Liste der Städte in den Vereinigten Staaten
Die Liste der Städte in den Vereinigten Staaten (ohne Außengebiete) bietet einen Überblick über die Entwicklung der Einwohnerzahl der größeren Städte in den Vereinigten Staaten und eine Liste der häufigsten Stadtnamen.
Außengebiete der Vereinigten Staaten werden nach der Definition des United States Census Bureau statistisch nicht zu den Vereinigten Staaten gerechnet, da sie zwar der Regierungsgewalt der US-amerikanischen Bundesregierung unterstehen, aber kein Bundesstaat der Vereinigten Staaten oder Teil eines US-Bundesstaates sind.
Metropolregionen nach Einwohnerzahl
Die größten Metropolregionen in den Vereinigten Staaten sind laut United States Census Bureau (Stand 2020):[1]
Metropolregion | Einwohner |
New York City | 20.140.470 |
Los Angeles | 13.200.998 |
Chicago | 9.618.502 |
Dallas | 7.637.387 |
Houston | 7.122.240 |
Washington, D.C. | 6.385.162 |
Philadelphia | 6.245.051 |
Miami | 6.138.333 |
Atlanta | 6.089.815 |
Boston | 4.941.632 |
Phoenix | 4.845.832 |
San Francisco | 4.749.008 |
Städte nach Einwohnerzahl
Die folgende Tabelle enthält Städte, die im Jahr 2020 gemäß einer Volkszählung des United States Census Bureau den Status einer City über 100.000 Einwohner besaßen, sowie die Ergebnisse der Volkszählungen von 1980, 1990, 2000 und 2010.[1] Bei fehlenden Daten (...) war die Stadt bei der entsprechenden Zählung noch Unincorporated area (gemeindefreies Gebiet). Aufgeführt ist auch die übergeordnete Verwaltungseinheit (Bundesstaat), zu der die Stadt gehört. Die Hauptstadt Washington bildet den District of Columbia und gehört keinem Bundesstaat an. Die Einwohnerzahlen beziehen sich auf die jeweilige Gemeinde in ihren politischen Grenzen, ohne politisch selbständige Vororte.
Nicht enthalten sind Census-designated places (CDPs), mit Ausnahme von Honolulu und Arlington (Virginia). Diese stellen keine selbständigen Gebietskörperschaften dar, sondern sind zu Statistikzwecken definierte Siedlungsgebiete. Einige der bevölkerungsreichsten derartigen Siedlungen finden sich im Umland von Las Vegas in Nevada. Paradise hatte 223.167 Einwohner bei der Volkszählung im Jahr 2010, Sunrise Manor 189.372 und Spring Valley 178.395 Einwohner. Ebenfalls nicht enthalten sind Gebietseinheiten mit dem Status einer Town. Diese sind je nach Staat unterschiedlich definiert und enthalten teilweise eigenständige Gebietskörperschaften. Die größte Town ist Hempstead im Bundesstaat New York mit 759.757 Einwohnern.
(VZ = Volkszählung) (FS = Fortschreibung)
Rang | Name | VZ 1980 | VZ 1990 | VZ 2000 | VZ 2010 | VZ 2020 | Verwaltungseinheit |
1. | New York City | 7.071.639 | 7.322.564 | 8.009.185 | 8.174.962 | 8.804.190 | New York |
2. | Los Angeles | 2.968.528 | 3.485.398 | 3.694.646 | 3.792.662 | 3.898.747 | Kalifornien |
3. | Chicago | 3.005.072 | 2.783.726 | 2.896.044 | 2.695.598 | 2.746.388 | Illinois |
4. | Houston | 1.595.138 | 1.630.553 | 1.973.648 | 2.109.372 | 2.304.580 | Texas |
5. | Phoenix | 789.704 | 983.403 | 1.321.894 | 1.447.624 | 1.608.139 | Arizona |
6. | Philadelphia | 1.688.210 | 1.585.577 | 1.517.550 | 1.526.006 | 1.603.797 | Pennsylvania |
7. | San Antonio | 785.940 | 935.933 | 1.159.833 | 1.327.407 | 1.434.625 | Texas |
8. | San Diego | 875.538 | 1.110.549 | 1.222.920 | 1.301.927 | 1.386.932 | Kalifornien |
9. | Dallas | 904.599 | 1.006.877 | 1.188.589 | 1.197.672 | 1.304.379 | Texas |
10. | San José | 629.400 | 782.248 | 903.937 | 952.354 | 1.013.240 | Kalifornien |
11. | Austin | 345.890 | 465.622 | 670.654 | 811.456 | 961.855 | Texas |
12. | Jacksonville | 540.920 | 635.230 | 735.606 | 821.784 | 949.611 | Florida |
13. | Fort Worth | 385.164 | 448.560 | 543.044 | 744.800 | 918.915 | Texas |
14. | Columbus | 565.021 | 632.910 | 712.863 | 787.033 | 905.748 | Ohio |
