Raimo Olavi Toivonen
Raimo Olavi Toivonen (* 1953 in Kankaanpää, Finnland) ist ein finnischer Entwickler von Sprachanalyse, Sprachsynthese, Sprachtechnologie, Psychoakustik und digitaler Signalverarbeitung.
Leben und Werk
Toivonen studierte an der Technischen Universität Tampere (TUT), wo er 1979 ein Diplom in Elektrotechnik erhielt.[4]
Die Entwicklung der Sprachsynthese begann 1975 am TUT und wurde dort von 1975 bis 1976 fortgesetzt. Die Entwicklungsarbeiten am VTT in Tampere wurden fortgesetzt. Danach wurde die Entwicklungsarbeit 1978 an die TUT-Elektronikabteilung übertragen. Dort wurde die Entwicklungsarbeit bis 1981 fortgesetzt. Toivonen trat im Januar 1977 der Entwicklung von Sprachsyntheseanwendungen bei.[5][6][7][8][9][4]
Die erste Präsentation des von Toivonen entwickelten Intelligent Speech Analyser (ISA) fand im Januar 1987 beim finnischen Phonetik-Treffen an der Universität Jyväskylä statt.[3] Die Entwicklungsarbeiten begannen 1985 und wurden seitdem fortgesetzt.[1][2]
In 100 akademischen Arbeiten, von denen 27 Dissertationen sind, wurde die gesprochene Sprache mit Hilfe der von Toivonen entwickelten ISA untersucht. Insgesamt gibt es fast 500 Publikationen. Mit ISA wurden 17 gesprochene Sprachen akademisch recherchiert und Artikel mit 15 Sprachen geschrieben. Diese 17 gesprochenen Sprachen sind Finnisch, Finnische Dialekte, Finno-ugrisch, Finnlandschwedisch, Schwedisch, Estnisch, Isländisch, Ungarisch, Polnisch, Tschechisch, Deutsch in verschiedenen europäischen Ländern, Russisch, Englisch in verschiedenen Ländern, Französisch, Griechisch in Athen, Kreta und Zypern, Portugiesisch, Spanisch in Spanien, Südamerika und Nordafrika.[1][2][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21]
Schriften (Auswahl)
Forschungsprojekt der Akademie von Finnland Entwicklung von Kommunikationsinstrumenten für sensorisch Behinderte
- mit Tapani Rahko, Matti Karjalainen, Unto Laine, Pekka Karma: Clinical Applications of the Experiences with a Portable, Unlimited Text-to-Speech Synthesizer, Ear and Hearing, 1981;2:4:177–179. doi:10.1097/00003446-198107000-00007.
- mit M.A. Karjalainen, U.K. Laine.: Aids for the handicapped based on "Synte 2" speech synthesizer, ICASSP '80. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, April 9–11, 1980;5:851–854. doi:10.1109/ICASSP.1980.1171070.
- mit Matti Karjalainen, Unto Laine, Seppo Lavonen: Aistivammaisten kommunikaatiovälineiden kehittäminen, Yhteenvetoraportti, luku 4, Puhesynteesitutkimuksesta (Development of communication tools for the sensory impaired, Final report, Chapter 4, From speech synthesis research), Report 12, Finnish Technical Research Center, Laboratory of Biomedical Engineering, Tampere, 1979. OCLC 57811588.
- Sokeain ohjelmoijain audiovisuaalinen tietokonepääte (An audio-visual computer terminal for blind programmers), Tampere University of Technology, Department of Electronics, 1979. (Master's Thesis in Technology)[4]
Forschungsprojekt der Akademie von Finnland Auditive Modellierung der Sprachwahrnehmung
- mit Matti Karjalainen (Hrsg.): Puheen kuulemisen mallintaminen (Auditory modelling of speech perception), Helsinki University of Technology, Acoustics laboratory, 1987. OCLC 57889092.
Dreiteilige Artikelserie
- Mikroprosessori tuli ja jäi 1. Synteettinen puhe auttaa näkövammaista (The microprocessor came and stayed 1. Synthetic speech helps the visually impaired). In: Aamulehti vom 12. Februar 1980. S. 6.
