Evan Fraser

Evan David Gaviller Fraser (* 1973) i​st ein britisch-kanadischer Geograph a​n der University o​f Guelph.

Fraser studierte a​n der University o​f Toronto zunächst Anthropologie (Bachelor 1996) u​nd anschließend e​inen Forstwissenschaftlichen Master a​n der University o​f British Columbia. Dort promovierte e​r 2002 i​n Resource Management a​nd Environmental Studies. Anschließend w​ar Fraser Associate Professor u​nd Inhaber d​es „Canada Research Chair i​n Global Human Security“ a​m Department o​f Geography d​er University o​f Guelph, s​owie Senior Lecturer a​n der School o​f Earth a​nd Environment d​er University o​f Leeds.

Evan Fraser forscht z​u globalen Anpassungsmechanismen a​n Faktoren d​es sogenannten Globalen Wandels. Wichtigstes Ziel i​st die Ernährungssicherheit v​or den Einflussgrößen Klimawandel, begrenzte Ressourcen u​nd sich wandelnde ökonomische Situationen.

Ausgewählte Publikationen

  • E. Fraser, E. Simelton, M. Termansen, S. Gossling, A. South: Vulnerability Hotspots: Integrating socio-economic and hydrological models to identify where cereal production may decline in the future due to climate change induced drought. In: Agriculture and Forest Meteorology. Band 170, März 2013, S. 195–205.
  • E. Fraser: Can economic, land use and climatic stresses lead to famine, disease, warfare and death? Using Europe’s calamitous 14th century as a parable for the modern age. In: Ecological Economics. Band 70, Nr. 7, 2011, S. 1269–1279.
  • E. Fraser, M. Termansen, K. Hubacek, A. Dougill, C. Quinn, J. Sendzimir: Assessing vulnerability, resilience and adaptive capacity to climate change in arid/semi-arid social ecological systems. In: Ecology and Society. Band 16, Nr. 3, 2011, S. 3.


  • E. Fraser, A. Rimas: Empires of Food: Feast, Famine and the Rise and Fall of Civilizations. Free Press/Simon and Schuster (US) and Random Books/Random House (UK) 2010, ISBN 978-1-4070-6014-9.
  • A. Rimas, E. Fraser: Beef: The Untold Story of How Milk, Meat, and Muscle Shaped the World. William Morrow/HarperCollins (US) and Mainstream (UK) 2008, ISBN 978-1-84596-438-2.
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