15. | Indianapolis | 700.807 | 731.327 | 781.864 | 820.445 | 887.642 | Indiana |
16. | Charlotte | 315.474 | 395.934 | 566.933 | 735.770 | 874.579 | North Carolina |
17. | San Francisco | 678.974 | 723.959 | 776.733 | 805.184 | 873.965 | Kalifornien |
18. | Seattle | 493.846 | 516.259 | 563.375 | 608.660 | 737.015 | Washington |
19. | Denver | 492.686 | 467.610 | 553.690 | 599.860 | 715.522 | Colorado |
20. | Washington, D.C. | 638.432 | 606.900 | 572.059 | 601.723 | 689.545 | District of Columbia |
21. | Nashville | 455.651 | 488.374 | 545.537 | 601.222 | 689.447 | Tennessee |
22. | Oklahoma City | 404.014 | 444.719 | 505.530 | 580.008 | 681.054 | Oklahoma |
23. | El Paso | 425.259 | 515.342 | 563.900 | 648.079 | 678.815 | Texas |
24. | Boston | 582.994 | 574.283 | 589.141 | 617.680 | 675.647 | Massachusetts |
25. | Portland | 368.148 | 437.319 | 529.110 | 583.776 | 652.503 | Oregon |
26. | Las Vegas | 164.674 | 258.295 | 480.274 | 584.313 | 641.903 | Nevada |
27. | Detroit | 1.203.368 | 1.027.974 | 951.270 | 713.956 | 639.111 | Michigan |
28. | Memphis | 646.174 | 610.337 | 689.571 | 651.858 | 633.104 | Tennessee |
29. | Louisville | 298.694 | 269.063 | 551.287 | 597.337 | 633.045 | Kentucky |
30. | Baltimore | 786.741 | 736.014 | 651.154 | 620.777 | 585.708 | Maryland |
31. | Milwaukee | 636.297 | 628.088 | 596.988 | 594.738 | 577.222 | Wisconsin |
32. | Albuquerque | 332.920 | 384.736 | 449.380 | 546.121 | 564.559 | New Mexico |
33. | Tucson | 330.537 | 417.724 | 484.997 | 526.510 | 542.629 | Arizona |
34. | Fresno | 217.491 | 354.202 | 429.585 | 497.059 | 542.107 | Kalifornien |
35. | Sacramento | 275.741 | 369.365 | 407.018 | 466.488 | 524.943 | Kalifornien |
36. | Kansas City | 448.028 | 435.146 | 441.543 | 459.871 | 508.090 | Missouri |
37. | Mesa | 152.404 | 288.091 | 398.136 | 439.041 | 504.258 | Arizona |
38. | Atlanta | 425.022 | 393.962 | 418.371 | 427.042 | 498.715 | Georgia |
39. | Omaha | 313.939 | 335.795 | 391.158 | 408.958 | 486.051 | Nebraska |
40. | Colorado Springs | 215.105 | 281.140 | 361.125 | 417.450 | 478.961 | Colorado |
41. | Raleigh | 150.255 | 207.951 | 285.587 | 404.118 | 467.665 | North Carolina |
42. | Long Beach | 361.498 | 429.433 | 461.548 | 462.236 | 466.742 | Kalifornien |
43. | Virginia Beach | 262.199 | 393.069 | 425.257 | 437.994 | 459.470 | Virginia |
44. | Miami | 346.681 | 358.548 | 362.580 | 399.508 | 442.241 | Florida |
45. | Oakland | 339.337 | 372.242 | 399.484 | 390.907 | 440.646 | Kalifornien |
46. | Minneapolis | 370.951 | 368.383 | 382.747 | 382.578 | 429.954 | Minnesota |
47. | Tulsa | 360.919 | 367.302 | 393.115 | 391.906 | 413.066 | Oklahoma |
48. | Bakersfield | 105.611 | 174.820 | 243.661 | 347.483 | 403.455 | Kalifornien |
49. | Wichita | 279.838 | 304.011 | 351.930 | 382.368 | 397.532 | Kansas |
50. | Arlington | 160.113 | 261.721 | 333.201 | 365.438 | 394.266 | Texas |
51. | Aurora | 158.588 | 221.713 | 275.687 | 324.976 | 386.261 | Colorado |
52. | Tampa | 271.577 | 280.015 | 303.471 | 335.709 | 384.959 | Florida |
53. | New Orleans | 557.927 | 496.938 | 484.674 | 343.829 | 383.997 | Louisiana |
54. | Cleveland | 573.822 | 505.616 | 477.472 | 396.815 | 372.624 | Ohio |
55. | Honolulu1 | 365.048 | 365.272 | 371.657 | 337.721 | 350.964 | Hawaii |
56. | Anaheim | 219.494 | 266.406 | 328.759 | 336.265 | 346.824 | Kalifornien |
57. | Lexington | 204.165 | 225.366 | 260.512 | 295.875 | 322.570 | Kentucky |
58. | Stockton | 148.283 | 210.943 | 243.217 | 292.348 | 320.804 | Kalifornien |
59. | Corpus Christi | 232.134 | 257.453 | 277.494 | 305.215 | 317.863 | Texas |
60. | Henderson | 24.363 | 64.942 | 175.274 | 257.729 | 317.610 | Nevada |
61. | Riverside | 170.591 | 226.505 | 255.763 | 303.871 | 314.998 | Kalifornien |
62. | Newark | 329.248 | 275.221 | 272.530 | 276.941 | 311.549 | New Jersey |
