University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology

Die University o​f California Publications i​n American Archaeology a​nd Ethnology (Abk. UCPAAE; Veröffentlichungen d​er Universität v​on Kalifornien z​ur Amerikanischen Archäologie u​nd Ethnologie) s​ind eine Publikationsreihe m​it insgesamt 50 erschienenen Bänden, d​ie Beiträge z​ur amerikanischen Archäologie u​nd Ethnologie enthält. Sie w​urde im 20. Jahrhundert v​on der University o​f California i​n Berkeley veröffentlicht. Viele d​er Abhandlungen wurden a​uch einzeln gedruckt o​der nachgedruckt. Der e​rste Band d​er Reihe erschien i​m Jahr 1903, d​er letzte 1964. Zahlreiche namhafte Fachvertreter a​us Ethnologie, Anthropologie u​nd Archäologie h​aben an d​er Reihe mitgewirkt.

Die Herausgeber d​er Bände d​er Reihe waren: 1-4, 6, F. W. Putnam; 5, 7-9, F. W. Putnam u​nd A. L. Kroeber; 10-16, 20, A. L. Kroeber; 17-19, 21- A. L. Kroeber, R. H. Lowie.[1]


  • 1. Life and culture of the Hupa / Pliny Earle Goddard -- Hupa texts / Pliny Earle Goddard
  • 2. The exploration of Potter Creek Cave / William J. Sinclair -- The languages of the coast of California south of San Francisco / A.L. Kroeber -- Types of Indian Culture in California / A.L. Kroeber -- Basket Designs of the Indians of Northwest California / A.L. Kroeber -- The Yokuts Language of South Central California / A.L. Kroeber --
  • 3. The Morphology of the Hupa Language / Pliny Earle Goddard --
  • 4. The Earliest Historical Relations between Mexico and Japan / Zelia Nuttall -- Contributions to the Physical Anthropology of California / A. Hrdlicka -- Shoshonean Dialects of California / A.L. Kroeber -- Indian Myths of South Central California / A.L. Kroeber -- The Washo Language of East Central California / A.L. Kroeber -- The Religion of the Indians of California / A.L. Kroeber --
  • 5. The Phonology of the Hupa Language; part 1, The Individual Sounds / Pliny Earle Goddard -- Navaho Myths, Prayers and Songs, with Texts and Translations / Washington Mathews -- Kato texts / Pliny Earle Goddard -- The Material Culture of the Klamath Lake and Modoc Indians of Northeastern California and Southern Oregon / S.A. Barrett -- The Chimariko Indians and Language / Roland B. Dixon --
  • 6. The ethnography of the Pomo and Neighboring Indians / S.A. Barrett -- The Geography and Dialects of the Miwok Indians / S.A. Barrett -- On the evidences of the Occupation of Certain Regions by the Miwok Indians / A.L. Kroeber--
  • 7. The Emeryville Shellmound / Max Uhle -- Recent Investigations Bearing on the Question of the Occurrence of the Neocene Man in the Auriferous Gravels of the Sierra Nevada / William J. Sinclair -- Pomo Indian Basketry / S.A. Barrett -- Shellmounds of the San Francisco Bay region / N.C. Nelson -- The Ellis Shellmound / N.C. Nelson --
  • 8. A Mission record of the California Indians, from a manuscript in the Bancroft Library / A.L. Kroeber -- The Ethnography of the Cahuilla Indians / A.L. Kroeber -- The Religion of the Luiseno and Diegueno Indians of Southern California / Constance Goddard DuBois -- The Culture of the Luiseno Indians / Philip Stedman Sparkman -- Notes on Shoshonean Dialects of Southern California / A.L. Kroeber -- The Religious Practices of the Diegueno Indians / T.T. Waterman --
  • 9. Yana Texts / Edward Sapir -- The Chumash and Costanoan Languages / A.L. Kroeber -- The Languages of the Coast of California North of San Francisco / A.L. Kroeber --
  • 10. Phonetic Constituents of the Native Languages of California / A.L. Kroeber -- The Phonetic Elements of the Northern Paiute Language / T.T Waterman -- The Phonetic Elements of the Mohave Language / A.L. Kroeber -- The Ethnology of the Salinan Indians / J. Alden Mason -- Papago Verb Stems / Juan Dolores -- Notes on the Chilula Indians of Northwestern California / Pliny Earle Goddard -- Chilula Texts / Pliny Earle Goddard --