- Mikroprosessori tuli ja jäi 2. Kirjat ja lehdet saadaan puhumaan (The microprocessor came and stayed 2. Books and magazines are made to talk). In: Aamulehti vom 13. Februar 1980 S. 8.
- Mikroprosessori tuli ja jäi 3. 1980-luvulla saadaan tietokoneet puhumaan (The microprocessor came and stayed 3. In the 1980s, computers were made to talk). In: Aamulehti vom 14. Februar 1980 S. 8.
Artikel im finnischen Mikroprozessormagazin Prosessori
- Tampereelta maailman ensimmäinen puhuva pääte (The world's first talking terminal from Tampere). In: Prosessori-lehti (Finnish microprocessor magazine Prosessori) 5/1979, S. 25–27.
- Puhuva kone tekee äänikirjoja (The talking machine makes audio books). In: Prosessori-lehti 6/1979, S. 32–38.
- Puhuva kone vastaa puhelimeen (The talking machine answers the phone). In: Prosessori-lehti 8/1979.
- Puhuva pääte kehittyy edelleen (The talking terminal is still evolving). In: Prosessori-lehti 2/1980.
- Audiovisuaalinen sanojenkäsittelylaite – 1980-luvun mikroprosessoritekniikkaa (Audiovisual word processing device – 1980s microprocessor technology). In: Prosessori-lehti 3/1980.
- Synte 2 Sprechmaschine bei der Erfindungsausstellung im Museumszentrum Vapriikki in Tampere, Finnland (20. Juni 2012–).[23]
- Das erste Aufbaustudium in digitaler Signalverarbeitung (DSP) 1976–1978 am Department of Electronics der Tampere University of Technology.
- Auditorisch spektralserien aus dem finnischen Wort ui, die 1983 an der Technischen Universität Helsinki mit einer 48-Kanal-Filterbank im Bark-Skala hergestellt wurden.[31]
Siehe auch
- The first postgraduate studies in digital signal processing (DSP) 1976–1978 at the Department of Electronics, Tampere University of Technology. Participants 1976–1978 with the highest possible 5/5 grades: Tapio Saramäki, currently professor emeritus, Markku Renfors, currently professor emeritus and Raimo Toivonen.
- Google Scholar: developed by Raimo Toivonen. (52 results).
- Google Scholar: Intelligent Speech Analyser. (95 results).
- Toivonen, Raimo: The first presentation of the Intelligent Speech Analyser™ (ISA) took place in the Meeting of Finnish Phoneticians in University of Jyväskylä 16.–17.1.1987.
- finna.fi: Sokeain ohjelmoijain audiovisuaalinen tietokonepääte. (Ein audiovisuelles Computerterminal für blinde Programmierer).
- Toivonen, Raimo: Mikroprosessori tuli ja jäi 1. Synteettinen puhe auttaa näkövammaista (The microprocessor came and stayed 1. Synthetic speech helps the visually impaired). Aamulehti February 12, 1980. S. 6.
- Toivonen, Raimo: Mikroprosessori tuli ja jäi 2. Kirjat ja lehdet saadaan puhumaan (The microprocessor came and stayed 2. Books and magazines are made to talk). Aamulehti February 13, 1980. S. 8.
- Toivonen, Raimo: Mikroprosessori tuli ja jäi 3. 1980-luvulla saadaan tietokoneet puhumaan (The microprocessor came and stayed 3. In the 1980s, computers were made to talk). Aamulehti February 14, 1980. S. 8.
- finna.fi: Aistivammaisten kommunikaatiovälineiden kehittäminen : yhteenvetoraportti. (Entwicklung von Kommunikationsinstrumenten für sensorisch Behinderte : ein zusammenfassender Bericht).
- semanticscholar.org: Aids for the handicapped based on Synte 2 speech synthesizer. Matti Karjalainen, currently professor emeritus at Aalto University. Unto Laine, currently professor emeritus at Aalto University.