64. | Saint Paul | 270.230 | 272.235 | 286.788 | 285.103 | 311.527 | Minnesota |
65. | Santa Ana | 204.023 | 293.742 | 337.977 | 324.778 | 310.227 | Kalifornien |
66. | Cincinnati | 385.409 | 364.040 | 331.285 | 297.098 | 309.317 | Ohio |
67. | Irvine | 62.134 | 110.330 | 144.145 | 211.906 | 307.670 | Kalifornien |
68. | Orlando | 128.291 | 164.693 | 192.522 | 238.836 | 307.573 | Florida |
69. | Pittsburgh | 423.959 | 369.879 | 334.563 | 305.704 | 302.971 | Pennsylvania |
70. | St. Louis | 452.801 | 396.685 | 348.189 | 319.294 | 301.578 | Missouri |
71. | Greensboro | 155.642 | 183.521 | 228.402 | 269.666 | 299.035 | North Carolina |
72. | Jersey City | 223.532 | 228.537 | 240.055 | 247.597 | 292.449 | New Jersey |
73. | Anchorage | 174.431 | 226.338 | 260.283 | 292.252 | 291.247 | Alaska |
74. | Lincoln | 171.932 | 191.972 | 226.396 | 258.379 | 291.082 | Nebraska |
75. | Plano | 72.331 | 128.713 | 222.383 | 259.860 | 285.494 | Texas |
76. | Durham | 101.149 | 148.505 | 191.706 | 230.740 | 283.506 | North Carolina |
77. | Buffalo | 357.870 | 328.123 | 292.648 | 261.310 | 278.349 | New York |
78. | Chandler | 29.673 | 90.533 | 177.103 | 236.123 | 275.987 | Arizona |
79. | Chula Vista | 83.927 | 135.163 | 173.553 | 243.916 | 275.487 | Kalifornien |
80. | Toledo | 354.635 | 332.943 | 313.782 | 287.206 | 270.871 | Ohio |
81. | Madison | 170.616 | 191.262 | 209.431 | 233.209 | 269.840 | Wisconsin |
82. | Reno | 100.756 | 133.850 | 183.274 | 225.221 | 264.165 | Nevada |
83. | Fort Wayne | 172.391 | 173.072 | 251.658 | 253.691 | 263.886 | Indiana |
84. | North Las Vegas | 42.739 | 47.707 | 115.531 | 216.961 | 262.527 | Nevada |
85. | Saint Petersburg | 238.647 | 238.629 | 248.351 | 245.173 | 258.308 | Florida |
86. | Lubbock | 174.361 | 186.206 | 199.716 | 229.573 | 257.141 | Texas |
87. | Irving | 109.943 | 155.037 | 191.615 | 216.290 | 256.684 | Texas |
88. | Laredo | 91.449 | 122.899 | 177.599 | 235.781 | 255.205 | Texas |
89. | Winston-Salem | 131.885 | 143.485 | 201.358 | 229.624 | 249.545 | North Carolina |
90. | Chesapeake | 114.486 | 151.976 | 199.184 | 222.209 | 249.422 | Virginia |
91. | Glendale | 97.172 | 148.134 | 219.729 | 226.721 | 248.325 | Arizona |
92. | Scottsdale | 88.622 | 130.069 | 202.629 | 217.385 | 241.361 | Arizona |
93. | Garland | 138.857 | 180.650 | 215.794 | 226.876 | 239.928 | Texas |
94. | Arlington2 | 152.599 | 170.936 | 189.444 | 207.627 | 238.643 | Virginia |
95. | Norfolk | 266.979 | 261.229 | 234.403 | 242.803 | 238.005 | Virginia |
96. | Boise | 102.249 | 125.738 | 195.007 | 209.382 | 235.684 | Idaho |
97. | Fremont | 131.945 | 173.339 | 203.418 | 214.089 | 230.504 | Kalifornien |
98. | Spokane | 171.300 | 178.096 | 196.588 | 209.459 | 228.989 | Washington |
99. | Santa Clarita | ... | 122.690 | 163.281 | 208.778 | 228.673 | Kalifornien |
100. | Baton Rouge | 220.394 | 219.531 | 228.699 | 229.493 | 227.470 | Louisiana |
101. | Richmond | 219.214 | 203.056 | 197.962 | 204.214 | 226.610 | Virginia |
102. | Hialeah | 145.254 | 188.004 | 226.440 | 224.669 | 223.109 | Florida |
103. | San Bernardino | 118.494 | 164.164 | 188.449 | 210.309 | 222.101 | Kalifornien |
104. | Tacoma | 158.501 | 176.664 | 193.571 | 198.397 | 219.346 | Washington |
105. | Modesto | 106.963 | 164.730 | 188.963 | 201.165 | 218.464 | Kalifornien |
106. | Huntsville | 142.513 | 159.789 | 159.929 | 180.105 | 215.006 | Alabama |
107. | Des Moines | 191.003 | 193.187 | 199.033 | 204.216 | 214.133 | Iowa |
108. | Yonkers | 195.351 | 188.082 | 196.025 | 196.129 | 211.569 | New York |
109. | Rochester | 241.741 | 231.636 | 219.774 | 210.565 | 211.328 | New York |
110. | Moreno Valley | ... | 118.779 | 142.381 | 193.365 | 208.634 | Kalifornien |
111. | Fayetteville | 59.507 | 75.695 | 121.015 | 200.564 | 208.501 | North Carolina |