  • 11. Elements of the Kato Language / Pliny Earle Goddard -- Phonetic Elements of the Diegueno Language / A.L. Kroeber -- Sarsi Texts / Pliny Earle Goddard -- Serian, Tequistlatecan, and Hokan / A.L. Kroeber -- Dichotomous Social Organization in Southern Central California / Edward Winslow Gifford -- The Delineation of the Day-Signs in Aztec manuscripts / T.T. Waterman -- The Mutsun Dialect of Costanoan Based on the Vocabulary of De La Cuesta / J. Alden Mason --
  • 12. Composition of California Shellmounds / Edward Winslow Gifford -- California Place Names of Indian Origin / A.L. Kroeber -- Arapaho Dialects / A.L. Kroeber -- Miwok Moieties / Edward Winslow Gifford -- On Plotting the Inflections of the Voice / Cornelius B. Bradley -- Tubatulabal and Kawaiisu Kinship Terms / Edward Winslow Gifford -- Bandeliers Contribution to the Study of Ancient Mexican Social Organization / T.T. Waterman -- Miwok Myths / Edward Winslow Gifford -- California Kinship Terms / A.L. Kroeber -- Ceremonies of the Pomo Indians / S.A. Barrett -- Pomo Bear Doctors / S.A. Barrett --
  • 13. The Position of Yana in the Hokan Stock / E. Sapir -- The Yana Indians / T.T. Waterman -- Yahi Archery / Saxton Pope -- Yana Terms of Relationship / Edward Sapir -- The Medical History of Ishi / Saxton. T. Pope -- The Fundamental Elements of Northern Yana / E. Sapir -- Functional Families of the Patwin / W.C. McKern -- Elements of Culture in Native California / A.L. Kroeber -- A Study of Bows and Arrows / Saxton T. Pope --
  • 14. The Language of the Salinan Indians / J. Alden Mason -- Clans and Moieties in Southern California / Edward Winslow Gifford -- Ethnogeography and Archaeology of the Wiyot Territory / llewellyn L. Loud -- The Wintun Hesi Ceremony / S.A. Barrett -- The Genetic relationship of the North American Indian Languages / Paul Radin --
  • 15. Ifagao Law / R.F. Barton -- Nabaloi Songs / C.R. Moss and A.L. Kroeber -- Nabaloi Law and Ritual / C.R. Moss -- Kankanay Ceremonies / C.R. Moss -- Ifugao Economics / R.F. Barton --
  • 16. Myths of the Southern Miwok / Samuel Alfred Barrett -- The Matrilineal Complex / Robert H. Lowie -- The Linguistic Families of California / Roland B. Dixon and A.L. Kroeber -- Calendars of the Indians North of Mexico / Leona Cope -- Yurok Geography / T.T. Waterman -- The Cahuilla Indians / Lucille Hooper -- The Autobiography of a Winnebago Indian / Paul Radin --Yuma Tribes of the Lower Colorado / A.L. Kroeber --
  • 17. The Sources of Authenticity and the History of the Ancient Mexicans / Paul Radin -- California Culture Provinces / A.L. Kroeber -- Winter and Summer Dance Series in Zuni in 1918 / Elsie C. Parsons -- Habitat of the Pitch Indians, A Wailiki Division / Pliny Earle Goddard -- Nabaloi Tales / C.R. Moss -- The Stege Mounds at Richmond, California / llewellyn L. Loud -- Archaic Culture Horizons in the Valley of Mexico / A.L. Kroeber --
  • 18. California Kinship Terminologies / Edward Winslow Gifford -- Clear Lake Pomo Society / E.W. Gifford -- Miwok Cults / E.W. Gifford --
  • 19. Wappo Texts (First Series) / Paul Radin -- Pomo Folkways / Edwin M. Loeb --
  • 20. Notes on the Tillamook / Franz Boas -- Papago Nominal Stems / Juan Dolores -- Notes on the Southern Maidu / Paul-Louis Faye -- Pomo Doctors and Poisoners / L.S. Freeland -- Pomo Lands on Clear Lake / E.W. Gifford -- Habitat of the Wailaki / Pliny Earle Goddard -- Mound Excavations near Stockton / Phillip Mills Jones -- The History of Native Culture in California / A.L. Kroeber -- Cultural Connection of Californian and Plateau Shoshonean Tribes / Robert H. Lowie -- Patwin Houses / W.C. McKern -- Northern Paiute Language of Oregon / W.L. Marsden -- Preliminary Sketch of the Yaqui Language / John Alden Mason -- Plants Used in Basketry by the California Indians / Ruth Earl Merrill -- Northern Paiute Verbs / Gilbert Natches -- Text Analysis of Three Yana Dialects / Edward Sapir -- Southern Diegueno Customs / Leslie Spier -- Notes on Eight Papago Songs / E.G. Stricklen -- Yurok Affixes / T.T. Waterman --
