +70° 02′ 02″ |
81,37 ± 1,77 | Großer Bär | ||
580 | 40,093 | Gliese 192 (G 85-52) |
Gliese 192 (HIP 24284) |
M2V | 10,75 | 10,31 | 05h 12m 42s +19° 39′ 56″ |
81,35 ± 4,07 | Stier | ||
581 | 40,182 | Gliese 806 (BD+44°3567) |
Gliese 806 (LHS 3577) |
M3V | 0,440 | 0,480 | 10,84 | 10,36 | 20h 45m 04s +44° 29′ 57″ |
81,35 ± 4,07 | Schwan |
582 | 40,226 | Gliese 381 (HIP 49969) |
Gliese 381 (LHS 2230) |
M2.5V | 10,63 | 10,20 | 10h 12m 05s -02° 41′ 05″ |
81,08 ± 2,87 | Sextant | ||
583 | 40,251 | Rho Cancri[34] (Gliese 324) |
ρ1 Cancri (55 Cancri A) |
G8V | 1,152 | 0,950 | 5,96 | 5,50 | 08h 52m 36s +28° 19′ 51″ |
81,03 ± 0,75 | Krebs |
583 | 40,251 | Rho Cancri (Gliese 324) |
ρ1 Cancri e (55 Cancri e) |
Planet | 0,01902 | 0,00003 | — | — | 08h 52m 36s +28° 19′ 51″ |
81,03 ± 0,75 | Krebs |
583 | 40,251 | Rho Cancri (Gliese 324) |
ρ1 Cancri b (55 Cancri b) |
Planet | 0,00004 | 0,00079 | — | — | 08h 52m 36s +28° 19′ 51″ |
81,03 ± 0,75 | Krebs |
583 | 40,251 | Rho Cancri (Gliese 324) |
ρ1 Cancri c (55 Cancri c) |
Planet | 0,00016 | — | — | 08h 52m 36s +28° 19′ 51″ |
81,03 ± 0,75 | Krebs | |
583 | 40,251 | Rho Cancri (Gliese 324) |
ρ1 Cancri f (55 Cancri f) |
Planet | 0,05622 | 0,00015 | — | — | 08h 52m 36s +28° 19′ 51″ |
81,03 ± 0,75 | Krebs |
583 | 40,251 | Rho Cancri (Gliese 324) |
ρ1 Cancri d (55 Cancri d) |
Planet | 0,00365 | — | — | 08h 52m 36s +28° 19′ 51″ |
81,03 ± 0,75 | Krebs | |
584 | 40,266 | Gliese 390 (HIP 51007) |
Gliese 390 (LHS 2259) |
M1V | 0,610 | 10,14 | 9,68 | 10h 25m 11s -10° 13′ 43″ |
81,00 ± 1,91 | Sextant | |
584 | 40,266 | Gliese 64 (EGGR 11) |
Gliese 64 (LHS 1270) |
DA6.9 VII | 12,83 | 12,39 | 01h 37m 59s -04° 59′ 44″ |
81,00 ± 2,80 | Walfisch | ||
584 | 40,266 | Gliese 537 (BD+47°2112) |
Gliese 537 A (LHS 2849) |
M2V | 9,89 | 14h 02m 33s +46° 20′ 27″ |
81,00 ± 6,00 | Jagdhunde | |||
584 | 40,266 | Gliese 537 (BD+47°2112) |
Gliese 537 B (LHS 2850) |
M2.5V | 9,76 | 14h 02m 33s +46° 20′ 24″ |
81,00 ± 6,00 | Jagdhunde | |||
584 | 40,266 | Gliese 403 (G 44-42) |
Gliese 403 (LHS 295) |
M3.5V | 12,67 | 12,28 | 10h 52m 04s +13° 59′ 51″ |
81,00 ± 14,00 | Löwe | ||
587 | 40,291 | Gliese 46 (HIP 4569) |
Gliese 46 (LHS 129) |
M3V | 11,77 | 11,32 | 00h 58m 28s -27° 51′ 25″ |
80,95 ± 3,21 | Bildhauer | ||
589 | 40,291 | 2MASS 0523-1403 (2MUCD 10390) |
2MASS 0523-1403 (2MUCD 10390) |
L2.5V | 0,086 | 13,08 J | — | 05h 23m 38s -14° 03′ 02″ |
80,95 ± 1,76 | Hase | |
590 | 40,300 | GJ 3052 (G 1-18) |
GJ 3052 (LHS 1137) |
M4.5V | 00h 44m 21s +09° 07′ 35″ |
? | Fische | ||||
590 | 40,300 | GJ 3263 (G 1-18) |
GJ 3263 (LHS 1630) |
M3.5V | 12,38 | 04h 07m 20s -24° 29′ 13″ |
? | Eridanus | |||
590 | 40,300 | GJ 3333 (G 85-41) |
GJ 3333 (Wolf 230) |
M3.5V | 11,71 | 05h 07m 49s +17° 58′ 58″ |
? | Stier | |||
590 | 40,300 | GJ 3567 (G 235-40) |
GJ 3567 (LHS 2191) |
M1.5V | 12,73 | 09h 48m 00s +60° 15′ 25″ |
? | Großer Bär | |||
590 | 40,300 | GJ 4004 (L 21-3) |
GJ 4004 (LHS 3295) |
M3.5V | 12,10 | 17h 29m 27s -80° 08′ 57″ |
? | Paradies vogel | |||
590 | 40,300 | GJ 4098 (G 207-19) |
GJ 4098 (LTT 15607) |
M3V | 11,83 | 19h 08m 30s +32° 16′ 52″ |
? | Leier | |||
590 | 40,300 | GJ 4201 (LP 397-34) |
GJ 4201 (NLTT 51496) |
M3.5V | 11,99 | 21h 32m 22s +24° 33′ 42″ |
? | Pegasus | |||
590 | 40,300 | GJ 4350 (L 504-27) |
GJ 4350 (LHS 547) |
M4.5V | 13,72 | 13,26 | 23h 36m 52s -36° 28′ 52″ |
? | Bildhauer | ||
579 | 40,356 | Gliese 179[33] (Wolf 1539) |
Gliese 179 b (HIP 22627 b) |
Planet | 0,00078 | — | — | 04h 49m 25s +06° 23′ 37″ |
80,82 ± 3,78 | Orion | |
598 | 40,371 | Beta Trianguli Australis (Betria) |
β Trianguli Australis (Gliese 601 A) |
F1V | 1,900 | 1,650 | 2,85 | 2,38 | 15h 55m 09s -63° 25′ 51″ |
80,79 ± 0,16 | Südliches Dreieck |
599 | 40,381 | Gliese 671 (HIP 84790) |
Gliese 671 (LHS 3281) |
M3V | 11,37 | 10,91 | 17h 19m 53s +41° 42′ 50″ |
80,77 ± 1,66 | Herkules | ||
600 | 40,416 | GJ 3356 (G 97-54) |
GJ 3356 (Ross 46) |
M3.5V | 11,87 | 05h 34m 52s +13° 52′ 47″ |
80,70 ± 5,70 | Orion | |||
601 | 40,446 | Gliese 435 (HIP 56998) |
Gliese 435 (LHS 2441) |
K4.5Vk | 0,650 | 0,670 | 7,76 | 7,30 | 11h 41m 02s -44° 24′ 19″ |
80,64 ± 0,70 | Zentaur |
576 | 40,567 | Gliese 211/212[32] (ENG 22) |
Gliese 212 (HD 233153) |
M0.5V | 0,710 | 0,570 | 9,87 | 9,42 | 05h 41m 31s +53° 29′ 23″ |
80,40 ± 1,69 | Fuhrmann |
602 | 40,668 | GJ 1248 (G 23-24) |
GJ 1248 (LHS 3511) |
M1.5V | 12,09 | 20h 03m 51s +05° 59′ 44″ |
80,20 ± 4,30 | Adler | |||
603 | 40,749 | Gliese 302 (HIP 40693) |
Gliese 302 (LHS 245) |
G8V | 0,905 | 0,863 | 5,98 | 5,47 | 08h 18m 24s -12° 37′ 56″ |
80,04 ± 0,35 | Achterdeck des Schiffs |
603 | 40,749 | Gliese 302 (HIP 40693) |
Gliese 302 b (HD 69830 b) |
Planet | 0,00003 | — | — | 08h 18m 24s -12° 37′ 56″ |
80,04 ± 0,35 | Achterdeck des Schiffs | |
603 | 40,749 | Gliese 302 (HIP 40693) |
Gliese 302 c (HD 69830 c) |
Planet | 0,00004 | — | — | 08h 18m 24s -12° 37′ 56″ |
80,04 ± 0,35 | Achterdeck des Schiffs | |
603 | 40,749 | Gliese 302 (HIP 40693) |
Gliese 302 d (HD 69830 d) |
Planet | 0,00006 | — | — | 08h 18m 24s -12° 37′ 56″ |
80,04 ± 0,35 | Achterdeck des Schiffs | |
603 | 40,749 | Gliese 302 (HIP 40693) |
Trümmerscheibe Gliese 302 |
Gürtel | — | — | — | — | 08h 18m 24s -12° 37′ 56″ |
80,04 ± 0,35 | Achterdeck des Schiffs |
603 | 40,749 | Gliese 142 (HIP 16134) |
Gliese 142 (LHS 1548) |
K7V | 8,39 | 7,91 | 03h 27m 52s -19° 48′ 16″ |
80,04 ± 0,99 | Eridanus | ||
605 | 40,770 | GJ 1288 (G 130-3) |
GJ 1288 (LHS 6427) |
M4.5V | 14,36 | 23h 42m 53s +30° 49′ 22″ |
80,00 ± 3,00 | Pegasus | |||
605 | 40,770 | DY Piscium (2MASS 0024-0158) |
DY Piscium (2MASS 0024-0158) |
M9.5V | 19,42 | 00h 24m 25s -01° 58′ 20″ |
80,00 ± 3,40 | Fische | |||
605 | 40,770 | WISE 0457-0207 |
WISE 0457-0207 |
T1.5 | 14,90 J | — | 04h 57m 46s -02° 07′ 19″ |
? | Orion | ||
605 | 40,770 | WISE 1051-2138 |
WISE 1051-2138 |
T9 | 18,93 J | — | 10h 51m 30s -21° 39′ 00″ |
? | Wasser- schlange | ||
605 | 40,770 | WISE 1804+3117 |
WISE 1804+3117 |
T9.5 | 0,090 | 0,027 | 18,67 | — | 18h 04m 36s +31° 17′ 06″ |
? | Herkules |
610 | 40,795 | 44 Bootis (Gliese 575) |
44 Boötis A (HIP 73695) |
F5V G1Vn |
1,040 | 4,83 | 4,30 | 15h 03m 47s +47° 39′ 15″ |
79,95 ± 1,56 | Bärenhüter | |
610 | 40,795 | 44 Bootis (Gliese 575) |
44 Boötis B (HD 133640 B) |
G9V | 0,880 | 6,00 | 15h 03m 47s +47° 39′ 16″ |
79,95 ± 1,56 | Bärenhüter | ||
611 | 40,800 | GJ 3543 (L 749-34) |
GJ 3543 (LP 787-52) |
M1.5V | 10,55 | 09h 16m 21s -18° 37′ 33″ |
? | Wasser- schlange | |||
612 | 40,821 | GJ 3028 (LP 292-67) |
GJ 3028 (LHS 112) |
M5.5V | 16,05 | 00h 20m 29s +33° 05′ 08″ |
79,90 ± 3,70 | Andromeda | |||
612 | 40,821 | GJ 2045 (LP 658-44) |
GJ 2045 (LHS 1777) |
M5V | 15,36 | 05h 42m 13s -05° 27′ 57″ |
79,90 ± 3,70 | Orion | |||
614 | 40,872 | Wolf 940 (GJ 1263) |
Wolf 940 A (LHS 3708) |
M4V | 12,70 | 21h 46m 40s -00° 10′ 23″ |
79,80 ± 4,50 | Wassermann | |||
614 | 40,872 | Wolf 940 (GJ 1263) |
Wolf 940 B (BNG 2 B) |
T8.5 | 0,0191- 0,0286 |
18,02 J | — | 21h 46m 39s -00° 10′ 39″ |
79,80 ± 4,50 | Wassermann | |
615 | 40,923 | GJ 3250 (G 7-4) |
GJ 3250 (LHS 1593) |
M4.5V | 14,51 | 03h 47m 21s +08° 41′ 46″ |
79,70 ± 3,50 | Stier | |||
616 | 40,933 | Gliese 91 (HIP 10395) |
Gliese 91 (LHS 1361) |
M2Vk | 0,580 | 10,31 | 9,82 | 02h 13m 54s -32° 02′ 28″ |
79,68 ± 1,69 | Chemischer Ofen | |
617 | 40,974 | WISE 0034-0052 (ULAS 0034-0052) |
WISE 0034-0052 (ULAS 0034-0052) |
T8.5 | 0,0162 | 18,14 J | — | 00h 34m 03s -00° 52′ 06″ |
79,60 ± 3,80 | Walfisch | |
618 | 41,062 | GJ 3708/GJ 3709 (LDS 390) |
GJ 3708 A (HIP 59406) |
M3V | 11,71 | 11,21 | 12h 11m 12s -19° 57′ 38″ |
79,43 ± 2,36 | Rabe | ||
618 | 41,062 | GJ 3708/GJ 3709 (LDS 390) |
GJ 3709 B (L 758-107) |
M3.5V | 12,63 | 12h 11m 17s -19° 58′ 21″ |
79,43 ± 2,36 | Rabe | |||
619 | 41,096 | SCR 1230-3411 |
SCR 1230-3411 |
M? V | 9,34 J | 12h 30m 02s -34° 11′ 24″ |
? | Zentaur | |||
620 | 41,129 | GJ 1029 (G 69-47) |
GJ 1029 (LHS 135) |
M5V | 14,81 | 01h 05m 37s +28° 29′ 34″ |
79,30 ± 3,00 | Fische | |||
621 | 41,197 | Lambda Aurigae (Gliese 197) |
Lambda Aurigae (LHS 1753) |
G1V | 1,331 | 1,081 | 4,71 | 4,19 | 05h 19m 08s +40° 05′ 57″ |
79,17 ± 0,28 | Fuhrmann |
622 | 41,286 | Gliese 359 (Ross 92) |
Gliese 359 (LHS 2171) |
M4.5V | 14,20 | 09h 41m 02s +22° 01′ 29″ |
79,00 ± 3,80 | Löwe | |||
622 | 41,286 | GJ 1101 (LP 5-88) |
GJ 1101 (LHS 1956) |
M1.5V | 13,09 | 07h 55m 54s +83° 23′ 05″ |
79,00 ± 4,00 | Giraffe | |||
622 | 41,286 | Gliese 26 (Wolf 1056) |
Gliese 26 (LHS 119) |
M4V | 11,24 | 00h 38m 59s +30° 36′ 58″ |
79,00 ± 8,00 | Andromeda | |||
625 | 41,300 | Wolf 1457 (GJ 3357) |
Wolf 1457 (LHS 5109) |
M4V | 12,80 | 05h 36m 00s -07° 38′ 58″ |
? | Orion | |||
625 | 41,300 | GJ 4062 (G 205-28) |
GJ 4062 (NLTT 46643) |
M3.5V | 11,99 | 18h 31m 58s +40° 41′ 10″ |
? | Leier | |||
625 | 41,300 | GJ 4154 (L 23-30) |
GJ 4154 (LHS 3583) |
M2.5V | 20h 46m 37s -81° 43′ 14″ |
? | Oktant | ||||
628 | 41,322 | HD 14412 (22 G. Fornacis) |
HD 14412 (Gliese 95) |
G8V | 0,770 | 0,821 | 6,34 | 5,84 | 02h 18m 59s -25° 56′ 44″ |
78,93 ± 0,35 | Chemischer Ofen |
629 | 41,333 | Innes’ Stern (Gliese 422) |
Innes’ Stern (LHS 40) |
M3.5V | 11,52 | 11h 16m 00s -57° 32′ 52″ |
78,91 ± 2,60 | Kiel des Schiffs | |||
629 | 41,333 | Innes’ Stern (Gliese 422) |
Innes’ Stern b (Gliese 422 b) |
Planet | 0,00003 | — | — | 11h 16m 00s -57° 32′ 52″ |
78,91 ± 2,60 | Kiel des Schiffs | |
630 | 41,454 | Gliese 863 (HIP 111313) |
Gliese 863 (LHS 3828) |
M0V | 10,37 | 9,85 | 22h 33m 02s +09° 22′ 41″ |
78,68 ± 2,69 | Pegasus | ||
631 | 41,490 | GJ 2151 (HIP 103910) |
GJ 2151 (LHS 5363) |
M4V | 12,80 | 12,29 | 21h 03m 14s -56° 57′ 48″ |
78,61 ± 5,92 | Indianer | ||
632 | 41,549 | HR 483 (HD 10307) |
HR 483 A (Gliese 67 A) |
G1.5V | 1,200 | 0,970 | 4,96 | 4,30 | 01h 41m 47s +42° 36′ 48″ |
78,50 ± 0,54 | Andromeda |
632 | 41,549 | HR 483 (HD 10307) |
HR 483 B (Gliese 67 B) |
M? V | 0,290 | 12,50 | 11,90 | 01h 41m 47s +42° 36′ 48″ |
78,50 ± 0,54 | Andromeda | |
632 | 41,549 | 2MASS 0445-3048 (2MUCD 10329) |
2MASS 0445-3048 (2MUCD 10329) |
L2 | 13,39 J | — | 04h 45m 54s -30° 48′ 20″ |
78,50 ± 4,90 | Grabstichel | ||
634 | 41,602 | GJ 3126 (G 244-47) |