112. | Fontana | 36.804 | 87.535 | 141.844 | 196.069 | 208.393 | Kalifornien |
113. | Columbus | 169.441 | 178.681 | 186.291 | 190.570 | 206.922 | Georgia |
114. | Worcester | 161.799 | 169.759 | 172.648 | 180.892 | 206.518 | Massachusetts |
115. | Port St. Lucie | 14.690 | 55.866 | 88.883 | 164.200 | 204.851 | Florida |
116. | Little Rock | 159.151 | 175.795 | 183.194 | 193.524 | 202.591 | Arkansas |
117. | Augusta | 47.532 | 44.639 | 195.182 | 195.844 | 202.081 | Georgia |
118. | Oxnard | 108.195 | 142.216 | 170.644 | 198.066 | 202.063 | Kalifornien |
119. | Birmingham | 284.413 | 265.347 | 242.452 | 212.013 | 200.733 | Alabama |
120. | Montgomery | 177.857 | 187.106 | 201.726 | 205.764 | 200.603 | Alabama |
121. | Frisco | 3.499 | 6.138 | 33.714 | 117.159 | 200.509 | Texas |
122. | Amarillo | 149.230 | 157.615 | 173.633 | 190.695 | 200.393 | Texas |
123. | Salt Lake City | 163.034 | 159.936 | 181.743 | 186.440 | 199.723 | Utah |
124. | Grand Rapids | 181.843 | 189.126 | 197.800 | 187.999 | 198.917 | Michigan |
125. | Huntington Beach | 170.505 | 181.519 | 189.627 | 190.987 | 198.711 | Kalifornien |
126. | Overland Park | 81.784 | 111.790 | 149.464 | 173.372 | 197.238 | Kansas |
127. | Glendale | 139.060 | 180.038 | 194.973 | 191.719 | 196.543 | Kalifornien |
128. | Tallahassee | 81.548 | 124.773 | 152.285 | 181.376 | 196.169 | Florida |
129. | Grand Prairie | 71.462 | 99.616 | 127.195 | 175.396 | 196.100 | Texas |
130. | McKinney | 16.256 | 21.283 | 54.417 | 131.117 | 195.308 | Texas |
131. | Cape Coral | 32.103 | 74.991 | 102.468 | 154.305 | 194.016 | Florida |
132. | Sioux Falls | 81.343 | 100.814 | 124.636 | 153.976 | 192.517 | South Dakota |
133. | Peoria | 12.171 | 50.618 | 108.922 | 154.069 | 190.985 | Arizona |
134. | Providence | 156.804 | 160.728 | 173.621 | 178.042 | 190.934 | Rhode Island |
135. | Vancouver | 42.834 | 46.380 | 143.560 | 161.791 | 190.915 | Washington |
136. | Knoxville | 175.045 | 165.121 | 175.374 | 178.874 | 190.740 | Tennessee |
137. | Akron | 237.177 | 223.019 | 217.094 | 199.110 | 190.469 | Ohio |
138. | Shreveport | 206.989 | 198.972 | 200.028 | 200.941 | 187.593 | Louisiana |
139. | Mobile | 200.452 | 198.106 | 203.627 | 194.665 | 187.041 | Alabama |
140. | Brownsville | 84.997 | 98.962 | 139.722 | 175.023 | 186.738 | Texas |
141. | Newport News | 144.903 | 170.045 | 180.697 | 180.719 | 186.247 | Virginia |
142. | Fort Lauderdale | 153.279 | 149.377 | 170.693 | 165.998 | 182.760 | Florida |
143. | Chattanooga | 169.514 | 152.926 | 159.925 | 170.319 | 181.099 | Tennessee |
144. | Tempe | 106.919 | 141.865 | 158.625 | 161.719 | 180.587 | Arizona |
145. | Aurora | 81.293 | 99.581 | 143.319 | 197.899 | 180.542 | Illinois |
146. | Santa Rosa | 82.658 | 126.642 | 155.634 | 175.015 | 178.127 | Kalifornien |
147. | Eugene | 105.664 | 112.669 | 138.773 | 156.406 | 176.654 | Oregon |
148. | Elk Grove | ... | 33.333 | 81.082 | 152.988 | 176.124 | Kalifornien |
149. | Salem | 89.091 | 107.786 | 137.067 | 154.637 | 175.535 | Oregon |
150. | Ontario | 88.820 | 133.179 | 158.011 | 163.931 | 175.265 | Kalifornien |
151. | Cary | 21.763 | 43.848 | 94.536 | 135.234 | 174.721 | North Carolina |
152. | Rancho Cucamonga | 55.250 | 101.409 | 127.743 | 165.373 | 174.453 | Kalifornien |
153. | Oceanside | 76.698 | 128.398 | 161.041 | 167.086 | 174.068 | Kalifornien |
154. | Lancaster | 48.027 | 97.291 | 118.718 | 156.653 | 173.516 | Kalifornien |
155. | Garden Grove | 123.307 | 143.050 | 165.215 | 170.960 | 171.949 | Kalifornien |
156. | Pembroke Pines | 35.776 | 65.452 | 137.415 | 154.750 | 171.178 | Florida |
157. | Fort Collins | 65.092 | 87.758 | 119.050 | 144.344 | 169.810 | Colorado |
158. | Palmdale | 12.277 | 68.842 | 116.848 | 152.731 | 169.450 | Kalifornien |
