KVTML s​teht für "Kool Vokabel Trainer Markup Language" u​nd ist e​in Datenformat z​um Speichern v​on Vokabellisten u​nter Linux. Entwickelt w​ird es v​om KDE Education Project.[1] Programme d​ie mit diesem Format umgehen können, s​ind Parley, KHangMan, KVocTrain u​nd KWordQuiz.

Standardmäßiges Icon für .kvtml


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<DOCTYPE kvtml PUBLIC "kvtml2.dtd" "http://edu.kde.org/kvtml/kvtml2.dtd">
<kvtml version="2.0"> 
    <title>Animals</title><!--Translate tag content-->
    <comment>Animals from across the planet</comment><!--Translate tag content-->
    <identifier id="0" >
  <entry id="0" >
    <translation id="0" >
      <text>bear</text><!--Translate all text tags content-->
      <comment>Large heavy animal with thick fur</comment><!--Translate all comment tags content-->

Siehe auch



  1. KVTML. Abgerufen am 12. September 2012.
This article is issued from Wikipedia. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. The authors of the article are listed here. Additional terms may apply for the media files, click on images to show image meta data.