GJ 3126 (NLTT 6724) |
M4V | 10,95 | 02h 01m 35s +63° 46′ 12″ |
78,40 ± 10,6 | Kassiopeia | |||
634 | 41,618 | Gliese 516 (VW Com. Berenices) |
Gliese 516 A (VYS 6 A) |
M3.5Ve | 11,42 | 13h 32m 45s +16° 48′ 39″ |
78,37 ± 19,9 | Haar der Berenike | |||
634 | 41,618 | Gliese 516 (VW Com. Berenices) |
Gliese 516 B (VYS 6 B) |
M4Ve | 11,39 | 13h 32m 45s +16° 48′ 39″ |
78,37 ± 19,9 | Haar der Berenike | |||
636 | 41,628 | Gliese 454 (HR 4587) |
Gliese 454 A (HD 104304) |
G8IV | 1,010 | 5,54 | 4,99 | 12h 00m 44s -10° 26′ 46″ |
78,35 ± 0,31 | Jungfrau | |
636 | 41,628 | Gliese 454 (HR 4587) |
Gliese 454 B (HD 104304 b) |
M4V | 0,210 | 12h 00m 44s -10° 26′ 46″ |
78,35 ± 0,31 | Jungfrau | |||
637 | 41,676 | Gliese 620.1[35] (HD 147513) |
Gliese 620.1 A (HR 6094 A) |
G5V | 1,110 | 5,38 | 4,82 | 16h 24m 01s -39° 11′ 35″ |
78,26 ± 0,37 | Skorpion | |
637 | 41,676 | Gliese 620.1 (HD 147513) |
Gliese 620.1 Ab (HR 6094 b) |
Planet | 0,00116 | — | — | 16h 24m 01s -39° 11′ 35″ |
78,26 ± 0,37 | Skorpion | |
432 | 41,681 | 36 Ursae Majoris[20] (Gliese 394) |
36 Ursae Majoris A (LDS 2863 A) |
F0V | 1,091 | 1,121 | 4,82 | 4,29 | 10h 30m 38s +55° 58′ 50″ |
78,25 ± 0,28 | Großer Bär |
638 | 41,729 | Gliese 206 (V998 Orionis) |
Gliese 206 (HIP 25953) |
M4V | 11,53 | 11,01 | 05h 32m 15s +09° 49′ 15″ |
78,16 ± 3,70 | Orion | ||
639 | 41,740 | GJ 3452 (HIP 36915) |
GJ 3452 (HIP 36915) |
M2V | 11,36 | 10,83 | 07h 35m 22s +54° 50′ 59″ |
78,14 ± 2,69 | Luchs | ||
640 | 41,756 | Gliese 675 (HIP 85235) |
Gliese 675 (LHS 3287) |
K0V | 0,760 | 0,860 | 6,43 | 5,89 | 17h 25m 00s +67° 18′ 24″ |
78,11 ± 0,30 | Drache |
447 | 41,761 | LDS 905[21] (Gliese 2069) |
LDS 905 B (CV Cancri) |
M4V | 14,83 | 08h 31m 37s +19° 23′ 49″ |
78,10 ± 5,70 | Krebs | |||
641 | 41,800 | GJ 4326 (G 68-5) |
GJ 4326 (LTT 16843) |
M3V | 12,10 | 23h 17m 28s +19° 36′ 50″ |
? | Pegasus | |||
641 | 41,800 | GJ 4387 (G 267-11) |
GJ 4387 (LHS 4058) |
M4V | 12,20 | 23h 59m 51s -34° 06′ 42″ |
? | Bildhauer | |||
643 | 41,815 | GJ 1210 (YSC 62) |
GJ 1210 A (LHS 3265) |
M5V | 14,02 | 17h 07m 41s +07° 22′ 07″ |
78,00 ± 5,30 | Schlangen- träger | |||
643 | 41,815 | GJ 1210 (YSC 62) |
GJ 1210 B |
M? V | 17h 07m 41s +07° 22′ 07″ |
78,00 ± 5,30 | Schlangen- träger | ||||
643 | 41,815 | Wolf 44 (Gliese 47) |
Wolf 44 (LHS 1176) |
M2V | 10,87 | 01h 01m 20s +61° 21′ 56″ |
78,00 ± 8,00 | Kassiopeia | |||
645 | 41,944 | Gliese 775 (V1654 Aquilae) |
Gliese 775 (HIP 98698) |
K4Vk | 7,48 | 6,93 | 20h 02m 47s +03° 19′ 34″ |
77,76 ± 0,54 | Adler | ||
646 | 42,030 | GJ 2138 (HIP 91430) |
GJ 2138 (LHS 3398) |
M2.5V | 11,28 | 10,73 | 18h 38m 45s -14° 29′ 26″ |
77,60 ± 2,79 | Schild | ||
647 | 42,063 | GJ 3722 (HDS 1745) |
GJ 3722 (HIP 60444) |
M2.5V | 11,19 | 10,64 | 12h 23m 33s +67° 11′ 18″ |
77,54 ± 3,23 | Drache | ||
648 | 42,074 | WISE 0857+5604 (EQ J0857+5604) |
WISE 0857+5604 (EQ J0857+5604) |
T8 | 17,65 J | — | 08h 57m 16s +56° 04′ 08″ |
? | Großer Bär | ||
649 | 42,085 | GJ 1077 (L 31-84) |
GJ 1077 (LHS 205) |
M2V | 11,91 | 05h 17m 00s -78° 17′ 20″ |
77,50 ± 11,0 | Tafelberg | |||
649 | 42,085 | LDS 2951 (GJ 4288/GJ 4289) |
GJ 4288 A (L 645-73) |
M2V | 10,92 | 22h 38m 25s -29° 21′ 14″ |
77,50 ± 20,0 | Südlicher Fisch | |||
649 | 42,085 | LDS 2951 (GJ 4288/GJ 4289) |
GJ 4289 B (L 645-73) |
M3.5V | 13,60 | 22h 38m 25s -29° 21′ 24″ |
77,50 ± 20,0 | Südlicher Fisch | |||
651 | 42,096 | Gliese 349 (HIP 46580) |
Gliese 349 (LHS 2147) |
K3V | 0,730 | 0,790 | 7,22 | 6,64 | 09h 29m 55s +05° 39′ 18″ |
77,48 ± 0,64 | Wasser- schlange |
652 | 42,139 | GJ 1073 (G 96-6) |
GJ 1073 (LHS 198) |
M4V | 13,40 | 04h 52m 34s +40° 42′ 26″ |
77,40 ± 2,40 | Perseus | |||
653 | 42,254 | Gliese 114.1[36] (GJ 9103) |
Gliese 114.1 A (HIP 13218) |
M1.5V | 0,590 | 10,72 | 10,16 | 02h 50m 10s -53° 08′ 20″ |
77,19 ± 1,64 | Pendeluhr | |
654 | 42,276 | Gliese 895 (Ross 302) |
Gliese 895 (HIP 115562) |
M2V | 10,03 | 9,47 | 23h 24m 31s +57° 51′ 16″ |
77,15 ± 1,29 | Kassiopeia | ||
655 | 42,358 | Gliese 843 (L 715-89) |
Gliese 843 (LHS 3744) |
M3.5V | 12,03 | 22h 02m 01s -19° 28′ 59″ |
77,00 ± 10,0 | Wassermann | |||
655 | 42,358 | Gliese 326 (L 820-19) |
Gliese 326 A (LHS 2069) |
M2.5V | 12,52 | 08h 54m 05s -13° 07′ 31″ |
77,00 ± 11,0 | Wasser- schlange | |||
655 | 42,358 | Gliese 326 (L 820-19) |
Gliese 326 B (LHS 2070) |
M3V? | 12,72 | 08h 54m 05s -13° 07′ 31″ |
77,00 ± 11,0 | Wasser- schlange | |||
657 | 42,385 | HD 40307 (Gliese 2046) |
HD 40307 (HIP 27887) |
K2.5V | 0,716 | 0,750 | 7,17 | 6,61 | 05h 54m 04s -60° 01′ 25″ |
76,95 ± 0,37 | Maler |
657 | 42,385 | HD 40307 (Gliese 2046) |
HD 40307 b (Gliese 2046 b) |
Planet | 0,0289 | 0,00001 | — | — | 05h 54m 04s -60° 01′ 25″ |
76,95 ± 0,37 | Maler |
657 | 42,385 | HD 40307 (Gliese 2046) |
HD 40307 c (Gliese 2046 c) |
Planet | 0,00002 | — | — | 05h 54m 04s -60° 01′ 25″ |
76,95 ± 0,37 | Maler | |
657 | 42,385 | HD 40307 (Gliese 2046) |
HD 40307 d (Gliese 2046 d) |
Planet | 0,00003 | — | — | 05h 54m 04s -60° 01′ 25″ |
76,95 ± 0,37 | Maler | |
657 | 42,385 | HD 40307 (Gliese 2046) |
HD 40307 e (Gliese 2046 e) |
Planet | 0,00001 | — | — | 05h 54m 04s -60° 01′ 25″ |
76,95 ± 0,37 | Maler | |
657 | 42,385 | HD 40307 (Gliese 2046) |
HD 40307 f (Gliese 2046 f) |
Planet | 0,00002 | — | — | 05h 54m 04s -60° 01′ 25″ |
76,95 ± 0,37 | Maler | |
657 | 42,385 | HD 40307 (Gliese 2046) |
HD 40307 g (Gliese 2046 g) |
Planet | 0,0219 | 0,00002 | — | — | 05h 54m 04s -60° 01′ 25″ |
76,95 ± 0,37 | Maler |
658 | 42,400 | Giclas 139-3 (G 139-3) |
Giclas 139-3 (G 139-3) |
M? V | 13,13 | 16h 58m 25s +13° 58′ 10″ |
? | Herkules | |||
658 | 42,400 | GJ 3309 (G 39-34) |
GJ 3309 (HD 283779) |
K7V | 11,26 | 04h 44m 26s +27° 51′ 45″ |
? | Stier | |||
658 | 42,400 | GJ 3224 (LP 532-81) |
GJ 3224 (NLTT 10890) |
M4.5V | 14,74 | 03h 25m 42s +05° 51′ 52″ |
? | Stier | |||
658 | 42,400 | GJ 4368 (G 30-23) |
GJ 4368 A (LHS 4022) |
M3V | 11,51 | 23h 50m 36s +09° 56′ 53″ |
? | Pegasus | |||
658 | 42,400 | 2MASS 0500+0330 (2MUCD 20197) |
2MASS 0500+0330 (2MUCD 20197) |
L4 | 13,67 J | — | 05h 00m 21s +03° 30′ 50″ |
? | Orion | ||
658 | 42,400 | WISE 1025+0307 (EQ 1025+0307) |
WISE 1025+0307 (EQ 1025+0307) |
T8.5 | 17,84 J | — | 10h 25m 58s +03° 07′ 56″ |
? | Sextant | ||
658 | 42,400 | WISE 1301-0302 |
WISE 1301-0302 |
T8.5 | 18,00 J | — | 13h 01m 42s -03° 02′ 13″ |
? | Jungfrau | ||
658 | 41 ± 5 | 2MASS 1324+6358 |
2MASS 1324+6358 |
T2±1 | 0,1 | 0,01 | 15,60 J | — | 13h 24m 36s +63° 58′ 28″ |
78,7 ± 9,0 | Drache |
658 | 42,400 | WISE 1812+2721 |
WISE 1812+2721 |
T8.5 | 0,0124 | 18,19 J | — | 18h 12m 11s +27° 21′ 44″ |
? | Herkules | |
658 | 42,400 | WISE 2019-1148 (EQ J2019-1148) |
WISE 2019-1148 (EQ J2019-1148) |
T8.5 | 18,09 J | — | 20h 19m 21s -11° 48′ 08″ |
? | Steinbock | ||
658 | 42,400 | 2MASS 2331-4718 |
2MASS 2331-4718 |
T5 | 15,66 J | — | 23h 31m 24s -47° 18′ 27″ |
? | Phönix | ||
669 | 42,430 | Gliese 521 (JOD 6) |
Gliese 521 A (HIP 66625) |
M2V | 0,620 | 0,510 | 10,24 | 9,67 | 13h 39m 24s +46° 11′ 11″ |
76,87 ± 1,61 | Jagdhunde |
670 | 42,435 | GJ 1001 (ERO 1) |
GJ 1001 A (LTT 20) |
M3.5V | 12,84 | 12,93 | 00h 04m 36s -40° 44′ 02″ |
76,86 ± 3,97 | Phönix | ||
670 | 42,435 | GJ 1001 (ERO 1) |
GJ 1001 B (ERO 1 B) |
L4.5 | 16,68 J | — | 00h 04m 35s -40° 44′ 06″ |
76,86 ± 3,97 | Phönix | ||
670 | 42,435 | GJ 1001 (ERO 1) |
GJ 1001 C (ERO 1 C) |
L5 | — | 00h 04m 35s -40° 44′ 06″ |
76,86 ± 3,97 | Phönix | |||
671 | 42,468 | Gliese 204 (HIP 25623) |
Gliese 204 (LHS 1763) |
K5V | 0,700 | 0,750 | 7,64 | 7,07 | 05h 28m 26s -03° 29′ 58″ |
76,80 ± 0,76 | Orion |
583 | 42,468 | Rho Cancri[34] (Gliese 324) |
ρ Cancri B (55 Cancri B) |
M4V | 0,300 | 0,130 | 13,15 | 12,66 | 08h 52m 41s +28° 18′ 59″ |
76,80 ± 2,40 | Krebs |
672 | 42,546 | Gliese 167 (HIP 19884) |
Gliese 167 (LHS 1650) |
K4.5Vk | 0,710 | 0,740 | 7,64 | 7,06 | 04h 15m 57s -53° 18′ 35″ |
76,66 ± 0,48 | Schwertfisch |
673 | 42,635 | 2MASS 0847-1532 (2MUCD 10764) |
2MASS 0847-1532 (2MUCD 10764) |
L2 | 13,51 J | — | 08h 47m 29s -15° 32′ 37″ |
76,50 ± 3,50 | Wasser- schlange | ||
674 | 42,674 | Gliese 722 (86 G. Sagittarii) |
Gliese 722 (HD 172051) |
G6V | 0,900 | 0,865 | 5,87 | 5,27 | 18h 38m 53s -21° 03′ 07″ |
76,43 ± 0,47 | Schütze |
675 | 42,679 | 2MASS 0830+4828 (2MUCD 20301) |
2MASS 0830+4828 (2MUCD 20301) |
L8 | 15,44 J | — | 08h 30m 08s +48° 28′ 48″ |
76,42 ± 3,43 | Luchs | ||
676 | 42,694 | 2MASS 0501-0010 (2MUCD 20198) |
2MASS 0501-0010 (2MUCD 20198) |
L4 | 14,98 J | — | 05h 01m 24s -00° 10′ 45″ |
76,40 ± 4,80 | Orion | ||
677 | 42,726 | 2MASS 0046+0715 (SDSS 0046+0715) |
2MASS 0046+0715 (SDSS 0046+0715) |
M9V L0? |
13,88 J | 00h 46m 48s +07° 15′ 18″ |
? | Fische | |||
678 | 42,726 | WISE 1617+1807 |
WISE 1617+1807 |
T8 | 0,0069 | 17,66 J | — | 16h 17m 06s +18° 07′ 14″ |
? | Herkules | |
678 | 42,726 | WISE 2018-7423 (EQ 2018-7423) |
WISE 2018-7423 (EQ 2018-7423) |
T7 | 0,0477 | 16,83 J | — | 20h 18m 25s -74° 23′ 26″ |
? | Pfau | |
678 | 42,726 | WISE 2134-7137 (EQ J2134-7137) |
WISE 2134-7137 (EQ J2134-7137) |
T9p | 19,80 J | — | 21h 34m 57s -71° 37′ 43″ |
? | Indianer | ||
681 | 42,741 | Gliese 707 (HD 166348) |
Gliese 707 (HIP 89211) |
M0V K6V? |
8,37 | 7,79 | 18h 12m 21s -43° 26′ 41″ |
76,31 ± 1,06 | Südliche Krone | ||
682 | 42,803 | Capella[37] (Alpha Aurigae) |
Capella Aa (α Aurigae A) |
G1III | 12,200 | 2,690 | 0,76 | 0,20 | 05h 16m 41s +45° 59′ 53″ |
76,20 ± 0,46 | Fuhrmann |
682 | 42,803 | Capella (Alpha Aurigae) |
Capella Ab (α Aurigae B) |
K0III | 9,200 | 2,560 | 0,91 | 0,35 | 05h 16m 41s +45° 59′ 53″ |
76,20 ± 0,46 | Fuhrmann |
683 | 42,848 | 2MASS 0539-0059 (SIPS 0539-0059) |
2MASS 0539-0059 (SIPS 0539-0059) |
L5 | 13,85 J | — | 05h 39m 52s -00° 59′ 02″ |
76,12 ± 2,17 | Orion | ||
684 | 42,900 | GJ 1031 (G 269-106) |
GJ 1031 (LHS 1197) |
M3V | 13,40 | 01h 08m 18s -28° 48′ 21″ |
? | Bildhauer | |||
636 | 42,915 | Gliese 620.1[35] (HD 147513) |
Gliese 620.1 B (EGGR 274) |
DA2 VII A3V? |
0,650 | 11,01 | 10,42 | 16h 23m 34s -39° 13′ 46″ |
76,00 ± 2,56 | Skorpion | |
685 | 42,915 | GJ 1035 (G 265-8) |
GJ 1035 (LHS 140) |
M5V | 14,76 | 01h 19m 52s +84° 09′ 33″ |
76,00 ± 4,00 | Kepheus | |||
685 | 42,915 | Gliese 590 (L 480-69) |
