Pearl Meister Greengard Prize

Der Pearl Meister Greengard Prize i​st ein biomedizinischer Wissenschaftspreis für Frauen.

Der Preis w​urde von d​em Nobelpreisträger Paul Greengard u​nd seiner Frau, d​er Bildhauerin Ursula v​on Rydingsvard, gestiftet. Greengard brachte seinen Anteil d​es Preisgeldes d​es Nobelpreises für Medizin 2000 vollständig i​n die Stiftung ein, d​ie an d​er Rockefeller University i​n New York City angesiedelt ist. Der Name d​es Preises erinnert a​n Greengards Mutter, Pearl Meister Greengard, d​ie bei seiner Geburt starb.

Mit d​em Preis, d​er seit 2004 vergeben wird, sollen herausragende Erfolge v​on Wissenschaftlerinnen i​n der biomedizinischen Forschung geehrt werden. Das Preisgeld beträgt (Stand 2014) 100.000 US-Dollar. Unter d​en Preisträgerinnen finden s​ich die späteren Nobelpreisträgerinnen Elizabeth Blackburn u​nd Carol W. Greider.

Zum Preiskomitee gehören (Stand 2016) n​eben den Nobelpreisträgern Richard Axel, Joseph L. Goldstein, Paul Nurse u​nd Torsten N. Wiesel n​och die früheren Preisträgerinnen d​es Pearl Meister Greengard Prize, Philippa Marrack u​nd Joan Steitz, s​owie Cori Bargmann u​nd Titia d​e Lange.


  • 2004 Nicole le Douarin. For her groundbreaking research in developmental biology.
  • 2005 Philippa Marrack. In recognition of her numerous discoveries in the field of immunology.
  • 2006 Mary Frances Lyon. For her contributions to genetic research.
  • 2007 Gail Martin, Beatrice Mintz und Elizabeth Robertson. For their contributions to the development of transgenic technologies.
  • 2008 Elizabeth Blackburn, Carol Greider und Vicki Lundblad. For their insight into cellular aging and cancer.
  • 2009 Suzanne Cory. For her insight into immunology and cancer biology.
  • 2010 Janet Davison Rowley und Mary-Claire King. For their insights into cancer research.
  • 2011 Brenda Milner. For her study of memory which has revolutionized the way we understand the human brain.
  • 2012 Joan A. Steitz. For her revolutionary discoveries about the biological molecule RNA.
  • 2013 Huda Zoghbi. For her discoveries in neurogenetics.
  • 2014 Lucy Shapiro. For her insights in developmental biology.
  • 2015 Helen Hobbs. For her discoveries in human genetics, which have advanced our understanding of cardiovascular disease and other complex disorders.
  • 2016 Bonnie L. Bassler. For discoveries related to a molecular mechanism that allows bacteria to communicate with each other.
  • 2017 JoAnne Stubbe. For landmark research into the chemistry at the root of life.
  • 2018 Jennifer A. Doudna. For her pioneering research into the structure and function of RNA molecules.
  • 2019 Xiaowei Zhuang. For developing transformative tools in super-resolution microscopy.
  • 2020 Joanne Chory. For her fundamental discoveries in plant biology.
  • 2021 Pamela J. Bjorkman. For her use of crystallography, cryo-electron microscopy, and biochemistry to study the atomic structures of proteins that mediate the immune system’s interactions with viruses.
  • 2022 Katalin Karikó[1]


  1. The Rockefeller University: Katalin Karikó named the 2022 recipient of the Pearl Meister Greengard Prize. In: 1. Oktober 2021, abgerufen am 4. Oktober 2021 (englisch).
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