  • 21. The Uhle Collections from Chincha / A.L. Kroeber and William Duncan Strong -- Explorations at Chincha / Max Uhle -- The Uhle Pottery Collections from Ica / A.L. Kroeber and William Duncan Strong -- The Uhle Pottery Collections from Ancon / William Duncan Strong -- The Uhle Pottery Collections from Moche / A.L. Kroeber -- The Uhle Pottery Collections from Supe / A.L. Kroeber -- The Uhle Pottery Collections from Nieveria / A.H. Gayton --
  • 22. Wiyot Grammer and Texts / Gladys A. Reichard -- Californian Anthropometry / E.W. Gifford -- Washo Texts / Grace Dangberg --
  • 23. Archaeology of the Southern Joaquin Valley, California / E.W. Gifford and W. Egbert Schenck -- Historical Aboriginal Groups of the California Delta Region / W. Egbert Schenck -- The Emeryville Shellmound (Final Report) / W. Egbert Schenck -- Arrow Release Distributions / A.L. Kroeber -- Achomawi Geography / Fred B. Kniffen -- Pitch Accent in Hupa / Pliny Earle Goddard -- Notes on the Akwa ala Indians of Lower California / E.W. Gifford -- Pottery Making in the Southwest / E.W. Gifford -- Native Culture of the Southwest / A.L Kroeber -- Dental Pathology of Aboriginal California / R.W. Leigh --
  • 24. The Uhle Pottery Collections from Nazca / A.H. Gayton and A.L. Kroeber -- Petroglyphs of California and Adjoining States / Julian H. Steward -- Yokuts and western Mono Pottery-Making / A.H. Gayton -- The Valley Nisenan / A.L. Kroeber -- The Bear River Dialect of Athapascan / Pliny Earle Goddard -- Peruvian Cumbrous Bowls / Isabel T. Kelly -- The Carvers Art of the Indians of Northwestern California / Isabel T. Kelly -- Yokuts-Mono Chiefs and Shamans / A.H. Gayton -- Yuki Basketry / Isabel T. Kelly --
  • 25. Lovelock Cave / Llewellyn L. Loud and M.R. Harrington -- Mentawei Religious Cult / Edwin M. Loeb -- Tribal Initiations and Secret Societies / Edwin M. Loeb -- Archaeology of the Northern San Joaquin Valley / W. Egbert Schenck and Elmer J. Dawson. * 26. Aboriginal Society in Southern California / William Duncan Strong --
  • 27. A Grammar of the Wappo Language / Paul Radin --
  • 28. Chumash Prehistory / Ronald L. Olson -- Textile Periods in Ancient Peru / Lila M. ONeale and A.L Kroeber -- The Ghost Dance of 1870 in South-Central California / A.H. Gayton -- Ethnography of the Yuma Indians / C. Daryll Forde -- Wintu Myths / Cora Du Bois and Dorothy Demetracopoulou --
  • 29. Archaeology of the Dalles-Deschutes Region / W. Duncan Strong, W. Egbert Schenck and Julian H. Steward -- A Crow Text, with Grammatical Notes / Robert H. Lowie -- The Southeastern Yavapai / E.W. Gifford -- The Patwin and their Neighbors / A.L. Kroeber --
  • 30. Klamath Ethnography / Leslie Spier --
  • 31. Mexican Kinship terms / Paul Radin -- The Northfolk Mono / E.W. Gifford -- Ethnography of the Surprise Valley Paiute / Isabel T. Kelly -- Quantitative Expression of Cultural Relationships / H.E. Driver and A.L. Kroeber -- The Cocopa / E.W. Gifford -- Ethnology of the Nisenan / Ralph L. Beals --
  • 32. Yurok-Karok basket Weavers / Lila M. ONeale -- Primitive Concepts of Disease / Forrest E. Clements --
  • 33. The Western Kuksu Cult / E.M. Loeb -- The Eastern Kuksu Cult / E.M. Loeb -- Ethnography of the Owens Valley Paiute / Julian H. Steward -- Clan and Moiety in Native America / Ronald L. Olson -- Two Paiute Autobiographies / Julian H. Steward --
  • 34. Notes on the Somatology and Pathology of Ancient Egypt / R. Wood Leigh -- Tubatulabal Grammar / Charles F. Voegelin -- Tubatulabal Texts / Charles F. Voegelin -- Northeaster and Western Yavapai / E.W. Gifford -- Myths of the Owens Valley Paiute / Julian H. Steward --
  • 35. Yurok Marriages / T.T. Waterman and A.L. Kroeber -- Yurok and Neighboring Kin Term Systems / A.L. Kroeber -- A Karuk World-Renewal Ceremony at Panaminik / Philip Drucker -- Karok Towns / A.L Kroeber -- Wiyot Towns / Gladys Ayer Nomland and A.L Kroeber -- The Kepel Fish Dam / T.T. Waterman and A.L. Kroeber -- Contributions to Alsea Ethnography / Philip Drucker -- The Hupa White Deerskin Dance / Walter R. Goldschmidt and Harold E. Driver -- Yurok Narratives / Robert Spott and A.L. Kroeber -- Observations of the Yurok: Childhood and World Image / Erik Homburger Erikson --
