Liste der Abkürzungen (Gambia)
Die Liste der Abkürzungen beinhaltet Abkürzungen und Akronyme, die in dem westafrikanischen Staat Gambia geläufig sind.
Abkürzung/ Akronym | Begriff | Bedeutung |
AA | Administrative Area | |
ACR | Africa Contemporary Record | |
AFPRC | Armed Forces Provisional Ruling Council | Militärjunta 1994 |
AMRC | Assets Management and Recovery Commission | |
APRC | Alliance for Patriotic Reorientation and Construction | Politische Partei |
AT | The African Times | Zeitung |
AU | African Union | Afrikanische Organisation |
BanCC | Banjul City Council | Stadtrat |
BATC | Bathurst Advisory Town Council | Stadtrat |
BAFROW | Foundation for Research on Women’s Health, Productivity and the Environment | Organisation |
BBM | Black Brotherhood Movement | |
BBWR | Bao Bolong Wetland Reserve | Naturschutzgebiet |
BCC | Bathurst City Council oder Banjul City Council | Stadtrat |
BJL | Banjul International Airport | IATA-Code des Flughafens |
BO | The Bathurst Observer and West African Gazette | Zeitung |
BOAC | British Overseas Airways Corporations | |
BRPA | Bathurst Rate Payers Association | |
BTC | Bathurst Town Council | Stadtrat |
BTU | Bathurst Trade Union | Gewerkschaft |
BUDC | Bathurst Urban District Council | Stadtrat |
BYMS | Bathurst Young Muslims Society | |
BMRA | Brufut Marathon Run Association | Organisation des Brufut Run |
CCYC | Central Council of Youth Clubs | |
CDC | Colonial Development Corporation | |
CDC | Commonwealth Development Corporation | |
CD & WA | Commonwealth Development and Welfare Acts | |
CFAO | Compagnie Française de l'Afrique Occidentale | Handelsgesellschaft |
CILSS | Comité permanent Inter-Etats de Lutte contre la Sécheresse dans le Sahel | |
CMS | Church Missionary Society | |
CO | Colonial Office | |
CRD | Central River Division | Ehemalige Verwaltungseinheit |
CRR | Central River Region | Verwaltungseinheit |
DCA | Democratic Congress Alliance | Politische Partei |
DO | Dominion Office | |
ECOMOG | ECOWAS Cease-Fire Monitoring Group | |
ECOWAS | Economic Community of West African States | Westafrikanische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft |
EEC | European Economic Community | |
ERP | Economic Recovery Programme | |
Ex. Co. | Executive Council | |
FAO | Food and Agricultural Organization | Welternährungsorganisation |
FCO | Foreign and Commonwealth Office | |
FO | Foreign Office | |
GA | Gambian National Archives | |
GAF | Gambia Armed Forces | Streitkräfte |
GAMBIS | Gambia Biometric Identification System | |
GATU | Gambia Amalgamated Trade Union | Gewerkschaft |
GBA | Gambia Bar Association | |
GBA | Greater Banjul Area | Verwaltungseinheit |
GBF | Gambia Basketball Federation | Sportverband |
GBYD | Banjul International Airport | ICAO-Code des Flughafens |
GCAA | Gambia Civil Aviation Authority | Luftfahrtbehörde |
GCDB | Gambia Commercial and Development Bank | |
GCP | Gambia Congress Party | Politische Partei |
GCU | Gambia Cooperatives Union | Gewerkschaft |
GD | The Gambia Daily | Zeitung |
GDP | Gambia Democratic Party | Politische Partei |
GE | The Gambia Echo | Zeitung |
GFA | Gambia Football Association | Sportverband |
GFCMA | Gambia Farmers' Co-operative Marketing Association | Genossenschaft |
GFF | Gambia Field Force | Paramilitärische Streitkräfte |
GG | The Gambia Gazette | Zeitung |
GGFP | Gambian-German Forestry Project | Naturschutzprojekt |
GHA | Gambia Handball Association | Sportverband |
GIA | Gambia International Airlines | Luftfahrtgesellschaft |
GLU | Gambia Labour Union | Gewerkschaft |
