Liste der in Kanada anerkannten Indianerstämme
Die Liste der in Kanada anerkannten Indianerstämme beinhaltet alle vom zuständigen Ministerium anerkannten und in einer Datenbank aufgeführten First Nations in Kanada. Die Liste wurde entsprechend der Datenbank des besagten Ministeriums, das seit 2015 Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada heißt, erstellt.[1] Sie wird durch die stammeseigenen Websites bzw. deren Adressen ergänzt. Bei Stämmen, die keine eigene Website eingerichtet haben, sind ersatzweise Links zu weiterführenden Informationen eingefügt. So sollen nach und nach Artikel zu den Stämmen entstehen, die als Wikipedia-Links eingefügt werden. Dazu führt die Tabelle die Provinz auf, in der der jeweilige Stamm lebt und die Zahl der vom Ministerium anerkannten Stammesmitglieder (Stand: Dezember 2011 und November 2016). Wenn nicht anders vermerkt, stammen diese Angaben vom genannten Ministerium, ansonsten für die Angaben zum Jahr 2011 vom Aboriginal Canada Portal (ACP, seit 2013 nicht mehr am Netz), dessen Zahlen jedoch einige Jahre vor 2011 liegen. Zur sicheren Unterscheidung der Stämme mit der rechtsgültigen Bezeichnung „tribe“ oder „nation“, inzwischen selten „band“, wurde seinerzeit ein Nummernsystem eingeführt, offizielle Nummern („offiz. Nr.“), die hier gleichfalls angegeben sind. Unter Anmerkung findet man Angaben zu übergreifenden ethnischen oder sprachlichen Einheiten und die Stammesnamen, die seit 2011 geändert wurden („früher:“). Den rechtlichen Hintergrund liefert das als Indian Act oder Loi sur les Indiens bezeichnete „Indianergesetz“.
offiz. Nr. | offiz. Bezeichnung |
Provinz | registrierte Angehörige 2011 |
registrierte Angehörige 2016 |
Homepage | Anmerkung |
604 | ?Akisq'nuk First Nation | British Columbia | 263 | 273 | Akisqnuk First Nation | Kutenai |
602 | ?aqam | British Columbia | 364 | 391 | — | Kutenai, früher: St. Mary’s |
709 | ?Esdilagh First Nation | British Columbia | 174ACP | 203 | Esdilagh First Nation (Alexandria Indian Band) | Athabasken, Tsilhqot'in, früher: Alexandria |
172 | Aamjiwnaang | Ontario | 1864ACP | 2389 | Aamjiwnaang First Nation | Anishinabe |
1 | Abegweit | Prince Edward Island | 297ACP | 374 | Abegweit First Nation | Mi'kmaq |
18 | Acadia | Neuschottland | 1245 | 1523 | Acadia First Nation | Mi'kmaq, seit 1967 |
758 | Acho Dene Koe | Northwest Territories | 665 | 697 | Acho Dene Koe | Athabasken |
684 | Adams Lake | British Columbia | 742 | 796 | Adams Lake Indian Band – Sexqeltqin | Binnen-Salish, Shuswap |
659 | Ahousaht | British Columbia | 1996 | 2152 | Ahousaht First Nation | Nuu-chah-nulth |
406 | Ahtahkakoop | Saskatchewan | 3165 | 3541 | Ahtahkakoop First Nation | Cree |
490 | Aishihik | Yukon | 180 | 187 | Champagne and Aishihik First Nations | Athabasken, Tutchone, Southern |
558 | Aitchelitz | British Columbia | 41 | 42 | Aitchelitz First Nations | Halkomelem, Stó:lō |
755 | Aklavik | Northwest Territories | 409 | 443 | Aklavik | Gwich'in |
142 | Albany | Ontario | 4448 | 4973 | Fort Albany First Nation | Cree |
160 | Alderville First Nation | Ontario | 1039 | 1141 | Alderville First Nation | Anishinabe (Ojibway) |
438 | Alexander | Alberta | 1570ACP | 2168 | Alexander First Nation | Cree |
710 | Alexis Creek | British Columbia | 639 | 697 | Alexis Creek First Nation | Athabasken |
437 | Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation | Alberta | 1763 | 1992 | Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation | Sioux[2] |
74 | Algonquins of Barriere Lake | Quebec | 680 | 791 | Algonquins of Barriere Lake | Algonkin |
163 | Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation | Ontario | 2143 | 2635 | Algonquins of Pikwàkanagàn First Nation | Algonkin |
152 | Animakee Wa Zhing #37 | Ontario | 365 | 414 | Northwest Angle No.37 | Anishinabe |
194 | Animbiigoo Zaagi'igan Anishinaabek | Ontario | 419 | 490 | Lake Nipigon Ojibway First Nation/Animbiigoo Zaagi'igan Anishinaabek | Anishinabe |
153 | Anishinabe of Wauzhushk Onigum | Ontario | 697 | 762 | Wauzhushk Onigum First Nation | Anishinabe |
125 | Anishnaabeg of Naongashiing | Ontario | 391 | 428 | Anishnaabeg of Naongashiing | Anishinabe |
20 | Annapolis Valley | Neuschottland | 256 | 289 | Annapolis Valley First Nation | Mi'kmaq |
242 | Aroland | Ontario | 568ACP | 743 | Aroland First Nation | Ojibwe, Oji-Cree |
685 | Ashcroft | British Columbia | 255 | 272 | Ashcroft First Nation[3] | Salish, Nlaka'pamux |
463 | Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation | Alberta | 979 | 1220 | Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation and the Tar Sands | Chipewyan |
224 | Atikameksheng Anishnawbek (früher: Whitefish Lake) | Ontario | 1020 | 1244 | Atikameksheng Anishnawbek Community Profile | Cree |
79 | Atikamekw d'Opitciwan[4] | Quebec | 2639 | 2944 | La comunité Atikamekw Opitciwan (frz.) | Cree, s. Attikamek |
143 | Attawapiskat | Ontario | 3339 | 3587 | Attawapiskat First Nation | Cree |
180 | Aundeck-Omni-Kaning | Ontario | 666ACP | 847 | Aundeck Omni Kaning First Nation[5] | Anishinabe |
85 | Bande des Innus de Pessamit (früher: Betsiamites) | Quebec | 3776 | 3950 | La Première Nation des Innus de Pessamit, frz. | Cree, s. Innu |
308 | Barren Lands | Manitoba | 1044 | 1146 | Barren Lands First Nation[6] | Cree |
198 | Batchewana First Nation | Ontario | 2535 | 2878 | Batchewana First Nation | Anishinabe |
244 | Bay of Quinte Mohawk | Ontario | 714 | 781 | Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte | Irokesen, Mohawk |
21 | Bear River | Neuschottland | 291 | 337 | Bear River First Nation | Mi'kmaq |
369 | Beardy’s and Okemasis | Saskatchewan | 3100 | 3386 | Beardy’s and Okemasis First Nation | Cree |
248 | Bearfoot Onondaga | Ontario | 571 | 652 | — | Irokesen, Onondaga |
207 | Bearskin Lake | Ontario | 881 | 920 | Bearskin Lake First Nation | Oji-Cree |
473 | Bearspaw | Alberta | 1747 | 1959 | Stoney Nakoda First Nation | Assiniboine, bzw. Stoney[7] |
141 | Beausoleil | Ontario | 1979 | 2437 | Beausoleil First Nation | Anishinabe |
445 | Beaver First Nation | Alberta | 915 | 1081 | Beaver First Nation | Athabasken |
460 | Beaver Lake Cree Nation | Alberta | 987 | 1167 | Beaver Lake Cree Nation | Cree |
640 | Beecher Bay | British Columbia | 240 | 255 | Beecher Bay First Nation | Küsten-Salish |
771 | Behdzi Ahda" First Nation | Northwest Territories | 214 | 235 | Behdzi Ahda" First Nation | Athabasken |
266 | Berens River | Manitoba | 2962 | 3374 | Berens River First Nation | Saulteaux/Ojibway |
124 | Big Grassy | Ontario | 719 | 782 | Big Grassy First Nation | Ojibway |
399 | Big Island Lake Cree Nation | Saskatchewan | 1082 | 1200 | Big Island Lake Cree Nation[8] | Cree, auch Joseph Bighead First Nation[9] |
404 | Big River | Saskatchewan | 3181 | 3466 | Big River First Nation | Cree |
458 | Bigstone Cree Nation | Alberta | 6934 | 7908 | Bigstone Cree Nation | Cree |
192 | Biigtigong Nishnaabeg | Ontario | 1056 | 1176 | Ojibways of the Pic River First Nation | Ojibway, früher: Ojibways of the Pic River First Nation |
197 | Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishinaabek[10] | Ontario | 702 | 741 | Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishinaabek First Nation | Anishinabe |
196 | Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek | Ontario | 209 | 255 | Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek First Nation | Anishinabe |
403 | Birch Narrows First Nation | Saskatchewan | 681 | 776 | Birch Narrows First Nation[8] | Athabasken |
284 | Birdtail Sioux | Manitoba | 791 | 896 | Birdtail Sioux First Nation | Dakota |
359 | Black Lake | Saskatchewan | 2028 | 2139 | Black Lake Denesuline First Nation | Athabasken |
260 | Black River First Nation | Manitoba | 1162 | 1331 | Black River First Nation | Ojibwe, früher: Little Black River |
435 | Blood (Kainai) | Alberta | 11448 | 12285 | Kainai Nation | Blackfoot |
267 | Bloodvein | Manitoba | 1634 | 1797 | Bloodvein First Nation | Saulteaux |
547 | Blueberry River First Nations | British Columbia | 456 | 481 | Blueberry River First Nations | Athabasken |
686 | Bonaparte | British Columbia | 852 | 946 | Bonaparte Indian Band | Binnen-Salish, Shuswap |
700 | Boothroyd | British Columbia | 267 | 283 | Boothtroyd First Nation[3] | Salish, Nlaka'pamux |
701 | Boston Bar First Nation | British Columbia | 246 | 273 | Boston Bar First Nation | Salish, Nlaka'pamux |
590 | Bridge River | British Columbia | 432 | 457 | Xwísten | Binnen-Salish |
261 | Brokenhead Ojibway Nation | Manitoba | 1805 | 2036 | Brokenhead Ojibway Nation | Anishinabe |
