Nicholas Kazanas
Nicholas Kazanas (* 1939 in Chios, Griechenland) ist ein griechischer Indologe.
Er studierte Sanskrit und Indologie an der renommierten School of Oriental and African Studies und am Deccan College in Pune, Indien. Er lehrte Indologie in London und Athen. Seit 1980 leitet er das Omilos Meleton Cultural Institute in Athen, einem Institut in dem u. a. auch Sanskrit gelehrt wird. Er ist im "Editorial Board" des Adyar Library Bulettin.[1]
Er übersetzte mehrere gnostische Texte ins Griechische und übersetzte auch zehn Upanishaden ins Griechische. Er schrieb auch über Wirtschaftsgeschichte.[2]
Er ist ein Vertreter der Indian Urheimat theory. in einer speziellen Ausgabe des Journal of Indo-European Studies brachte er Argumente gegen die Mainstream-Theorie der Indo-Arischen Migration vor. Seine Position wurde mehrheitlich kritisiert, u. a. von M Witzel, Richard Meadow, Martin Huld, Edwin Bryant, D. P. Agrawal, Asko Parpola, Stefan Zimmer, J. P. Mallory und Elena Kuzmina.[3][4]
- Economic principles in the Vedic tradition 2010
- Indo-Aryan origins and other Vedic issues 2009
- Vedic and Mesopotamian interactions 2007
- Vedic Vāc and Greek logos as creative power : a critical study 2009
- "Indo-European Deities and the Rigveda," JIES 29 (2001), p. 257.
- "Indigenous Indo-Aryans and the Rigveda," JIES 30 (2002), p. 275.
- "Final Reply," JIES 31 (2003), p. 187.
- "Rgveda 7.95.2 and Karen Thomson," JIES 38 (2010), p. 409.
- N. Kazanas, A new date for the Rgveda Philosophy and Chronology, (2000) ed. G C Pande & D Krishna, special issue of Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research (June, 2001)
- Advaita & Gnosticism, VVRI Research Bulletin (Hoshiarpur) vol 2 (43-112), 2003.
- 1999 ‘The Rigveda and IndoEuropeans’ Annals Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, vol 80 (pp 15–42).
- 2001b ‘Archaic Greece and the Veda’ in ABORI, vol 82, in press.
- 2004 ‘Plato and the Upaniṣads’ in Brahmavidyā: Adyar Library Bulletin.
- 2005 ‘Philosophy and Self-realization in the Ṛgveda’ Self Society and Science... ed D.P. Chattopadhyaya, PHISPC vol XI, pt2 (21-42), N. Delhi, Centre for Studies in Civilization.
- Anatolian bull and Vedic horse in the Indo-European diffusion. 2005. Adyar Library Bulletin (2003)
- Coherence and preservation in Sanskrit VVRI 2006
- Diffusion of Indo-European Theonyms: what they show us. 2005 .Quarterly Journal of the Mythic Society (Bangalore) Vol 97, No 1 (Jan-March 2006).
- Vedic and Mesopotamian cross-influences. 2004. Published in Migration & Diffusion (Vienna) 2005 and by the Adyar Library Bulletin (2006: Olcott commemorative issue). This was also incorporated in the study Vedic, Mesopotamian and Egyptian Religiophilosophical Thought (in print by PHISPC in the volume Chain of Golden Civilizations)
- Advaita & Gnosticism. Published in VVRI Research Bulletin (Hoshiarpur) vol 2 (43-112), 2003.
- 'Greek Philosophy up to Aristotle' November 2003. PHISPC
- Vedic and Egyptian Affinities.(2002, 2006 in Puratattva. Also incorporated in the study Vedic, Mesopotamian and Egyptian Religiophilosophical Thought (in print by PHISPC in the volume Chain of Golden Civilizations))
- 'Education & Ethics (presented at the New Delhi Conference organized by UNESCO and the Indian Ministry of Civilization on 'Dialogue among Civilizations: Quest for New Perspectives' 9–10 July 2003.)
- Witzel, M. - The Kazanas Fiasco. 2001 (Review of The AIT and Scholarship by N.Kazanas)
- V. Agarwal, A Reply to Michael Witzel’s ‘Ein Fremdling im Rgveda’1 (Journal of Indo-European Studies, Vol. 31, No.1-2: pp.107-185, 2003)
- Indo-European Deities and the Rgveda JIES vol 29 (2001), 257-93; Indigenous Indoaryans and the Rgveda JIES vol 30 (2002), 275-334; Final Reply JIES vol 31 (2003), 187-240.