159. | Springfield | 133.116 | 140.494 | 152.080 | 159.333 | 169.176 | Missouri |
160. | Clarksville | 54.777 | 75.494 | 103.535 | 132.881 | 166.722 | Tennessee |
161. | Salinas | 80.479 | 108.777 | 151.421 | 150.560 | 163.542 | Kalifornien |
162. | Hayward | 93.585 | 114.498 | 140.031 | 144.186 | 162.954 | Kalifornien |
163. | Paterson | 137.970 | 140.891 | 149.222 | 146.199 | 159.732 | New Jersey |
164. | Alexandria | 103.217 | 111.183 | 128.292 | 139.966 | 159.467 | Virginia |
165. | Macon | ... | 149.882 | 153.766 | 155.844 | 157.346 | Georgia |
166. | Corona | 37.791 | 76.095 | 127.768 | 152.283 | 157.136 | Kalifornien |
167. | Kansas City | 161.148 | 149.767 | 146.866 | 145.786 | 156.607 | Kansas |
168. | Lakewood | 113.808 | 126.481 | 144.366 | 142.980 | 155.984 | Colorado |
169. | Springfield | 152.319 | 156.983 | 152.135 | 153.060 | 155.929 | Massachusetts |
170. | Sunnyvale | 106.618 | 117.229 | 131.844 | 140.081 | 155.805 | Kalifornien |
171. | Jackson | 202.895 | 196.637 | 184.256 | 173.556 | 153.701 | Mississippi |
172. | Killeen | 46.296 | 71.838 | 90.162 | 127.733 | 153.095 | Texas |
173. | Hollywood | 121.323 | 121.697 | 139.443 | 140.694 | 153.067 | Florida |
174. | Murfreesboro | 32.845 | 48.303 | 73.533 | 109.100 | 152.769 | Tennessee |
175. | Pasadena | 112.560 | 119.363 | 141.674 | 149.043 | 151.950 | Texas |
176. | Bellevue | 73.903 | 86.872 | 109.569 | 127.887 | 151.854 | Washington |
177. | Pomona | 92.742 | 131.723 | 147.906 | 149.058 | 151.713 | Kalifornien |
178. | Escondido | 64.355 | 108.635 | 133.874 | 143.911 | 151.038 | Kalifornien |
179. | Joliet | 77.956 | 77.217 | 106.221 | 147.433 | 150.362 | Illinois |
180. | Charleston | 69.779 | 80.414 | 97.520 | 120.415 | 150.227 | South Carolina |
181. | Mesquite | 67.053 | 101.484 | 124.596 | 139.824 | 150.108 | Texas |
182. | Naperville | 42.601 | 85.351 | 128.586 | 141.853 | 149.540 | Illinois |
183. | Rockford | 139.712 | 139.426 | 151.365 | 153.311 | 148.655 | Illinois |
184. | Bridgeport | 142.546 | 141.686 | 139.529 | 144.247 | 148.654 | Connecticut |
185. | Syracuse | 170.105 | 163.860 | 146.464 | 145.047 | 148.620 | New York |
186. | Savannah | 141.654 | 137.560 | 133.429 | 136.919 | 147.780 | Georgia |
187. | Roseville | 24.347 | 44.710 | 79.857 | 119.277 | 147.773 | Kalifornien |
188. | Torrance | 129.881 | 133.107 | 137.944 | 145.438 | 147.067 | Kalifornien |
189. | Fullerton | 102.246 | 114.144 | 126.280 | 135.161 | 143.617 | Kalifornien |
190. | Surprise | 3.723 | 7.881 | 31.038 | 117.436 | 143.148 | Arizona |
191. | McAllen | 66.281 | 84.021 | 106.468 | 129.877 | 142.210 | Texas |
192. | Thornton | 42.054 | 55.031 | 82.109 | 118.772 | 141.867 | Colorado |
193. | Visalia | 49.729 | 75.636 | 95.274 | 124.442 | 141.384 | Kalifornien |
194. | Olathe | 37.258 | 63.352 | 93.091 | 125.872 | 141.290 | Kansas |
195. | Gainesville | 81.371 | 85.075 | 95.447 | 124.492 | 141.085 | Florida |
196. | West Valley City | 72.509 | 86.976 | 108.896 | 129.480 | 140.230 | Utah |
197. | Orange | 91.450 | 110.658 | 129.586 | 136.416 | 139.911 | Kalifornien |
198. | Denton | 48.063 | 66.572 | 83.442 | 116.329 | 139.869 | Texas |
199. | Warren | 161.134 | 144.864 | 138.247 | 134.072 | 139.387 | Michigan |
200. | Pasadena | 118.072 | 131.591 | 134.026 | 137.085 | 138.699 | Kalifornien |
201. | Waco | 101.261 | 103.590 | 114.423 | 124.787 | 138.486 | Texas |
202. | Cedar Rapids | 110.243 | 108.751 | 121.524 | 126.609 | 137.710 | Iowa |
203. | Dayton | 193.536 | 182.044 | 166.210 | 141.930 | 137.644 | Ohio |
204. | Elizabeth | 106.201 | 110.002 | 120.568 | 124.974 | 137.298 | New Jersey |
205. | Hampton | 122.617 | 133.793 | 146.437 | 137.463 | 137.148 | Virginia |
206. | Columbia | 101.229 | 122.190 | 123.792 | 130.550 | 136.632 | South Carolina |
207. | Kent | ... | 79.668 | 103.476 | 118.620 | 136.588 | Washington |
