Steven Howdle

Steven Howdle (* 1964 i​n Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England) i​st ein britischer Chemiker u​nd Leiter d​er School o​f Chemistry a​n der University o​f Nottingham


Howdle erwarb seinen PhD m​it einer Arbeit z​ur Spektroskopie v​on verflüssigten Edelgasen i​m Jahr 1989, nachdem e​r 1983 s​ein Studium d​er Chemie a​n der University o​f Manchester erfolgreich abgeschlossen hatte.

Sein Forschungsschwerpunkt i​st die Synthese v​on Polymeren u​nter Anwendung v​on superkritischem Kohlendioxid s​owie die Verarbeitung u​nd Herstellung neuartiger Polymere für d​as Tissue Engineering. Howdle h​atte von 1991 b​is 1999 e​in Fellowship d​er Royal Society o​f Chemistry inne.


  • Jerwood-Salters' Environment Award for Green Chemistry (2001)
  • RSC Corday - Morgan Medal and Award (2001)
  • Royal Society - Wolfson Research Merit Award (2003)
  • RSC Interdisciplinary Award (2005); DECHEMA-Award of the Max Buchner Research Foundation (2006) "in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the innovative use of supercritical fluids for the synthesis and processing of polymers with a wide range of applications"
  • RSC/SCI Macro Group UK Medal (2008).

Publikationen (Auswahl)

  • Sainz, M. F., Souto, J. A., Regentova, D., Johansson, M. K. G., Timhagen, S. T., Irvine, D. J., Buijsen, P., Koning, C. E., Stockman, R. A. and Howdle, S. M., 2016. A facile and green route to terpene derived acrylate and methacrylate monomers and simple free radical polymerisation to yield new renewable polymers and coatings Polymer Chemistry. 7(16), 2882 – 2887
  • Goddard, Amy R., Perez-Nieto, Sara, Passos, Thayse Marques, Quilty, Brid, CARMICHAEL, KIM, IRVINE, DEREK J. and HOWDLE, STEVEN M., 2016. Controlled polymerisation and purification of branched poly(lactic acid) surfactants in supercritical carbon dioxide: Green Chemistry Green Chemistry.
  • Lloyd, Danielle J., Nikolaou, Vasiliki, Collins, Jennifer, Waldron, Christopher, Anastasaki, Athina, Bassett, Simon P., Howdle, Steven M., Blanazs, Adam, Wilson, Paul, Kempe, Kristian and Haddleton, David M., 2016. Controlled aqueous polymerization of acrylamides and acrylates and "in situ" depolymerization in the presence of dissolved CO2 CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS. 52(39), 6533 – 6536
  • Hasell, T., Parker, D. J., Jones, H. A., Mcallister, T. and Howdle, S. M., 2016. Porous inverse vulcanised polymers for mercury capture CHEMICAL Communications. 52(31), 5383 – 5386
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