228 | Brunswick House | Ontario | 700 | 815 | Brunswick House First Nation | Cree |
4 | Buctouche Micmac | Neubraunschweig | 93ACP | 122 | Bouctouche First Nation | Mi'kmaq |
265 | Buffalo Point First Nation | Manitoba | 117 | 129 | Buffalo Point First Nation | Anishinabe |
398 | Buffalo River Dene Nation | Saskatchewan | 1251 | 1407 | Buffalo River Dene Nation | Athabasken |
301 | Bunibonibee Cree Nation | Manitoba | 2770 | 3081 | Bunibonibee Cree First Nation | Cree (früher Oxford House First Nation) |
619 | Burns Lake | British Columbia | 110 | 129 | Ts’il Kaz Koh First Nation | Dakelh |
165 | Caldwell | Ontario | 284 | 366 | Caldwell First Nation | Anishinabe |
622 | Campbell River | British Columbia | 737 | 817 | Campbell River Indian Band | Kwakwaka'wakw |
713 | Canim Lake | British Columbia | 585 | 608 | Canim Lake Band | Binnen-Salish, Shuswap |
394 | Canoe Lake Cree First Nation | Saskatchewan | 2100 | 2400 | Canoe Lake Cree First Nation[8] | Cree |
289 | Canupawakpa Dakota First Nation | Manitoba | 657 | 680 | Canupawakpa Dakota First Nation | Dakota |
623 | Cape Mudge | British Columbia | 1000 | 1128 | We Wai Kai Nation | Kwakwaka'wakw, Eigenbez.: Kwa' Kwa' Ka' Wa'Kw First Nation |
491 | Carcross/Tagish First Nation | Yukon | 626 | 677 | Carcross Tagish First Nation | Athabasken |
378 | Carry The Kettle | Saskatchewan | 2541 | 2835 | Carry The Kettle | Assiniboin, östl. von Regina/Saskatchewan |
216 | Cat Lake | Ontario | 679 | 760 | Cat Lake First Nation | Anishinabe |
591 | Cayoose Creek | British Columbia | 194 | 199 | Cayoose Creek Indian Band | Binnen-Salish |
493 | Champagne | Yukon | 653 | 714 | — | Athabasken |
507 | Champagne and Aishihik First Nations | Yukon | 0 | 0 | Champagne & Aishihik First Nations | Athabasken (s. Champagne, bzw. Aishihik) |
221 | Chapleau Cree First Nation | Ontario | 362ACP | 474 | Chapleau Cree First Nation | Cree, |
229 | Chapleau Ojibway | Ontario | 41 | 40 | Chapleau Ojibway First Nation[11] | Ojibway |
583 | Chawathil | British Columbia | 550 | 616 | Chawathil First Nation | Halkomelem, Sto:lo |
584 | Cheam | British Columbia | 495 | 537 | Cheam First Nation | Halkomelem, Sto:lo |
309 | Chemawawin Cree Nation | Manitoba | 1140 | 1860 | Chemawawin Cree Nation | Cree |
620 | Cheslatta Carrier Nation | British Columbia | 332 | 355 | Cheslatta Carrier Nation[3] | Carrier, s. Dakelh |
433 | Chiniki | Alberta | 1710 | 1781 | Stoney Nation – Bearspaw – Chiniki – Wesley | Assiniboine, bzw. Stoney |
470 | Chipewyan Prairie First Nation | Alberta | 757 | 935 | Chipewyan Prairie First Nation | Ojibway |
138 | Chippewas of Georgina Island | Ontario | 753 | 898 | Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation | Ojibway |
171 | Chippewas of Kettle and Stony Point | Ontario | 2262 | 2480 | Chippewas of Kettle & Stony Point First Nation | Ojibway |
139 | Chippewas of Rama First Nation | Ontario | 1404ACP | 1902 | Chippewas of Rama First Nation | Ojibway |
122 | Chippewas of Nawash First Nation | Ontario | 2075ACP | 2673 | Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation | Ojibway |
166 | Chippewas of the Thames First Nation | Ontario | 2527 | 2863 | Chippewas of the Thames First Nation | Ojibway |
401 | Clearwater River Dene | Saskatchewan | 1722 | 2074 | Clearwater River Dene Nation | Athabasken |
464 | Cold Lake First Nations | Alberta | 2534 | 2896 | Cold Lake First Nations | am Cold Lake, Grenze n. Saskatchewan |
693 | Coldwater | British Columbia | 713ACP | 853 | Coldwater Indian Band | Okanagan, |
62 | Communauté anicinape de Kitcisakik | Quebec | 469 | 494 | Conseil des Anicinapek de Kitcisakik | Anishinabe |
55 | Conseil de la Première Nation Abitibiwinni | Quebec | 961 | 1059 | Conseil de la Première Nation Abitibiwinni engl. u. frz. | Algonkin |
77 | Conseil des Atikamekw de Wemotaci | Quebec | 1698 | 1917 | Conseil de la Nation Atikamekw frz. | Cree, s. Attikamek; dazu gehören die Opitciwan, die Wemotaci und die Manawan |
182 | Constance Lake | Ontario | 1588 | 1709 | Constance Lake | Cree |
694 | Cook’s Ferry | British Columbia | 310 | 346 | Cooks Ferry Indian Band | Okanagan |
366 | Cote First Nation 366 | Saskatchewan | 3489 | 3842 | Cote First Nation | Saulteaux |
126 | Couchiching First Nation | Ontario | 2184 | 2518 | Couchiching First Nation | früher: Salteaux Ojibway |
361 | Cowessess | Saskatchewan | 3861 | 4193 | Cowessess oder „Little Child“ First Nation | Cree |
642 | Cowichan | British Columbia | 4548 | 4907 | Cowichan Tribes | Küsten-Salish |
58 | Cree Nation of Chisasibi | Quebec | 4126 | 4583 | Cree Nation of Chisasibi | Cree |
75 | Cree Nation of Mistissini | Quebec | 4386 | 3986 | Cree Nation of Mistissini | Cree |
59 | Cree Nation of Nemaska | Quebec | 695 | 780 | Cree Nation of Nemaska | Cree |
60 | Cree Nation of Wemindji | Quebec | 1488 | 1582 | Cree Nation of Wemindji | Cree |
276 | Cross Lake Band of Indians | Manitoba | 7549 | 8504 | Cross Lake Band | Cree, inzw. Pimicikamak |
350 | Cumberland House Cree Nation | Saskatchewan | 1226 | 1643 | Cumberland House Cree Nation | Cree |
161 | Curve Lake | Ontario | 1925 | 2317 | Curve Lake First Nation | Mississauga |
635 | Da'naxda'xw First Nation | British Columbia | 174ACP | 225 | Da'naxda'xw-Awaetlala First Nation | Kwakwaka'wakw[12] |
288 | Dakota Plains | Manitoba | 267 | 266 | Dakota Plains Wahpeton Nation | Dakota |
295 | Dakota Tipi | Manitoba | 239ACP | 402 | Dakota Tipi First Nation | Dakota |
316 | Dauphin River | Manitoba | 304 | 374 | Dauphin River First Nation[13] | Ojibwe |
389 | Day Star | Saskatchewan | 471 | 518 | Day Star First Nation | Cree |
504 | Dease River | Yukon | 173 | 180 | Dease River First Nation[14] | Athabasken |
774 | Dechi Laot'i First Nations | Northwest Territories | 175 | 189 | Community of Wekweti | Athabasken; am Snare Lake/Wekweti |
237 | Deer Lake | Ontario | 1183 | 1317 | Deer Lake First Nation | Oji-Cree |
760 | Deh Gah Gotie Dene Council | Northwest Territories | 1070 | 1099 | Deh Gah Gotie Dene Council[15] | Athabasken |
253 | Delaware | Ontario | 632 | 694 | Delaware Nation | Lenape |
754 | Deline First Nation | Northwest Territories | 956 | 1025 | Deline Got’ine Government | Athabasken |
448 | Dene Tha' | Alberta | 2795 | 3065 | Dene Tha' | Athabasken[16] |
762 | Deninu K'ue First Nation | Northwest Territories | 854 | 911 | — | Athabasken |
662 | Ditidaht | British Columbia | 748 | 767 | Ditidaht First Nation | Nuu-chah-nulth |
765 | Dog Rib Rae | Northwest Territories | 2898 | 3161 | Tåîchô | Website nicht auf der Website der INAC |
548 | Doig River | British Columbia | 277 | 306 | Doig River First Nation | Athabasken |
218 | Dokis | Ontario | 1030 | 1219 | Dokis First Nation | Anishinabe, genauer Ojibwe |
561 | Douglas | British Columbia | 251 | 330 | Douglas First Nation | s. In-SHUCK-ch |
450 | Driftpile First Nation | Alberta | 2465 | 2738 | Driftpile Cree Nation | Cree, am Südufer des Lesser Slave Lake |
451 | Duncan’s First Nation | Alberta | 257 | 305 | Duncan’s First Nation | Cree |
636 | Dzawada'enuxw First Nation | British Columbia | 509 | 535 | Tsawataineuk Nation | Halkomelem, früher: Tsawataineuk |
183 | Eabametoong First Nation | Ontario | 2365 | 2600 | Eabametoong First Nation | Anishinabe |
148 | Eagle Lake | Ontario | 458ACP | 613 | Eagle Lake First Nation | Anishinabe |
65 | Eagle Village First Nation – Kipawa | Quebec | 880 | 991 | Eagle Village First Nation | Algonkin |
57 | Eastmain | Quebec | 740 | 878 | Cree Nation of Eastmain | Cree |
280 | Ebb and Flow | Manitoba | 2745 | 3126 | — | Anishinabe; Eigenbez.: Gaa-gwekwekojiwang |
7 | Eel Ground | Neubraunschweig | 949 | 1058 | Eel Ground First Nation | Mi'kmaq |
8 | Eel River Bar First Nation | Neubraunschweig | 653 | 743 | Eel River Bar First Nation | Mi'kmaq |
634 | Ehattesaht | British Columbia | 403 | 494 | Ehattesaht First Nation | Nuu-chah-nulth |
3 | Elsipogtog First Nation | Neubraunschweig | 3069 | 3325 | 'Elsipogtog First Nation | Mi'kmaq |
400 | English River First Nation | Saskatchewan | 1432 | 1546 | English River First Nation | Athabasken |
440 | Enoch Cree Nation #440 | Alberta | 2271 | 2576 | Enoch Cree Nation | Cree |
443 | Ermineskin Tribe | Alberta | 4156 | 4636 | Ermineskin Cree Nation | Cree |
5 | Esgenoopetitj First Nation, früher: Burnt Church First Nation | Neubraunschweig | 1713 | 1887 | Esgenoopetitj First Nation | Mi’kmaq |
23 | Eskasoni | Neuschottland | 4060 | 4430 | Eskasoni Mi'kmaq Nation | Mi'kmaq |
711 | Esk'etemc | British Columbia | 835 | 994 | Esketemc Website | Binnen-Salish, Shuswap (Alkali Lake), früher: Esketemc |
