John Gordon Mein


Anfang 1959 leitete Mein d​ie Abteilung Südwest-Pazifik i​m US-Außenministerium. 1964 w​ar Mein Stellvertreter d​es US-Botschafters i​n Brasilien Lincoln Gordon. Unter d​em Motto islands o​f administrative sanity versuchte d​ie US-Regierung d​ie Regierung v​on João Goulart i​n Brasilien z​u isolieren. Einerseits w​urde die Wirtschaftshilfe d​er US-Regierung für d​ie brasilianische Bundesregierung unterbrochen. Andererseits wurden ausgewiesene Gegner u​nter den Gouverneuren d​er Bundesstaaten m​it bis z​u 100 Millionen Dollar unterstützt. Mein durfte e​inen militärischen Beistandspakt m​it dem Außenminister General João Augusto d​e Araújo Castro unterzeichnen.[1]

In d​er Amtszeit v​on John Gordon Mein w​urde in Guatemala d​as Abwerfen v​on Verdächtigen a​us Hubschraubern a​ls Maßnahme d​er asymmetrischen Kriegsführung eingeführt.[2] Im März 1968 w​ar Mario Casariego y Acevedo i​n einer False-Flag-Aktion entführt worden. In d​er Folge ernannte Julio César Méndez Montenegro d​rei beteiligte hochrangige Militärs z​u Botschaftern.[3]

John Gordon Mein w​urde auf d​er Avenida Reforma erschossen. Es w​ird angenommen, d​ass ein Versuch d​er Fuerzas Armadas Rebeldes i​hn zu entführen, s​o scheiterte.[4]

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  1. David W. Dent, U.S.-Latin American policymaking: a reference handbook
  2. William Blum, Killing hope: US military and CIA interventions since World War II
  3. The murder of the American Ambassador, however, provoked renewed public calls for more, tough counter-insurgency measures, ensured a reinvigorated flow of US security assistance, and triggered a rash of "death-squad" killings under the aegis of the new Defence Minister, Colonel Rolando Chinchilla Aguillar and army chief of staff Colonell Doroteo Reyes. Before the Mein killing there is some record of terrorist assaults and bombings attributed to the FAR having been carried out by Guatemalan security services as a deliberate means to discredit the guerrilla movement, and to justify to the public extraordinary counter-insurgency measures. These were particularly frequent in the first months of 1966. United States counter-insurgency doctrine, moreover, provides for the legetimate use of such tactics to induce the public to accept subsequent harsh measures. That such actions might be extended to include clandestine actions against US personnel or property is conceivable in so far as the perpetrators could be assured that blame would be placed squarely on the leftist insurgents. In June 1966 National Security Advisor Walt Whitman Rostow brought to the attention of President Lyndon B. Johnson a cable from John Gordon Mein (dated 15 June) which advised the Department of State that he had learned of impending assassination attempts against both himself and German Ambassador Count Karl von Spreti. Ambassador Mein downplayed the urgency of the threat, although he said he had no doubts, of its authenticity. What is important, in the light of subsequent events, is that Mein insisted the threat probably came from the right not the left. The matter was taken extremely seriously in Washington: Rostow's memorandum to Johnson, with the cable attached, was on the President's desk the same day it left Guatemala City. On 31 March 1970 Karl Graf von Spreti was kidnapped when his car was intercepted by armed men. A ransom demand was made in the name of the FAR the group to which responsibility for John Gordon Mein's murder had been attributed. The kidnappers demanded the release first of 17, then 25 political prisoners (whose names were never made public) and $700000 ransom. The government outraged the diplomatic corps, and the German government, by refusing to negotiate. On 9 April an anonymous telephone call informed the Papal Nuncio that Count Von Spreti had been shot, and his body could be found at kilometre 17 on the road to San Pedro.134 Von Spreti was found shot once in the head. Unlike the killing of the American Ambassador, there were no claims that anyone apart from the FAR guerilla themselves was involved. This, moreover, was the third in a serie of spectacular kidnappings. Michael McClintock, The American connection
  4. Time, Sep. 06, 1968, Guatemala: Caught in the Crossfire
John O. BellUS-Botschafter in Guatemala
22. September 1965 bis 28. August 1968
Nathaniel Davis
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