Forschungspreis des Landes Steiermark
Der Forschungspreis des Landes Steiermark wird seit 2003 von der Steiermärkischen Landesregierung für hervorragende Leistungen in allen Disziplinen der Wissenschaft vergeben.
Jahr | Hauptpreis | Förderungspreis |
2003 | Gerhard Litscher High-Tech Akupunktur® - Computergestützte Objektivierungstechniken der Akupunktur. |
Walter Kurz The exhumation of eclogite-facies metamorphic rocks – a review of models confronted with examples from the Alps. |
2004 | Jakob Woisetschläger Laser optical investigation of turbine wake flow. Stereoscopic particle image velocimetry in a transonic turbine stage. Influence of blade passing on the stator wake in a transonic turbine stage investigated by particle image velocimetry and laser vibrometry. |
Marianne Hilf Die strafrechtliche Verantwortlichkeit von Unternehmen und Verbänden mit Rechtspersönlichkeit in Österreich. |
2005 | Robert Zimmermann Fat Mobilization in Adipose Tissue Is Promoted by Adipose Triglyceride Lipase. |
Peter Fickert Oncosis represents the main type of cell death in mouse models of cholestasis. |
2006 | Alfred Wagenhofer Worldwide Financial Reporting - The Development and Future of Accounting Standards. |
Kristina Sefc Genetic continuity of brood-parasitic indigobird species. |
2007 | Irmtraud Fischer Gotteslehrerinnen. Weise Frauen und Frau Weisheit im Alten Testament. |
Hansjörg Albrecher Ruin probabilities and aggregate claims distributions for shot noise Cox processes. |
2008 | Claudia Ambrosch-Draxl Importance of Van Der Waals Interaction for Organic Molecule-Metal Junctions: Adsorption of Thiophene on Cu(110) as a Prototype. |
Christian Enzinger Functional MRI Correlates of Lower Limb Function in Stroke Victims With Gait Impairment. |
2009 | Peter Macheroux Redox-regulated degradation of proteins by the quinone reductase - proteasome complex. |
Astrid Veronig X-ray diagnostics of energy release and transport in solar flare/CME events. |
2010 | Sepp Dieter Kohlwein Cdk1/Cdc28-dependent activation of the major triacylglycerol lipase Tgl4
in yeast links lipolysis to cell cycle progression. Der "geschmierte" Zell-Zyklus. |
Franz Pernkopf Graphical Models: Discriminative Learning, Inference, and Applications. |
2011 | Andreas Dorschel Verwandlung. Mythologische Ansichten, technologische Absichten. |
Tobias Eisenberg Induction of autophagy by spermidine promotes longevity. Nat Cell Biol 11, 1305-1314 (2009). |
2012 | Gottfried Kirchengast Climate Benchmark Profiling of Greenhouse Gases and Thermodynamic Structure and Wind from Space. |
Roland Brunner Two-Qubit Gate of Combined Single-Spin Rotation and Interdot Spin Exchange in a DoubleQuantum Dot. |
2013 | Rudolf Zechner Adiponutrin Functions as a Nutritionally Regulated Lysophosphatidic Acid Acyltransferase. |
Ellen Heitzer Tumor associated copy number changes in the circulation of patients with prostate cancer identified through whole-genome sequencing. |
2014 | Udo Thiel The Early Modern Subject: Self-Consciousness and Personal Identity from Descartes to Hume. |
Stefan Freunberger Charging a Li-O2 battery using a redox mediator. |
2015 | Wolfgang E. Ernst Kalte Moleküle für die Quantentechnologie. |
Monika Oberer A Peptide Derived from G0/G1 Switch Gene 2 Acts as Noncompetitive Inhibitor of Adipose Triglyceride Lipase. Peter RuggenthalerThe Concept of Neutrality in Stalin´s Foreign Policy, 1945-1953. |
2016 | Karl W. Steininger Economic Evaluation of Climate Change Impacts. |
Julia Langer Ein unerwarteter Pfad: 6Li Austausch-NMR-Spektroskopie deckt die leerstellengesteuerte Li-Ionenbewegungen in kristallinem Li2SnO3 auf. Nina SchalkOxynitride - eine neue Werkstoffklasse mit maßgeschneiderten funktionalen Eigenschaften. |
2017 | Ulrich Hohenester Mapping vibrational surface and bulk modes in a single nanocube. |
Christoph Aistleitner Lower bounds for the maximum of the Riemann zeta function along vertical lines. |
2018 | Christian Oliver Kappe Design and 3D printing of a stainless steel reactor for continuous difluoromethylations using fluoroform. |
Svea Mayer Advanced intermetallic titanium aluminides - from fundamentals to application. |
2019 | Dieter Schmalstieg Shading Atlas Streaming. |
Michaela Tanja Haindl Widespread cortical demyelination of both hemispheres can be induced by injection of pro-inflammatory cytokines via an implanted catheter in the cortex of MOG-immunized rats. |
2020 | Joseph Marko
Human and Minority Rights Protection by Multiple Diversity Governance. History, Law, Ideology and Politics in European Perspective, 2019 (Routledge) |
Didac Carmona-Gutierrez
The flavonoid 4,4´-dimethoxychalcone promotes autophagy-dependent longevity across species Birgit Wassermann An Apple a Day: Which Bacteria Do We Eat With Organic and Conventional Apples? |
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