644 | Esquimalt | British Columbia | 279 | 312 | Esquimalt First Nation | Küsten-Salish |
495 | First Nation of Nacho Nyak Dun | Yukon | 504 | 552 | First Nation of Nacho Nyak Dun | Tutchone, Northern |
264 | Fisher River | Manitoba | 3392 | 3865 | Fisher River Cree Nation | Cree |
390 | Fishing Lake First Nation | Saskatchewan | 1639 | 1786 | Fishing Lake First Nation | Ojibway |
395 | Flying Dust First Nation | Saskatchewan | 1209 | 1373 | Flying Dust First Nation | Cree |
227 | Flying Post | Ontario | 192 | 223 | Flying Post First Nation | Ojibwe und Cree |
351 | Fond du Lac | Saskatchewan | 1827 | 2004 | Fond du Lac Denesuline First Nation | Dene; Eigenbez.: Gąnı́ kuę́ |
262 | Fort Alexander | Manitoba | 7196 | 7823 | Sagkeeng First Nation | Anishinabe |
9 | Fort Folly | Neubraunschweig | 118 | 131 | Fort Folly First Nation | Mi'kmaq |
752 | Fort Good Hope | Northwest Territories | 853 | 898 | — | Athabasken |
467 | Fort McKay First Nation | Alberta | 714 | 855 | Fort McKay First Nation | Cree, Dene |
468 | Fort McMurray #468 First Nation | Alberta | 637 | 760 | Fort McMurray # 468 First Nation | Cree, Chipewyan |
543 | Fort Nelson First Nation | British Columbia | 834 | 936 | Fort Nelson First Nation | Slavey/Cree |
215 | Fort Severn (Washaho Cree Nation) | Ontario | 645 | 708 | Fort Severn First Nation | Cree |
187 | Fort William | Ontario | 2011 | 2350 | Fort William First Nation | Anishinabe |
305 | Fox Lake | Manitoba | 1106 | 1255 | Fox Lake Cree Nation | Cree |
465 | Frog Lake | Alberta | 2860 | 3250 | Frog Lake First Nation | Cree, am Westufer d. Frog Lake, nahe der Grenze nach Saskatchewan |
294 | Gamblers | Manitoba | 188 | 269 | Gambler First Nation | Anishinabe; Eigenbez.: Ataagewininiing |
773 | Gameti First Nation | Northwest Territories | 345 | 355 | Gamèt, Tłı̨chǫ | Athabasken |
297 | Garden Hill First Nations | Manitoba | 4253 | 4703 | Garden Hill First Nation (nur intern) | Oji-Cree |
199 | Garden River First Nation | Ontario | 2533 | 2893 | Garden River First Nation | Anishinabe |
391 | George Gordon First Nation | Saskatchewan | 3293 | 3645 | Gordon First Nation | Cree |
185 | Ginoogaming First Nation | Ontario | 748ACP | 953 | Ginoogaming First Nation, auch Gnoogaming | Anishinabe |
531 | Gitanmaax | British Columbia | 2234 | 2418 | Gitanmaax Band | Gitxsan, früher: Gitanmaax Band |
537 | Gitanyow Band | British Columbia | 798 | 857 | Gitanyow Band | Gitxsan |
675 | Gitga'at First Nation | British Columbia | 715 | 759 | Gitga’at Nation | s. Tsimshian, früher Hartley Bay |
535 | Gitsegukla | British Columbia | 939 | 998 | Gitsegukla Indian Band | Gitxsan, früher: Gitsegukla Indian Band |
536 | Gitwangak | British Columbia | 1194 | 1334 | Gitwangak Indian Band | Gitxsan, früher: Gitwangak Indian Band |
672 | Gitxaala Nation | British Columbia | 1844 | 1978 | Gitxaala Nation | Tsimshian |
533 | Glen Vowell | British Columbia | 400 | 419 | Sik-e-Dakh (Glen Vowell) | Gitxsan, Sik i dak |
30 | Glooscap First Nation | Neuschottland | 288ACP | 376 | Glooscap First Nation | Mi'kmaq |
296 | God’s Lake First Nation | Manitoba | 2517 | 2744 | God’s Lake First Nation | Cree |
149 | Grassy Narrows First Nation | Ontario | 1446 | 1570 | Grassy Narrows First Nation | Anishinabe, Asubpeeschoseewagong First Nation |
188 | Gull Bay | Ontario | 1189 | 1369 | — | Anishinabe |
724 | Gwa'Sala-Nakwaxda'xw | British Columbia | 902 | 997 | Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw Nation | Kwakwaka’wakw |
627 | Gwawaenuk Tribe | British Columbia | 38 | 40 | — | Kwakwaka’wakw |
753 | Gwichya Gwich'in | Northwest Territories | 445 | 484 | Gwich'in Tribal Council | Gwich'in |
534 | Hagwilget Village | British Columbia | 733 | 794 | Hagwilget Village Council | Wet'suwet'en |
676 | Haisla Nation, früher: Kitamaat | British Columbia | 1708 | 1895 | Haisla Community | Haisla, früher: Northern Kwakiutl |
645 | Halalt | British Columbia | 216 | 215 | Halalt First Nation | Halkomelem |
546 | Halfway River First Nation[17] | British Columbia | 251 | 281 | Halfway River First Nations | Athabasken |
352 | Hatchet Lake | Saskatchewan | 1642 | 1831 | Hatchet Lake Denesuline First Nation | Athabasken |
469 | Heart Lake | Alberta | 311 | 347 | Heart Lake First Nation | Cree |
538 | Heiltsuk | British Columbia | 2071ACP | 2418 | Heiltsuk Nation | Wakashan |
231 | Henvey Inlet First Nation | Ontario | 528ACP | 827 | Henvey Inlet First Nation | Ojibway |
661 | Hesquiaht | British Columbia | 676 | 734 | — | Nuu-chah-nulth |
162 | Hiawatha First Nation | Ontario | 500 | 630 | Hiawatha First Nation | Algonkin, Mississauga |
703 | High Bar | British Columbia | 93 | 140 | High Bar First Nation | Binnen-Salish, Shuswap |
263 | Hollow Water | Manitoba | 1751 | 1949 | Hollow Water First Nation | Anishinabe |
552 | Homalco | British Columbia | 459 | 475 | — | Küsten-Salish |
449 | Horse Lake First Nation | Alberta | 985 | 1177 | Horse Lake First Nation | Athabasken[18] |
664 | Hupacasath First Nation | British Columbia | 228ACP | 330 | Hupacasath First Nation | Nuu-chah-nulth |
663 | Huu-ay-aht First Nations | British Columbia | 697 | 717 | Huu-ay-aht First Nation | Nuu-chah-nulth |
10 | Indian Island | Neubraunschweig | 164 | 190 | Indian Island First Nation | Mi'kmaq |
80 | Innu Takuaikan Uashat Mak Mani-Utenam | Quebec | 3980 | 4608 | Innu Takuaikan Uashat Mak Mani-Utenam | Cree, Innu |
86 | Innue Essipit | Quebec | 484 | 743 | Essipid (Cote Nord) | Cree, Innu |
780 | Inuvik Native | Northwest Territories | 562 | 611 | — | Gwich'in[19] |
154 | Iskatewizaagegan #39 Independent First Nation | Ontario | 591 | 644 | — | Anishinabe |
683 | Iskut | British Columbia | 599ACP | 762 | Iskut Band Council | Athabasken, nördl., Tahltan |
370 | James Smith | Saskatchewan | 3135 | 3454 | James Smith Cree Nation, beim Prince Albert Grand Council | Cree |
770 | Jean Marie River First Nation | Northwest Territories | 136 | 148 | Jean Marie River First Nation[20] | Athabasken, Eigenbez.: Tthets’ek’ehdeli Got’ie |
761 | K'atlodeeche First Nation | Northwest Territories | 525ACP | 648 | - | Athabasken |
624 | K'ómoks First Nation | British Columbia | 273ACP | 330 | K'ómoks First Nation | Küsten-Salish, früher: Comox |
768 | Ka'a'gee Tu First Nation | Northwest Territories | 68 | 75 | Ka'a'gee Tu First Nation[15] | Slavey |
638 | Ka:'yu:'k't'h'/Che:k:tles7et'h' First Nations | British Columbia | 511 | 571 | Ka:’yu:’k’t’h’/Chek’tles7et’h’ First Nations | Nuu-chah-nulth |
362 | Kahkewistahaw | Saskatchewan | 1825 | 1999 | Kahkewistahaw First Nation[8] | Cree |
704 | Kanaka Bar | British Columbia | 215 | 236 | — | Binnen-Salish, Nlaka'pamux |
452 | Kapawe'no First Nation | Alberta | 340 | 379 | Kapawe'no First Nation | Athabasken |
210 | Kasabonika Lake | Ontario | 1014 | 1152 | Kasabonika Lake First Nation | Cree |
563 | Katzie | British Columbia | 505 | 577 | Katzie First Nation | Halkomelem |
393 | Kawacatoose | Saskatchewan | 2894 | 3154 | Kawacatoose First Nation[8] | Saulteaux |
325 | Kee-Way-Win | Ontario | 725 | 792 | Keewaywin First Nation | Oji-Cree |
367 | Keeseekoose | Saskatchewan | 2248 | 2466 | Keeseekoose First Nation[8] | Ojibway |
286 | Keeseekoowenin | Manitoba | 1121 | 1259 | Keeseekoowenin Ojibway First Nation | Ojibway |
466 | Kehewin Cree Nation | Alberta | 1933 | 2133 | Kehewin Cree Nation | Cree |
212 | Kingfisher | Ontario | 507 | 589 | Kingfisher Lake First Nation | Oji-Cree, seit 1975, vorher Teil der Big Trout Lake Band |
11 | Kingsclear | Neubraunschweig | 925 | 1029 | Kingsclear First Nation | Maliseet oder W∂last∂kwiyik |
377 | Kinistin Saulteaux Nation | Saskatchewan | 963 | 1023 | Kinistin Saulteaux Nation | Cree |
268 | Kinonjeoshtegon First Nation | Manitoba | 702 | 750 | Website des Interlake Reserves Tribal Council | Ojibwe |
532 | Kispiox Band Council | British Columbia | 1566 | 1642 | Kispiox Band Council | Gitxsan |
540 | Kitasoo | British Columbia | 516 | 515 | Kitasoo/Xaixais Nation | Tsimshian |
209 | Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug | Ontario | 1459 | 1675 | Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug | Cree |
73 | Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg | Quebec | 2827 | 3237 | Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg | Anishinabe |
680 | Kitselas | British Columbia | 572 | 655 | Kitselas | s. Tsimshian |
681 | Kitsumkalum | British Columbia | 683 | 751 | Kitsumkalum First Nation | s. Tsimshian |
553 | Klahoose First Nation | British Columbia | 285ACP | 411 | Klahoose First Nation | Küsten-Salish |