Gliese 590 (LHS 3092) |
M4V | 12,72 | 15h 36m 35s -37° 54′ 22″ |
76,00 ± 10,0 | Wolf | |||
685 | 42,915 | Gliese 810 (L 856-54) |
Gliese 810 A (LHS 501) |
M4V | 12,48 | 20h 55m 38s -14° 02′ 08″ |
76,00 ± 11,0 | Wassermann | |||
685 | 42,915 | Gliese 772 (EGGR 135) |
Gliese 772 (LHS 3501) |
DA6.4 VII | 13,69 | 13,38 | 19h 56m 29s -01° 02′ 32″ |
76,00 ± 12,0 | Adler | ||
689 | 42,932 | Gliese 425 (HD 98712) |
Gliese 425 A (SZ Crateris A) |
K5Ve M0Ve? |
8,57 | 7,97 | 11h 21m 27s -20° 27′ 13″ |
75,97 ± 1,25 | Becher | ||
689 | 42,932 | Gliese 425 (HD 98712) |
Gliese 425 B (SZ Crateris B) |
M4Ve | 11,00 | 11h 21m 27s -20° 27′ 13″ |
75,97 ± 1,25 | Becher | |||
690 | 42,989 | Gliese 865 (HDS 3215) |
Gliese 865 A (LHS 3839) |
M3Ve | 12,13 | 22h 38m 30s -65° 22′ 43″ |
75,87 ± 5,83 | Tukan | |||
690 | 42,989 | Gliese 865 (HDS 3215) |
Gliese 865 B (WDS 22384-6523 B) |
M3.5V? | 12,26 | 22h 38m 30s -65° 22′ 42″ |
75,87 ± 5,83 | Tukan | |||
691 | 42,932 | Wolf 414 (Gliese 469) |
Wolf 414 (HIP 60910) |
M4V | 12,05 | 11,46 | 12h 28m 58s +08° 25′ 32″ |
75,85 ± 3,99 | Jungfrau | ||
692 | 43,017 | Gliese 174 (V834 Tauri) |
Gliese 174 A (HIP 21818) |
K3V | 7,99 | 7,39 | 04h 41m 19s +20° 54′ 05″ |
75,82 ± 1,14 | Stier | ||
693 | 43,114 | Gliese 556 (HIP 71181) |
Gliese 556 (G 201-2) |
K3V | 0,740 | 0,780 | 7,23 | 6,63 | 14h 33m 29s +52° 54′ 32″ |
75,65 ± 0,42 | Bärenhüter |
694 | 43,182 | Gliese 525 (HIP 67090) |
Gliese 525 (LHS 359) |
M1V | 9,79 | 9,18 | 13h 45m 05s +17° 47′ 08″ |
75,53 ± 1,00 | Bärenhüter | ||
695 | 43,222 | Gliese 716 (HIP 90790) |
Gliese 716 (LTT 7358) |
K2V | 0,760 | 0,810 | 6,81 | 6,20 | 18h 31m 19s -18° 54′ 32″ |
75,46 ± 0,70 | Schütze |
696 | 43,257 | GJ 1012 (G 31-53) |
GJ 1012 (LHS 1084) |
M4V | 12,23 | 00h 28m 39s -06° 39′ 48″ |
75,40 ± 5,10 | Walfisch | |||
697 | 43,268 | Gliese 507[38] (HJ 529) |
Gliese 507 A (LHS 2716) |
M0.5V | 9,62 | 8,87 | 13h 19m 34s +35° 06′ 37″ |
75,38 ± 1,54 | Jagdhunde | ||
698 | 43,280 | GJ 3506 (G 234-37) |
GJ 3506 (LHS 250) |
M0.5V | 11,67 | 08h 35m 49s +68° 04′ 09″ |
75,36 ± 9,00 | Großer Bär | |||
699 | 43,303 | 58 Eridani (HIP 22263) |
58 Eridani (Gliese 177) |
G1.5V | 1,053 | 5,49 | 4,87 | 04h 47m 36s -16° 56′ 04″ |
75,32 ± 0,36 | Eridanus | |
700 | 43,372 | GJ 3971 (G 240-23) |
GJ 3971 (LHS 6311) |
M7.5V | 15,65 | 16h 40m 21s +67° 36′ 05″ |
75,20 ± 4,30 | Drache | |||
701 | 43,378 | GJ 3403 (HIP 31862) |
GJ 3403 (NLTT 16863) |
M0Vk K7V? |
9,81 | 06h 39m 28s -55° 36′ 35″ |
75,19 ± 1,10 | Kiel des Schiffs | |||
702 | 43,372 | UU Ursae Minoris (Gliese 597) |
UU Ursae Minoris (LHS 404) |
M3V | 12,22 | 11,60 | 15h 41m 17s +75° 59′ 34″ |
75,13 ± 2,40 | Kleiner Bär | ||
703 | 43,430 | 2MASS 1553+1532 (WISE 1553+1532) |
2MASS 1553+1532 A (WISE 1553+1532 A) |
T6.5 | 0,0401 | 16,41 J | — | 15h 53m 02s +15° 32′ 37″ |
75,10 ± 0,90 | Schlange | |
703 | 43,430 | 2MASS 1553+1532 (WISE 1553+1532) |
2MASS 1553+1532 B (WISE 1553+1532 B) |
T7,0 | 0,0353 | 16,77 J | — | 15h 53m 02s +15° 32′ 37″ |
75,10 ± 0,90 | Schlange | |
703 | 43,430 | WDS 12259-2740 (2MASS 1225-2739) |
WDS 12259-2740 A (2MASS 1225-2739 A) |
T6 | 0,0334 | 15,26 J | — | 12h 25m 54s -27° 39′ 47″ |
75,10 ± 2,50 | Wasser- schlange | |
703 | 43,430 | WDS 12259-2740 (2MASS 1225-2739) |
WDS 12259-2740 B (2MASS 1225-2739 B) |
T8 | 0,0239 | 16,92 J | — | 12h 25m 54s -27° 39′ 47″ |
75,10 ± 2,50 | Wasser- schlange | |
705 | 43,430 | Gliese 458[39] (WDS 12123+5429) |
Gliese 458 B (G 197-50) |
M3V | 13,33 | 12h 12m 21s +54° 29′ 23″ |
75,10 ± 15,0 | Großer Bär | |||
706 | 43,435 | Gliese 835 (SKF 245) |
Gliese 835 A (WDS 2137+2743 Aa) |
M1V | 10,04 | 21h 38m 00s +27° 43′ 26″ |
75,09 ± 1,89 | Pegasus | |||
706 | 43,435 | Gliese 835 (SKF 245) |
Gliese 835 B (WDS 2137+2743 Ab) |
M? V | 21h 38m 00s +27° 43′ 26″ |
75,09 ± 1,89 | Pegasus | ||||
706 | 43,435 | Gliese 835 (SKF 245) |
Gliese 835 C (WDS 2137+2743 C) |
M? V | 15,00 | 21h 38m 00s +27° 43′ 28″ |
75,09 ± 1,89 | Pegasus | |||
706 | 43,435 | GJ 3497 (LP 35-347) |
GJ 3497 (LHS 246) |
M4.5V | 15,67 | 08h 25m 53s +69° 02′ 02″ |
75,09 ± ? | Großer Bär | |||
708 | 43,444 | 2MASS 1628+2308 (SDSS 1628+2308) |
2MASS 1628+2308 (SDSS 1628+2308) |
T7 | 16,46 J | — | 16h 28m 39s +23° 08′ 20″ |
? | Herkules | ||
709 | 43,488 | GJ 3586 (G 195-57) |
GJ 3586 (LHS 2224) |
M4V | 13,47 | 10h 09m 30s +51° 17′ 20″ |
75,00 ± 3,20 | Großer Bär | |||
709 | 43,488 | GJ 4239 (LP 639-1) |
GJ 4239 (LHS 516) |
M5V | 14,64 | 21h 56m 55s -01° 54′ 10″ |
75,00 ± 3,20 | Wassermann | |||
711 | 43,500 | GJ 1088 (L 380-78) |
GJ 1088 (LHS 1831) |
M3.5V | 12,32 | 06h 10m 53s -43° 24′ 18″ |
? | Achterdeck des Schiffs | |||
711 | 43,500 | GJ 3423 (LP 255-11) |
GJ 3423 (2MASS 0703+3441) |
M4V | 13,17 | 07h 03m 23s +34° 41′ 51″ |
? | Zwillinge | |||
711 | 43,500 | GJ 3900 (G 152-8) |
GJ 3900 (LHS 3056) |
M4V | 12,84 | 15h 19m 12s -12° 45′ 06″ |
? | Waage | |||
714 | 43,580 | Gliese 655 (HIP 83762) |
Gliese 655 (LHS 5324) |
M3V | 11,68 | 11,06 | 17h 05m 01s +21° 37′ 09″ |
74,84 ± 3,07 | Herkules | ||
715 | 43,600 | GJ 4314 (G 28-44) |
GJ 4314 (L 1007-39) |
M3.5V | 12,66 | 23h 09m 39s -01° 58′ 23″ |
? | Fische | |||
685 | 43,604 | Gliese 742 (EGGR 129) |
Gliese 742 (LHS 3424) |
DA4 VII | 0,0073 | 0,960 | 13,19 | 12,57 | 19h 00m 10s +70° 39′ 51″ |
74,80 ± 3,70 | Drache |
717 | 43,732 | Gliese 528 (ADS 9031) |
Gliese 528 A (LHS 6259) |
K4V | 0,750 | 0,400 | 7,70 | 7,02 | 13h 49m 04s +26° 58′ 47″ |
74,58 ± 0,78 | Bärenhüter |
717 | 43,732 | Gliese 528 (ADS 9031) |
Gliese 528 B (HD 120476 B) |
K6V | 0,700 | 0,400 | 7,90 | 7,22 | 13h 49m 04s +26° 58′ 44″ |
74,58 ± 0,78 | Bärenhüter |
718 | 43,838 | Gliese 427 (EGGR 79) |
Gliese 427 (Ross 627) |
DA6.8 VII | 14,32 | 13,67 | 11h 24m 13s +21° 21′ 36″ |
74,40 ± 2,80 | Löwe | ||
718 | 43,838 | 2MASS 2356-1553 (WISE 2356-1553) |
2MASS 2356-1553 (WISE 2356-1553) |
T5.5 | 15,48 J | — | 23h 56m 55s -15° 53′ 11″ |
74,40 ± 5,80 | Walfisch | ||
720 | 43,856 | Gliese 162 (HIP 19337) |
Gliese 162 (LHS 1634) |
K2V M1V? |
10,16 | 9,52 | 04h 08m 37s +33° 38′ 13″ |
74,37 ± 2,71 | Perseus | ||
721 | 43,956 | GJ 1194 (VB 24) |
GJ 1194 A (WDS 15400+4330 A) |
M3V | 13,80 | 15h 40m 04s +43° 29′ 40″ |
74,20 ± 4,80 | Bärenhüter | |||
721 | 43,956 | GJ 1194 (VB 24) |
GJ 1194 B (WDS 15400+4330 B) |
M3.5V | 13,80 | 15h 40m 04s +43° 29′ 36″ |
74,20 ± 4,80 | Bärenhüter | |||
722 | 43,962 | Theta Ursae Majoris (Sarir) |
θ Ursae Majoris Aa (Gliese 354 A) |
F6IV F7V? |
2,365 | 1,410 | 3,17 | 2,43 | 09h 32m 51s +51° 40′ 38″ |
74,19 ± 0,14 | Großer Bär |
722 | 43,962 | Theta Ursae Majoris (Sarir) |
θ Ursae Majoris B (Gliese 354 B) |
M6V | 0,150 | 13,80 | 13,00 | 09h 32m 51s +51° 40′ 38″ |
74,19 ± 0,14 | Großer Bär | |
723 | 44,031 | SCR 2112-5428[40] |
SCR 2112-5428 B |
M? V | 21h 12m 00s -54° 28′ 00″ |
? | Indianer | ||||
724 | 44,075 | Gliese 836 (L 714-88) |
Gliese 836 (LHS 513) |
M4V | 13,40 | 21h 39m 01s -24° 09′ 28″ |
74,00 ± 7,00 | Steinbock | |||
725 | 44,100 | GJ 3009 (LTT 57) |
GJ 3009 (2MASS 0008-5705) |
M2V | 12,07 | 00h 08m 17s -57° 05′ 53″ |
? | Phönix | |||
726 | 44,135 | GJ 1267 (HD 211970) |
GJ 1267 (HIP 110443) |
K7Vk | 8,98 | 8,32 | 22h 22m 16s -54° 33′ 38″ |
73,90 ± 1,21 | Kranich | ||
727 | 44,141 | GJ 3371 (GIC 61) |
GJ 3371 A (EG Camelopardalis) |
M0V | 10,26 | 9,60 | 05h 59m 38s +58° 35′ 35″ |
73,89 ± 1,64 | Giraffe | ||
727 | 44,141 | GJ 3371 (GIC 61) |
GJ 3371 B (G 192-12) |
M4.2V | 13,58 | 05h 59m 56s +58° 34′ 16″ |
73,89 ± 1,64 | Giraffe | |||
728 | 44,195 | Gliese 868 (HD 214749) |
Gliese 868 (HIP 111960) |
K4.5Vk | 7,83 | 7,17 | 22h 40m 43s -29° 40′ 28″ |
73,80 ± 0,77 | Südlicher Fisch | ||
729 | 44,249 | Ypsilon Andromedae (Gliese 61) |
υ Andromedae A (50 Andromedae) |
F9V | 1,480 | 1,270 | 4,10 | 3,44 | 01h 36m 48s +41° 24′ 20″ |
73,71 ± 0,10 | Andromeda |
729 | 44,249 | Ypsilon Andromedae (Gliese 61) |
υ Andromedae b (HR 458 b) |
Planet | 0,0006 | — | — | 01h 36m 48s +41° 24′ 20″ |
73,71 ± 0,10 | Andromeda | |
729 | 44,249 | Ypsilon Andromedae (Gliese 61) |
υ Andromedae c (HR 458 c) |
Planet | 0,0019 | — | — | 01h 36m 48s +41° 24′ 20″ |
73,71 ± 0,10 | Andromeda | |
729 | 44,249 | Ypsilon Andromedae (Gliese 61) |
υ Andromedae d (HR 458 d) |
Planet | 0,0039 | — | — | 01h 36m 48s +41° 24′ 20″ |
73,71 ± 0,10 | Andromeda | |
729 | 44,249 | Ypsilon Andromedae (Gliese 61) |
υ Andromedae e (HR 458 e) |
Planet | 0,0010 | — | — | 01h 36m 48s +41° 24′ 20″ |
73,71 ± 0,10 | Andromeda | |
729 | 44,249 | Ypsilon Andromedae (Gliese 61) |
υ Andromedae B (2MASS 0136+4123) |
M4.5V | 01h 36m 48s +41° 24′ 20″ |
73,71 ± 0,10 | Andromeda | ||||
730 | 44,255 | Rob 233 (CNS4 341) |
Rob 233 (RX 0336+0329) |
M4.5V | 13,86 | 03h 36m 41s +03° 29′ 20″ |
73,70 ± 14,1 | Stier | |||
731 | 44,285 | Gliese 69 (HD 10436) |
Gliese 69 (LHS 1291) |
K5.5V | 8,42 | 7,76 | 01h 43m 41s +63° 49′ 24″ |
73,65 ± 0,98 | Kassiopeia | ||
732 | 44,285 | LHS 1955[41] (L 601-78) |
LHS 1955 B (L 601-78 B) |
M? V | 07h 54m 55s -29° 20′ 56″ |
73,65 ± 19,6 | Achterdeck des Schiffs | ||||
733 | 44,315 | 2MASS 1534-2952 (BUG 3) |
2MASS 1534-2952 A (WISE 1534-2952 A) |
T5.5 | 0,0286 | 15,28 J | — | 15h 34m 50s -29° 52′ 27″ |
73,60 ± 1,20 | Waage | |
733 | 44,315 | 2MASS 1534-2952 (BUG 3) |
2MASS 1534-2952 B (WISE 1534-2952 B) |
T6 | 0,0267 | 15,44 J | — | 15h 34m 50s -29° 52′ 31″ |
73,60 ± 1,20 | Waage | |
734 | 44,339 | Gliese 104 (BD+19°381) |
Gliese 104 (HIP 12097) |
M2V | 10,68 | 10,01 | 02h 35m 53s +20° 13′ 12″ |
73,56 ± 1,85 | Widder | ||
735 | 44,357 | WISE 1952+7240 (EQ J1952+7240) |
WISE 1952+7240 (EQ J1952+7240) |
T4 | 15,09 J | — | 19h 52m 47s +72° 40′ 01″ |
? | Drache | ||
736 | 44,381 | Gliese 146 (HIP 16711) |
Gliese 146 (LHS 1563) |
K5V | 0,680 | 8,57 | 7,90 | 03h 35m 01s -48° 25′ 09″ |
73,49 ± 0,71 | Pendeluhr | |
737 | 44,399 | Gliese 767 (BD+31°3767) |
Gliese 767 A (LHS 3482) |
M0.5V | 10,22 | 19h 46m 24s +32° 00′ 57″ |
73,46 ± 1,79 | Schwan | |||
737 | 44,399 | Gliese 767 (BD+31°3767) |
Gliese 767 B (LHS 3483) |
M2.5V | 11,03 | 19h 46m 24s +32° 01′ 01″ |
73,46 ± 1,79 | Schwan | |||
738 | 44,429 | Gliese 656 (HIP 83990) |
Gliese 656 (LHS 3268) |