  • 36 Wintu Ethnography / Cora Du Bois -- Sinkyone Notes / Gladys Ayer Nomland -- Wappo Ethnography / Harold E. Driver -- The Tolowa and Their Southwest Oregon Kin / Philip Drucker -- Ethnographic Notes on the Washo / Robert H. Lowie -- Pomo Geography / Fred B. Kniffen --
  • 37. Culture Element Distributions I: The Structure of California Indian Culture / Stanislaus Klimek -- Culture Element Distributions II: Yana / E.W. Gifford and Stanislaus Klimek -- Culture Element Distributions III: Area and Climax / A.L. Kroeber -- Culture Element Distributions IV: Pomo / E.W. Gifford and A.L. Kroeber --
  • 38 Cultural and Natural Areas of Native North America / A.L. Kroeber --
  • 39. The Crow Language: Grammatical Sketch and Analyzed text / Robert H. Lowie -- Textile Periods in Ancient Peru II: Paracas, Caverns and the Grand Necropolis / Lila M. ONeale -- Concerning the Middle Chimu Style / Jorge C. Muelle -- Pre-Incaic Huamachuco: Survey and excavations in the Region of Huamachuco and Cajabamba / Theodore D. McCown --
  • 40. Studies in Plains Indian Folklore / R.H. Lowie -- Notes on the Pomo Ethnogeography / Omer C. Stewart -- Washo-Northern Paiute Peyotism: A Study in Acculturation / Omer C. Stewart -- Textile Periods in Ancient Peru III: The Gauze Weaves / Lila M. ONeale and Bonnie Jean Clark -- The Quantitative Investigation of Indian Mounds, with Special Reference to the Relation of the Physical Components to the Probable Material Culture / S.F. Cook and A.E. Treganza -- The Fossilization of Human Bone: Calcium, Phosphate, and Carbonate / S.F. Cook -- The Physical Analysis of Nine Indian Mounds of the Lower Sacramento Valley / S.F. Cook and R.F. Hiezer -- Paracas Cavernas and Chavin / A.L. Kroeber --
  • 41. The eastern Timbira / Curt Nimuendaju --
  • 42. Ethnology of the Western Mixe / Ralph L. Beals -- Sierra Popoluca Folklore and Beliefs / George M. Foster -- Francis Drake and the California Indians / Robert F. Heizer -- Nomlaki Ethnography / Walter Goldschmidt --
  • 43. Primitive Education in North America / George A. Pettitt -- Surface Archaeology Ixtlan del Rio, Nayarit / E.W. Gifford -- The Epidemic of 1830-1833 in California and Oregon / S.F. Cook -- Toward Definition of Nazca Style / A.L. Kroeber --
  • 44. Archaeological Studies of Northeast Arizona: A Report on the Archaeological Work of Rainbow Bridge-Monument Valley Expedition / Ralph L. Beals, George W. Brainerd and Watson Smith -- Observations on Archaeological Sites in Topanga Canyon, California / Robert F. Heizer and Edwin M. Lemert -- The Hopi-Tewa of Arizona / Edward P. Dozier --
  • 45. The Tukuna / Curt Nimuendaju --
  • 46. Max Uhle, 1856-1944, A Memoir of the father of Peruvian Archaeology / John Howland Rowe -- A Ceramic Sequence for the Piura and Chira Coast, North Peru / Edward P. Lanning --
  • 47. The Archaeology of Humboldt Cave, Churchill County, Nevada / Robert F. Heizer and Alex D. Krieger -- Ethnographic Interpretations 1-6 / A.L. Kroeber -- Ethnographic Interpretations 7-11 / A.L. Kroeber --
  • 48. Ecology and Cultural Continuity as Contributing Factors in the Social Organization of the Plains Indians / Symmes C. Oliver -- Luiseno Social Organization / Raymond C. White -- Talea and Juquila, A Comparison of Zapotec Social Organization / Laura Nader -- Jicarilla Apache Political and Economic Structures / H. Clyde Wilson --
  • 49. Mundurucu Religion / Robert F. Murphy -- Ecological Determinants of Aboriginal California Populations / Martin A. Baumhoff -- Archaeology of the Rose Spring Site, INY-372 / Edward P. Lanning --
  • 50. The Paracas Pottery of Ica: A Study in Style and Time / Dorothy Menzel, John H. Rowe and Lawrence E. Dawson.


Einzelnachweise und Fußnoten

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