503 | Kluane First Nation | Yukon | 144 | 178 | Kluane First Nation | Tutchone, Southern |
251 | Konadaha Seneca | Ontario | 517 | 577 | — | Irokesen, Seneca |
610 | Kwadacha | British Columbia | 425ACP | 561 | Kwadacha Nation, home of the Tsek'ene People[21] | |
626 | Kwakiutl | British Columbia | 723 | 789 | Kwakiutl Indian Band[22] | Kwakwaka’wakw |
500 | Kwanlin Dun First Nation | Yukon | 971 | 984 | Kwanlin Dun First Nation | Tutchone, Southern |
564 | Kwantlen First Nation | British Columbia | 220 | 284 | Kwantlen First Nation | Halkomelem, Sto:lo |
580 | Kwaw-kwaw-Apilt | British Columbia | 42 | 44 | — | Halkomelem, Sto:lo |
628 | Kwiakah | British Columbia | 20 | 22 | Kwiakah First Nation | Wakashan, zählen zu Laich-Kwil-Tach, den südlichsten Sprechern des nördlichen Wakashan |
625 | Kwicksutaineuk-ah-kwaw-ah-mish[23] | British Columbia | 290 | 306 | Kwikwasut’inuxw Haxwa’mis First Nation | Kwakwaka’wakw |
560 | Kwikwetlem First Nation | British Columbia | 74 | 96 | Kwikwetlem First Nation | Halkomelem |
721 | Lhoosk'uz Dene Nation | British Columbia | 209 | 239 | — | Carrier, s. Dakelh, früher: Kluskus |
87 | La Nation Innu Matimekush-Lac John | Quebec | 861 | 985 | Communauté innue de Matimekush-Lac John | Innu |
53 | La Nation Micmac de Gespeg | Quebec | 808[24] | 782 | Mi’gmaq Nation, Gespe’gewa’gi | Mi'kmaq |
189 | Lac Des Mille Lacs | Ontario | 550 | 645 | Lac Des Mille Lacs First Nation | Saulteaux |
127 | Lac La Croix | Ontario | 427 | 460 | Lac La Croix First Nation | Saulteaux |
353 | Lac La Ronge | Saskatchewan | 9408 | 10710 | Lac La Ronge Indian Band | Cree |
205 | Lac Seul | Ontario | 3068 | 3429 | Lac Seul First Nation | Anishinabe |
607 | Lake Babine Nation | British Columbia | 2339 | 2495 | Lake Babine Nation | Babine-Witsuwit'en, s. Dakelh |
643 | Lake Cowichan First Nation | British Columbia | 15 | 20 | Lake Cowichan[25] | Halkomelem |
271 | Lake Manitoba | Manitoba | 1892 | 2062 | — | — |
275 | Lake St. Martin | Manitoba | 2334 | 2676 | Lake St. Martin First Nation | Ojibwe |
674 | Lax-kw'alaams | British Columbia | 3424 | 3820 | Lax Kw'alaams Band – Port Simpson | s. Tsimshian |
2 | Lennox Island | Prince Edward Island | 734ACP | 953 | Lennox Island First Nation | Mi'kmaq |
579 | Leq' a: mel First Nation | British Columbia | 364 | 416 | Leq'á:mel First Nation | Halkomelem, Sto:lo |
78 | Les Atikamekw de Manawan | Quebec | 2531 | 2894 | Atikamekw de Manawan | Cree; dazu gehören die Opitciwan, die Wemotaci und die Manawan. |
82 | Les Innus de Ekuanitshit | Quebec | 574 | 633 | Les Innus de Ekuanitshit (Mingan) | Cree |
611 | Lheidli T'enneh | British Columbia | 342 | 425 | Lheidli T'enneh Band | Carrier, s. Dakelh |
715 | Lhtako Dene Nation, früher: Red Bluff | British Columbia | 161 | 177 | — | Carrier, s. Dakelh |
502 | Liard First Nation | Yukon | 1142 | 1207 | Athabasken, Kaska | |
757 | Liidlii Kue First Nation | Northwest Territories | 1249 | 1321 | Kue First Nation[15] | Athabasken; Selbstbez.: Łíídlįį Kųę First Nation |
557 | Lil'wat Nation | British Columbia | 2085 | 2183 | Lil'wat Nation | s. St'at'imc, früher: Mount Currie |
51 | Listuguj Mi'gmaq Government | Quebec | 3498 | 4015 | Listuguj Mi'gmaq Government | Mi'kmaq |
379 | Little Black Bear | Saskatchewan | 435ACP | 560 | Little Black Bear First Nation | Cree |
270 | Little Grand Rapids | Manitoba | 1524 | 1655 | Little Grand Rapids First Nation[26] | Saulteaux |
340 | Little Pine | Saskatchewan | 1796 | 2000 | Little Pine First Nation | Cree |
447 | Little Red River Cree Nation | Alberta | 4763 | 5569 | lrrcn | Cree |
492 | Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation | Yukon | 616 | 662 | Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation | Tutchone, Northern |
274 | Little Saskatchewan | Manitoba | 1104 | 1245 | — | Ojibwe |
689 | Little Shuswap Lake | British Columbia | 326 | 349 | Little Shuswap Indian Band | Binnen-Salish, Shuswap |
184 | Long Lake No.58 First Nation | Ontario | 1341 | 1535 | Long Lake No.58 First Nation | Anishinabe |
287 | Long Plain | Manitoba | 4146[27] | 4378 | Long Plain First Nation | Ojibway[28] |
67 | Long Point First Nation | Quebec | 674ACP | 866 | Long Point First Nation (Winneway) | Anishinabe, |
476 | Loon River Cree | Alberta | 527 | 619 | Loon River First Nation | Cree |
439 | Louis Bull | Alberta | 2039 | 2285 | Louis Bull Tribe | Cree |
250 | Lower Cayuga | Ontario | 3445 | 3752 | — | Irokesen, Cayuga |
606 | Lower Kootenay | British Columbia | 214 | 240 | Lower Kootenay Band | Kutenai |
254 | Lower Mohawk | Ontario | 3867 | 4233 | — | Irokesen, Mohawk |
695 | Lower Nicola | British Columbia | 939ACP | 1251 | Lower Nicola Indian Band | Okanagan, |
598 | Lower Similkameen | British Columbia | 466 | 501 | Lower Similkameen Indian Band | Okanagan |
453 | Lubicon Lake | Alberta | 386ACP | 540 | Lubicon Lake Band | Cree, |
341 | Lucky Man | Saskatchewan | 111 | 115 | Lucky Man Cree Nation[8] | Cree |
764 | Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation | Northwest Territories | 731 | 785 | Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation | Dene |
646 | Lyackson | British Columbia | 200 | 215 | Lyackson First Nation | Halkomelem |
705 | Lytton | British Columbia | 1892 | 2022 | Homepage des Ortes Lytton[29] | Binnen-Salish; Nłeʔkepmxcín (Thompson Language) |
181 | M'Chigeeng First Nation | Ontario | 2378 | 2600 | M'Chigeeng First Nation | Anishinabe |
6 | Madawaska Maliseet First Nation | Neubraunschweig | 275 | 370 | Madawaska Maliseet First Nation | Maliseet |
174 | Magnetawan | Ontario | 238 | 261 | Magnetawan First Nation | Anishinabe |
396 | Makwa Sahgaiehcan First Nation | Saskatchewan | 1418 | 1600 | Eintrag beim Meadow Lake Tribal Council | Cree |
647 | Malahat First Nation | British Columbia | 288 | 335 | — | Halkomelem; s. Saanich |
629 | Mamalilikulla-Qwe'Qwa'Sot'Em | British Columbia | 400 | 422 | Mamalilikulla-Qwe'Qwa'Sot'Em | beim Ministerium: Mamalilikulla First Nation |
302 | Manto Sipi Cree Nation | Manitoba | 801 | 937 | Manto Sipi Cree Nation | Cree |
328 | Marcel Colomb First Nation | Manitoba | 376 | 430 | The Marcel Colomb First Nation | Cree |
186 | Martin Falls[30] | Ontario | 658 | 766 | Marten Falls First Nation | Anishinabe |
219 | Matachewan | Ontario | 606 | 787 | Matachewan First Nation | Cree |
311 | Mathias Colomb | Manitoba | 2879ACP | 3754 | Pukatawagan | Cree |
565 | Matsqui | British Columbia | 251 | 266 | Matsqui First Nation[31] | Halkomelem, Sto:lo |
226 | Mattagami | Ontario | 486 | 569 | Mattagami First Nation | Anishinabe |
326 | McDowell Lake | Ontario | 51 | 59 | McDowell First Nation | Oji-Cree |
618 | McLeod Lake | British Columbia | 418ACP | 551 | McLeod Lake Indian Band | Athabasken, Teil der Khene Nation[32] |
26 | Membertou | Neuschottland | 1288 | 1490 | Membertou First Nation | Mi'kmaq |
14 | Metepenagiag Mi'kmaq Nation | Neubraunschweig | 586 | 670 | Metepenagiag First Nation | Mi'kmaq |
673 | Metlakatla | British Columbia | 838 | 918 | Metlakatla First Nation | s. Tsimshian |
47 | Miawpukek[33] | Neufundland | 2877 | 3034 | Miawpukek First Nation | Mi'kmaq, Conne River Reserve, 1987 anerkannt |
225 | Michipicoten | Ontario | 871 | 1137 | Michipicoten First Nation | Anishinabe |
52 | Micmacs of Gesgapegiag | Quebec | 1359 | 1498 | Micmacs of Gesgapegiag | Mi'kmaq |
461 | Mikisew Cree First Nation | Alberta | 2711 | 3096 | Mikisew Cree First Nation | Cree |
27 | Millbrook | Neuschottland | 1232ACP | 1822 | Millbrook First Nation | Mi'kmaq |
397 | Ministikwan Lake Cree Nation | Saskatchewan | 1244 | 1317 | Island Lake First Nation | Cree[34], früher: Island Lake First Nation |
203 | Mishkeegogamang | Ontario | 1717 | 1885 | Mishkeegogamang Ojibway Nation | Anishinabe (Ojibway) |
310 | Misipawistik Cree Nation | Manitoba | 1703 | 2010 | Grand Rapids First Nation | Cree, früher: Grand Rapids First Nation |
223 | Missanabie Cree | Ontario | 345ACP | 461 | Missanabie Cree First Nation | Cree, |
200 | Mississauga | Ontario | 1142 | 1312 | Mississauga First Nation | Anishinabe |
140 | Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation | Ontario | 215 | 237 | Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation | Mississauga |
120 | Mississaugas of the Credit | Ontario | 1996 | 2448 | The Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation | Mississauga |
374 | Mistawasis Nêhiyawak | Saskatchewan | 2481 | 2707 | Mistawasis First Nation | Cree |
