
Die Weltmeisterschaft i​m Elefantenpolo findet s​eit 1982 jährlich statt.

Jahr Weltmeister
1982 I Schottland James Manclark Scottish Team
1983 II Nepal Tiger Tops Tuskers
1984 III Nepal Tiger Tops Tuskers
1985 IV Nepal Tiger Tops Tuskers
1986 V Nepal Nepal National Parks
1987 VI Nepal Tiger Tops Tuskers
1988 VI Nepal Nepal National Parks
1989 VIII Indien Oberoi India
1990 IX Nepal Grindlays Maharajahs
1991 X Nepal Nepal National Parks
1992 XI Nepal Tiger Tops Tuskers
1993 XII J & B Rare(1)
1994 XIII Nepal National Park
1995 XIV Philippinen International Distillers Philippines
1996 XV Nepal Nepal National Parks
1997 XVI Indien Tiger Mountain India
1998 XVII Nepal Tiger Tops Tuskers
1999 XVIII Nepal Nepal National Parks
2000 XIX Nepal Tiger Tops Tuskers
2001 XX Schottland Chivas Regal Scotland
2002 XXI Nepal Nepal National Parks
2003 XXII Nepal Tiger Tops Tuskers
2004 XXIII Schottland Chivas Regal Scotland
2005 XXIV Schottland Chivas Regal Scotland
2006 XXV Schottland Angus Estates
2007 XXVI Hongkong Chopard-Hongkong
  • (1) – internationales Team


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