208. | Stamford | 102.466 | 108.056 | 117.083 | 122.633 | 135.470 | Connecticut |
209. | Victorville | 14.220 | 50.379 | 64.090 | 115.895 | 134.810 | Kalifornien |
210. | Miramar | 32.813 | 41.596 | 72.757 | 121.958 | 134.721 | Florida |
211. | Coral Springs | 37.349 | 79.259 | 118.002 | 122.591 | 134.394 | Florida |
212. | Sterling Heights | 108.999 | 117.810 | 124.471 | 129.675 | 134.346 | Michigan |
213. | New Haven | 126.089 | 130.474 | 123.777 | 129.864 | 134.023 | Connecticut |
214. | Carrollton | 40.595 | 82.169 | 109.579 | 119.213 | 133.434 | Texas |
215. | Midland | 70.525 | 89.392 | 95.780 | 111.192 | 132.524 | Texas |
216. | Norman | 68.020 | 80.071 | 96.815 | 110.876 | 128.026 | Oklahoma |
217. | Santa Clara | 87.700 | 93.613 | 102.361 | 116.328 | 127.647 | Kalifornien |
218. | Athens | 42.549 | 45.734 | 100.667 | 115.370 | 127.315 | Georgia |
219. | Thousand Oaks | 77.072 | 104.352 | 117.005 | 126.490 | 126.966 | Kalifornien |
220. | Topeka | 118.690 | 119.883 | 123.078 | 127.473 | 126.587 | Kansas |
221. | Simi Valley | 77.500 | 100.217 | 111.374 | 124.247 | 126.356 | Kalifornien |
222. | Columbia | 62.061 | 73.692 | 88.963 | 109.041 | 126.254 | Missouri |
223. | Vallejo | 80.303 | 109.199 | 116.760 | 115.908 | 126.090 | Kalifornien |
224. | Fargo | 61.383 | 74.084 | 90.599 | 105.612 | 125.990 | North Dakota |
225. | Allentown | 103.758 | 105.090 | 106.635 | 118.018 | 125.845 | Pennsylvania |
226. | Pearland | ... | 27.387 | 47.422 | 93.159 | 125.828 | Texas |
227. | Concord | 103.763 | 111.230 | 122.001 | 122.162 | 125.410 | Kalifornien |
228. | Abilene | 98.315 | 106.785 | 116.028 | 117.509 | 125.182 | Texas |
229. | Arvada | 84.576 | 89.235 | 102.401 | 106.759 | 124.402 | Colorado |
230. | Berkeley | 103.328 | 102.743 | 102.743 | 112.443 | 124.321 | Kalifornien |
231. | Ann Arbor | 107.969 | 110.324 | 114.638 | 114.008 | 123.851 | Michigan |
232. | Independence | 111.797 | 112.301 | 113.271 | 116.823 | 123.011 | Missouri |
233. | Rochester | 57.890 | 70.745 | 85.806 | 106.825 | 121.395 | Minnesota |
234. | Lafayette | 81.961 | 107.022 | 113.962 | 121.724 | 121.374 | Louisiana |
235. | Hartford | 136.392 | 137.382 | 124.175 | 124.756 | 121.054 | Connecticut |
236. | College Station | 37.272 | 53.013 | 68.644 | 94.250 | 120.511 | Texas |
237. | Clovis | 33.021 | 50.323 | 69.629 | 95.987 | 120.124 | Kalifornien |
238. | Fairfield | 58.099 | 77.211 | 96.188 | 105.321 | 119.881 | Kalifornien |
239. | Palm Bay | 18.560 | 62.632 | 79.426 | 104.006 | 119.760 | Florida |
240. | Richardson | 72.496 | 74.966 | 91.132 | 99.251 | 119.469 | Texas |
241. | Round Rock | 12.740 | 31.745 | 61.334 | 100.019 | 119.468 | Texas |
242. | Cambridge | 95.322 | 95.802 | 101.355 | 105.155 | 118.403 | Massachusetts |
243. | Meridian | ... | 13.384 | 39.458 | 76.983 | 117.635 | Idaho |
244. | West Palm Beach | 62.305 | 67.643 | 82.241 | 100.670 | 117.415 | Florida |
245. | Evansville | 130.496 | 126.272 | 121.648 | 120.069 | 117.298 | Indiana |
246. | Clearwater | 85.170 | 99.380 | 109.221 | 109.091 | 117.292 | Florida |
247. | Billings | 66.818 | 81.151 | 91.743 | 104.294 | 117.116 | Montana |
248. | West Jordan | 27.327 | 42.892 | 68.336 | 103.605 | 116.961 | Utah |
249. | Richmond | 74.676 | 87.425 | 99.216 | 103.337 | 116.448 | Kalifornien |
250. | Westminster | 50.211 | 74.625 | 100.940 | 106.114 | 116.317 | Colorado |
251. | Manchester | 90.936 | 99.567 | 107.023 | 109.542 | 115.644 | New Hampshire |
252. | Lowell | 92.418 | 103.439 | 105.167 | 106.519 | 115.554 | Massachusetts |
253. | Wilmington | 44.000 | 55.530 | 75.838 | 106.476 | 115.451 | North Carolina |
254. | Antioch | 43.559 | 62.195 | 90.532 | 102.372 | 115.291 | Kalifornien |
255. | Beaumont | 118.102 | 114.323 | 113.713 | 117.243 | 115.282 | Texas |