133 | Mitaanjigamiing First Nation | Ontario | 142 | 160 | Mitaanjigamiing First Nation | Anishinabe; bis 2009: Stanjikoming First Nation |
159 | Mohawks of Akwesasne | Ontario | 11466 | 12401 | Akwesasne | Irokesen, Mohawk |
70 | Mohawks of Kahnawá:ke | Quebec | 9092ACP | 10970 | Mohawk; früher: Kahnawake | |
69 | Mohawks of Kanesatake | Quebec | 2150 | 2512 | Mohawks of Kanesatake | Irokesen, Mohawk |
164 | Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte | Ontario | 8284 | 9682 | Mohawks of The Bay of Quinte | Irokesen, Mohawk |
83 | Montagnais de Natashquan | Quebec | 1026 | 1114 | — | Cree, s. Innu |
88 | Montagnais de Pakua Shipu | Quebec | 339 | 363 | Pakua Shipu frz. | s. Innu |
84 | Montagnais de Unamen Shipu | Quebec | 1092 | 1180 | UnamenShipu (La Romaine) frz. | Cree, s. Innu |
76 | Première Nation des Pekuakamiulnuatsh | Quebec | 5326 | 6612 | Mashteuiatsh: Portrait de la communauté frz. | Cree, s. Innu, Lac St.-Jean |
442 | Montana | Alberta | 941 | 1026 | Montana First Nation | Cree |
354 | Montreal Lake | Saskatchewan | 3545 | 3957 | Montreal Lake Cree Nation | Cree |
144 | Moose Cree First Nation | Ontario | 3397ACP | 4648 | Moose Cree First Nation | Cree, |
135 | Moose Deer Point | Ontario | 451 | 495 | Moose Deer Point First Nation | Potawatomi |
342 | Moosomin | Saskatchewan | 1627 | 1805 | Moosomin First Nation | Cree |
167 | Moravian of the Thames | Ontario | 1198 | 1288 | — | Lenape; auch: Delaware Nation at Moraviantown First Nation |
530 | Moricetown | British Columbia | 1921 | 2043 | Moricetown Band Administration | Babine-Witsuwit'en, s. Dakelh |
312 | Mosakahiken Cree Nation | Manitoba | 1931 | 2204 | — | Cree |
343 | Mosquito, Grizzly Bear’s Head, Lean Man Fst.Natns. | Saskatchewan | 1260 | 1386 | Mosquito First Nation[8] | Assiniboine[35] |
630 | Mowachaht/Muchalaht | British Columbia | 600 | 616 | Mowachaht/Muchalaht First Nation | Nuu-chah-nulth |
168 | Munsee-Delaware Nation | Ontario | 567 | 645 | Munsee-Delaware First Nation | Lenape, Munsee |
381 | Muscowpetung | Saskatchewan | 1258 | 1394 | Muscowpetung First Nation[8] | Saulteaux |
32 | Mushuau Innu First Nation | Neufundland | 819 | 1011 | Mushuau Innu First Nation | Innu |
375 | Muskeg Lake Cree Nation #102 | Saskatchewan | 1561ACP | 2075 | Muskeg Lake Cree Nation, auch First Nation | Cree, |
371 | Muskoday First Nation | Saskatchewan | 1671 | 1895 | Muskoday First Nation | Cree |
392 | Muskowekwan | Saskatchewan | 1606 | 1869 | Muskowekwan First Nation | Cree |
213 | Muskrat Dam Lake | Ontario | 418 | 432 | Muskrat Dam First Nation | Oji-Cree |
550 | Musqueam | British Columbia | 1279 | 1396 | Musqueam (People) | Halkomelem |
556 | N'Quatqua | British Columbia | 314 | 363 | N'Quatqua First Nation | In-SHUCK-ch |
612 | Nadleh Whuten | British Columbia | 484 | 556 | Nadleh Whut'en First Nation | Carrier, s. Dakelh |
766 | Nahanni Butte | Northwest Territories | 139 | 142 | Nahanni Butte Dene Band, bei Dehcho First Nations | Athabasken |
128 | Naicatchewenin | Ontario | 416 | 480 | Naicatchewenin First Nation | Anishinabe |
614 | Nak'azdli Whut'en | British Columbia | 1597ACP | 1932 | First Nation, bei Dehcho First Nations | Carrier, s. Dakelh, |
631 | Namgis First Nation | British Columbia | 1710 | 1865 | Namgis First Nation | — |
649 | Nanoose First Nation | British Columbia | 239 | 251 | Nanoose First Nation | Halkomelem |
158 | Naotkamegwanning, früher: Whitefish Bay First Nation | Ontario | 1187 | 1265 | Naotkamegwanning | Ojibwa |
81 | Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach | Quebec | 703 | 773 | Naskapi Nation | Cree |
63 | Nation Anishnabe du Lac Simon | Quebec | 1829 | 2149 | Conseil de la Nation Anishnabe de Lac Simon | Anishinabe |
50 | Nation Huronne-Wendat | Quebec | 3273 | 4043 | Nation Huronne-Wendat | Huronen (Wyandot, bzw. Wendat) |
720 | Nazko First Nation | British Columbia | 362 | 383 | Nazko First Nation | Carrier, s. Dakelh |
726 | Nee-Tahi-Buhn | British Columbia | 140 | 149 | — | Babine-Witsuwit'en, s. Dakelh |
380 | Nekaneet | Saskatchewan | 449 | 500 | Nekaneet First Nation[8] | Cree |
239 | Neskantaga First Nation | Ontario | 416 | 463 | Neskantaga First Nation | Oji-Cree |
690 | Neskonlith | British Columbia | 621 | 657 | Neskonlith Indian Band | Binnen-Salish, Shuswap |
566 | New Westminster | British Columbia | 10 | 14 | — | Küsten-Salish |
241 | Nibinamik First Nation | Ontario | 461 | 523 | Nibinamik (Summer Beaver) | Oji-Cree, auch Summer Beaver Band |
696 | Nicomen | British Columbia | 133 | 133 | — | Okanagan |
129 | Nigigoonsiminikaaning First Nation | Ontario | 326 | 372 | Nicickousemenecaning First Nation | früher: Nicickousemenecaning |
252 | Niharondasa Seneca | Ontario | 364 | 392 | — | Irokesen, Seneca |
220 | Nipissing First Nation | Ontario | 2345 | 2696 | Nipissing First Nation | Algonkin, Ojibwa |
671 | Nisga'a Village of Gingolx | British Columbia | 1953 | 2009 | Gingolx | s. Nisga’a |
679 | Nisga'a Village of Gitwinksihlkw | British Columbia | 394 | 396 | — | s. Nisga’a |
678 | Nisga'a Village of Laxgalt'sap | British Columbia | 1719 | 1796 | Nisga'a Community of Laxgalts'ap | s. Nisga’a |
677 | Nisga'a Village of New Aiyansh | British Columbia | 1812 | 1856 | Nisga'a Lisims Government | Nisga’a |
313 | Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation | Manitoba | 4597 | 5107 | Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation | Cree, früher Nelson House |
699 | Nooaitch | British Columbia | 206 | 235 | Nooaitch Indian Band | Okanagan |
204 | North Caribou Lake | Ontario | 1015 | 1147 | North Caribou Lake Nation | North Caribou (Weagamow/Round Lake) |
238 | North Spirit Lake | Ontario | 476 | 509 | North Spirit Lake First Nation | Oji-Cree |
317 | Northlands | Manitoba | 1017 | 1090 | Northlands Dene First Nation | Dene |
151 | Northwest Angle No.33 | Ontario | 492 | 545 | — | Anishinabe |
278 | Norway House Cree Nation | Manitoba | 5704ACP | 7998 | Norway House Cree Nation | Cree |
639 | Nuchatlaht | British Columbia | 169 | 161 | Nuchatlaht First Nation | Nuu-chah-nulth |
539 | Nuxalk Nation | British Columbia | 1592 | 1722 | Nuxalk Smayusta | Küsten-Salish |
431 | O'Chiese | Alberta | 1171 | 1368 | O’Chiese First Nation | Anishinabe |
279 | O-Chi-Chak-Ko-Sipi First Nation | Manitoba | 980 | 1121 | O-Chi-Chak-Ko-Sipi First Nation | Anishinabe? |
318 | O-Pipon-Na-Piwin Cree Nation | Manitoba | 1449 | 1657 | — | Cree[36] |
235 | Obashkaandagaang | Ontario | 313 | 333 | — | Ojibwe |
408 | Ocean Man | Saskatchewan | 470 | 527 | Ocean Man First Nation | Anishinabe |
363 | Ochapowace | Saskatchewan | 1542 | 1770 | Ochapowace First Nation | Cree |
147 | Ochiichagwe'babigo'ining First Nation | Ontario | 388 | 452 | Ochiichagwe'babigo'ining First Nation | Saulteaux, früher: Dalles First Nation |
72 | Odanak | Quebec | 1979 | 2457 | Nation Waban-Aki. Odanak | Abenaki |
258 | Ojibway Nation of Saugeen | Ontario | 220 | 233 | Ojibway | |
131 | Ojibways of Onigaming First Nation | Ontario | 729 | 792 | Ojibways of Onigaming | Ojibway |
616 | Okanagan | British Columbia | 1862 | 1997 | Okanagan Indian Band | Okanagan |
382 | Okanese | Saskatchewan | 641 | 709 | Okanese First Nation | Cree-Saulteaux |
669 | Old Massett Village Council | British Columbia | 2798 | 3027 | — | Haida |
373 | One Arrow | Saskatchewan | 1627 | 1877 | One Arrow First Nation | Cree |
246 | Oneida | Ontario | 1934 | 2109 | Oneida | Irokesen, Oneida |
169 | Oneida Nation of the Thames | Ontario | 4930ACP | 6141 | Oneida Nation of the Thames | Irokesen, Oneida |
344 | Onion Lake Cree Nation | Saskatchewan | 5169 | 6018 | Onion Lake Cree Nation | Cree |
247 | Onondaga Clear Sky | Ontario | 752 | 829 | [Onondaga Clear Sky Onondaga Nations People of the Hills] | Irokesen, Onondaga |
315 | Opaskwayak Cree Nation | Manitoba | 5399 | 5988 | Opaskwayak Cree Nation | Cree |
692 | Oregon Jack Creek | British Columbia | 63 | 67 | Binnen-Salish, Nlaka'pamux | Salish, Nlaka'pamux |
12 | Oromocto | Neubraunschweig | 577 | 887 | Oromocto First Nation | Algonkin, Maliseet |
596 | Osoyoos | British Columbia | 490 | 540 | Osoyoos Indian Band | Okanagan |
89 | Oujé-Bougoumou Cree Nation | Québec | - | 877 | — | anerkannt im Oktober 2011 |
13 | Pabineau | Neubraunschweig | 244 | 308 | Pabineau First Nation | Mi'kmaq |
658 | Pacheedaht First Nation | British Columbia | 268 | 285 | Pacheedaht First Nation | Nuu-chah-nulth |
19 | Paqtnkek Mi'kmaw Nation | Neuschottland | 540 | 575 | Paq'tnkek First Nation | Mi'kmaq, früher: Paq'tnkek First Nation |
383 | Pasqua First Nation #79 | Saskatchewan | 1886 | 2232 | Pasqua First Nation Band No. 79 | Cree |