K2.5Vk | 0,680 | 0,690 | 7,39 | 6,71 | 17h 10m 10s -60° 43′ 44″ |
73,41 ± 0,70 | Altar |
738 | 44,429 | Gliese 184 (HIP 23518) |
Gliese 184 (LHS 28) |
M0V | 9,94 | 9,27 | 05h 03m 24s +53° 07′ 42″ |
73,41 ± 1,97 | Giraffe | ||
740 | 44,435 | GJ 2070 (G 113-46) |
GJ 2070 (LHS 6149) |
M3V | 12,73 | 08h 34m 26s -01° 08′ 39″ |
73,40 ± 9,60 | Wasser- schlange | |||
741 | 44,496 | Gliese 386 (HIP 50341) |
Gliese 386 (LHS 2244) |
M3V | 11,00 | 10,32 | 10h 16m 46s -11° 57′ 42″ |
73,30 ± 2,62 | Wasser- schlange | ||
742 | 44,508 | Gliese 471 (HIP 50341) |
Gliese 471 (LHS 2244) |
K7V | 9,74 | 9,07 | 10h 16m 46s -11° 57′ 42″ |
73,28 ± 1,31 | Jungfrau | ||
743 | 44,587 | Gliese 5 (ENG 1) |
Gliese 5 (HIP 544, HR 8) |
G8V K0V? |
0,889 | 6,13 | 5,45 | 00h 06m 37s +29° 01′ 17″ |
73,15 ± 0,56 | Andromeda | |
744 | 44,587 | Alschain (Beta Aquilae) |
β Aquilae A (Gliese 771 A) |
G9.5IV | 3,280 | 1,260 | 3,71 | 3,03 | 19h 55m 19s +06° 24′ 24″ |
73,00 ± 0,20 | Adler |
744 | 44,587 | Alschain (Beta Aquilae) |
β Aquilae B (Gliese 771 B) |
M3V | 0,330 | 11,40 | 10,70 | 19h 55m 19s +06° 24′ 37″ |
73,00 ± 0,20 | Adler | |
744 | 44,587 | Alschain (Beta Aquilae) |
β Aquilae C (Gliese 771 C) |
M? V | 10,50 | 9,80 | 19h 55m 18s +06° 26′ 01″ |
73,00 ± 0,20 | Adler | ||
744 | 44,679 | GJ 1215 (G 139-29) |
GJ 1215 (LHS 3277) |
M5V | 15,12 | 17h 17m 44s +11° 40′ 12″ |
73,00 ± 6,00 | Schlange | |||
746 | 44,683 | WISE 0513+0608 (EQ J0513+0608) |
WISE 0513+0608 (EQ J0513+0608) |
T6.5 | 16,21 J | — | 05h 13m 17s +06° 08′ 15″ |
? | Orion | ||
746 | 44,683 | 2MASS 0923+2340 (SDSS 0923+2340) |
2MASS 0923+2340 (SDSS 0923+2340) |
L1 | 13,85 J | — | 09h 23m 09s +23° 40′ 15″ |
? | Löwe | ||
746 | 44,683 | 2MASS 1311+8032 (CLO 7) |
2MASS 1311+8032 A (WDS 13117+8032 A) |
M8 | 12,76 J | — | 13h 11m 39s +80° 32′ 22″ |
? | Giraffe | ||
746 | 44,683 | 2MASS 1311+8032 (CLO 7) |
2MASS 1311+8032 B (WDS 13117+8032 B) |
L2 | — | 13h 11m 39s +80° 32′ 22″ |
? | Giraffe | |||
746 | 44,683 | WISE 2255-3118 (EQ J2255-3118) |
WISE 2255-3118 (EQ J2255-3118) |
T8 | 17,29 J | — | 22h 55m 41s -31° 18′ 42″ |
? | Südlicher Fisch | ||
750 | 44,700 | GJ 3326 (G 97-15) |
GJ 3326 (LTT 17736) |
M4V | 13,75 | 05h 04m 15s +11° 03′ 24″ |
? | Orion | |||
751 | 44,728 | Iota Piscium (Gliese 904) |
ι Piscium (HIP 116771) |
F7V | 1,595 | 1,250 | 4,13 | 3,44 | 23h 39m 57s +05° 37′ 35″ |
72,92 ± 0,15 | Fische |
751 | 44,728 | Gliese 428 (CD-60°3532) |
Gliese 428 A (HD 99279 A) |
K5V | 0,740 | 0,790 | 7,54 | 6,67 | 11h 24m 40s -61° 38′ 51″ |
72,92 ± 1,82 | Zentaur |
751 | 44,728 | Gliese 428 (CD-60°3532) |
Gliese 428 B (HD 99279 B) |
M0Ve | 0,670 | 0,620 | 8,60 | 11h 24m 39s -61° 38′ 54″ |
72,92 ± 1,82 | Zentaur | |
751 | 44,728 | Gliese 369 (HIP 48336) |
Gliese 369 (LHS 274) |
M2V | 10,02 | 9,38 | 09h 51m 10s -12° 19′ 47″ |
72,92 ± 1,82 | Wasser- schlange | ||
754 | 44,740 | 2MASS 0318-3421 (2MUCD 10176) |
2MASS 0318-3421 (WISE 0318-3421) |
L7 | 15,57 J | — | 03h 18m 54s -34° 21′ 29″ |
72,90 ± 7,70 | Chemischer Ofen | ||
755 | 44,777 | Gliese 215 (CD-60°3532) |
Gliese 215 (HD 99279 A) |
K7V | 9,02 | 8,33 | 05h 45m 48s +62° 14′ 12″ |
72,84 ± 0,96 | Giraffe | ||
756 | 44,802 | GJ 3520 (G 252-25) |
GJ 3520 (LHS 2088) |
M4V | 14,34 | 08h 59m 56s +72° 57′ 37″ |
72,80 ± 5,80 | Großer Bär | |||
756 | 44,802 | GJ 1292 (G 129-47) |
GJ 1292 (LHS 551) |
M3.5V | 11,72 | 23h 57m 44s +23° 18′ 17″ |
72,80 ± 2,70 | Pegasus | |||
732 | 44,826 | LHS 1955[41] (L 601-78) |
LHS 1955 A (L 601-78 A) |
M4V | 12,79 | 07h 54m 55s -29° 20′ 56″ |
72,76 ± 1,09 | Achterdeck des Schiffs | |||
758 | 44,931 | Gliese 310 (HIP 42220) |
Gliese 310 (LHS 251) |
M1V | 9,26 | 8,57 | 08h 36m 25s +67° 17′ 42″ |
72,59 ± 1,26 | Großer Bär | ||
759 | 44,938 | Gliese 813 (Wolf 1373) |
Gliese 813 (LHS 3605) |
M2V | 12,01 | 11,32 | 20h 57m 25s +22° 21′ 46″ |
72,58 ± 3,16 | Fuchs | ||
760 | 44,962 | Gliese 853 (HD 211415) |
Gliese 853 A (WDS 22183-5338 A) |
G0V | 0,960 | 1,000 | 5,33 | 4,63 | 22h 18m 16s -53° 37′ 37″ |
72,54 ± 0,36 | Kranich |
760 | 44,962 | Gliese 853 (HD 211415) |
Gliese 853 B (WDS 22183-5338 B) |
M? V | 0,560 | 0,500 | 22h 18m 16s -53° 37′ 37″ |
72,54 ± 0,36 | Kranich | ||
761 | 44,987 | GJ 3779 (Ross 1020) |
GJ 3779 (LHS 350) |
M4V | 12,93 | 13h 22m 57s +24° 28′ 03″ |
72,50 ± 2,60 | Haar der Berenike | |||
761 | 44,987 | GJ 1270 (G 215-50) |
GJ 1270 (LHS 524) |
M4V | 13,25 | 22h 29m 49s +41° 28′ 48″ |
72,50 ± 2,90 | Eidechse | |||
763 | 45,010 | 2MASS 1555-0956 |
2MASS 1555-0956 |
L1 | 15,56 J | — | 15h 55m 16s -09° 56′ 06″ |
? | Waage | ||
763 | 45,010 | WISE 2226+0440 (EQ J2226+0440) |
WISE 2226+0440 (EQ J2226+0440) |
T8 | 16,90 J | — | 22h 26m 23s +04° 40′ 04″ |
? | Pegasus | ||
765 | 45,174 | GJ 4169 (G 25-8) |
GJ 4169 (LHS 3593) |
M4V | 13,98 | 20h 53m 33s +10° 37′ 02″ |
72,20 ± 2,90 | Delphin | |||
766 | 45,293 | Gliese 615 (HIP 79537) |
Gliese 615 (LHS 413) |
K3V | 0,610 | 0,600 | 7,53 | 6,82 | 16h 13m 49s -57° 34′ 14″ |
72,01 ± 0,68 | Winkelmaß |
767 | 45,299 | Gliese 712 (Ross 136) |
Gliese 712 (LHS 464) |
M3.5V | 12,50 | 18h 22m 07s +06° 20′ 38″ |
72,00 ± 3,00 | Schlange | |||
767 | 45,299 | 2MASS 2254+3123 (WISE 2254+3123) |
2MASS 2254+3123 (WISE 2254+3123) |
T4 | 15,26 J | — | 22h 54m 19s +31° 23′ 50″ |
72,00 ± 3,00 | Pegasus | ||
682 | 45,299 | Capella[37] (Alpha Aurigae) |
Capella Ha (α Aurigae H) |
M2.5V | 0,540 | 0,530 | 10,16 | 9,53 | 05h 17m 24s +45° 50′ 23″ |
72,00 ± 4,00 | Fuhrmann |
682 | 45,299 | Capella (Alpha Aurigae) |
Capella Hb (α Aurigae L) |
M4V | 0,190 | 13,70 | 13,00 | 05h 17m 24s +45° 50′ 20″ |
72,00 ± 4,00 | Fuhrmann | |
767 | 45,299 | Gliese 732 (L 489-58) |
Gliese 732 (LHS 469) |
M3.5VI | 12,70 | 18h 53m 40s -38° 36′ 44″ |
72,00 ± 7,00 | Südliche Krone | |||
767 | 45,299 | GJ 3336 (L 1672-14) |
GJ 3336 A (WDS 05104+4850 A) |
M2.5V | 11,39 | 05h 10m 22s +48° 50′ 33″ |
72,00 ± 34,0 | Fuhrmann | |||
767 | 45,299 | GJ 3336 (L 1672-14) |
GJ 3336 B (WDS 05104+4850 B) |
M? V | 05h 10m 22s +48° 50′ 33″ |
72,00 ± 34,0 | Fuhrmann | ||||
771 | 45,300 | GJ 3053 (WT 1138) |
GJ 3053 (LHS 1140) |
M4.5V | 14,19 | 00h 44m 59s -15° 16′ 17″ |
? | Walfisch | |||
771 | 45,300 | GJ 4055 (Ross 708) |
GJ 4055 (LTT 15435) |
M3.5V | 12,60 | 18h 23m 28s +28° 10′ 04″ |
? | Herkules | |||
771 | 45,300 | GJ 4056 (G 21-13) |
GJ 4056 (L 1064-69) |
M2V | 11,84 | 18h 24m 05s +01° 41′ 16″ |
? | Schlange | |||
771 | 45,300 | GJ 4279 (G 18-49) |
GJ 4279 (LTT 16577) |
M3.5V | 13,22 | 22h 27m 03s +06° 49′ 32″ |
? | Pegasus | |||
775 | 45,331 | Gliese 606 (HIP 78353) |
Gliese 606 (LTT 6377) |
M1V | 10,49 | 9,78 | 15h 59m 53s -08° 15′ 12″ |
71,95 ± 1,88 | Waage | ||
776 | 45,336 | WISE 0323-6025 |
WISE 0323-6025 |
T8.5 | 18,15 J | — | 03h 23m 38s -60° 25′ 55″ |
? | Netz | ||
776 | 45,336 | 2MASS 1300+1912 (2MUCD 11115) |
2MASS 1300+1912 (MN Comae Berenices) |
L1 | 12,72 J | — | 13h 00m 43s +19° 12′ 35″ |
? | Haar der Berenike | ||
778 | 45,337 | 18 Scorpii (Gliese 616) |
18 Scorpii (HIP 79672) |
G2Va | 1,010 | 1,020 | 5,50 | 4,77 | 16h 15m 37s -08° 22′ 10″ |
71,94 ± 0,37 | Skorpion |
779 | 45,356 | Gliese 353 (HIP 46769) |
Gliese 353 (LHS 2155) |
M2V | 10,06 | 9,48 | 09h 31m 56s +36° 19′ 13″ |
71,91 ± 1,82 | Kleiner Löwe | ||
780 | 45,356 | GJ 3637 (G 45-27) |
GJ 3637 (LHS 296) |
M4V | 14,05 | 11h 01m 20s +03° 00′ 17″ |
71,90 ± 3,10 | Löwe | |||
781 | 45,388 | Gliese 400 (HIP 52600) |
Gliese 400 A (ADS 7915 A) |
K7V | 9,16 | 8,44 | 10h 45m 21s +38° 30′ 42″ |
71,86 ± 1,68 | Kleiner Löwe | ||
781 | 45,388 | Gliese 400 (HIP 52600) |
Gliese 400 B (ADS 7915 B) |
M0V | 10h 45m 21s +38° 30′ 42″ |
71,86 ± 1,68 | Kleiner Löwe | ||||
782 | 45,495 | HD 23356 (HIP 17420) |
HD 23356 (BD-19°733) |
K2V | 7,08 | 6,36 | 03h 43m 55s -19° 06′ 39″ |
71,69 ± 0,67 | Eridanus | ||
783 | 45,540 | 10 Tauri (Gliese 147) |
10 Tauri (HIP 79672) |
F9IV-V | 1,622 | 1,180 | 4,28 | 3,60 | 03h 36m 52s +00° 24′ 06″ |
71,62 ± 0,54 | Stier |
783 | 45,540 | 10 Tauri (Gliese 147) |
Trümmerscheibe 10 Tauri |
Gürtel | — | — | — | — | 03h 36m 52s +00° 24′ 06″ |
71,62 ± 0,54 | Stier |
784 | 45,591 | Gliese 899 (Wolf 1039) |
Gliese 899 (HIP 116317) |
M2.5V | 11,16 | 10,44 | 23h 34m 03s +00° 10′ 46″ |
71,54 ± 3,27 | Fische | ||
785 | 45,662 | 2MASS 0045+1634 (2MUCD 20037) |
2MASS 0045+1634 (2MUCD 20037) |
L3.5 | 13,06 J | — | 00h 45m 21s +16° 34′ 45″ |
? | Fische | ||
785 | 45,662 | 2MASS 0602+4043 |
2MASS 0602+4043 |
T4.5 | 15,54 J | — | 06h 02m 06s +40° 43′ 59″ |
? | Fuhrmann | ||
785 | 45,662 | WISE 0723+3403 (EQ J0723+3403) |
WISE 0723+3403 (EQ J0723+3403) |
T9 | 18,21 J | — | 07h 23m 12s +34° 03′ 14″ |
? | Zwillinge | ||
785 | 45,662 | 2MASS 0751-2530 (DEN 0751-2530) |
2MASS 0751-2530 (DEN 0751-2530) |
L1.5 | 0,0764 | 13,16 J | — | 07h 51m 16s -25° 30′ 43″ |
? | Achterdeck des Schiffs | |
785 | 45,662 | WISE 1029+0935 |
WISE 1029+0935 |
T8 | 17,32 J | — | 10h 29m 41s +09° 35′ 14″ |
? | Löwe | ||
785 | 45,662 | 2MASS 1126-5003 (DEN 1126-5003) |
2MASS 1126-5003 (DEN 1126-5003) |
L9 | 14,00 J | — | 11h 26m 40s -50° 03′ 55″ |
? | Zentaur | ||
785 | 45,662 | 2MASS 1520+3546 (WISE 1520+3546) |
2MASS 1520+3546 (WISE 1520+3546) |
T0 | 15,54 J | — | 15h 20m 40s +35° 46′ 21″ |
? | Bärenhüter | ||
785 | 45,662 | 2MASS 1807+5015 (2MUCD 11756) |
2MASS 1807+5015 (WISE 1807+5015) |
L1.5 | 12,93 J | — | 18h 07m 16s +50° 15′ 32″ |
? | Herkules | ||
785 | 45,662 | 2MASS 2325+4251 |
2MASS 2325+4251 |
L8 | 15,49 J | — | 23h 25m 45s +42° 51′ 49″ |
? | Andromeda | ||
794 | 45,687 | Gliese 552 (HIP 70865) |
Gliese 552 (LHS 373) |
M2.5V | 0,575 | 0,520 | 10,68 | 9,95 | 14h 29m 70s +15° 31′ 58″ |
71,39 ± 2,10 | Bärenhüter |
795 | 45,731 | GJ 1092 (VB 16) |
GJ 1092 (LHS 220) |
M2.5V | 13,77 | 06h 49m 05s +37° 06′ 53″ |
71,32 ± 1,00 | Fuhrmann | |||
796 | 45,744 | AZ Cancri (Gliese 316.1) |
AZ Cancri (LHS 2034) |
M6.5Ve | 17,59 | 16,85 | 08h 40m 30s +18° 24′ 09″ |
71,30 ± 1,10 | Krebs | ||
797 | 45,751 | GJ 3564 (HIP 47741) |
GJ 3564 (LHS 2181) |
M3.5V | 12,03 | 11,31 | 09h 43m 56s +26° 58′ 08″ |
71,29 ± 4,49 | Löwe | ||
798 | 45,802 | Gliese 133 (HIP 15638) |
Gliese 133 (LHS 5072) |
M2V | 0,430 | 11,21 | 10,47 | 03h 21m 22s +79° 58′ 02″ |
71,21 ± 1,56 | Kepheus | |