- Kuronen, Mikko: Vokaluttalets akustik i sverigesvenska, finlanssvenska och finska. (The acoustics of the vowel pronunciation in Swedish-Swedish, Finnish-Swedish and Finnish). University of Jyväskylä, 2000, Dissertation, contains 181 ISA analysis pictures. OCLC 477065490 Mikko Kuronen, currently senior lecturer at the University of Jyväskylä.
- Kuronen, Mikko: Vokaluttalets akustik i sverigesvenska, finlanssvenska och finska (The acoustics of the vowel pronunciation in Swedish-Swedish, Finnish-Swedish and Finnish). Licentiate work. University of Tampere, Department of Philology II, 162 pages, March 1997. Contains 88 ISA analysis pictures.
- Kuronen, Mikko: Vokaluttalet i sverigesvenska och finlanssvenska (The vowel pronunciation in Swedish and Finnish Swedish). University of Helsinki, Department of Phonetics, 37 pages, December 1995. Contains many ISA analysis pictures.
- Kuronen, Mikko: Om morfologiskt komplexa ords prosodi i rikssvenska och finlands-svenska, en kontrastiv studie (On the prosody of morphologically complex words in Swedish and Finnish-Swedish, a contrastive study). Pro gradu – avhandling i nordisk filologi vid Tammerfors universitet, 100 pages, Oktober 1993. Contains many ISA analysis pictures.
- Riad, Tomas: The Phonology of Swedish. The Phonology of the World's Languages, Oxford University Press, January 2014, 356 pages. Textbook. Contains Bark scale formant chart pictures of the Intelligent Speech Analyser™ (ISA) on pages 19, 20, 22, 40, 41. OCLC 940606268. Tomas Riad, professor of Nordic languages at the University of Stockholm, member of the Swedish Academy since 2011 (chair nr. 6).
- Master, Suely: Análise acústica e perceptivo-auditiva da voz de atores e não atores masculinos: long term average spectrum e o "formante do ator". (Acoustic and Perceptual Analyses of Brazilian Male Actors' and Nonactors' Voices: Long-term Average Spectrum and the “Actor's Formant”). Dissertação 2005. Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Suely Master, currently professor at the State University of São Paulo. Suely Master's LTAS articles.
- Master, Suely; De Biase, Noemi Grigoletto; Chiari, Brasília Maria; Laukkanen, Anne-Maria: Acoustic and Perceptual Analyses of Brazilian Male Actors' and Nonactors' Voices: Long-term Average Spectrum and the “Actor's Formant”. Journal of Voice 2008;22:2:146–154. doi:10.1016/j.jvoice.2006.09.006
- Pereira, Patricia Moraes: Análise comparativada voz em jovens mulheres antes e depois da prova de fala contínua. (A comparative analysis of the voices of young women before and after the continuous speech test). Dissertação 2015. Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade Federal de São Paulo. doi:10.11606/D.17.2017.tde-20072016-143744
- Vilkman, Erkki: Studies on human voice production : anatomical, biomechanical, physiological and psychophysiological studies with special reference to fundamental frequency, Acta Universitatis Tamperensis ser A vol 232. 1987. Dissertation. OCLC 310764310. This work use the fundamental frequency analysis of human voice and the computer field of human voice developed by Toivonen since 1983. These DSP methods, developed by Toivonen are still used in the Intelligent Speech Analyser™ (ISA) since 1986. Erkki Vilkman, currently professor emeritus in phoniatrics. Vilkman's Best Poster Award 2018–.
- Vilkman, Erkki: An Apparatus for Studying the Role of the Cricothyroid Articulation in the Voice Production of Excised Human Larynges. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 1987;39(4):169–77. doi:10.1159/000265856.
- Kastinen, Arja: Erään 15-kielisen kanteleen akustisesta tutkimuksesta. (An acoustical investigation of the specific 15-string kantele). Sibelius-Akatemian kansanmusiikin osaston julkaisuja 5 (Publications of the Sibelius Academy's Department of Folk Music 5). 2000. Dissertation. OCLC 57219457. The work was supervised by Rauno Esa Nieminen, Doctor of Music. Intelligent Speech Analyser™ (ISA) developed by Toivonen was used in acoustical investigations of the specific 15-string kantele. Arja Kastinen.