327 | Pauingassi First Nation | Manitoba | 595 | 655 | Pauingassi First Nation[37] | Anishinabe |
441 | Paul | Alberta | 1948 | 2123 | Paul First Nation | Cree |
652 | Pauquachin | British Columbia | 389 | 401 | — | s. Saanich |
191 | Pays Plat | Ontario | 184ACP | 245 | Pays Plat First Nation | Algonkin |
384 | Peepeekisis Cree Nation No.81 | Saskatchewan | 2491 | 2727 | Peepeekisis First Nation[8] | Cree |
478 | Peerless Trout First Nation | Alberta | 768 | 934 | — | Cree |
269 | Peguis | Manitoba | 9009 | 10080 | Pequis First Nation[38] | Cree |
756 | Pehdzeh Ki First Nation | Northwest Territories | 340 | 353 | Pehdzeh Ki First Nation, bei Dehcho First Nations | Dehcho (Dene und Métis) |
405 | Pelican Lake | Saskatchewan | 1444 | 1635 | Pelican Lake First Nation[8] | Cree |
650 | Penelakut | British Columbia | 893 | 959 | Penelakut[39] | Halkomelem |
597 | Penticton | British Columbia | 992 | 1064 | Penticton Indian Band | Okanagan |
355 | Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation | Saskatchewan | 9154 | 10618 | Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation | Cree |
586 | Peters | British Columbia | 131 | 165 | — | Salish, Halkomelem |
409 | Pheasant Rump Nakota | Saskatchewan | 388 | 422 | Pheasant Rump Nakota Nation[8] | Nakota |
385 | Piapot | Saskatchewan | 2161 | 2433 | Piapot First Nation | Cree |
195 | Pic Mobert | Ontario | 880 | 996 | Pic Mobert First Nation | Ojibwa |
24 | Pictou Landing | Neuschottland | 614 | 659 | Pictou Landing First Nation | Mi'kmaq;[40] |
436 | Piikani Nation | Alberta | 3580 | 3722 | Piikani (Peigan) Nation | Blackfoot |
208 | Pikangikum | Ontario | 2464 | 2874 | Pikangikum First Nation | Anishinabe |
272 | Pinaymootang First Nation | Manitoba | 2977 | 3257 | Pinaymootang First Nation | Anishinabe |
282 | Pine Creek | Manitoba | 3036 | 3545 | Pine Creek First Nation | Saulteaux |
585 | Popkum | British Columbia | 10 | 12 | — | Halkomelem, Sto:lo |
236 | Poplar Hill | Ontario | 526 | 633 | Poplar Hill First Nation | Anishinabe |
277 | Poplar River First Nation | Manitoba | 1625 | 1869 | Poplar River First Nation | Anishinabe |
22 | Potlotek First Nation | Neuschottland | 665 | 722 | Chapel Island First Nation | Mi'kmaq, früher: Chapel Island First Nation |
345 | Poundmaker | Saskatchewan | 1594 | 1712 | Poundmaker Cree Nation | Cree |
54 | Première Nation Malecite de Viger | Quebec | 912 | 1185 | Première Nation Malecite de Viger | Malecite |
71 | Première Nation des Abénakis de Wôlinak | Quebec | 214ACP | 351 | Waban-Aki Nation | Abenaki, früher: Abénakis de Wôlinak |
95 | Première nation de Whapmagoostui | Quebec | 888 | 980 | Whapmagoostai First Nation | Cree |
544 | Prophet River First Nation | British Columbia | 253 | 272 | Prophet River First Nation | Athabasken, Eigenbez.: Dene Tsaa Tse K’Nai First Nation |
34 | Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation | Neufundland und Labrador | 21424 | 24678 | Qalipu Mi'kmaq First Nation Band | Mi’kmaq auf Neufundland, seit 2011 |
651 | Qualicum First Nation | British Columbia | 109 | 128 | — | Küsten-Salish |
633 | Quatsino | British Columbia | 384 | 550 | Quatsino First Nation | Kwakwaka'wakw |
130 | Rainy River First Nations | Ontario | 767ACP | 1103 | Rainy River First Nations | Anishinabe |
356 | Red Earth | Saskatchewan | 1557 | 1766 | Red Earth Cree Nation | Cree |
346 | Red Pheasant | Saskatchewan | 2250 | 2466 | Red Pheasant Cree Nation | Cree |
193 | Red Rock | Ontario | 1583 | 1832 | Red Rock Indian Band | Anishinabe |
300 | Red Sucker Lake | Manitoba | 1009 | 1105 | Red Sucker Lake First Nation | Oji-Cree |
291 | Rolling River | Manitoba | 988 | 1080 | — | Anishinabe; Eigenbez.: Ditibineya-ziibiing |
273 | Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation Government | Manitoba | 2417 | 2623 | Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation | Anishinabe |
497 | Ross River | Yukon | 508 | 545 | Ross River Dena Council | Athabasken |
214 | Sachigo Lake | Ontario | 821 | 925 | Sachigo Lake First Nation | Oji-Cree |
462 | Saddle Lake Cree Nation | Alberta | 9574 | 10533 | Saddle Lake Cree Nation | Cree, nordöstlich von Edmonton |
179 | Sagamok Anishnawbek | Ontario | 2654 | 2886 | Sagamok Anishnawbek First Nation | Anishinabe |
615 | Saik'uz First Nation | British Columbia | 914 | 968 | Saik'uz First Nation | Carrier, s. Dakelh |
15 | Saint Mary’s | Neubraunschweig | 1630 | 1907 | Saint Mary’s First Nation | Maliseet |
364 | Sakimay First Nations | Saskatchewan | 1482 | 1680 | Sakimay First Nation[8] | Cree |
759 | Salt River First Nation #195 | Northwest Territories | 895 | 981 | Salt River First Nation | Ojibwa |
567 | Samahquam | British Columbia | 280ACP | 368 | Samahquam Nation | In-SHUCK-ch, |
767 | Sambaa K'e (Trout Lake) Dene | Northwest Territories | 118 | 118 | Sambaa K’e First Nation, bei Dehcho First Nations | Athabasken |
444 | Samson | Alberta | 7662 | 8431 | Samson Cree Nation | Cree |
283 | Sandy Bay | Manitoba | 5919 | 6645 | Sandy Bay Ojibway First Nation | Anishinabe; Eigenbez.: Gaa-wiikwedaawangaag |
211 | Sandy Lake | Ontario | 2789 | 3058 | Sandy Lake First Nation | Oji-Cree |
314 | Sapotaweyak Cree Nation | Manitoba | 2209 | 2513 | — | Cree |
123 | Saugeen | Ontario | 1515ACP | 1854 | Saugeen First Nation[41] | Ojibwe |
542 | Saulteau First Nations | British Columbia | 792ACP | 1069 | Saulteau First Nations | Cree, Moberly Lake |
347 | Saulteaux | Saskatchewan | 1213 | 1296 | Saulteaux First Nation | Ojibwa-Cree, bei Cochin und Jackfish Lake im Norden Saskatchewans |
454 | Sawridge First Nation | Alberta | 336ACP | 496 | — | Cree |
303 | Sayisi Dene First Nation | Manitoba | 744 | 827 | — | Dene |
581 | Seabird Island | British Columbia | 885 | 989 | Seabird Island Indian Band | Halkomelem, Sto:lo |
551 | Sechelt | British Columbia | 1282 | 1388 | Sechelt First Nation | Küsten-Salish |
132 | Seine River First Nation | Ontario | 723 | 774 | Seine River First Nation[42] | — [43] |
498 | Selkirk First Nation | Yukon | 532 | 642 | Selkirk First Nation, beim Council of Yukon First Nations | Tutchone, Northern |
569 | Semiahmoo | British Columbia | 85 | 98 | — | Küsten-Salish |
201 | Serpent River | Ontario | 1118ACP | 1397 | - | Anishinabe |
698 | Shackan | British Columbia | 121 | 132 | — | Okanagan |
307 | Shamattawa First Nation | Manitoba | 1455 | 1592 | Shamattawa First Nation | Cree |
137 | Shawanaga First Nation | Ontario | 496ACP | 657 | Shawanaga First Nation | Anishinabe |
176 | Sheguiandah | Ontario | 344 | 408 | Sheguiandah First Nation | Anishinabe |
33 | Sheshatshiu Innu First Nation | Neufundland | 1399 | 1626 | Sheshatshiu Innu First Nation | Cree, s. Innu |
178 | Sheshegwaning | Ontario | 360ACP | 439 | Sheshegwaning First Nation | Anishinabe |
357 | Shoal Lake Cree Nation | Saskatchewan | 892 | 1028 | Shoal Lake Cree Nation | Cree |
155 | Shoal Lake No.40 | Ontario | 571 | 636 | Shoal Lake #40 First Nation | Saulteaux |
605 | Shuswap | British Columbia | 249 | 264 | Shuswap Band | Binnen-Salish, Shuswap |
587 | Shxw'ow'hamel First Nation | British Columbia | 180 | 197 | — | Halkomelem, Sto:lo |
570 | Shxwhá:y Village | British Columbia | 358 | 412 | Shxwhá:y Village | Halkomelem, Sto:lo |
430 | Siksika Nation | Alberta | 6775 | 7405 | Website of the Siksika Nation | Blackfoot |
691 | Simpcw First Nation | British Columbia | 664 | 718 | Simpcw First Nation – People of the North Thompson River | Binnen-Salish, Shuswap |
290 | Sioux Valley Dakota Nation | Manitoba | 2256 | 2585 | Sioux Valley Dakota Nation | Dakota |
25 | Sipekne'katik | Neuschottland | 2405 | 2626 | — | Mi'kmaq, früher: Shubenacadie |
706 | Siska | British Columbia | 308 | 316 | — | Okanagan |
121 | Six Nations of the Grand River[44] – – - | Ontario | s. Einzelstämme | 0 | Six Nations Council | Irokesen |
562 | Skatin Nations | British Columbia | 390 | 411 | Skatin Nations | In-SHUCK-ch |
582 | Skawahlook First Nation | British Columbia | 81 | 88 | Skawahlook First Nation | Halkomelem, Sto:lo |
687 | Skeetchestn | British Columbia | 509 | 533 | Skeetchestn Indian Band | Binnen-Salish, Shuswap |
670 | Skidegate | British Columbia | 1528 | 1647 | Skidegate Band Council | Haida |
729 | Skin Tyee | British Columbia | 166 | 182 | Skin Tyee First Nation | Babine-Witsuwit'en, s. Dakelh |
571 | Skowkale | British Columbia | 243 | 259 | Skowkale First Nation[3] | Halkomelem, Sto:lo |
281 | Skownan First Nation | Manitoba | 1319 | 1505 | —[45] | Saulteaux |
707 | Skuppah | British Columbia | 105 | 121 | — | Binnen-Salish |