799 | 45,821 | Gliese 770 (V4200 Sagittarii) |
Gliese 770 A (HIP 97944) |
K3V | 0,085 | 6,18 | 5,44 | 19h 54m 18s -23° 56′ 28″ |
71,18 ± 0,42 | Schütze | |
799 | 45,821 | Gliese 770 (V4200 Sagittarii) |
Gliese 770 B (HJ 2904 B) |
K4V | 0,085 | 10,30 | 19h 54m 20s -23° 55′ 52″ |
71,18 ± 0,42 | Schütze | ||
799 | 45,821 | Gliese 770 (V4200 Sagittarii) |
Gliese 770 C (HD 188088 B) |
M5V | 9,79 J | 19h 54m 21s -23° 56′ 40″ |
71,18 ± 0,42 | Schütze | |||
800 | 45,866 | 47 Ursae Majoris (Gliese 407) |
47 Ursae Majoris (HIP 53721) |
G1V | 5,04 | 10h 59m 28s +40° 25′ 49″ |
71,11 ± 0,25 | Großer Bär | |||
800 | 45,866 | 47 Ursae Majoris (Gliese 407) |
47 Ursae Majoris b (Gliese 407 b) |
Planet | 0,0024 | — | — | 10h 59m 28s +40° 25′ 49″ |
71,11 ± 0,25 | Großer Bär | |
800 | 45,866 | 47 Ursae Majoris (Gliese 407) |
47 Ursae Majoris c (Gliese 407 c) |
Planet | 0,0005 | — | — | 10h 59m 28s +40° 25′ 49″ |
71,11 ± 0,25 | Großer Bär | |
800 | 45,866 | 47 Ursae Majoris (Gliese 407) |
47 Ursae Majoris d (Gliese 407 d) |
Planet | 0,0016 | — | — | 10h 59m 28s +40° 25′ 49″ |
71,11 ± 0,25 | Großer Bär | |
801 | 45,873 | GJ 1072 (G 85-19) |
GJ 1072 (LHS 1706) |
M5V | 15,23 J | 04h 50m 51s +22° 07′ 23″ |
71,10 ± 5,70 | Stier | |||
802 | 45,899 | GJ 1046 (HIP 10812) |
GJ 1046 (LHS 154a) |
M5V | 11,59 J | 10,85 | 02h 19m 10s -36° 46′ 41″ |
71,06 ± 3,23 | Chemischer Ofen | ||
803 | 45,900 | LDS 2951 (GJ 4288/GJ 4289) |
GJ 4288 A (L 645-74) |
M2V | 10,92 | 22h 38m 25s -29° 21′ 14″ |
? | Südlicher Fisch | |||
803 | 45,900 | LDS 2951 (GJ 4288/GJ 4289) |
GJ 4289 B (L 645-73) |
M3.5V | 13,16 | 22h 38m 25s -29° 21′ 24″ |
? | Südlicher Fisch | |||
804 | 45,923 | 2MASS 1007-4555 (WISE 1520+3546) |
2MASS 1007-4555 (WISE 1520+3546) |
T5 | 15,65 J | — | 10h 07m 34s -45° 55′ 15″ |
? | Segel des Schiffs | ||
805 | 45,938 | 111 Tauri[42] (WNO 52) |
111 Tauri B (Gliese 201) |
K4V | 7,92 | 05h 23m 38s +17° 19′ 27″ |
71,00 ± 1,34 | Stier | |||
806 | 45,944 | GJ 4040 (HIP 87938) |
GJ 4040 (LHS 3343) |
M1V | 11,79 | 11,05 | 17h 57m 51s +46° 35′ 19″ |
70,99 ± 1,86 | Herkules | ||
807 | 45,970 | Gliese 739 (HIP 93206) |
Gliese 739 (LHS 3343) |
M1V | 11,14 | 10,39 | 18h 59m 07s -48° 16′ 28″ |
70,95 ± 2,56 | Teleskop | ||
808 | 45,983 | 26 Draconis[43] (LDS 2736) |
26 Draconis C (Gliese 685) |
M0.5V | 9,97 | 9,23 | 17h 35m 34s +61° 40′ 54″ |
70,93 ± 0,95 | Drache | ||
809 | 45,988 | WISE 0401+2849 |
WISE 0401+2849 |
L3 | 0,0620 | 13,41 J | — | 23h 25m 45s +42° 51′ 49″ |
? | Andromeda | |
809 | 45,988 | WISE 0819-0335 (EQ J0819-0335) |
WISE 0819-0335 (EQ J0819-0335) |
T4 | 14,99 J | — | 08h 19m 58s -03° 35′ 29″ |
? | Wasser- schlange | ||
809 | 45,988 | WISE 2209-2734 (EQ J2209-2734) |
WISE 2209-2734 (EQ J2209-2734) |
T7 | 16,81 J | — | 22h 09m 22s -27° 34′ 40″ |
? | Südlicher Fisch | ||
809 | 45,988 | 2MASS 2237+7228 (WISE 2237+7228) |
2MASS 2237+7228 (EQ J2209-2734) |
T6 | 15,76 J | — | 22h 37m 21s +72° 28′ 35″ |
? | Kepheus | ||
809 | 45,988 | WISE 2344+1034 (EQ J2344+1034) |
WISE 2344+1034 (EQ J2344+1034) |
T9 | 18,78 J | — | 23h 44m 46s +10° 34′ 16″ |
? | Pegasus | ||
814 | 45,996 | Gamma Cephei (Errai, Alrai) |
γ Cephei A (Gliese 903 A) |
K1IIIe |
4,790 | 1,400 | 3,22 | 2,51 | 23h 39m 21s +77° 37′ 56″ |
70,91 ± 0,40 | Kepheus |
814 | 45,996 | Gamma Cephei (Errai, Alrai) |
γ Cephei Ab (Gliese 903 b) |
Planet | 0,0018 | — | — | 23h 39m 21s +77° 37′ 56″ |
70,91 ± 0,40 | Kepheus | |
814 | 45,996 | Gamma Cephei (Errai, Alrai) |
γ Cephei B (Gliese 903 B) |
M1-4V | 0,500 | 0,360 | 23h 39m 21s +77° 37′ 56″ |
70,91 ± 0,40 | Kepheus | ||
815 | 46,000 | GJ 1157 (L 326-61) |
GJ 1157 (LHS 2552) |
M4V | 13,62 | 12h 23m 01s -46° 37′ 08″ |
? | Zentaur | |||
816 | 46,067 | 2MASS 0000+2554 (SDSS 0000+2554) |
2MASS 0000+2554 (SDSS 0000+2554) |
T4.5 | 15,06 J | — | 00h 00m 14s +25° 54′ 18″ |
70,80 ± 1,90 | Pegasus | ||
817 | 46,087 | Gliese 875 (HD 216133) |
Gliese 875 (HIP 112774) |
M0.5V | 9,85 | 9,11 | 22h 50m 19s -07° 05′ 24″ |
70,77 ± 1,85 | Wassermann | ||
818 | 46,132 | GJ 4073 (V492 Lyrae) |
GJ 4073 (LHS 3406) |
M8V | 18,23 | 18h 43m 22s +40° 40′ 21″ |
70,70 ± 0,80 | Leier | |||
819 | 46,185 | Gliese 512 (Ross 486) |
Gliese 512 A (LHS 5249) |
M3V | 11,34 | 10,48 | 13h 28m 21s -02° 21′ 37″ |
70,62 ± 2,40 | Jungfrau | ||
819 | 46,185 | Gliese 512 (Ross 486) |
Gliese 512 B (LHS 5250) |
M4V | 13,69 | 13h 28m 22s -02° 21′ 31″ |
70,62 ± 2,40 | Jungfrau | |||
820 | 46,224 | Gliese 42 (HIP 4148) |
Gliese 42 (LHS 1163) |
K2.5Vk | 0,740 | 0,800 | 7,17 | 6,39 | 00h 53m 01s -30° 21′ 25″ |
70,56 ± 0,61 | Bildhauer |
821 | 46,231 | Gliese 282[44] (G 112-29) |
Gliese 282 C (HIP 36985) |
M? V | 9,87 | 9,11 | 07h 36m 07s -03° 06′ 39″ |
70,55 ± 1,64 | Einhorn | ||
822 | 46,244 | Gliese 481 (G 61-8) |
Gliese 481 (LHS 1163) |
K4.5V | 7,91 | 7,15 | 12h 41m 06s +15° 22′ 36″ |
70,53 ± 0,73 | Haar der Berenike | ||
808 | 46,283 | 26 Draconis[43] (LDS 2736) |
26 Draconis A (ADS 10660 A) |
F9V | 1,300 | 5,28 | 4,51 | 17h 35m 00s +61° 52′ 28″ |
70,47 ± 0,37 | Drache | |
808 | 46,283 | 26 Draconis (LDS 2736) |
26 Draconis B (ADS 10660 B) |
K3V | 0,830 | 8,54 | 17h 35m 00s +61° 52′ 30″ |
70,47 ± 0,37 | Drache | ||
823 | 46,314 | 2MASS 0652+4127 (WISE 0652+4127) |
2MASS 0652+4127 (WISE 0652+4127) |
T0 | 15,48 J | — | 06h 52m 22s +41° 27′ 36″ |
? | Fuhrmann | ||
824 | 46,329 | Gliese 532 (HD 234078) |
Gliese 532 (G 177-62) |
K7V | 0,680 | 8,82 | 8,06 | 13h 52m 00s +49° 57′ 03″ |
70,40 ± 0,80 | Großer Bär | |
821 | 46,349 | Gliese 282[44] (HD 61606) |
Gliese 282 A (V869 Monocerotis) |
K2V | 7,18 | 6,42 | 07h 37m 29s -03° 28′ 39″ |
70,37 ± 0,64 | Einhorn | ||
821 | 46,349 | Gliese 282 (HD 61606) |
Gliese 282 B (HD 61606 B) |
K7V | 8,93 | 07h 40m 03s -03° 36′ 13″ |
70,37 ± 0,64 | Einhorn | |||
825 | 46,382 | Tau1 Eridani (Gliese 111) |
τ1 Eridani A (Gliese 111 A) |
F7V | 1,150 | 4,46 | 3,71 | 02h 45m 06s -18° 34′ 21″ |
70,32 ± 1,83 | Eridanus | |
825 | 46,382 | Tau1 Eridani (Gliese 111) |
τ1 Eridani B (Gliese 111 B) |
M4V F6V? |
02h 45m 06s -18° 34′ 21″ |
70,32 ± 1,83 | Eridanus | ||||
826 | 46,395 | GJ 3693 (LP 553-59) |
GJ 3693 (LHS 2471) |
M8V | 17,89 | 11h 53m 53s +06° 59′ 56″ |
70,30 ± 2,70 | Jungfrau | |||
827 | 46,435 | Alpha Fornacis (Gliese 127) |
α Fornacis A (Gliese 127 A) |
F6V? | 2,040 | 1,330 | 3,98 | 3,21 | 03h 12m 04s -28° 59′ 20″ |
70,24 ± 0,45 | Chemischer Ofen |
827 | 46,435 | Alpha Fornacis (Gliese 127) |
α Fornacis B (Gliese 127 B) |
G7V | 0,750 | 7,19 | 03h 12m 04s -28° 59′ 13″ |
70,24 ± 0,45 | Chemischer Ofen | ||
828 | 46,488 | GJ 3148 (WDS 02167-3100 A) |
GJ 3148 A (LHS 1377) |
M3Ve | 12,02 | 11,26 | 02h 16m 41s -30° 59′ 18″ |
70,16 ± 2,88 | Chemischer Ofen | ||
829 | 46,521 | HD 150689 (CD-38°11173) |
HD 150689 (HIP 81935) |
K3V | 7,51 | 6,74 | 16h 44m 15s -38° 56′ 37″ |
70,11 ± 0,66 | Skorpion | ||
830 | 46,527 | Eta Cephei (Gliese 807) |
η Cephei (Gliese 807) |
K0IV | 4,129 | 1,600 | 3,41 | 2,64 | 20h 45m 17s +61° 50′ 20″ |
70,10 ± 0,11 | Kepheus |
830 | 46,527 | 2MASS 2057-0252 (2MUCD 12054) |
2MASS 2057-0252 (2MUCD 12054) |
L1.5 | 13,12 J | — | 20h 57m 54s -02° 52′ 30″ |
70,10 ± 3,70 | Wassermann | ||
832 | 46,567 | Gliese 726 (HD 173818) |
Gliese 726 (HIP 92200) |
K5V | 8,77 | 8,00 | 18h 47m 27s -03° 38′ 23″ |
70,04 ± 1,17 | Adler | ||
833 | 46,574 | GJ 3846 (HIP 70475) |
GJ 3846 (LHS 2913) |
M2.5V | 12,26 | 11,44 | 14h 24m 56s +08° 53′ 15″ |
70,03 ± 4,89 | Bärenhüter | ||
834 | 46,594 | GJ 1182 (L 1052-3) |
GJ 1182 (LHS 366) |
M5V | 14,30 | 14h 15m 33s +04° 39′ 31″ |
70,00 ± 3,00 | Jungfrau | |||
834 | 46,594 | GJ 3136 (G 173-39) |
GJ 3136 (NLTT 7096) |
M5V | 12,47 | 02h 08m 54s +49° 26′ 57″ |
70,00 ± 4,00 | Perseus | |||
834 | 46,594 | Gliese 774 (I 1411) |
V375 Pavonis (LHS 3513) |
M2.5V | 11,33 | 20h 04m 05s -65° 36′ 00″ |
70,00 ± 8,00 | Pfau | |||
834 | 46,594 | Gliese 774 (I 1411) |
Gliese 774 B (LHS 3512) |
M3.5V | 8,87 J | 20h 04m 02s -65° 35′ 57″ |
70,00 ± 8,00 | Pfau | |||
834 | 46,594 | WISE 1828+2650 |
WISE 1828+2650 |
Y2 | 23,57 J | 18h 28m 31s +26° 50′ 38″ |
70,00 ± 14,0 | Leier | |||
834 | 46,594 | WISE 0458+6434 |
WISE 0458+6434 A |
T8.5 | 0,0143 | 17,50 J | — | 04h 58m 54s +64° 34′ 53″ |
70,00 ± 19,0 | Giraffe | |
834 | 46,594 | WISE 0458+6434 |
WISE 0458+6434 B |
T9.5 | 0,0095 | 18,48 J | — | 04h 58m 54s +64° 34′ 53″ |
70,00 ± 19,0 | Giraffe | |
839 | 46,600 | GJ 3467 (G 50-12) |
GJ 3467 (LTT 12102) |
M4V | 13,77 | 07h 58m 09s +07° 17′ 01″ |
? | Kleiner Hund | |||
839 | 46,600 | GJ 3729 (G 123-35) |
GJ 3729 (NLTT 30885) |
M3.5V | 12,90 | 12h 29m 03s +41° 43′ 50″ |
? | Jagdhunde | |||
839 | 46,600 | GJ 3943 (L 74-208) |
GJ 3943 (LHS 3167) |
K7V M0V? |
13,75 | 16h 13m 06s -70° 09′ 08″ |
? | Südliches Dreieck | |||
842 | 46,608 | WISE 0335+4310 (EQ J0335+4310) |
WISE 0335+4310 (EQ J0335+4310) |
T9 | 0,0210 | 20,07 J | — | 03h 35m 15s +43° 10′ 45″ |
? | Perseus | |
843 | 46,640 | Gliese 529 (HIP 67487) |
Gliese 529 (LHS 363) |
K5.5Vk | 0,790 | 0,730 | 8,17 | 7,38 | 13h 49m 45s -22° 06′ 40″ |
69,93 ± 0,87 | Jungfrau |
843 | 46,640 | 2MASS 0920+4539 (WISE 0920+4539) |
2MASS 0920+4539 (WISE 0920+4539) |
L4.5 | 15,22 J | — | 09h 20m 55s +45° 38′ 55″ |
? | Großer Bär | ||
845 | 46,660 | Lowne 1 (Gliese 168.1) |
Lowne 1 (2MASS 0422+1929) |
M6V | 15,04 | 04h 22m 10s +19° 29′ 00″ |
69,90 ± 26,6 | Stier | |||
846 | 46,727 | 72 Herculis (Gliese 672) |
72 Herculis A (Gliese 672 A) |
G0V | 1,170 | 0,910 | 5,39 | 4,60 | 03h 12m 04s -28° 59′ 13″ |
69,80 ± 0,25 | Herkules |
847 | 46,794 | Gliese 546 (HIP 70218) |
Gliese 546 (LHS 2903) |
K6V | 0,700 | 8,61 | 7,84 | 14h 21m 57s +29° 37′ 47″ |
69,70 ± 0,82 | Bärenhüter | |
848 | 46,821 | Pi1 Ursae Majoris (Muscida) |
π1 Ursae Majoris (Gliese 311) |
G1.5Vb | 0,950 | 0,900 | 5,63 | 4,84 | 08h 39m 12s +65° 01′ 15″ |
69,66 ± 0,37 | Großer Bär |
849 | 46,862 | 2MASS 1439+1929 (WISE 0920+4539) |
2MASS 1439+1929 (WISE 0920+4539) |
L1 | 21,04 12,76 J |
— | 14h 39m 28s +19° 29′ 15″ |
69,60 ± 0,50 | Bärenhüter | ||
850 | 46,868 | Gliese 480 (Wolf 433) |
Gliese 480 (LHS 338) |
M4V | 11,49 | 10,71 | 12h 38m 52s +11° 41′ 46″ |
69,59 ± 2,79 | Jungfrau | ||
851 | 46,869 | LP 349-25 (FRV 1) |
LP 349-25 A (WDS 00279+2220 A) |