256. | Provo | 74.111 | 86.835 | 105.511 | 112.485 | 115.162 | Utah |
257. | North Charleston | 62.479 | 86.483 | 85.806 | 97.591 | 114.852 | South Carolina |
258. | Elgin | 63.668 | 77.010 | 94.638 | 108.149 | 114.797 | Illinois |
259. | Carlsbad | 35.490 | 63.126 | 78.247 | 105.349 | 114.746 | Kalifornien |
260. | Odessa | 90.027 | 89.699 | 90.726 | 99.880 | 114.428 | Texas |
261. | Waterbury | 103.266 | 108.961 | 107.195 | 110.331 | 114.403 | Connecticut |
262. | Springfield | 100.054 | 107.460 | 112.514 | 116.995 | 114.394 | Illinois |
263. | League City | 16.578 | 30.159 | 45.327 | 83.589 | 114.392 | Texas |
264. | Downey | 82.602 | 91.444 | 107.323 | 111.772 | 114.355 | Kalifornien |
265. | Gresham | 33.005 | 68.235 | 90.205 | 105.607 | 114.247 | Oregon |
266. | High Point | 63.380 | 69.428 | 86.211 | 104.371 | 114.059 | North Carolina |
267. | Broken Arrow | ... | 62.503 | 80.957 | 98.674 | 113.540 | Oklahoma |
268. | Peoria | 124.160 | 113.642 | 112.964 | 115.141 | 113.150 | Illinois |
269. | Lansing | 130.414 | 127.321 | 119.373 | 114.297 | 112.644 | Michigan |
270. | Lakeland | 47.406 | 70.576 | 84.691 | 97.433 | 112.641 | Florida |
271. | Pompano Beach | ... | 92.078 | 100.277 | 99.752 | 112.046 | Florida |
272. | Costa Mesa | 82.562 | 96.357 | 109.371 | 110.082 | 111.918 | Kalifornien |
273. | Pueblo | 101.686 | 98.640 | 102.136 | 106.595 | 111.876 | Colorado |
274. | Lewisville | 24.273 | 46.521 | 77.647 | 95.474 | 111.822 | Texas |
275. | Miami Gardens | ... | 97.185 | 100.421 | 107.173 | 111.640 | Florida |
276. | Las Cruces | 45.086 | 62.126 | 74.942 | 97.700 | 111.385 | New Mexico |
277. | Sugar Land | ... | 44.892 | 85.969 | 107.700 | 111.026 | Texas |
278. | Murrieta | ... | 22.524 | 51.256 | 103.726 | 110.949 | Kalifornien |
279. | Ventura | 73.774 | 92.575 | 100.982 | 107.235 | 110.763 | Kalifornien |
280. | Everett | 54.413 | 75.801 | 95.617 | 102.864 | 110.629 | Washington |
281. | Temecula | ... | 27.138 | 67.539 | 99.970 | 110.003 | Kalifornien |
282. | Dearborn | 90.660 | 89.171 | 97.758 | 98.146 | 109.976 | Michigan |
283. | Santa Maria | 39.685 | 61.284 | 76.822 | 99.597 | 109.707 | Kalifornien |
284. | West Covina | 80.292 | 96.015 | 103.384 | 106.109 | 109.501 | Kalifornien |
285. | El Monte | 79.494 | 106.209 | 115.965 | 113.580 | 109.450 | Kalifornien |
286. | Greeley | 53.006 | 60.536 | 78.068 | 92.953 | 108.795 | Colorado |
287. | Sparks | 40.780 | 53.797 | 66.426 | 91.112 | 108.445 | Nevada |
288. | Centennial | ... | 81.484 | 102.586 | 100.391 | 108.418 | Colorado |
289. | Boulder | 76.685 | 85.975 | 94.213 | 97.613 | 108.250 | Colorado |
290. | Sandy Springs | ... | 67.842 | 85.821 | 93.828 | 108.080 | Georgia |
291. | Inglewood | 94.162 | 109.602 | 112.276 | 109.605 | 107.762 | Kalifornien |
292. | South Fulton | ... | ... | ... | ... | 107.436 | Georgia |
293. | Green Bay | 87.899 | 96.466 | 102.787 | 104.057 | 107.395 | Wisconsin |
294. | Burbank | 84.625 | 93.649 | 100.316 | 103.340 | 107.337 | Kalifornien |
295. | Renton | ... | 61.479 | 72.752 | 91.929 | 106.785 | Washington |
296. | Hillsboro | 27.664 | 37.520 | 70.259 | 92.002 | 106.447 | Oregon |
297. | El Cajon | 73.892 | 88.693 | 94.907 | 99.476 | 106.215 | Kalifornien |
298. | Tyler | 70.508 | 75.450 | 84.723 | 96.761 | 105.995 | Texas |
299. | Davie | ... | 60.680 | 81.962 | 91.950 | 105.691 | Florida |
300. | San Mateo | 77.640 | 85.486 | 92.634 | 97.130 | 105.661 | Kalifornien |
301. | Brockton | 95.172 | 92.783 | 94.349 | 93.767 | 105.643 | Massachusetts |
302. | Concord | ... | 37.742 | 56.392 | 79.342 | 105.240 | North Carolina |
303. | Jurupa Valley | ... | 68.341 | 80.728 | 94.983 | 105.053 | Kalifornien |
304. | Daly City | 78.519 | 92.311 | 103.627 | 101.123 | 104.901 | Kalifornien |
305. | Allen | ... | 19.433 | 43.576 | 84.273 | 104.627 | Texas |