573 | Skwah | British Columbia | 488 | 516 | — | Halkomelem |
259 | Slate Falls Nation | Ontario | 253 | 283 | Windigo First Nations Council | Ojibwe |
477 | Smith’s Landing First Nation | Alberta | 324 | 362 | — | Athabasken |
554 | Tla'amin Nation | British Columbia | 990 | 1086 | Sliammon First Nation | früher: Sliammon |
648 | Snuneymuxw First Nation (Nanaimo) | British Columbia | 1642 | 1804 | Snuneymuxw First Nation | Halkomelem |
716 | Soda Creek | British Columbia | 395 | 433 | Xat'Súll First Nation (Soda Creek Indian Band) | Binnen-Salish, Shuswap |
656 | Songhees First Nation | British Columbia | 535 | 570 | Songhees Nation | Küsten-Salish |
572 | Soowahlie | British Columbia | 360 | 374 | Soowahlie Band Administration | Halkomelem, Sto:lo |
600 | Splatsin | British Columbia | 813 | 896 | Splatsin | Binnen-Salish, Shuswap, früher: Spallumcheen |
708 | Spuzzum | British Columbia | 226 | 281 | — | Salish, Nlaka'pamux |
568 | Sq'éwlets | British Columbia | 223ACP | 266 | — | Halkomelem, Sto:lo, früher: Scowlitz |
555 | Squamish | British Columbia | 3862 | 4212 | Squamish Nation Network | Küsten-Salish |
574 | Squiala First Nation | British Columbia | 182 | 218 | Squiala First Nation | Halkomelem, Sto:lo |
298 | St. Theresa Point | Manitoba | 3751 | 4222 | St. Theresa Point First Nation | Oji-Cree |
386 | Standing Buffalo | Saskatchewan | 1196 | 1267 | Standing Buffalo | Dakota |
387 | Star Blanket Cree Nation | Saskatchewan | 612 | 683 | Star Blanket Cree Nation | Cree |
613 | Stellat'en First Nation | British Columbia | 466 | 545 | Stellat'en First Nation | Carrier, s. Dakelh |
471 | Stoney | Alberta | 0 | 0 | — | Stoney |
559 | Sts'ailes, früher: Chehalis | British Columbia | 1022 | 1082 | Chehalis First Nation | Halkomelem, Sto:lo |
723 | Stswecem'c Xgat'tem First Nation | British Columbia | 712 | 750 | Canoe Creek Band | Binnen-Salish, Shuswap, früher: Canoe Creek |
455 | Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation | Alberta | 2880 | 3293 | Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation | Cree, am Sturgeon Lake, Westalberta |
360 | Sturgeon Lake First Nation | Saskatchewan | 2684 | 2923 | Sturgeon Lake First Nation | Cree |
641 | Stz'uminus First Nation | British Columbia | 1179 | 1319 | Stz'uminus First Nation | Küsten-Salish, früher: Chemainus First Nation |
456 | Sucker Creek | Alberta | 2550 | 2846 | Sucker Creek First Nation | Cree, am Westende des Lesser Slave Lake |
578 | Sumas First Nation | British Columbia | 242ACP | 331 | Sumas First Nation | Halkomelem, Sto:lo |
434 | Sunchild First Nation | Alberta | 1266 | 1357 | — | Cree |
293 | Swan Lake | Manitoba | 1295 | 1404 | Swan Lake First Nation | Anishinabe |
457 | Swan River First Nation | Alberta | 1174 | 1333 | Swan River First Nation | Cree, am Südufer des Lesser Slave Lake |
348 | Sweetgrass | Saskatchewan | 1786 | 1963 | Sweetgrass First Nation | Cree |
657 | T'Sou-ke First Nation | British Columbia | 242 | 261 | T'sou-ke Nation | Küsten-Salish |
593 | T'it'q'et | British Columbia | 394 | 430 | P’egp’íg’lha | Binnen-Salish, St’át’imc |
508 | Ta'an Kwach'an | Yukon | 244 | 272 | Ta'an Kwach'an Council | Athabasken, Tutchone, Southern |
682 | Tahltan | British Columbia | 1744 | 1914 | Dease Lake Community Page | Athabasken |
608 | Takla Lake First Nation | British Columbia | 705 | 819 | Takla Lake First Nation | Babine-Witsuwit'en, s. Dakelh |
501 | Taku River Tlingit | Yukon | 385 | 410 | Taku River Tlingit First Nation | Tlingit |
446 | Tallcree | Alberta | 1163 | 1325 | Tallcree Tribal Government | Cree |
306 | Tataskweyak Cree Nation | Manitoba | 3491 | 3842 | Tataskweyak Cree Nation | Cree |
145 | Taykwa Tagamou Nation | Ontario | 431 | 604 | Taykwa Tagamou Nation (früher New Post Nation) | Cree |
222 | Temagami First Nation | Ontario | 734 | 841 | Temagami First Nation | Anishinabe |
499 | Teslin Tlingit Council | Yukon | 588 | 605 | Teslin Tlingit Council | Tlingit |
751 | Tetlit Gwich'in | Northwest Territories | 1380 | 1447 | Gwich'in von Tetlit Zheh (Fort McPherson) | Gwich'in |
61 | The Crees of the Waskaganish First Nation | Quebec | 2563 | 2837 | The Crees of Waskaganish First Nation | Cree |
368 | The Key First Nation | Saskatchewan | 1185 | 1329 | Key First Nation[46] | Saulteaux[47] |
202 | Thessalon | Ontario | 634 | 775 | Thessalon First Nation | Anishinabe |
349 | Thunderchild First Nation | Saskatchewan | 2683 | 2873 | Thunderchild First Nation | Cree |
64 | Timiskaming First Nation | Quebec | 1753 | 2129 | Timiskaming First Nation | Algonkin |
688 | Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc | British Columbia | 1002ACP | 1328 | T'kamloops Indian Band | Binnen-Salish, Shuswap, früher: Kamloops |
617 | Tl'azt'en Nation | British Columbia | 1673 | 1777 | Tl'azt'en Nation | Carrier, s. Dakelh |
712 | Tl'etinqox-t'in Government | British Columbia | 1503 | 1599 | Tl'etinqox-t'in Government Office | Tsilhqot'in, früher: Chilcotin |
660 | Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations | British Columbia | 1010 | 1120 | Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations | Nuu-chah-nulth |
632 | Tlatlasikwala | British Columbia | 49ACP | 65 | Tlatlasikwala First Nation | Kwakwaka'wakw |
637 | Tlowitsis Tribe | British Columbia | 385 | 422 | — | Kwakwaka'wakw; Eigenbez.: Tlowitsis Nation |
603 | Tobacco Plains | British Columbia | 165ACP | 207 | Tobacco Plains | Kutenai |
16 | Tobique | Neubraunschweig | 2044 | 2364 | Tobique First Nation | Maliseet |
718 | Toosey | British Columbia | 312 | 344 | — | Tsilhqot'in |
292 | Tootinaowaziibeeng Treaty Reserve | Manitoba | 1298 | 1462 | — | Anishinabe; Eigenbez.: Dootinaawi-ziibiing |
666 | Toquaht | British Columbia | 143 | 151 | Toquaht Nation, derzeit nicht erreichbar[48] | Nuu-chah-nulth |
494 | Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in | Yukon | 716 | 827 | Tr'ondek Hwech'in Han Nation | Athabasken, Hän |
594 | Ts'kw'aylaxw First Nation (Pavillon) | British Columbia | 543 | 569 | Ts'kw'aylaxw First Nations | Binnen-Salish, Shuswap |
595 | Tsal'alh | British Columbia | 643 | 697 | — | früher: Seton Lake |
653 | Tsartlip | British Columbia | 784ACP | 1003 | Tsartlip First Nation | Küsten-Salish |
654 | Tsawout First Nation | British Columbia | 808 | 915 | Tsawout First Nation | s. Saanich |
577 | Tsawwassen First Nation | British Columbia | 301 | 365 | Tsawwassen First Nation | Küsten-Salish |
609 | Tsay Keh Dene | British Columbia | 434 | 487 | Tsay Keh Dene Band | Dene |
665 | Tseshaht | British Columbia | 1041 | 1195 | Tseshat First Nation | Nuu-chah-nulth |
655 | Tseycum | British Columbia | 175 | 187 | Tseycum First Nation | s. Saanich |
549 | Tsleil-Waututh Nation | British Columbia | 497 | 586 | Tsleil-Waututh Nation | früher: Burrard |
432 | Tsuut'ina Nation | Alberta | 1908 | 2294 | Tsuu T'Ina (First) Nation | Athabasken, Blackfoot; früher: Sarcee |
750 | Tulita Dene | Northwest Territories | 638 | 704 | Tulita, bei Dehcho First Nations | Dene |
245 | Tuscarora | Ontario | 1958 | 2259 | Tuscarora & Six Nations Websites | Irokesen, Tuscarora, s. Six Nations of the Grand River |
575 | Tzeachten | British Columbia | 451 | 530 | Tzeachten First Nation | Halkomelem, Sto:lo |
667 | Uchucklesaht | British Columbia | 203 | 223 | Uchucklesaht Tribe | Nuu-chah-nulth |
668 | Ucluelet First Nation | British Columbia | 631 | 666 | Ucluelet First Nation | Nuu-chah-nulth |
722 | Ulkatcho | British Columbia | 998 | 1048 | — | Carrier, s. Dakelh |
588 | Union Bar First Nation | British Columbia | 117 | 128 | — | Halkomelem |
249 | Upper Cayuga | Ontario | 3314 | 3738 | — | Irokesen, Cayuga |
257 | Upper Mohawk | Ontario | 5773 | 6380 | — | Irokesen, Mohawk |
697 | Upper Nicola | British Columbia | 822ACP | 968 | Upper Nicola | Okanagan |
599 | Upper Similkameen | British Columbia | 77 | 128 | — | Okanagan |
496 | Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation | Yukon | 526 | 549 | Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation | Gwich'in |
150 | Wabaseemoong Independent Nations | Ontario | 1842 | 1956 | Wabaseemoong Independent Nations[49] | Anishinabe |
156 | Wabauskang First Nation | Ontario | 278 | 332 | — | Saulteaux |
157 | Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation | Ontario | 595 | 722 | Wabigoon First Nation | Saulteaux |
28 | Wagmatcook | Neuschottland | 761 | 852 | Wagmatcook First Nation | Mi'kmaq |
233 | Wahgoshig | Ontario | 286 | 332 | Wahgoshig First Nation | Anishinabe |
232 | Wahnapitae | Ontario | 316ACP | 520 | Wahnapitae First Nation | Ojibwe |