M8V | 0,0649 | 17,56 11,15 J |
00h 27m 56s +22° 19′ 33″ |
? | Andromeda | ||
851 | 46,869 | LP 349-25 (FRV 1) |
LP 349-25 B (WDS 00279+2220 B) |
M8V | 0,0563 | 11,51 J | 00h 27m 56s +22° 19′ 33″ |
? | Andromeda | ||
852 | 46,909 | Gliese 796 (HD 196761) |
Gliese 796 (HIP 101997) |
G8V | 0,910 | 0,810 | 6,37 | 5,58 | 08h 39m 12s +65° 01′ 15″ |
69,53 ± 0,40 | Steinbock |
853 | 46,909 | Gliese 816 (Wolf 906) |
Gliese 816 (LHS 3612) |
M3V | 11,22 | 10,45 | 21h 01m 59s -06° 19′ 07″ |
69,53 ± 2,93 | Wassermann | ||
805 | 46,922 | 111 Tauri[42] (WNO 52) |
111 Tauri A (Gliese 202) |
F8V | 1,670 | 1,080 | 5,11 | 3,49 | 05h 24m 25s +17° 23′ 01″ |
69,51 ± 0,38 | Stier |
854 | 46,922 | Gliese 130.1 (Ross 370) |
GJ 9113 A (LHS 1522) |
M1.5V | 10,76 | 10,00 | 03h 16m 14s +58° 10′ 03″ |
69,51 ± 3,37 | Giraffe | ||
854 | 46,922 | Gliese 130.1 (Ross 370) |
GJ 9113 B (LHS 1523) |
M2V | 11,24 | 10,48 | 03h 16m 14s +58° 10′ 03″ |
69,51 ± 3,37 | Giraffe | ||
855 | 46,956 | HIP 79431 (LP 804-27) |
HIP 79431 (NLTT 42226) |
M3V | 0,490 | 11,37 | 10,44 | 16h 12m 42s -18° 52′ 32″ |
69,46 ± 3,12 | Skorpion | |
855 | 46,956 | HIP 79431 (LP 804-27) |
HIP 79431 b (LP 804-27 B) |
Planet | 0,0020 | — | — | 16h 12m 42s -18° 52′ 32″ |
69,46 ± 3,12 | Skorpion | |
856 | 46,967 | WISE 0223-2932 (EQ J0223-2932) |
WISE 0223-2932 (EQ J0223-2932) |
T7.5 | 17,34 J | — | 02h 23m 22s -29° 32′ 58″ |
? | Chemischer Ofen | ||
856 | 46,967 | WISE 0500-1223 (EQ J0500-1223) |
WISE 0500-1223 (EQ J0500-1223) |
T8 | 17,78 J | — | 02h 23m 22s -29° 32′ 58″ |
? | Eridanus | ||
857 | 47,000 | BK-01 1423 |
BK-01 1423 |
M1V | 16h 00m 10s +04° 45′ 27″ |
? | Schlange | ||||
858 | 47,051 | Gliese 763 (HIP 96285) |
Gliese 763 (LHS 3470) |
K6V | 9,33 | 8,54 | 19h 34m 40s +04° 34′ 57″ |
69,32 ± 1,55 | Adler | ||
859 | 47,064 | Gliese 714 (RSS 483) |
Gliese 714 A (L 206-187) |
K7V | 8,82 | 18h 30m 12s -58° 16′ 28″ |
69,30 ± 15,0 | Pfau | |||
859 | 47,064 | Gliese 714 (RSS 483) |
Gliese 714 B (CPD-58°7399) |
M? V | 10,97 | 18h 30m 09s -58° 15′ 42″ |
69,30 ± 15,0 | Pfau | |||
860 | 47,100 | Gliese 120 (Ross 791) |
Gliese 120 (LFT 242) |
M3V | 13,03 | 02h 57m 31s +10° 47′ 24″ |
? | Widder | |||
861 | 47,130 | VHS 1258-4412 |
VHS 1258-4412 |
T6 | 16,00 J | — | 12h 58m 05s -44° 12′ 32″ |
? | Zentaur | ||
862 | 47,132 | GJ 4026 (L 1350-84) |
GJ 4026 (LHS 3324) |
M3.5V | 12,67 | 17h 46m 05s +24° 39′ 05″ |
69,20 ± 2,40 | Herkules | |||
862 | 47,132 | Gliese 630.1 (LDS 1436) |
Gliese 630.1 A (CM Draconis A) |
M4.5Ve | 0,250 | 0,240 | 12,87 | 12,10 | 16h 34m 20s +57° 09′ 44″ |
69,20 ± 2,50 | Drache |
862 | 47,132 | Gliese 630.1 (LDS 1436) |
Gliese 630.1 C (CM Draconis B) |
M4.5V | 0,210 | 16h 34m 20s +57° 09′ 44″ |
69,20 ± 2,50 | Drache | |||
862 | 47,132 | Gliese 630.1 (LDS 1436) |
Gliese 630.1 B (EGGR 258) |
DQ8 VII | 15,00 | 14,19 | 16h 34m 22s +57° 10′ 08″ |
69,20 ± 2,50 | Drache | ||
862 | 47,132 | GJ 3094 (LDS 3270) |
G 70-55 A (LHS 1240) |
M4.5V | 13,70 | 01h 22m 45s +00° 32′ 04″ |
69,20 ± 4,60 | Walfisch | |||
862 | 47,132 | GJ 3094 (LDS 3270) |
G 70-55 B (LHS 1241) |
M? V | 01h 22m 45s +00° 32′ 05″ |
69,20 ± 4,60 | Walfisch | ||||
865 | 47,139 | GJ 3892 (HIP 74190) |
GJ 3892 (LHS 3030) |
M3V | 11,47 | 10,66 | 15h 09m 36s +03° 10′ 01″ |
69,19 ± 2,60 | Jungfrau | ||
866 | 47,241 | GJ 1214 (G 139-21) |
GJ 1214 (LHS 3275) |
M4.5V | 0,206 | 0,157 | 14,67 | 14,06 | 17h 15m 19s +04° 57′ 50″ |
69,04 ± 0,54 | Schlangen- träger |
866 | 47,241 | GJ 1214 (G 139-21) |
GJ 1214 b |
Planet | 0,0245 | 0,00002 | — | — | 17h 15m 19s +04° 57′ 50″ |
69,04 ± 0,54 | Schlangen- träger |
867 | 47,262 | GJ 3438 (Ross 987) |
GJ 3438 (HIP 35353) |
M0V | 10,39 | 9,59 | 07h 18m 08s +39° 16′ 29″ |
69,01 ± 2,07 | Fuhrmann | ||
868 | 47,269 | Gliese 589[45] (LDS 977) |
Gliese 589 A (Ross 513 A) |
M2.5V | 12,40 | 15h 35m 21s +17° 42′ 47″ |
69,00 ± 3,00 | Schlange | |||
868 | 47,269 | GJ 1220 (G 259-15) |
GJ 1220 (LHS 3297) |
M4V | 14,18 | 17h 31m 17s +82° 05′ 20″ |
69,00 ± 3,00 | Kleiner Bär | |||
868 | 47,269 | Steph 1453 (BD+19°3268) |
Steph 1453 (2MASS 1715+1900) |
M0.5V | 10,36 | 9,55 | 17h 15m 50s +19° 00′ 00″ |
69,00 ± 12,0 | Herkules | ||
868 | 47,269 | Gliese 333 (L 316-62) |
Gliese 333 (LHS 2085) |
M1.5V | 12,33 | 08h 59m 32s -47° 26′ 10″ |
69,00 ± 14,0 | Segel des Schiffs | |||
872 | 47,293 | 2MASS 0314+1603 (2MUCD 20156) |
2MASS 0314+1603 (2MUCD 20156) |
L0 | 12,53 J | — | 03h 14m 03s +16° 03′ 06″ |
? | Widder | ||
872 | 47,293 | WISE 0744+5628 (EQ J0744+5628) |
WISE 0744+5628 (EQ J0744+5628) |
T8 | 17,68 J | — | 07h 44m 57s +56° 28′ 22″ |
? | Luchs | ||
872 | 47,293 | WISE 1039-1600 |
WISE 1039-1600 |
T7.5 | 17,26 J | — | 10h 39m 08s -16° 00′ 03″ |
? | Wasser- schlange | ||
875 | 47,300 | GJ 3893 (G 136-72) |
GJ 3893 (LHS 6282) |
M4V | 13,35 | 15h 10m 05s +19° 21′ 29″ |
? | Bärenhüter | |||
876 | 47,310 | Gliese 123 (HIP 14445) |
Gliese 123 (LHS 1496) |
K5V | 9,06 | 8,26 | 03h 06m 27s +01° 57′ 55″ |
68,94 ± 1,98 | Walfisch | ||
877 | 47,324 | Iota Ursae Majoris (Talitha Borealis) |
ι Ursae Majoris A (HIP 44127) |
A7Vn F0IV-V |
1,500 | 1,700 | 3,13 | 2,28 | 08h 59m 12s +48° 02′ 31″ |
68,92 ± 0,16 | Großer Bär |
877 | 47,324 | Iota Ursae Majoris (Talitha Borealis) |
ι Ursae Majoris B (Gliese 331 B) |
M3V | 10,80 | 08h 59m 13s +48° 02′ 29″ |
68,92 ± 0,16 | Großer Bär | |||
877 | 47,324 | Iota Ursae Majoris (Talitha Borealis) |
ι Ursae Majoris C (Gliese 331 C) |
M4V | 11,10 | 08h 59m 13s +48° 02′ 29″ |
68,92 ± 0,16 | Großer Bär | |||
878 | 47,358 | Gliese 611 (HD 144579) |
Gliese 611 A (LHS 3152) |
G8V | 6,67 | 5,86 | 16h 04m 57s +39° 09′ 23″ |
68,87 ± 0,33 | Nördliche Krone | ||
878 | 47,358 | Gliese 611 (HD 144579) |
Gliese 611 B (LHS 3150) |
M5V | 14,20 | 16h 04m 51s +39° 09′ 36″ |
68,87 ± 0,33 | Nördliche Krone | |||
879 | 47,393 | Theta Bootis[46] (Gliese 549) |
θ Boötis B (Asellus Primus) |
F7V | 1,733 | 1,300 | 4,04 | 3,22 | 14h 25m 12s +51° 51′ 03″ |
68,82 ± 0,14 | Bärenhüter |
879 | 47,393 | Theta Bootis (Gliese 549) |
θ Boötis B (LHS 6266) |
M3.5V | 11,10 | 14h 25m 12s +51° 49′ 54″ |
68,82 ± 0,14 | Bärenhüter | |||
880 | 47,406 | RY Sextantis (Gliese 398) |
RY Sextantis (LHS 2285) |
M3.5V | 12,64 | 11,81 | 10h 36m 01s +05° 07′ 13″ |
68,80 ± 6,30 | Sextant | ||
881 | 47,406 | Steph 928 (CNS N1 940) |
Steph 928 (CNS N1 940) |
M1.5V | 10,77 | 10,00 | 11h 12m 38s +18° 56′ 06″ |
68,80 ± 18,7 | Löwe | ||
882 | 47,420 | GT Pegasi (HIP 112909) |
GJ 9799 (Gliese 875.1) |
M3.5V | 11,66 | 10,85 | 22h 51m 54s +31° 45′ 15″ |
68,78 ± 2,77 | Pegasus | ||
883 | 47,475 | GJ 1099 (G 112-27) |
GJ 1099 (LHS 1928) |
M2.5V | 11,93 | 07h 34m 18s +00° 59′ 09″ |
68,70 ± 2,60 | Kleiner Hund | |||
883 | 47,475 | GJ 1171 (G 149-94) |
GJ 1171 (LHS 355) |
M4.5V | 14,74 | 13h 30m 31s +19° 09′ 34″ |
68,70 ± 4,40 | Haar der Berenike | |||
885 | 47,482 | Gliese 334 (G 114-35) |
Gliese 334 (HIP 44722) |
K7V | 9,48 | 8,69 | 09h 06m 45s -08° 48′ 25″ |
68,69 ± 1,29 | Wasser- schlange | ||
886 | 47,500 | HC-06 2111 |
HC-06 2111 |
M2Ve | 15h 35m 08s +05° 48′ 14″ |
? | Schlange | ||||
887 | 47,531 | Gliese 154 (Wolf 1278) |
Gliese 154 (NLTT 52281) |
M1V | 0,600 | 9,61 | 8,77 | 03h 46m 20s +26° 12′ 56″ |
68,62 ± 1,78 | Stier | |
888 | 47,545 | 2MASS 1615+1340 (WISE 1615+1340) |
2MASS 1615+1340 (WISE 1615+1340) |
T8 | 16,35 J | — | 16h 15m 04s +13° 40′ 08″ |
68,60 ± 6,40 | Herkules | ||
888 | 47,545 | GJ 4203 (G 26-14) |
GJ 4203 A (LHS 3686) |
M4V | 13,35 9,65 J |
21h 33m 49s +01° 46′ 56″ |
68,60 ± 8,00 | Wassermann | |||
888 | 47,545 | GJ 4203 (G 26-14) |
GJ 4203 B (LHS 3688) |
M4V | 9,98 J | 21h 33m 49s +01° 47′ 01″ |
68,60 ± 8,00 | Wassermann | |||
890 | 47,559 | Gliese 281 (Ross 880) |
Gliese 281 (HIP 37288) |
K7V | 9,59 | 8,77 | 07h 39m 23s +02° 11′ 01″ |
68,58 ± 1,47 | Kleiner Hund | ||
891 | 47,600 | Gliese 269 (CD-46°3046) |
Gliese 269 A (HD 57095 A) |
K1V | 0,820 | 0,830 | 7,10 | 5,85 | 07h 17m 30s -46° 58′ 45″ |
68,52 ± 1,47 | Achterdeck des Schiffs |
891 | 47,600 | Gliese 269 (CD-46°3046) |
Gliese 269 B (HD 57095 B) |
K3V | 0,730 | 0,690 | 8,35 | 07h 17m 30s -46° 58′ 46″ |
68,52 ± 1,47 | Achterdeck des Schiffs | |
892 | 47,619 | 2MASS 0040+0900 (WISE 0040+0900) |
2MASS 0040+0900 (WISE 0040+0900) |
T7 | 16,50 J | — | 00h 40m 25s +09° 00′ 55″ |
? | Fische | ||
892 | 47,619 | WISE 1018-2445 (EQ J1018-2445) |
WISE 1018-2445 (EQ J1018-2445) |
T8 | 17,82 J | — | 10h 18m 08s -24° 45′ 58″ |
? | Wasser- schlange | ||
892 | 47,619 | 2MASS 1043+1213 (SDSS 1043+1213) |
2MASS 1043+1213 (SDSS 1043+1213) |
L7 | 16,00 J | — | 10h 43m 35s +12° 13′ 15″ |
? | Löwe | ||
892 | 47,619 | 2MASS 1127+7411 (CLO 6) |
2MASS 1127+7411 A (WDS 11279+7411 A) |
M8 L2? |
13,02 J | — | 11h 27m 53s +74° 11′ 08″ |
? | Drache | ||
892 | 47,619 | SCR 1841-4347 |
SCR 1841-4347 |
M? V | 10,48 J | 18h 41m 10s -43° 47′ 33″ |
? | Südliche Krone | |||
892 | 47,619 | WISE 2332-4325 |
WISE 2332-4325 |
T9 | — | 23h 32m 27s -43° 25′ 11″ |
? | Phönix | |||
898 | 47,635 | Gliese 116 (HIP 13375) |
Gliese 116 (LHS 159) |
K5V | 9,55 | 8,73 | 02h 52m 07s +34° 23′ 22″ |
68,47 ± 1,43 | Perseus | ||
899 | 47,684 | Gliese 833 (HIP 106696) |
Gliese 833 (HD 205390) |
K1V | 0,810 | 0,770 | 7,16 | 6,34 | 21h 36m 41s -50° 50′ 43″ |
68,40 ± 0,58 | Indianer |
900 | 47,733 | Gliese 838.6 (HIP 108159) |
GJ 9762 (LHS 5374) |
M2.5V | 11,95 | 11,13 | 21h 54m 45s -46° 59′ 34″ |
68,33 ± 3,84 | Kranich | ||
901 | 47,753 | 2MASS 1346-0031 (WISE 1346-0031) |
2MASS 1346-0031 (WISE 1346-0031) |
T6.5 | 0,0439 | 15,49 J | — | 13h 46m 46s -00° 31′ 50″ |
68,30 ± 2,30 | Jungfrau | |
901 | 47,753 | CW Ursae Majoris (GJ 3647) |
CW Ursae Majoris (NLTT 26581) |
M3.5V | 12,38 | 11h 11m 52s +33° 32′ 11″ |
68,30 ± 10,6 | Großer Bär | |||
903 | 47,767 | Gliese 420[47] (ADS 8100) |
Gliese 420 A (ADS 8100 A) |
K4V | 7,65 | 6,82 | 11h 15m 12s +73° 28′ 31″ |
68,28 ± 0,65 | Drache | ||
903 | 47,767 | Gliese 420 (ADS 8100) |
Gliese 420 B (ADS 8100 C) |
M2V | 11,33 | 11h 15m 11s +73° 28′ 36″ |
68,28 ± 0,65 | Drache | |||
904 | 47,774 | Gliese 259 (HIP 33817) |
Gliese 259 (HD 52698) |
K4V | 6,69 | 5,90 | 07h 01m 14s -25° 56′ 55″ |
68,27 ± 0,61 | Großer Hund | ||