306. | Rio Rancho | ... | 32.542 | 51.733 | 87.389 | 104.046 | New Mexico |
307. | Rialto | 37.862 | 72.388 | 92.035 | 99.301 | 104.026 | Kalifornien |
308. | South Bend | 109.727 | 105.511 | 108.148 | 101.239 | 103.453 | Indiana |
309. | Spokane Valley | ... | 68.119 | 76.730 | 89.746 | 102.976 | Washington |
310. | Norwalk | 84.901 | 94.279 | 104.323 | 105.549 | 102.773 | Kalifornien |
311. | Menifee | ... | 29.026 | 41.756 | 77.384 | 102.527 | Kalifornien |
312. | Vacaville | ... | 71.507 | 88.717 | 92.422 | 102.386 | Kalifornien |
313. | Wichita Falls | 94.201 | 96.807 | 104.174 | 104.682 | 102.316 | Texas |
314. | Davenport | 103.264 | 95.333 | 98.298 | 99.697 | 101.724 | Iowa |
315. | Quincy | 84.743 | 85.005 | 88.025 | 92.260 | 101.636 | Massachusetts |
316. | Chico | ... | 66.742 | 78.729 | 89.013 | 101.475 | Kalifornien |
317. | Lynn | 78.471 | 81.414 | 89.029 | 90.319 | 101.253 | Massachusetts |
318. | Lee’s Summit | 28.741 | 46.423 | 70.749 | 91.369 | 101.108 | Missouri |
319. | New Bedford | 98.478 | 98.475 | 93.847 | 95.063 | 101.079 | Massachusetts |
320. | Federal Way | ... | 67.739 | 85.431 | 89.259 | 101.030 | Washington |
321. | Edinburg | ... | 38.237 | 53.104 | 82.058 | 100.243 | Texas |
322. | Nampa | ... | 33.512 | 54.993 | 81.892 | 100.200 | Idaho |
323. | Roanoke | 100.220 | 96.487 | 95.006 | 96.910 | 100.011 | Virginia |
- 1: Hawaii kennt keine kommunalen Gebietskörperschaften unterhalb der Countys. Die Einwohnerzahl bezieht sich auf den vom United States Census Bureau festgelegten, urbanen Census-designated place innerhalb des Honolulu County. City and County of Honolulu käme mit 953.207 Einwohnern auf Platz 10.
- 2: Arlington ist formell ein County, wird aber vom United States Census Bureau aufgrund der mit einer Stadt vergleichbaren Eigenschaften – geringe Fläche, hohe Bevölkerungsdichte, keine selbständigen Gebietskörperschaften innerhalb des Countys – auch als Stadt geführt.
- 1. New York
- 2. Los Angeles
- 3. Chicago
- 4. Houston
- 5. Philadelphia
- 6. Phoenix
- 7. San Antonio
- 8. San Diego
- 9. Dallas
- 10. San José
- 11. Indianapolis
- 12. Jacksonville
- 13. San Francisco
- 14. Austin
- 15. Columbus
- 16. Fort Worth
- 17. Charlotte
- 18. Detroit
- 19. El Paso
- 20. Memphis
Quelle: United States Census Bureau
Häufigste Stadtnamen
Häufigste Stadtnamen mit Zahl der Häufigkeit, sortiert nach US-Bundesstaaten (Zahlen nach US-Volkszählung 2000)
- Franklin: 26
- Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin
- Clinton: 23
- Arkansas, Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York (Clinton County), New York (Dutchess County), New York (Oneida County), North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Wisconsin
- Madison: 20
- Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin
- Clayton: 19
- Alabama, Kalifornien, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Wisconsin
- Cleveland: 18
- Marion: 18
- Washington: 18
- Arkansas, District of Columbia, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Utah, Vermont, Virginia
- Fairview: 17
- Lexington: 17
- Alabama, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia
- Salem: 17
- Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oregon, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia
- Springfield: 17
- Jackson: 16
- Alabama, Kalifornien, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, Wisconsin, Wyoming
- Manchester: 16
- Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Vermont
- Milford: 16
- Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah
- Oxford: 16
- Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, Nebraska, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin
Siehe auch
- US Census Bureau: Abgerufen am 13. August 2021 (amerikanisches Englisch).