GM | ISO 3166-2 | ISO 3166-2-Kürzel |
GMC | Gambia Muslim Congress | Politische Partei |
GMDA | Gambia Medical and Dental Association | |
GMDMU | Gambia Motor Drivers and Mechanics Union | Gewerkschaft |
GNA | Gambia National Army | Armee/Heer |
GNAssocn | Gambia Native Association | |
GN | Gambia Navy | Streitkräfte |
GNB | The Gambia News Bulletin | Zeitung |
GNDU | Gambia Native Defense Union | |
GNG | Gambia National Gendarmerie | Paramilitärische Streitkräfte |
GNG | Gambia National Guard | Paramilitärische Streitkräfte |
GNIC | Gambia National Insurance Company | |
GNL | Gambia National League | |
GNOC | Gambia National Olympic Committee | Sportverband |
GNP | Gambia National Party | Politische Partei |
GNU | Gambia National Union | Politische Partei |
GNYC | Gambia National Youth Council | |
GO | The Gambia Outlook and Senegambian Reporter | Zeitung |
GOMB | Groundnut Oilseed Marketing Board | |
GPA | Gambia Ports Authority | Hafenbehörde |
GPSC | Gambia Postal Services Corporation | Post |
GPDP | Gambia Party for Democracy and Progress | Politische Partei |
GPMB | Gambia Produce Marketing Board | Landwirtschaftliche Genossenschaft |
GPP | Gambian People’s Party | Politische Parteien |
GPTC | Gambia Public Transport Corporation | Öffentlicher Nahverkehr |
GPU | Gambia Press Union | Gewerkschaft |
GRC | Gambia Representative Committee | |
GRTS | Gambia Radio & Television Services | Staatliche Rundfunkgesellschaft |
GSRP | Gambian Socialist Revolutionary Party | Politische Partei |
GSSP | Gambia Senior Secondary School | Weiterführende Schule |
GTTI | Gambia Technical Training Institute | Bildungseinrichtung |
GTU | Gambia Teachers Union | Gewerkschaft |
GUSRWP | Gambia Underground Socialist Revolutionary Workers Party | Politische Partei |
GVBA | Gambia Volleyball Association | Sportverband |
GW | The Gambia Weekly | Zeitung |
GWC | Gambian Workers’ Confederation | Gewerkschaft |
GWU | Gambia Workers’ Union | Gewerkschaft |
ICFTU | International Confederation of Free Trade Unions | Internationaler Bund Freier Gewerkschaften |
ICS | Institute of Commonwealth Studies | |
IEC | Independent Electoral Commission | Wahlkommission |
IGP | Inspector General of Police | |
ILO | International Labour Office | |
IMF | International Monetary Fund | Internationaler Währungsfonds |
ITC | International Trypanotolerance Centre | Forschungsinstitut |
ITUG-NW | International Trade Union Committee of Negro Workers | |
KWNP | Kiang West National Park | Naturschutzgebiet |
LAI | League Against Imperialism | |
Leg. Co. | Legislative Council | |
LGA | Local Government Area | Verwaltungsgliederung |
LRD | Lower River Division | Ehemalige Verwaltungseinheit |
LRR | Lower River Region | Verwaltungseinheit |
LRDept | Labour Research Department | |
MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | |
MBHS | Methodist Boys’ High School | |
MCC | Manchester Chamber of Commerce | |
MDMU | Motor Drivers' and Mechanics' Union | Gewerkschaft |
MEA | Ministry of External Affairs | |
MFDC | Mouvement des forces démocratiques de la Casamance | Rebellenorganisation |
MID | MacCarthy Island Division | Ehemalige Verwaltungseinheit |
MOJA-G | Movement for Justice in Africa-Gambia | Rebellenorganisation |
MP | Member of Parliament | Mitglied des Parlaments |
MRC | Medical Research Council | Forschungsklinik |
NADD | National Alliance for Democracy and Development | Politische Partei |
NBD | North Bank Division | Ehemalige Verwaltungseinheit |
NBR | North Bank Region | Verwaltungseinheit |