358 | Wahpeton Dakota Nation | Saskatchewan | 481 | 531 | Wahpeton Dakota Nation | Dakota |
134 | Wahta Mohawk | Ontario | 716 | 807 | Wahta Mohawks | Irokesen, genauer Mohawk |
255 | Walker Mohawk | Ontario | 474 | 492 | — | Irokesen, Mohawk |
170 | Walpole Island | Ontario | 4378 | 4860 | Bkejwanong Territory (Walpole Island) | Anishinabe |
206 | Wapekeka | Ontario | 411 | 461 | Wapekeka First Nation | Oji-Cree |
323 | War Lake First Nation | Manitoba | 280 | 312 | War Lake First Nation[6] | Cree |
299 | Wasagamack First Nation | Manitoba | 1886 | 2145 | Wasagamack First Nation | Oji-Cree |
136 | Wasauksing First Nation | Ontario | 991ACP | 1295 | Wasauksing First Nation | Anishinabe, Odawa, Potawatomi |
56 | Waswanipi | Quebec | 1941 | 2173 | Wasawanipi Cree First Nation | Cree |
402 | Waterhen Lake | Saskatchewan | 1869 | 2005 | Waterhen Lake First Nation[8] | Cree |
234 | Wawakapewin | Ontario | 71 | 74 | Wawakapewin First Nation | Oji-Cree |
29 | We'koqma'q First Nation | Neuschottland | 943 | 995 | Waycobah First Nation (Memento vom 7. März 2018 im Internet Archive),, 7. März 2018 | Mi'kmaq, früher: Waycobah First Nation |
285 | Waywayseecappo First Nation Treaty Four – 1874 | Manitoba | 2499 | 2728 | — | Anishinabe; Eigenbez.: Wewezhigaabow |
240 | Webequie | Ontario | 818 | 915 | Webequie First Nation | Ojibwe |
146 | Weenusk | Ontario | 542 | 594 | Weenusk First Nation (Peawanuk) | Cree |
475 | Wesley | Alberta | 1592 | 1838 | Wesley First Nation | Assiniboine, bzw. Stoney |
545 | West Moberly First Nations | British Columbia | 234 | 299 | West Moberly First Nations | Athabasken, Cree |
772 | West Point First Nation | Northwest Territories | 70ACP | 74 | West Point First Nation, bei Dehcho First Nations | Athabasken, Eigenbez.: Ts'ueh Nda community |
601 | Westbank First Nation | British Columbia | 732 | 870 | Westbank First Nation | Okanagan |
725 | Wet'suwet'en First Nation | British Columbia | 206ACP | 247 | Wet’suwet’en | Babine-Witsuwit'en, s. Dakelh |
769 | Wha Ti First Nation | Northwest Territories | 634 | 677 | — | Athabasken |
702 | Whispering Pines/Clinton | British Columbia | 148 | 159 | Whispering Pines / Clinton Indian Band | Binnen-Salish, Shuswap |
365 | White Bear | Saskatchewan | 2421 | 2667 | White Bear First Nation | Cree, Assiniboin |
506 | White River First Nation | Yukon | 143 | 153 | White River First Nation, | Athabasken; Upper Tanana, Northern Tutchone |
372 | Whitecap Dakota First Nation | Saskatchewan | 583 | 642 | Whitecap Dakota First Nation | Dakota |
459 | Whitefish Lake | Alberta | 2344 | 2733 | Whitefish Lake First Nation | Cree, am Utikuma Lake (nördl. d. Lesser Slave Lake) |
230 | Whitefish River | Ontario | 1169 | 1308 | Whitefish River First Nation | 68 km südwestli. v. Sudbury |
190 | Whitesand | Ontario | 1148 | 1247 | Whitesand First Nation | Ojibwa, Thunder Bay, nordöstlich von |
175 | Wikwemikong | Ontario | 6646 | 8113 | Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve | Anishinabe |
719 | Williams Lake | British Columbia | 688 | 812 | Williams Lake Indian Band. T'exelc | Binnen-Salish, Shuswap |
407 | Witchekan Lake | Saskatchewan | 691 | 764 | Witchekan Lake First Nation[8] | Cree |
68 | Wolf Lake | Quebec | 212 | 232 | — | Algonkin |
388 | Wood Mountain | Saskatchewan | 244 | 286 | [50] | Dakota |
474 | Woodland Cree First Nation | Alberta | 1030 | 1159 | Woodland Cree First Nation | Cree |
17 | Woodstock | Neubraunschweig | 899 | 1029 | Woodstock First Nation | Maliseet |
541 | Wuikinuxv Nation | British Columbia | 281 | 289 | Wuikinuxv First Nation | Wakashan, Heiltsuk-Oowekyala, früher: Oweekeno/Wuikinuxv Nation |
217 | Wunnumin | Ontario | 646 | 690 | Wunnumin Lake First Nation | Cree, Ojibway, Wunnumin Lake Reserve im Sioux-Lookout-Distrikt |
324 | Wuskwi Sipihk First Nation | Manitoba | 617 | 634 | Wuskwi Sipihk First Nation | Cree |
592 | Xaxli'p | British Columbia | 981 | 1039 | Xaxli'p First Nation | Binnen-Salish; früher Fountain Indian Band |
714 | Xeni Gwet'in First Nations Government | British Columbia | 416 | 435 | Xeni Gwet'in: People of Nemiah[51] | Tsilhqot'in |
576 | Yakweakwioose | British Columbia | 65 | 71 | — | Halkomelem, Sto:lo |
589 | Yale First Nation | British Columbia | 155 | 172 | Yale First Nation | Salish, Halkomelem |
728 | Yekooche | British Columbia | 215 | 235 | Yekooche First Nation | Carrier, s. Dakelh |
376 | Yellow Quill | Saskatchewan | 2750 | 2968 | Yellow Quill First Nation | Saulteaux |
763 | Yellowknives Dene First Nation | Northwest Territories | 1428 | 1559 | Yellowknives Dene First Nation | Athabasken |
304 | York Factory First Nation | Manitoba | 1158 | 1332 | York Factory Cree Nation | Cree |
717 | Yunesit'in Government | Alberta – British Columbia | 424 | 467 | — | früher: Stone |
173 | Zhiibaahaasing First Nation | Ontario | 140ACP | 169 | Zhiibaahaasing First Nation | Anishinabe |
- Die entsprechende Website findet sich hier: Search by First Nation.
- die nördlichste Gruppe
- BC Assembly of First Nations
- Zu den Atikamekw gehören die Opitciwan, die Wemotaci und die Manawan.
- dito
- bei Keewatin Tribal Council
- S. Chiniki, Stone
- auf Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan
- s. Hecla-Grindstone Provincial Park
- Lake Nipigon
- im Rahmen von Wabun First Nation Profiles
- „Da’naxda’xw and Awaetlala tribes of Knight Inlet“
- bei First Peoples Development Inc.
- bei Kaska Dena Council
- bei Dehcho First Nations
- Zu ihnen gehören die Gemeinden Bushe River, Meander River und Chateh (früher Assumption).
- Sie gehören zu den Treaty 8 communities, zusammen mit Doig River First Nation, Fort Nelson First Nation, Prophet River First Nation, Saulteau First Nations, West Moberly First Nation. Nicht Mitglieder, aber weitere Unterzeichner sind Blueberry River First Nations und McLeod Lake First Nation. Früher, zusammen mit den West Moberly First Nations war die Halfway River First Nation Teil der Hudson Hope Band.
- Dennoch Angehörige des Western Cree Tribal Council.
- Website beim Gwich'in Tribal Council
- History (Memento vom 10. Juni 2014 im Internet Archive)
- Kwadacha Nation, home of the Tsek'ene People (Memento vom 9. März 2015 im Internet Archive)
- Kwakiutl Indian Band (Memento vom 28. Juli 2012 im Internet Archive), 28. Juli 2012
- auch Gilford Island
- auf der Seite der Hul'qumi'num Treaty Group
- Little Grand Rapids First Nation (Memento vom 10. Juli 2008 im Internet Archive)
- All Nations Tribal Days
- Geschichte (Memento vom 30. Dezember 2015 im Internet Archive)
- About us der Lytton First Nation (Memento vom 19. März 2016 im Internet Archive)
- Ein Schreibfehler des Indianerdepartments?
- bei INAC nicht aufgeführt
- Dazu zählen Gruppen bei Fort Ware (Kwadacha) und Ingenika (Tseh Kay Dene).
- s. (Memento vom 17. März 2005 im Internet Archive)
- beim Meadow Lake Tribal Council
- ursprgl. drei Stämme: Mosquito, Grizzly Bears Head, Lean Man
- 2005 von Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation abgespalten
- Pauingassi First Nation (Memento vom 22. Juni 2008 im Internet Archive)
- Pequis First Nation (Memento vom 11. Oktober 2007 im Internet Archive)
- auf der Seite der Hul'qumi'num Treaty Group
- Pictou Landing First Nation (Memento vom 10. Februar 2007 im Internet Archive)
- Saugeen Nation (Chippewas of Saugeen)
- Seine River First Nation
- Seine River First Nation
- Zu ihnen gehören die Bay of Quinte Mohawk, die Bearfoot Onondaga, Delaware, Konadaha Seneca, Lower Cayuga, Lower Mohawk, Niharondasa Seneca, Oneida, Onondaga Clear Sky, Tuscarora, Upper Cayuga, Upper Mohawk und Walker Mohawk.
- Skownan First Nation History.
- benannt nach Chief The Key
- s. Toquaht First Nation (Memento vom 27. November 2002 im Internet Archive), unvollständig
- Wabaseemoong Independent Nations (Memento vom 11. April 2008 im Internet Archive)
- Wood Mountain Dakota First Nation
- Xeni Gwet'in: People of Nemiah (Memento vom 27. Juli 2011 im Internet Archive)
Siehe auch
- First Nations
- Geschichte der First Nations
- Ardoch Algonquin First Nation (nicht anerkannt)
- Arsigantegok
- Bearlake
- Bella Bella
- Beothuk
- Colville
- Dogrib
- Gitxsan
- Gwich'in
- Haida (Volk)
- Holikachuk
- Hwlitsum (nicht anerkannt)
- Innu
- Kashechewan, Cree
- Kennebec (Volk)
- Kichesipirini (nicht anerkannt)
- Lekwiltok, Kwakwaka'wakw
- Ottawa (Volk), s. Odawa
- Passamaquoddy
- Pentlatch
- Pigwacket
- Potawatomi
- Sarcee
- Sekani
- St'at'imc (Ethnie), Binnen-Salish
- Sinixt (nicht anerkannt)
- Slavey
- Tait (Volk)
- Tlicho
- Tsetsaut
- Tsilhqot'in