905 | 47,809 | Psi Serpentis[48] (Gliese 596.1) |
ψ Serpentis A (HD 140538 A) |
G5V | 0,980 | 0,980 | 5,87 | 5,05 | 15h 44m 02s +02° 30′ 55″ |
68,22 ± 0,66 | Schlange |
905 | 47,809 | Psi Serpentis (Gliese 596.1) |
ψ Serpentis B (HD 140538 B) |
M2V | 12,00 | 10,60 | 15h 44m 02s +02° 30′ 59″ |
68,22 ± 0,66 | Schlange | ||
906 | 47,845 | Gliese 613 (HIP 79190) |
Gliese 613 (HD 144628) |
K1V | 0,800 | 0,700 | 7,12 | 6,32 | 16h 09m 43s -56° 26′ 43″ |
68,17 ± 0,64 | Winkelmaß |
907 | 47,873 | Psi Capricorni (Gliese 805) |
ψ Capricorni (HIP 102485) |
F5V | 1,450 | 1,310 | 4,15 | 3,32 | 20h 46m 06s -25° 16′ 15″ |
68,13 ± 0,27 | Steinbock |
908 | 47,894 | GJ 3252 (LP 593-68) |
GJ 3252 (LHS 1604) |
M8V | 18,02 | 03h 51m 00s -00° 52′ 45″ |
68,10 ± 1,90 | Eridanus | |||
909 | 47,964 | GJ 3894 (G 151-34) |
GJ 3894 (LHS 392) |
M4.5V | 14,26 | 15h 11m 51s -10° 14′ 18″ |
68,00 ± 3,10 | Waage | |||
868 | 47,964 | Gliese 589[45] (LDS 977) |
Gliese 589 B (Ross 513 B) |
M4.5V | 14,94 | 15h 35m 20s +17° 43′ 05″ |
68,00 ± 4,00 | Schlange | |||
909 | 47,964 | Gliese 878 (Ross 226) |
Gliese 878 (LHS 3871) |
M3.5V | 12,78 | 22h 54m 22s +60° 59′ 44″ |
68,00 ± 11,0 | Kepheus | |||
909 | 47,964 | GJ 3861 (LP 98-132) |
GJ 3861 (LHS 2952) |
M2.5V | 11,66 | 10,90 | 14h 36m 53s +58° 20′ 55″ |
68,00 ± 19,0 | Drache | ||
912 | 48,000 | GJ 3775 (G 62-28) |
GJ 3775 (LTT 13861) |
M3.5V | 12,97 | 13h 18m 02s +02° 14′ 01″ |
? | Jungfrau | |||
912 | 48,000 | GJ 3809 (Wolf 1495) |
GJ 3809 (LTT 14032) |
M2V | 11,18 | 13h 49m 01s +02° 47′ 29″ |
? | Jungfrau | |||
912 | 48,000 | GJ 4228 (LP 518-58) |
GJ 4228 (NLTT 52281) |
M4.5V | 13,93 | 21h 51m 48s +13° 36′ 16″ |
? | Pegasus | |||
915 | 48,042 | Gliese 233 (HD 45088) |
Gliese 233 A (OU Geminorum) |
K3Vk | 6,77 | 5,94 | 06h 26m 10s +18° 45′ 25″ |
67,89 ± 1,53 | Zwillinge | ||
915 | 48,042 | Gliese 233 (HD 45088) |
Gliese 233 B (ADS 5054 B) |
K? V | 06h 26m 10s +18° 45′ 25″ |
67,89 ± 1,53 | Zwillinge | ||||
916 | 48,049 | Gliese 604 (HIP 78170) |
Gliese 604 (LTT 6359) |
K5V | 8,06 | 7,22 | 15h 57m 41s -42° 37′ 27″ |
67,88 ± 0,78 | Winkelmaß | ||
917 | 48,184 | Gliese 289 (Wolf 1421) |
Gliese 289 (LHS 238) |
M1V | 11,42 | 10,58 | 07h 48m 16s +20° 22′ 05″ |
67,69 ± 2,65 | Zwillinge | ||
918 | 48,284 | GJ 9724 (Wolf 1421) |
GJ 9724 (Hip 104644) |
M1V | 11,98 | 11,14 | 21h 11m 50s -43° 36′ 49″ |
67,55 ± 3,74 | Mikroskop | ||
919 | 48,262 | Gliese 521.1 (HIP 66675) |
GJ 9456 (LHS 2773) |
K5V | 9,59 | 8,74 | 13h 40m 07s -04° 11′ 10″ |
67,58 ± 1,17 | Jungfrau | ||
920 | 48,271 | 2MASS 0915+0422 (2MUCD 20335) |
2MASS 0915+0422 (WDS 09156+0422 A) |
L7 | 0,0716 | 15,30 J | — | 09h 15m 34s +04° 22′ 05″ |
? | Wasser- schlange | |
920 | 48,271 | 2MASS 0915+0422 (2MUCD 20335) |
2MASS 0915+0422 (WDS 09156+0422 B) |
L7 | 0,0716 | 15,40 J | — | 09h 15m 34s +04° 22′ 05″ |
? | Wasser- schlange | |
920 | 48,271 | SCR 1630-3633 |
SCR 1630-3633 |
M? V | 10,04 J | 16h 30m 27s -36° 33′ 56″ |
? | Skorpion | |||
922 | 48,312 | Ny2 Lupi (Gliese 582) |
ν2 Lupi (HD 136352) |
G2-4V | 1,040 | 0,910 | 5,65 | 4,93 | 15h 21m 48s -48° 19′ 03″ |
67,51 ± 0,39 | Wolf |
923 | 48,319 | GJ 4338[49] (GIC 193) |
GJ 4338 B (G 190-27 B) |
M4.2V | 12,44 | 23h 29m 23s +41° 27′ 52″ |
67,50 ± 2,50 | Andromeda | |||
924 | 48,406 | Gliese 791 (HIP 100923) |
Gliese 791 (LHS 3553) |
M3V | 12,43 | 10,58 | 20h 27m 42s -27° 44′ 52″ |
67,38 ± 3,01 | Mikroskop | ||
925 | 48,463 | 2MASS 1331-0116 (SDSS 1331-0116) |
2MASS 1331-0116 (SDSS 1331-0116) |
L6p | 15,46 J | — | 13h 31m 49s -01° 16′ 50″ |
67,30 ± 12,6 | Jungfrau | ||
926 | 48,506 | HD 176051 (HR 7162) |
HD 176051 A (ADS 11871 A) |
F9V | 1,070 | 5,25 | 4,24 | 18h 57m 02s +32° 54′ 05″ |
67,24 ± 0,37 | Leier | |
926 | 48,506 | HD 176051 (HR 7162) |
HD 176051 B (ADS 11871 B) |
K1V | 7,66 | 6,65 | 18h 57m 02s +32° 54′ 05″ |
67,24 ± 0,37 | Leier | ||
926 | 48,506 | HD 176051 (HR 7162) |
HD 176051 b (ADS 11871 B) |
Planet | 0,0014 | — | — | 18h 57m 02s +32° 54′ 05″ |
67,24 ± 0,37 | Leier | |
927 | 48,528 | Eta Leporis (Gliese 225) |
Eta Leporis (HIP 28103) |
F2V | 1,500 | 1,420 | 3,72 | 2,83 | 18h 57m 02s +32° 54′ 05″ |
67,21 ± 0,25 | Hase |
928 | 48,535 | Gliese 483 (HIP 62145) |
Gliese 483 (HD 110833) |
K3V | 7,04 | 6,18 | 12h 44m 15s +51° 45′ 33″ |
67,20 ± 0,66 | Jagdhunde | ||
923 | 48,535 | GJ 4338[49] (GIC 193) |
GJ 4338 A (G 190-28 A) |
M2.9V | 11,68 | 23h 29m 23s +41° 28′ 07″ |
67,20 ± 2,50 | Andromeda | |||
928 | 48,535 | GJ 4029 (LP 389-18) |
GJ 4029 (LHS 3332) |
M6V | 20,10 | 17h 49m 59s +22° 41′ 07″ |
67,20 ± 6,40 | Herkules | |||
928 | 48,535 | GJ 4038 (G 183-13) |
GJ 4038 (L 1279-91) |
M3V | 12,21 | 17h 57m 03s +15° 46′ 43″ |
67,20 ± 15,7 | Herkules | |||
931 | 48,586 | Ras Alhague (Alpha Ophiuchi) |
α Ophiuchi A (Gliese 681 A) |
A5III | 2,600 | 2,400 | 2,07 | 1,30 | 17h 34m 56s +12° 33′ 36″ |
67,13 ± 1,06 | Schlangen- träger |
931 | 48,586 | Ras Alhague (Alpha Ophiuchi) |
α Ophiuchi B (Gliese 681 B) |
K5-7V | 0,850 | 6,02 J | 17h 34m 56s +12° 33′ 36″ |
67,13 ± 1,06 | Schlangen- träger | ||
932 | 48,597 | WISE 0015-4615 |
WISE 0015-4615 |
T8 | — | 00h 15m 06s -46° 15′ 18″ |
? | Phönix | |||
932 | 48,597 | SCR 0100-7904 |
SCR 0100-7904 |
M? V | 8,79 J | 01h 00m 56s +79° 04′ 25″ |
? | Kepheus | |||
932 | 48,597 | WISE 2343-7418 |
WISE 2343-7418 |
T6 | 16,13 J | — | 23h 43m 51s -74° 18′ 47″ |
? | Oktant | ||
935 | 48,622 | GJ 2128 (HIP 84521) |
GJ 2128 (G 139-27) |
M2V | 11,53 | 10,67 | 17h 16m 41s +08° 03′ 30″ |
67,08 ± 2,69 | Schlangen- träger | ||
935 | 48,622 | Gliese 781.1 (HIP 99150) |
GJ 9686 A (LHS 3523) |
M4Ve | 12,19 | 11,34 | 20h 07m 45s -31° 45′ 14″ |
67,08 ± 5,02 | Schütze | ||
935 | 48,622 | Gliese 781.1 (HIP 99150) |
GJ 9686 B (LHS 3523 B) |
M3V | 12,48 | 11,66 | 20h 07m 45s -31° 45′ 12″ |
67,08 ± 5,02 | Schütze | ||
937 | 48,680 | GJ 3208 (LP 299-36) |
GJ 3208 (LHS 1516) |
M6V | 16,77 | 03h 14m 12s +28° 40′ 41″ |
67,00 ± 8,70 | Widder | |||
937 | 48,680 | Gliese 231.3 (Ross 417) |
GJ 9211 (LHS 2175) |
M3V | 13,05 | 06h 19m 21s -06° 39′ 22″ |
67,00 ± 11,0 | Einhorn | |||
937 | 48,680 | Gliese 363 (G 195-36) |
Gliese 363 (LHS 1836) |
M3.5V | 12,50 | 09h 42m 23s +55° 59′ 02″ |
67,00 ± 11,0 | Großer Bär | |||
937 | 48,680 | GIC 27 (GJ 3117/GJ 3118) |
GJ 3117 A (NLTT 6164) |
M2.5V | 11,37 | 10,50 | 01h 51m 51s +64° 26′ 06″ |
67,00 ± 13,0 | Perseus | ||
937 | 48,680 | GIC 27 (GJ 3117/GJ 3118) |
GJ 3118 B (EGGR 268) |
DA5.6 VII | 14,50 | 13,60 | 01h 51m 51s +64° 25′ 54″ |
67,00 ± 13,0 | Perseus | ||
941 | 48,695 | Gliese 258 (HIP 34115) |
Gliese 258 (LTT 11961) |
M3V | 11,76 | 10,89 | 07h 04m 26s +68° 17′ 20″ |
66,98 ± 2,65 | Giraffe | ||
941 | 48,700 | GJ 3856 (LP 440-38) |
GJ 3856 (NLTT 37653) |
M3V | 13,66 | 14h 32m 11s +16° 00′ 50″ |
? | Bärenhüter | |||
941 | 48,700 | GJ 4109 (Ross 164) |
GJ 4109 (LHS 6350) |
M3V | 12,48 | 19h 25m 08s +28° 21′ 13″ |
? | Schwan | |||
941 | 48,700 | GJ 4276 (G 232-70) |
GJ 4276 (NLTT 53822) |
M4V | 8,75 J | 22h 25m 17s +59° 24′ 50″ |
? | Kepheus | |||
945 | 48,702 | Gliese 52 (HIP 5247) |
Gliese 52 (LHS 136) |
K7V | 8,98 | 8,13 | 01h 07m 08s +63° 56′ 29″ |
66,97 ± 1,31 | Kassiopeia | ||
946 | 48,709 | Gliese 319[50] (LUY 6218) |
Gliese 319 C (HIP 42762) |
M3.5V | 11,48 | 10,62 | 08h 42m 52s +09° 33′ 11″ |
66,96 ± 3,91 | Krebs | ||
947 | 48,716 | Alchiba (Alpha Corvi) |
α Corvi (Gliese 455.3) |
F1V | 1,670 | 1,390 | 4,03 | 3,25 | 12h 08m 25s -24° 43′ 44″ |
66,95 ± 0,15 | Rabe |
948 | 48,797 | Wolf 1014 (HIP 109638) |
GJ 9773 (LHS 3773) |
M3V | 11,98 | 11,13 | 22h 12m 36s +08° 33′ 12″ |
66,84 ± 4,41 | Pegasus | ||
949 | 48,826 | Steph 2065 (CNS N1 1939) |
Steph 2065 (LHS 3773) |
M1V | 10,50 | 9,60 | 22h 56m 00s +17° 48′ 36″ |
66,80 ± 17,6 | Pegasus | ||
950 | 48,870 | GJ 1279 (HD 218511) |
GJ 1279 (HIP 114361) |
K6V | 8,39 | 7,51 | 23h 09m 41s -67° 43′ 58″ |
66,74 ± 0,83 | Indianer | ||
951 | 48,891 | LP 388-55 (2MASS 1735+2634) |
LP 388-55 A (NLTT 45101) |
M7.5 | 0,0821 | 11,76 J | 17h 35m 13s +26° 34′ 48″ |
66,80 ± 17,6 | Herkules | ||
951 | 48,891 | LP 388-55 (2MASS 1735+2634) |
LP 388-55 B (LAW 5 B) |
L0 | 0,0745 | 12,33 J | — | 17h 35m 13s +26° 34′ 48″ |
66,80 ± 17,6 | Herkules | |
952 | 48,906 | Gliese 163 (HIP 19394) |
Gliese 163 (LHS 188) |
M3.5V | 0,460 | 0,400 | 11,81 | 10,87 | 04h 09m 16s -53° 22′ 25″ |
66,69 ± 1,82 | Schwertfisch |
952 | 48,906 | Gliese 163 (HIP 19394) |
Gliese 163 b |
Planet | 0,00003 | — | — | 04h 09m 16s -53° 22′ 25″ |
66,69 ± 1,82 | Schwertfisch | |
952 | 48,906 | Gliese 163 (HIP 19394) |
Gliese 163 c |
Planet | 0,00002 | — | — | 04h 09m 16s -53° 22′ 25″ |
66,69 ± 1,82 | Schwertfisch | |
952 | 48,906 | Gliese 163 (HIP 19394) |
Gliese 163 d |
Planet | 0,00007 | — | — | 04h 09m 16s -53° 22′ 25″ |
66,69 ± 1,82 | Schwertfisch | |
953 | 48,923 | 2MASS 0041-5621[51] (DEN 0041-5621) |
2MASS 0041-5621 A (RNR 1 A) |
M8 | 0,0286 | 12,37 J | 00h 41m 35s -56° 21′ 13″ |
? | Phönix | ||
953 | 48,923 | 2MASS 0047+6803 (WISE 0047+6803) |
2MASS 0047+6803 (WISE 0047+6803) |
L7.5 | 15,60 J | — | 00h 47m 00s +68° 03′ 54″ |
? | Kassiopeia | ||
953 | 48,923 | 2MASS 0342+1216 (LSPM 0342+1216) |
2MASS 0342+1216 (LSPM 0342+1216) |
M5.2V | 10,16 J | 03h 42m 32s +12° 16′ 23″ |
? | Stier | |||
953 | 48,923 | 2MASS 1051+5613 (2MUCD 20388) |
2MASS 1051+5613 (WISE 1051+5613) |
L2 | 13,24 J | — | 10h 51m 19s +56° 13′ 09″ |
? | Großer Bär | ||
953 | 48,923 | WISE 1052-1942 |
WISE 1052-1942 |
T7.5 | 17,07 J | — | 10h 52m 58s -19° 42′ 50″ |
? | Becher | ||
953 | 48,923 | 2MASS 1122-3512 |
2MASS 1122-3512 |
T2 | 15,02 J | — | 11h 22m 08s -35° 12′ 36″ |
? | Wasser- schlange | ||
953 | 48,923 | WISE 1221-3136 |
WISE 1221-3136 |
T6.5 | 16,38 J | — | 12h 21m 52s -31° 36′ 01″ |
? | Wasser- schlange | ||
953 | 48,923 | WISE 1629+0335 (2MASS 1629+0335) |
WISE 1629+0335 (2MASS 1629+0335) |
T2 | 15,29 J | — | 16h 29m 18s +03° 35′ 37″ |
? | Wasser- schlange | ||
953 | 48,923 | PSO 247.3273 |
PSO 247.3273 |
T2 | 14,53 J | — | 16h 29m 19s +03° 35′ 36″ |
? | Wasser- schlange | ||
953 | 48,923 | WISE 1658+5103 |
WISE 1658+5103 |
L6 | 15,06 J | — | 16h 58m 43s +51° 03′ 35″ |
? | Herkules | ||
953 | 48,923 | 2MASS 1809-0448 |
2MASS 1809-0448 |