NCBWA | National Congress of British West Africa | |
NCP | National Convention Party | Politische Partei |
NDAM | National Democratic Action Movement | Politische Partei |
NGO | Non-governmental Organization | Nichtregierungsorganisation |
NIA | National Intelligence Agency | Nachrichtendienst |
NISER | Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research | |
NLP | National Liberation Party | Politische Partei |
NMP | Niumi National Park | Naturschutzgebiet |
NRP | National Reconciliation Party | Politische Partei |
NSS | National Security Service | Nachrichtendienst |
OAU | Organisation of African Unity | Afrikanische Organisation |
OBE | Order of the British Empire | |
OCN | Operation Clean The Nation | Aktion |
OIC | Organisation of Islamic Conference | |
OMVG | Gambia River Development Organization | Wasserverband |
PDOIS | People’s Democratic Organisation for Independence and Socialism | Politische Partei |
PDP | People’s Democratic Party | Politische Partei |
PLP | Parliamentary Labor Party | Politische Partei |
PPA | People’s Progressive Alliance | Politische Partei |
PPCA | Parliamentary Papers Colonies Africa | |
PPP | People’s Progressive Party | Politische Partei |
PPP | Protectorate People’s Society | Politische Partei |
PRO | Public Record Office | |
ProtPP | Protectorate People’s Party | Politische Partei |
PSD | Programme for Sustainable Development | |
PWD | Public Works Department | |
RAC | Royal African Company | Handelskompanie im 17. Jahrhundert |
RAC | Royal African Corps | |
RAMC | Royal Army Medical Corps | |
RDP | Rural Development Project | |
RGNP | River Gambia National Park | Naturschutzgebiet |
RILU | Red International of Labour Union | Gewerkschaft |
RPA | Bathurst Ratepayers' Association | |
RVH | Royal Victoria Hospital | Universitätskrankenhaus |
RVTH | Royal Victoria Teaching Hospital | Universitätskrankenhaus |
RWAFF | Royal West African Frontier Force | |
SAC | Structural Adjustment Credit | |
SAS | Special Air Service | |
SDR | Special Drawing Rights | |
(G)SIC | Gambia Supreme Islamic Council | |
SP | Sessional Paper | |
TSG | Tactical Support Group | |
UAC | United Africa Company | |
UDI | Unilateral Declaration of Independence | |
UDP | United Democratic Party | Politische Partei |
UNDP | United Nations Development Programme | Entwicklungsprogramm der VN |
UNIA | Universal Negro Improvement Association | |
UP | United Party | Politische Partei |
URD | Upper River Division | Ehemalige Verwaltungseinheit |
URR | Upper River Region | Verwaltungseinheit |
UTG | Universität von Gambia | Universität |
WA | West Africa | |
WASU | West African Students’ Union | |
WAYL | West African Youth League | |
WBHS | Wesleyan Boy's High School | |
WCR | West Coast Region | Verwaltungseinheit |
WD | Western Division | Ehemalige Verwaltungseinheit |
WR | Western Region | Ehemalige Verwaltungseinheit |
WFTU | World Federation of Trade Unions | Weltgewerkschaftsbund |
WMMS | Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society | |
WO | Weekend Observer | Zeitung |
- Arnold Gailey, Harry A. Hughes: Historical Dictionary of the Gambia (= African historical Dictionaries. Bd. 79). 3rd edition. The Scarecrow Press Inc., Lanham MD u. a. 1999, ISBN 0-8108-3660-2.
- Arnold Hughes, David Perfect: A Political History of The Gambia, 1816–1994 (= Rochester Studies in African History and the Diaspora. Bd. 26). University of Rochester Press u. a., Rochester NY u. a. 2006, ISBN 1-58046-230-8.
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