- Iivonen, Antti; Toivonen, Raimo: Computer in der psychoakustischen analyse und representation der vokale und vokalsysteme. Computergestützte Sprachverarbeitung für Phonetik und Diagnostik, June 12–14 1989. (Gall, V., Hollmach, U. Hrsg.), Martin-Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Wissenschaftliche Beiträge 1990/36 (F98), s. 34–37. OCLC 924598345.
- Google Scholar: Synte 2 speech synthesizer. (27 results).
- ts.fi: The Invention Exhibition at the Museum Center Vapriikki in Tampere, June 20, 2012–.
- Kaukoranta, Elina; Hari, Riitta; Lounasmaa, Olli: Responses of the human auditory cortex to vowel onset after fricative consonants. Experimental Brain Research. 1987;69:1:19–23. Springer-Verlag. Low Temperature Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology. doi:10.1007/BF00247025. Academician Riitta Hari, currently professor emerita at Aalto University. Academician Olli Lounasmaa, currently professor emeritus at Helsinki University of Technology.
- Aulanko, Reijo; Sams, Mikko; Reinikainen, Kalevi; Näätänen, Risto: Influence of the second formant transition on the event-related potentials (ERP) elicited by synthetic CV-syllables. Meeting of Finnish Phoneticians – Espoo 1988, Papers from the 15th Meeting of Finnish Phoneticians, (Karjalainen Matti, Laine Unto, eds.). Publications of the TKK Acoustics Laboratory 31, pp. 167–185.
- Aulanko, Reijo: Puheen havaitsemisen psykofysiologisesta perustasta: formanttitransitioiden havaitseminen. (The psychophysiological basis of speech perception: the detection of formant transitions) Department of Phonetics, University of Helsinki. 1989. Licentiate work.
- Hari, Riitta; Hämäläinen, Matti; Kaukoranta, Elina; Mäkelä, Jyrki; Joutsiniemi, Sirkka-Liisa; Tiihonen, Jari: Selective listening modifies activity of the human auditory cortex. Experimental Brain Research. February 1989;74:3:463–470. Springer-Verlag. Low Temperature Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology. doi:10.1007/BF00247348. Matti Hämäläinen, currently Professor at the Harvard Medical School and Visiting Professor at Aalto University. Jari Tiihonen, currently Professor at the University of Eastern Finland in Kuopio and at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. Jyrki Mäkelä, currently Head of BioMag Laboratory of Helsinki University Central Hospital.
- Sams, Mikko; Aulanko, Reijo; Aaltonen, Olli; Näätänen, Risto: Event-related potentials to infrequent changes in synthesized phonetic stimuli. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 1990;2:4:344–357. doi:10.1162/jocn.1990.2.4.344. Mikko Sams, currently professor at Aalto University. Risto Näätänen, currently member of several academies of science. Olli Aaltonen, currently professor emeritus in phonetics at Aalto University.
- Aulanko, Reijo; Hari, Riitta; Lounasmaa, Olli; Näätänen, Risto; Sams, Mikko: Phonetic invariance in the human auditory cortex. Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuropsychology. Neuroreport, 1993;4:12:1356–1358. Low Temperature Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology. doi:10.1097/00001756-199309150-00018.
- Leinonen, Kari: Finlandssvenskt sje-, tje- och s-ljud i kontrastiv belysning. Jyväskylä Studies In Humanitas 17, University of Jyväskylä. 2004. Dissertation. OCLC 76845272.
- finna.fi: Puheen kuulemisen mallintaminen. (Auditive Modellierung der Sprachwahrnehmung).
- Iivonen, Antti; Toivonen, Raimo: Simulation of the psycho-acoustical vowel space for linguistic applications. Eurospeech 1989, First European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, 1989;2:2289–2292. Antti Iivonen, currently professor emeritus in phonetics at the University of Helsinki.