T1 | 15,14 J | — | 18h 09m 53s -04° 48′ 13″ |
? | Schlange | ||
953 | 48,923 | 2MASS 1901+4718 |
2MASS 1901+4718 |
T5 | 15,86 J | — | 19h 01m 06s +47° 18′ 14″ |
? | Leier | ||
953 | 48,923 | WISE 1955-2540 |
WISE 1955-2540 |
T8 | 17,58 J | — | 19h 55m 00s -25° 40′ 14″ |
? | Schütze | ||
953 | 48,923 | 2MASS 2148-6323 |
2MASS 2148-6323 |
L8 | 15,33 J | — | 21h 48m 13s -63° 23′ 27″ |
? | Indianer | ||
967 | 48,936 | Gliese 14 (HIP 1368) |
Gliese 14 (LHS 1053) |
M0.5V | 9,00 | 8,12 | 00h 17m 06s +40° 56′ 54″ |
66,65 ± 0,91 | Andromeda | ||
968 | 48,965 | Gliese 364 (HIP 47592) |
Gliese 364 (HD 84117) |
F8V | 1,100 | 1,090 | 4,94 | 4,05 | 09h 42m 14s -23° 54′ 56″ |
66,61 ± 0,21 | Wasser- schlange |
969 | 49,017 | Gliese 218 (HIP 27359) |
Gliese 218 (LHS 1787) |
M1.5V | 10,74 | 9,86 | 05h 47m 41s -36° 19′ 43″ |
66,54 ± 1,43 | Taube | ||
970 | 49,046 | 2MASS 1058-1548 (2MUCD 10949) |
2MASS 1058-1548 (DEN 1058-1548) |
L3 | 14,16 J | — | 10h 58m 48s -15° 48′ 17″ |
66,50 ± 4,40 | Becher | ||
971 | 49,046 | Alderamin (Alpha Cephei) |
α Cephei (Gliese 826) |
A8Vn | 2,300 | 1,740 | 2,46 | 1,57 | 06h 45m 09s -16° 42′ 58″ |
66,50 ± 4,40 | Kepheus |
Vergangenheit und Zukunft

Scholz' Stern, gegenwärtig rund zwanzig Lichtjahre entfernt, passierte nach 2015 veröffentlichten Rechnungen zufolge vor rund 70.000 Jahren in nur 52.000 AU (0,82 Lichtjahre oder 0,25 Parsec) Abstand die Sonne.[52] Trotz dieser Nähe war er auch zum Zeitpunkt seiner größten Annäherung von der Erde aus wegen seiner geringen scheinbaren Helligkeit von damals nur etwa 10 mag nicht mit bloßem Auge sichtbar.
Der heute 10,3 Lichtjahre entfernte Stern Ross 248 wird in 31.000 Jahren für mehrere Jahrtausende zum nächsten Nachbarstern der Sonne werden und sich in 36.000 Jahren auf 3,02 Lichtjahre (0,927 Parsec) annähern.[53] In 40.000 Jahren wird Gliese 445, heute noch 17,6 Lichtjahre entfernt, für einige tausend Jahre zum sonnennächsten Stern werden.[53]
Gliese 710 befindet sich gegenwärtig in einer Entfernung von 62,1 Lichtjahren (19,04 Parsec), doch den aktuellen Messungen des Astrometriesatelliten Gaia zufolge wird er in 1,28 Millionen Jahren der Sonne auf etwa 0,17 Lichtjahre nahe kommen.[54] Zu diesem Zeitpunkt wird Gliese 710, heute mit rund 9,7 mag für das bloße Auge unsichtbar, von der Erde aus der mit Abstand hellste Stern am Nachthimmel sein.
Von den folgenden Sternen ist bekannt bzw. wird vermutet, dass diese die Sonne in der Vergangenheit in weniger als zehn Lichtjahren Entfernung passiert haben oder dies in Zukunft tun werden.[55]
Stern |
Größte Annäherung (LJ) |
Zeitpunkt der Annäherung (Kilojahre) |
Heutige Entfernung (LJ) |
Klasse |
Masse (M☉) |
Heutige Scheinbare Helligkeit |
Rektaszension |
Deklination |
Scholz' Stern | 0,59–1,17 | −70 | 20 | M9+T5 | 0,15 | 18,3 | 07h 20m 03.20s | -08° 46′ 51.2″ |
Gamma Microscopii | 0,35–1,34 | −3800 | 229 ± 4 | G6III | 2,5 | 4,68 | 21h 01m 17.46047s | -32° 15′ 27.9574″ |
Gliese 710 | 0,17 | 1280 | 62,1 | K7V | 0,4-0,6 | 9,6 | 18h 19m 50.843s | -01° 56′ 18.98″ |
Proxima Centauri | 2,90 | 27,4 | 4,24 | M5Ve | 0,15 | 11,05 | 14h 29m 43s | -62° 40′ 46″ |
Alpha Centauri A | 2,97 | 28,4 | 4,36 | G2V | 1,1 | −0,01 | 14h 39m 37s | -60° 50′ 2″ |
Alpha Centauri B | 2,97 | 28,4 | 4,36 | K1V | 0,907 | 1,33 | 14h 39m 37s | -60° 50′ 2″ |
Ross 248 | 3,02 | 36 | 10,32 | M5.5Ve | 0,136 | 12,29 | 23h 41m 54s | +44° 09′ 32″ |
Gliese 445 | 3,45 | 46 | 17,6 | M3.5 | 0,15-0,30 | 10,8 | 11h 47m 41.377s | +78° 41′ 28.18″ |
Barnards Pfeilstern | 3,74 | 9,8 | 5,98 | M4.0Ve | 0,144 | 9,54 | 17h 55m 23s | +04° 33′ 18″ |
Zeta Leporis | 4,16 | −861 | 70,2 | A2 IV-V(n) | 1,46 | 3,55 | 05h 46m 57.3s | -14° 49′ 19″ |
Lalande 21185 | 4,65 | 20,5 | 8,32 | M2V | 0,39 | 7,52 | 11h 00m 37s | +36° 18′ 20″ |
Gliese 208 | 5,01 | −500 | 37,1 | K7 | 0,47 | 8,9 | 05h 36m 30.991s | +11° 19′ 40.32″ |
Karte der nächsten Sterne

Siehe auch
- Gliese 563.2 AB: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (A: 13,157 LJ, B: 15,193 LJ)
- HIP 82724/82725: Beide Sterne wurden zunächst fälschlicherweise als Doppelsystem eingestuft (HIP 82725: 16,066 LJ, HIP 82724: 29,767 LJ)
- Teilt den Namen mit Theta Cassiopeiae (167 LJ entfernt)
- Fomalhaut ABC: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (C: 24,690 LJ, B: 24,818 LJ, A: 25,126 LJ)
- Gliese 745 AB: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (A: 27,770, B: 28,548 LJ)
- Gliese 185: Unklare Anzahl Begleiter sowie deren Bezeichnung aufgrund widersprüchlichen Angaben
- Gliese 867 AB: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (A: 28,359 LJ, B: 29,549 LJ)
- 2MASS 0652+4710 AB: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (B: 28,702 LJ, A: 35,877 LJ)
- Gliese 433 A+b: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (A: 28,971 LJ, b: 29,098 LJ)
- Gliese 176 A+b: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (b: 29,651 LJ, A: 30,247 LJ)
- WDS 01026+6221: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (Wolf 46: 32,486 LJ, Wolf 47: 34,153 LJ)
- GJ 678.1 AB: B-Komponente in 383,7 LJ Entfernung
- Gliese 436 AB: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (b: 32,962 LJ, A: 33,075 LJ)
- AT Microscopii AB: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (B: 33,349 LJ, A: 34,883 LJ)
- Gliese 649 A+b: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (b: 33,528 LJ, A: 33,739 LJ)
- LDS 585 AB: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (B (Wolf 636): 34,481 LJ, A (Wolf 635): 34,920 LJ)
- Gliese 617 AB: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (A: 34,857 LJ, B: 35,037 LJ)
- Gliese 669 AB: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (B: 34,958 LJ, A: 37,806 LJ)
- GJ 9492 AB: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (A: 35,007 LJ, B: 35,214 LJ)
- 36 Ursae Majoris AB: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (B: 35,841 LJ, A: 41,681 LJ)
- LDS 905 AB: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (A: 36,091 LJ, B: 41,761 LJ)
- GJ 1148 A+b: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (A: 36,215 LJ, b: 36,725 LJ)
- GJ 2036 AB: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (A: 36,232 LJ, B: 36,483 LJ)
- Gliese 360/362: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (GJ 362: 37,034 LJ, GJ 360: 40,083 LJ)
- 2MASS 2255-5713 AB: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (B: 37,834 LJ, A: 39,139 LJ)
- Zeta Doradus AB: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (A: 37,983 LJ, A: 38,027 LJ)
- Gamma Virginis AB: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (A: 38,111 LJ, B: 38,585 LJ)
- Gliese 277 AB: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (A: 38,708 LJ, B: 39,079 LJ)
- Gliese 414 AB: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (A: 38,722 LJ, B: 38,900 LJ)
- Gliese 275.2 Aa/Ab+B: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (B: 39,070 LJ, A: 39,833 LJ)
- Zeta Reticuli 1/2: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (ζ1: 39,164 LJ, ζ2: 39,244 LJ)
- Gliese 211/212 AB: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (A: 40,044 LJ, B: 40,567 LJ)
- Gliese 179 A+b: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (A: 40,078 LJ, b: 40,356 LJ)
- Rho Cancri Abcdef+B: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (Abcdef: 40,251 LJ, B: 42,468 LJ)
- Gliese 620.1 Ab+B: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (A+b: 41,676 LJ, B: 42,915 LJ)
- Gliese 114.1 AB: Beide Sterne wurden zunächst fälschlicherweise als Doppelsystem eingestuft (A: 42,254 LJ, B: 358,020 LJ)
- Capella AB: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (AB: 42,803 LJ, HL: 45,299 LJ)
- Gliese 507 AB: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (A: 43,268 LJ, B: 50,914 LJ)
- Gliese 458 AB: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (B: 43,430 LJ, A: 50,622 LJ)
- SCR 2112-5428 AB: A-Komponente in 116,112 LJ Entfernung
- LHS 1955 AB: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (B: 44,285 LJ, A: 44,826 LJ)
- 111 Tauri AB: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (B: 45,938 LJ, A: 46,922 LJ)
- 26 Draconis ABC: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (C: 45,983 LJ, AB: 46,283 LJ)
- Gliese 282 ABC: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (C: 46,231 LJ, AB: 46,349 LJ)
- Gliese 589 AB: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (A: 47,269 LJ, B: 47,964 LJ)
- Gliese 549 AB+C: C-Komponente (Gliese 549 C, K1V-Stern, Distanz 120,80 LJ) gehört nicht zum System
- ADS 8100 AC+B: B-Komponente (ADS 8100 B, M2V-Stern, Distanz 1524 LJ) gehört nicht zum System
- Gamma Virginis AB (+CDE?): Unklare Anzahl Begleiter sowie deren Bezeichnung aufgrund widersprüchlichen Angaben
- GJ 4338 AB: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (B: 48,319 LJ, A: 48,535 LJ)
- Gliese 319 AB+C: System ist aufgrund grosser Entfernung seiner Komponenten in der Liste verteilt (C: 48,709 LJ, AB: 50,333 LJ)
- 2MASS 0041-5621 AB: B-Komponente in 163,078 LJ Entfernung
- Science Daily: Closest known flyby of star to our solar system: Dim star passed through Oort Cloud 70,000 years ago. Abgerufen am 29. März 2015.
- Matthews, R. A. J.: The Close Approach of Stars in the Solar Neighborhood. In: Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 35, NO. 1, P. 1, 1994. bibcode:1994QJRAS..35....1M.
- Raúl de la Fuente Marcos, Carlos de la Fuente Marcos: An Independent Confirmation of the Future Flyby of Gliese 710 to the Solar System Using Gaia DR2. In: Research Notes of the AAS. 2, Nr. 2/30, 10. Mai 2018. arxiv:1805.02644. bibcode:2018RNAAS...2b..30D. doi:10.3847/2515-5172/aac2d0.
- Bobylev, Vadim V.: Searching for Stars Closely Encountering with the Solar System. In: Astronomy Letters, 2010 Vol. 36, No. 3. arxiv:1003.2160.
- Research Consortium On Nearby Stars (RECONS): THE ONE HUNDRED NEAREST STAR SYSTEMS. Abgerufen am 29. März 2015. (englisch)
- Notable Nearby Stars. Abgerufen am 30. März 2015. (englisch)
- Ashland Astronomy Studio: The 500 Nearest Stars in the Hipparcos Catalog. Abgerufen am 22. Mai 2015. (englisch)
- An Atlas of the Universe: Stars within 50 light years. Abgerufen am 22. Mai 2015. (englisch)